Mp3 Symptom Number Seven More Than Men

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Mp3 Symptom Number Seven - More Than Men


In Canada's heartland, a strange entity has arisen from the mysterious crop circles that dot the prairie landscape. Characterized by it's near deafening aural assault, this entity has been designated code name: Symptom Number Seven. 12 MP3 Songs ROCK: Hard Rock, ROCK: Modern Rock Details: In Canada's heartland, a strange entity has arisen from the mysterious crop circles that dot the prairie landscape. Characterized by it's near deafening aural assault, this entity has been designated code name: Symptom Number Seven. In 2003, Symptom Number Seven released their debut album "More Than Men". After two years of writing, recording, and producing, it was well worth the wait. 65 minutes of original songs guaranteed to intrigue and evoke a wealth of emotions (seven at minimum). Read the stories of mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and characters you will come to care about, all wrapped in soaring guitar riffs, thundering bass, pounding drums, harmonies as sweet as an escape from danger, and the occasional electronic madness. Escape from your world into ours with your own copy today! More than Men This song was inspired by Stephen King. His novel "Hearts in Atlantis" described a man with a special psychic gift being chased by the notorious "men in black" of urban folklore. Unfortunately the movie turned the MIB's into CIA men, not otherworldly fellows as Stephen King described them, but it did provide a really appropriate sound byte with the awesome Anthony Hopkin's voice to open the album with. Dark Road The image in my head that sparked the story of Roland is one of my high school parking lot at the end of the school day and all the wild teenagers getting into their vehicles and heading out for a weekend of possibilities. It's a dark story, but it's really about the revenge a person always assumes you would take if a loved one were harmed in a horrendous way such as the lyrics imply. Following "The Quick" by Burt Cole describes a genius military strategist who views the world as pawns to be moved across the board in a bloody game for his own amusement. This book shocked me with the idea of

solipsism, that the world around us extends only as far as our view and nothing can be verified to be real but the self. The Voice I watched the movie "Caveman's Valentine" and I was blown away by the strange world inside the main characters head. He fashioned a very strange conspiracy guided by angel like beings to solve a crime that was running parallel in the real world. Viking Gore This song is about being infused with the strength and all consuming belief of a warrior that makes him a force that is only stopped by death. It's about a primal lifestyle that is about meat, women and conquering. This is perhaps a stereotypical view of the Vikings, but one that I kind of enjoy nonetheless. Net Feed Inspired by the book series "otherland" this song is about virtual reality and where the web will take us in the future. We are becoming more and more dependent on the world of web and computers and are at the mercy of those creating it. How far will it go, when will we start losing our identities in the real world and start living out our lives in a world created for us. For some it may be a chance to be something they could never be. But what is real and where will the line be drawn? Will virtual reality become our reality? Peace Time Today I live in the best country in the world, but sometimes my thoughts go to those who live in war ravaged parts of the world. Watching the events of the past couple of years, I have struggled with the United States decision to attack Iraq after waging their "war on terrorism". From what I can see there is so much humanity being swept under in the wake of wars waged for some noble and some less than noble causes. The loftiest ideals fed by religious doctrine, right from Christian to Islamic, are the catalysts for the basest human behavior in our world today. I hope one day a kinder sentiment prevails. Gangster Tony Soprano is definitely an interesting character. A gangster with the modern day problems that come with life in American suburbia, his story is a refreshing change form all the other make on TV today. Plus, he is a just plain cool bastard. Stay tuned for the video........ Crop Circle Corporation Where I come from, crop circles are a fairly common occurrence and I have always been intrigued by them. This song is a tongue in cheek take on the phenomenon and the abduction stories that sometimes accompany them. There was some discussion about the use of the word "anus" in the song, but I feel that is the harsh reality of being abducted by an alien species. Blood on Wood Years ago one of my old band mates came up with the idea for this song, I can't remember whether it was Pat or Daryl from 67 Ride. Anyhow I always wanted to get to this idea, it's been nice to complete it. It's the story about a young teenage couple coming home from a dance. They are having a fight on the way home, it's the middle of the night and the boyfriend is quite intoxicated. He swerves off the road and smashes into a telephone pole, his girlfriend dies shortly

thereafter and his soul gets sucked into the telephone pole, effectively sentencing him to eternity listening to the conversations of people through the wire and contemplating his existence. Ghost Ghost is about floating in dreams about something you can't let go of, and waking with feelings you had long forgotten. Rock Star This song is a spoof of all of those radio friendly so called punk songs on the radio today. I didn't really plan on doing this song with the band, but it is always fun to rip it off. It's about the fantasy of being a rock star, the dreams one sometimes has in the music business.


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