2014 UP JMA Constitution

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University of the Philippines Junior Marketing Association College of Business Administration Diliman, Quezon City CONSTITUTION AND BY­LAWS PREAMBLE We, the students of the University of the Philippines – Diliman, recognizing the need of being organized in fulfillment of our academic, social and civic aspirations and of being responsive to the changes and demands of the time, do hereby constitute the University of the Philippines Junior Marketing Association and promulgate the following Constitution and By­laws. Article I Name Section 1 The name of the organization shall be the University of the Philippines Junior Marketing Association, referred hereafter as the UP JMA. Section 2 The official motto of the UP JMA shall be “We Lead.” Section 3 The official domicile of the UP JMA shall be in the University of the Philippines – Diliman, Quezon City. Article II Logo Section 1 The official logo of the UP JMA shall be: Section 2 The logo of the UP JMA shall be composed of two (2) insignias namely “UP JMA” and “We Lead.” Section 3 The “UP JMA” insignia shall be red and “We Lead.” insignia shall be black or white depending on the background. Section 4 The two insignias that appear in the official UPJMA logo shall maintain their relative proportions in circumstances that the whole logo is modified in size. Section 5 The UP JMA logo shall be given the top billing in all UP JMA publicity materials. Section 6 All other concerns under this article shall be addressed by the UP JMA Brand Book. Article III Definition of Terms Section 1 Alumni. All graduates in good standing who have reaffirmed their membership in the UP JMA during their last semester shall be considered alumni members. ­deleted “honorary members”

Section 2 The Body. The Body shall be composed of all the reaffirmed members of the UP JMA. The Body shall be called upon to meet regularly or as occasions may require. It shall have all the powers expressly vested upon it by the UP JMA Constitution and By­laws. Section 3 Comelec. The nature of the Comelec, its functions, and procedures, shall be in accordance with the Election Code set forth for this purpose as defined by Article XI. Section 4 Base Committee. A base committee is a group of people comprised of at least six (6) reaffirmed members: One (1) committee chairperson and at least a combination of five (5) directors: team heads or officers. There shall be five (5) committees: (a) External Affairs Committee (b) Finance Committee (c) Internal Affairs Committee (d) Publicity and Communications Committee (e) Socials and Public Relations Committee Section 5 Committee Meetings. All meetings held whenever necessary as deemed by the Committee Chairperson at any convenient time and place to be announced at least one (1) day before the meeting. Section 6 Constitutional Review Team. The nature of the constitutional review team, its functions, and procedures, shall be defined in Article XIX. Section 7 Directorates Meetings. All meetings that are held at least once per semester at any convenient time and place to be announced at least one (1) day before the meeting with required attendance of the Executive Committee, Committee Chairpersons, Team Heads and Team Officers. Section 8 Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following elected officers: (a) President (b) Vice­President for External Affairs (c) Vice­President for Finance (d) Vice­President for Internal Affairs (e) Vice­President for Publicity and Communications (f) Vice­President for Socials and Public Relations Section 9 General Assemblies. All assemblies requiring the attendance of the Body, which have been duly approved and scheduled at least one (1) day before the assembly by the Executive Committee. Section 10 Graduating Members. Any bona fide undergraduate student from the University of the Philippines Junior Marketing Association who has one (1) last semester left in the university, who is filing for graduation within the semester, and who is a reaffirmed member of UP JMA. ­deleted original section 11 on Honorary Members Section 11 Impeachment Complaints. All impeachment complaints shall be addressed to the organization’s adviser. Information required within impeachment complaints, information about the Impeachment Committee and about the impeachment procedure is stated in Article XVIII of this Constitution.

Section 12 Majority. In all cases and under all circumstances, a majority shall mean fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of a designated population or group. Section 13 Non­base Committee. A non­base committee is a pool of members from different committees to handle standing functions of the organization. Section 14 Non­reaffirmed members. Non­reaffirmed members are members who are not granted rights guaranteed by this Constitution due to her/his non­reaffirmation. Section 15 Official UP JMA Headquarters. This is colloquially referred to as the UP JMA “tambayan”. The headquarters is found at Room 405, Cesar E.A. Virata School of Business, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. Section 16 Plurality. Plurality consists of obtaining the most number of votes of a designated population or group. Section 17 Probationary Members. All reaffirmed and non­reaffirmed members who have failed to meet the minimum requirements and policies set forth by the Internal Affairs Committee. Receiving a probationary member status for two (2) consecutive semesters will result to expulsion from the organization. Section 18 Special Meetings. All meetings for a special purpose called upon by the President upon the written request of at least ten (10) members. Specified in the request must be the following: (a) Purpose/s of the meeting (b) Key individual/s within or outside UP JMA whose attendance is/are required Section 19 Staff. A reaffirmed member of the organization not holding any directorate position in any Base committee. Section 20 Supermajority. In all cases and under all circumstances, a supermajority shall mean two­thirds (2/3) of a designated population or group. Section 21 Teams. Teams are units handled by at least one (1) head and at least two (2) directors under a committee. Names and functions of the teams are subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee. Section 22 UP JMA. The UP JMA is an academic, democratic, non­partisan, non­political, and non­profit student organization. It is also a duly recognized academic organization of the University of the Philippines – Diliman. Article IV Vision and Mission Section 1 The vision of this organization shall be “UPJMA: the premiere marketing organization bonded together towards a dynamic and holistic development steeped in academics, service, socials and sports.” Section 2 The principal mission of this organization shall be:

(a) To promote to the students and the public the significance of marketing in the developing economy; (b) To offer training ground for future executive positions to students of related business fields; (c) To enhance effective communication, interaction and cooperation among students in particular, and among them, the faculty, the alumni and the public; and (d) To contribute to the welfare and development of the country. Section 3 The organization, through the following four thrusts, shall keep the well roundedness of its members to develop students as both strong individuals and good team players: (a) Academics shall supplement the students’ classroom and theoretical experience with exposure to actual business and professional experience; (b) Service shall open the student’s mind to the dimension of community problems and shall provide the opportunity to find solutions to them; (c) Socials shall aim to develop the student along the lines acceptable and common to others; and (d) Sports shall aim to develop the student physically so he shall be more equipped to face the working world with a stronger mind and body. Article V Membership Section 1 Any undergraduate, bona fide student of University of the Philippines ­ Diliman shall be entitled to apply for membership in the UP JMA upon proper compliance with all the requirements set by the Internal Affairs Committee, provided that such requirements have been approved by the Executive Committee. Section 2 Application for membership in this organization shall be open every semester, unless the Executive Committee may deem it necessary not to do so. Section 3 No undergraduate student shall apply to be a member of this organization unless: (a) She/He has formally filed her/his application to the Internal Affairs Committee of this organization during the prescribed recruitment period; (b) She/He is an undergraduate and a bona fide student of the University of the Philippines ­ Diliman; (c) She/He has paid the application fee as prescribed by the Internal Affairs Committee at the time of his application; (d) She/He has complied with the requirements set by the Internal Affairs Committee during the application period; (e) She/He has at least three (3) remaining semesters of residence in the University, accounting for one (1) semester for the application process and two (2) semesters for membership proper; (f) She/He has paid the required fees imposed by the organization; and (g) She/He is willing to abide by and subscribe to the rules and regulations, the Constitution and By­ Laws of this organization. Section 4 Applicants’ Deliberation

(a) The applicants’ deliberation shall be held during the period in between the date after the Applicant’s Project and before the Induction Ball. (b) Applicants’ deliberations require the presence of the following: i) Executive Committee; ii) Head of the team in charge of recruitment and at least two (2) of the team’s officers; and iii) Majority of the Base and Non­base committee chairpersons. Section 5

Section 6

Members’ Deliberation (a) Members’ deliberation shall be held towards the end of the semester before the Induction Ball. (b) Members’ deliberations require the presence of the following: i) Executive Committee; ii) Head of the team in charge of member grades and at least two (2) of the team’s officers. Oath Taking The members of this organization shall formally take the following oath before an assembly of the members of this organization, within two consecutive semesters including the semester in which he was accepted, in a formal ceremony called for that special purpose:

“I _____________, having complied with all the requirements of the University of the Philippines Junior Marketing Association, do hereby pledge to serve and support the organization, to uphold the Constitution and its By­laws, and to work with its officers and members in the fulfillment of its goals and objectives to the best of my ability. So help me God.” Section 7

Section 8

Rights and Privileges of Reaffirmed Members A bona fide member of the UP JMA shall have the following rights and privileges: (a) The right to participate in all activities of the organization; (b) The right to discuss and vote on the matters presented in the organization’s meetings; (c) The right to express his views and grievance on matters of concern to the organization; (d) The right to be informed of the activities, project, undertakings and changes in the rules, regulations, Constitutions and By­laws of this organization; (e) The right to call a Special Meeting; (f) The right to file an Impeachment Complaint and be a signatory therein; (f) The right to apply to be appointed in any directorate position in their respective Base committee; (g) The right to apply to be appointed for any Non­base committee position after one (1) semester of holding a directorate position in their respective Base committees; and (h) The right to be a candidate for election to any Executive Committee position after compliance with the requirements for candidacy as stated in this Constitution. Duties and Responsibilities of Members A bona fide member of the UP JMA shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

(a) To comply with the provisions of this Constitution and By­laws and with such rules and regulations which may from time to time be promulgated by the Body; (b) To comply with the grade requirement for membership prescribed by the Internal Affairs Committee; (c) To attend the regularly announced or specially called for meetings of the organization; (d) To participate actively in all undertakings of the organization; (e) To express great care in the use of UP JMA’s equipment and assets including, but not limited to, the organization’s official headquarters; (f) To inform the Internal Affairs Committee of her/his absence in specially called for meetings of the organization which includes, but is not limited to, Directorates’ Meetings and Special Meetings in which her/his attendance is specifically required; and (g) To pay the following fees: i) Membership fees at the start of the semester; and ii) All other fees which the Body may impose upon him in accordance with this Constitution and By­laws. Section 9

Section 10

Section 11

Section 12

Section 13

Precedence of status as a student of the University Any member of the Body suspended by the University in the middle of the semester will not be able to avail of her/his rights and perform duties and responsibilities as guaranteed to her/him by this Constitution. If the member in question is a director or chairperson, her/his corresponding Executive Committee officer shall appoint her/his replacement no later than two (2) weeks after the vacancy of the suspended member is made official. Attendance A member who fails to comply with the policies set by the Internal Affairs Committee regarding attendance is subject to the provisions of Article XVII. Payment of Fees A member who fails to make the payment of the fees specified herein by the end of their graduating semester shall not be given clearance. This may only be imposed upon giving of due notice to the member concerned and is subject to the provisions of Article XVI. Committee Membership At any given time, a bona fide member of the UP JMA may be part of only one (1) base committee. Committee Shifting A bona fide member of the UP JMA may shift from one committee to another only once and upon full compliance of the following requirements: (a) She/He has taken a directorate position at least once in their current Base committee. (b) She/He has resided in their current Base committee for at least two (2) semesters. (c) She/He has submitted a formal letter to the Executive Committee with the following basic contents: i) Reasons for shifting; and

ii) Future plans with the desired committee. (d) The formal letter has been approved by the Vice­President for Internal Affairs. Article VI The Body [removed section 1] Section 1 The body shall be comprised of: (a) The Executive Committee (b) Base committee chairpersons (c) The Non­base committee chairpersons (d) The Directors (e) The Staff Article VII The Executive Committee Section 1 The executive committee for the UP JMA shall be the elected officers: (a) President (b) Vice­President for External Affairs (c) Vice­President for Finance (d) Vice­President for Internal Affairs (e) Vice­President for Publicity and Communications (f) Vice­President for Socials and Public Relations Section 2 The Executive Committee shall: (a) Implement the will of the organization; (b) Ensure that all plans prepared and approved by the Body are followed and implemented, and that the provisions of the Constitution, By­laws and related rules, as well as the rights of the members, and the reputation of the organization are not impaired; (c) Appoint committee chairpersons, directors and Comelec positions; (d) Appoint the Constitutional Review Team 4 years after each review/amendment of the UP JMA Constitution; (e) Integrate committee functions; (f) Supervise and coordinate external and internal activities of the organization; (g) Make a monthly report about the organization’s activities; [removed original g because it is redundant with f] (h) Represent the organization in public or private ceremonies as the interest of UP JMA so dictates; (i) Perform all other functions which shall enhance the image and further the objectives of UP JMA; (j) Organize and facilitate the semestral planning seminars of the organization; (k) Protect all documents internal to the organization; (l) Express transparency in all dealings and documents which are of concern to the organization, especially those pertaining to annual financial reports; (l) Ensure membership involvement; and (m) Maintain camaraderie amongst all members.

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Section 7

The President shall: (a) Assume the general supervision of the organization; (b) Preside over all Executive and Directorates’ meetings; (c) Oversee Non­base committees; (d) Serve as one of the signatories for the UP JMA bank account; (e) Inform the adviser(s) of all organizational activities, meetings, and functions of the UP JMA; (f) Serve as liaison to the College of Business Administration; and (g) Appoint the acting President from among the Vice­Presidents in case of the current President’s temporary absence, disability, or incapacity. The Vice­President for External Affairs shall: (a) Handle the organization’s corporate relations; (b) Supervise and facilitate the organization’s sponsorships; [removed alumni from Externals] (c) Ensure that all directorate positions as well as the chairperson position of the External Affairs Committee are filled at every given time within the semester. The Vice­President for Finance shall: (a) Keep all financial records of the organization; (b) Approve and audit all financial statements of the organization; (c) Take charge of the finance and property of the organization; (d) Make disbursements as so authorized by the President and/or Executive Committee and/or Body; (e) Serve as one of the signatories for the UP JMA bank account; (f) Provide a semestral financial report of the organization to be viewable in the official UP JMA headquarters within 5 days after the official induction of new members; and (g) Ensure that all directorate positions as well as the chairperson position of the Finance Committee are filled at every given time within the semester. The Vice­President for Internal Affairs shall: (a) Serve as the liaison to the Office of the Student Affairs; (b) Promote and ensure the cooperation, active participation, and general well­being of all the members of the UP JMA; (c) Serve as the officer­in­charge of all matters concerning grievances and complaints; (d) Serve as the liaison between UP JMA and the organization’s alumni; (e) Archive all internal documentation and; (f) Ensure that all directorate positions as well as the chairperson position of the Internal Affairs Committee are filled at every given time within the semester. The Vice­President for Publicity and Communications shall: (a) Handle the information dissemination within the organization; (b) Manage the quality control of all publicity materials of UP JMA; (c) Handle overall documentation of the organization; and

(d) Ensure that all directorate positions as well as the chairperson position of the Publicity and Communications Committee are filled at every given time within the semester. Section 8

The Vice President for Socials and Public Relations shall: (a) Handle the external social responsibility efforts of UP JMA; (b) Manage the different campus relations of UP JMA; (c) Act as the official spokesperson of UP JMA in press launches, interviews and other related activities; and (d) Ensure that all directorate positions as well as the chairperson position of the Publicity and Communications Committee are filled at every given time within the semester.

Article VIII The Base Committees Section 1 Base Committees shall be groups of people comprised of at least six (6) members: One (1) committee chairperson and at least five (5) directors. There shall be five (5) Base committees: (a) External Affairs Committee (b) Finance Committee (c) Internal Affairs Committee (d) Publicity and Communications Committee (e) Socials and Public Relations Committee Section 2 The External Affairs Committee shall take charge of upholding the integrity of marketing and be the liaison to corporate and business entities. Section 3 The Finance Committee shall take charge of the implementation of fundraising activities for the organization, management of its funds and oversee and perform the collection of dues, fees and fines. [removed beneficiaries from Fin] Section 4 The Internal Affairs Committee shall take charge of alumni relations, talent recruitment, integration of the applicants and members and member development of the organization. Section 5 The Publicity and Communications Committee shall take charge of information dissemination from and within the organization, extend assistance and monitor the committees in areas concerning publicity and promotions, create publicity in line with the organization’s mission­vision for UP JMA, and promote the importance of advertising and brand communications within and outside the organization. Section 6 The Socials and Public Relations Committee shall take charge of the enhancement of the organization’s image through public relations within and outside the UP Diliman community. Article IX The Non­base Committees Section 1 Non­base Committees are a pool of members from different committees to handle standing functions of the organization. A Non­base Committee shall be headed by at most two (2) chairpersons.

Section 2

Section 3

The standing functions of the organization are the following: (a) Create the most profit generating event of the semester for UP JMA’s beneficiaries; (b) Represent UP JMA in various marketing competitions; (c) Create the most innovative event to promote the significance of marketing; (d) Manage all events and documentation for KIDS; (e) Handle special projects as assigned by the Executive Committee; (f) Handle the affiliations of UP JMA; and (g) Handle the UP JMA week. Non­base Committees shall always have the following goals: (a) Bolster and protect UP JMA’s brand equity; and (b) Facilitate personal growth and development of potential leaders of UP JMA.

Article X Powers and Duties Section 1 The Executive Committee shall have the power to promulgate and implement all rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the general welfare of the organization. Section 2 Contributions shall be imposed upon all members when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. Section 3 The Base committee Chairpersons and Non­base committee Chairpersons shall: (a) Supervise all the activities undertaken by her/his Base committee or Non­base committee; (b) Preside over the meetings of his Base committee or Non­base committee; (c) Attend all Directorates’ meetings; (d) Regularly report to the particular Executive Officer assigned to his Base committee or Non­base committee; (e) Ensure mutual support among the members of her/his Base committee or Non­base committee; and (f) Surrender all surplus exchange deals, cash, files, and documents of the project she/he handled within 5 days after the official induction of new members for the semester of the project’s duration. This applies to all teams, profit­generating or not. Section 4 The Heads and Officers shall: (a) Build and manage the team assigned to them; (b) Be responsible for the project and tasks assigned to them; (c) Attend all Directorates’ meetings; (d) Regularly report the progress of their project or tasks to the Base committee Chairperson or Non­base committee Chairperson/s; (e) Provide support to the other directors within or outside the Base committee or Non­base committee; and (f) Surrender all surplus exchange deals, cash, files, and documents of the project she/he handled within 5 days after the official induction of new members for the

semester of the project’s duration. This applies to all teams, profit­generating or not. Section 5

The Staff shall: (a) Actively participate in all activities set by the committee (b) Actively participate in all activities set by other Base and Non­Base committees

Article XI Elections Section 1 Section 2

Section 3

Elective Positions All the members of the Executive Committee occupy the elective positions. Qualifications for Candidacy (a) A candidate to any elective position should have been a bona fide member of the UP JMA for at least three (3) semesters; and (b) Must have held directorate positions for at least two (2) semesters. (b) No member graduating in the first semester of the next school year shall run for any elective position in the UP JMA. (c) The candidate shall not run for another office at the time of elections and shall not occupy another appointed or elected position in any other organization or body, which is duly recognized by the University or the College, in the academic year in which she/he intends to be an officer of the Executive Committee if elected. (d) The elected officers shall not be allowed to assume any appointed and elective position, and apply in any other organizations or body, which is duly recognized by the University or the College during their term. (e) His qualifications have been certified by the Comelec, which shall preside over all elections. Election Procedures (a) A general election shall be held no later than one (1) week before the final examinations week of the second semester of every academic year, unless otherwise recommended by the Comelec subject to the approval of the Body. (b) Only re­affirmed members of UP JMA shall be qualified to vote. (c) Personal presence in the date, place, and time assigned by Comelec is required in order to vote. (d) Elections shall be conducted by secret balloting. (e) A failure of elections would occur if less than the supermajority of the entire JMA re­affirmed membership body exercised their right to vote. 1. In case of a tie, a special election shall be held not more than one (1) week after the general election. If there is a second tie, the Comelec shall decide on the procedure with which to hold another special election until a position has been filled. (f) A win shall be defined by plurality in cases where there is more than one (1) candidate for the position. (g) For a position with only one (1) candidate, a win shall be determined by supermajority of the entire JMA re­affirmed membership body.

i) In case of a tie, a special election shall be held not more than one (1) week after the general election. If there is a second tie, the Comelec shall decide on the procedure with which to break the tie. ii) In case of a loss to abstentions, a special election shall be held not more than one (1) week after the general elections. (h) In case of a loss to abstentions in the special elections, or in the absence of a candidate for an elective position, the unoccupied positions shall be filled as follows: i) If the office of the President is vacant, the newly elected Executive Committee shall appoint an acting President from among themselves, and decide on how to fill the position of the President; ii) In the case of other elective offices, the unfilled position(s) automatically becomes a position to be shared by the newly elected Executive Committee until a duly elected officer(s) assumes office; and iii) The newly elected Executive Committee shall, in not later than seven (7) days after the general election, appoint a member(s) deemed qualified and with his consent, as acting officer(s). Section 4

Section 5

Vacancy of Office Any position vacated due to impeachment, resignation, or incapacity shall be filled as follows: (a) The President shall be succeeded by an officer from the executive committee; (b) In the case of other elective position, it shall depend upon the length of the remaining period in office. i) If the period is less than half of the full term, a new officer shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; ii) If the remaining term is half or more than half, then a special election shall be held not later than two (2) weeks after the impeachment, resignation, or incapacity is made official. The rules of the special election shall be those of Article XI, Sections 1 and 2. The candidate(s) for an elective position in the special election should have residence in the University no less than the remainder of the term of the vacated position; and (c) In case of appointed positions, the president shall appoint the new officer subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The Comelec (a) The Comelec is a special body vested with functional authority by the Executive Committee to ensure clean, free, and honest elections. (b) The Comelec shall always be composed of at least five (5) graduating members of the organization of that school year. The Comelec should be represented by one (1) member from each of the Base committees. (c) The Comelec shall handle and control all elections. (d) The functions of the Comelec are: i) It shall ensure and supervise the holding of clean, free, and honest elections subject to the provisions of Article XI, Sections 2, 3 and 4;

ii) It shall announce a timetable that will include: the campaign period, the date of elections, the period for the filing of candidacy, the convocations and the period for protests, petitions, and ratification of their candidacy. The timetable must be announced at least a week before the start of the proposed activities; iii) It shall define the election process to the body together with the timetable; and iv) In case of special elections, the Comelec shall be given three (3) days within which to announce to the body its timetable and election process. Article XII Advisers Section 1

The Advisers (a) The organization shall annually choose at least one (1) faculty adviser from the Business Administration Committee of the University of the Philippines – Diliman, College of Business Administration. (b) The Adviser(s) shall have the right to be informed of all organizational activities, meetings, and functions of the UP JMA. (c) The functions of the adviser(s) are: i) The adviser(s) shall act as the resource person/s on matters referred to her/him by the organization; ii) The adviser(s) shall represent the organization in matters or activities which shall need her/his/their presence, assistance or attention; iii) The adviser(s) shall recommend to the organization particular steps in order to attain certain organizational objectives; and iv) The adviser(s) shall receive all impeachment complaints, appoint an Impeachment Committee, and supervise all important impeachment hearings and proceedings conducted by the Body.

Article XIII Affiliations Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Membership The organization shall choose to be formally or informally affiliated with any international or local marketing associations, which have similar, or the same interests as the organization. Participation (a) A Non­base Committee shall have the primary responsibility of coordinating the affairs of the affiliations and ensuring the participation and support of the organization. (b) Any member of the UP JMA who is an elected or appointed officer in the affiliations cannot be elected and appointed in any of the positions in the organization, during his term. Withdrawal The organization may withdraw its affiliation from any affiliation if it deems that the continuance of its affiliation shall only hinder the achievement of the organization’s interests and objectives.

Article XIV Beneficiaries Section 1

Section 2

Section 3 Section 4

Kids Integrated Development Through Schooling The organization shall support its chosen beneficiary and name it as Kids Integrated Development Through Schooling (K.I.D.S.). The U.P. JMA Scholarship Fund The organization shall support its scholars studying in the University of the Philippines – Diliman through payment of said scholars’ tuition fee, monthly stipends, and book reimbursements. The organization may withdraw from its beneficiaries if it deems that the continuance of its affiliation shall only hinder the achievement of the organization’s interests and objectives. In such occurrences that the organization withdraws from its beneficiaries; the President shall search for another beneficiary to be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section 1

Article XV Partnerships The organization shall not be involved in partnerships that hinder UP JMA from furthering its mission­vision and in partnerships with entities that are religious and/or political in nature, promote salacious, gambling, nicotine­related products and/or services such as: (a) Motels (b) Condoms (c) Lubricants (d) Cigarettes (e) Tobaccos (f) Cigarette filters (g) Casinos (h) Fraternities, sororities, political organizations (i) Religious institutions

Section 1

Section 2

Article XVI Accounts Receivable, Loans, Payment of Fees, and Financial Assistance Accounts Receivable Incurring accounts receivable for two (2) consecutive semesters will entail barring from directorate positions until such time that these deficiencies are settled. This shall apply to loans as well. Loans from UP JMA’s fund is granted to a Base committee or to a Non­base committee provided that the amount of money requested has already been formally agreed upon on signed memorandum of agreement as cash by a sponsor. A formal request letter of loan with attached signed memorandum agreement shall be notarized and approved by the President and Vice­President for Finance. In addition, a detailed fundraiser plan and debt payment schedule must be submitted in order to accomplish all requirements in acquiring a loan.

Section 3 Section 4

Section 5

Section 6

Loans and other payment of fees shall be paid in full by the date agreed upon by the debtor and the Vice­President for Finance. In such occurrences that payments cannot be paid in full by the date agreed upon by the debtor and the Vice­President for Finance, a formal due notice shall be given to the member concerned stating the amount to be paid, source of the outstanding due, deadline of payment and the consequences of disregarding the notice. Should the member fail to return the payment after having been notified by the Vice­President for Finance, a case shall be filed under the Disciplinary Student Tribunal of the University of the Philippines – Diliman. Subsidized and Partially Subsidized Teams Teams which represent UP JMA in competitions and other similar events will be funded by the organization. Teams which handle internal projects and events will be funded partially, with precedence of their operational costs.

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Article XVII Probation, Expulsion, and Resignation Grounds for Probation Any member or officer of the organization may be subject to the following ground for probation: (a) Failure to comply with the requirements set by Internal Affairs Committee; (b) A violation of this constitution and it by­laws; and (c) For directors and chairpersons, failure to fulfill his duties and responsibilities. Grounds for Expulsion and Reinstatement Any member or officer of the organization may be subject to the following grounds for expulsion: (a) Failure to reaffirm membership for two (2) consecutive semesters unless filed for leave of absence in the University of the Philippines – Diliman; (b) Failure to comply with the requirements set by Internal Affairs Committee in removing his probationary status for two (2) consecutive semesters; (c) For executive officers, failure to comply with Article XI, Section 2; and (d) Expelled members may be reinstated by fulfilling requirements set by the Internal Affairs Committee. Procedure Following Probation and Expulsion (a) The Internal Affairs Committee shall express in writing a notice to the member that his membership status is in danger; (b) The Internal Affairs Committee shall express in writing to the member the ground for his probation and its effective period or grounds for expulsion. The effective period for probation shall be from the reaffirmation period of the semester to the induction ball of the same semester; and (c) The members who are deemed to be under probation or for expulsion may submit a formal letter of appeal for membership status to the Executive Committee for a period of one (1) week succeeding the deliberation of the members as such.

Section 4

Procedure Following Resignation Any officer may resign from office on any ground he deems justifiable provided that he submits a letter of resignation. The Executive Committee shall review upon his move for resignation within two (2) weeks. (a) Directors who resign from positions are automatically banned from applying for positions for 2 semesters; and (b) A currently banned member can send a letter of appeal if they want to apply for a directorate position during the period of interviews for directorate positions.

Article XVIII Impeachment Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Grounds for Impeachment Any executive officer, by impeachment, shall be removed from the position or from the organization for any of the following causes: (a) The officer had any grave and willful violation of the Constitution, By­laws, rules and regulations of this organization; (b) The officer had gross neglect of any duty or duties; (c) The officer had abused his use of power or authority in or out of the organization; and (d) The officer had any grave misconduct reflecting upon his moral character which may be deemed sufficient to warrant such removal or expulsion or both by any affirmative supermajority vote of the Body present and voting in a general meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose, provided that the officer charged shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard at such hearing and later at the meetings where the Body shall vote. Impeachment Complaints Reaffirmed members of the organization may file an impeachment complaint with the UP JMA adviser. The complaint must be in letter form, duly signed by the complainants, and must state the following: (a) Ground/s for impeachment; (b) Specific Executive Committee officer to be impeached; (c) The date/s when the violation/s were committed; (d) Brief narration/s of the violation/s so that these may be taken into context. Impeachment Committee The JMA adviser, after having received the impeachment complaint, shall appoint an impeachment committee made up of at least one (1) representative per Base committee. The Impeachment Committee shall preside over the procedure for impeachment and all hearings and initiatives thereof. Appointees to the Impeachment Committee shall: (a) Be a reaffirmed member of the UP JMA; (b) Have been a bona fide member of UP JMA for at least three (3) semesters; (c) Have taken a directorate or chairperson position for at least two (2) semesters within her/his Base committee; (d) Have taken a directorate or chairperson position during at least one (1) semester within a Non­base committee; (e) Be of Junior Standing in the University of the Philippines­Diliman; and

(f) Shall not be a current officer of the Executive Committee. Section 4

Procedure for Impeachment (a) An impeachment complaint must be filed with the UP JMA adviser. (b) The UP JMA adviser shall appoint an Impeachment Committee no later than two (2) weeks following the formal filing of the impeachment complaint. (c) The Impeachment Committee shall review the impeachment complaint then decide by majority vote whether the complaint satisfied certain grounds. Votation on these grounds must be done in the order they are stated: i. Whether the complaint is sufficient in form; and ii. Whether the complaint is sufficient in grounds. (d) If the complaint is successfully passed by the Impeachment Committee after voting, the Impeachment Committee shall organize a hearing for the official in question. The Impeachment Committee must inform the adviser and the Body of the date, place, and time of the hearing at least one (1) week before it. (e) A second hearing may be organized by the Impeachment Committee if one is not sufficient. (f) A supermajority vote by the Body must be obtained no later than three (3) weeks after the final hearing in order to successfully impeach an officer of the Executive Committee.

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Section 4

Article XIX Constitutional Amendments Name, motto, seal and logo of the UP JMA shall not be subject to change except by constitutional amendment. Every 4 years since the last Constitutional revision, a Constitutional Review Team will be appointed by the Executive Committee. Qualifications of the Constitutional Review Team (a) Must be a reaffirmed member of UP JMA; (b) One (1) representative from each Base committee; (c)Must have been a bona fide member of the UP JMA for at least three (3) semesters; (d) Must have taken directorate positions for at least two (2) semesters; (e) Must be a graduating student; and (f) Must have no standing accounts receivable. Constitutional Amendment Procedure and Votation Each proposed provision of this Constitution may be amended by the majority vote of the two­thirds (2/3) of all the re­affirmed members of the current semester during a votation period of a maximum four (4) days of called for the purpose, provided that a special or general meeting has been called before the votation period, provided that such amendments shall have been proposed in writing by at least ten (10) members in good standing fifteen (15) days before that meeting, provided further that all members shall have been duly informed of the amendments and of the meetings at least two (2) days in advance of such meeting.

Section 5

All approved constitutional amendments are effective the semester proceeding its approval.

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