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the UK’s most prominent organisations. Its target of reducing emissions by 327,170 tonnes of CO2e by 2028 will be through existing and new customer collaboration achieved by using expertly delivered services that have been enhanced and perfected over 26 years - their ‘Ecosystem’.

This system puts clients, people, and technology at the heart of every project – from enriching data that uncovers decarbonisation projects to securing renewable energy for financial stability.

This system puts clients, people, and technology at the heart of every project – from enriching data that uncovers decarbonisation projects to securing renewable energy for financial stability.

Data and as much of it as possible is the source of this process. Once the data has been identified, extracted, and validated, our analysts can then identify tangible opportunities. This information can then be passed to our Sustainability Specialists to present the findings to the client in the form of savings, or sustainable opportunities for them and the amounts of CO2e emissions saved.

This carbon target is 3,700 times larger than its own carbon footprint. Whilst Sustainable Energy First has a relatively small footprint, it is leading by example having introduced the use of zero natural gas, only green electricity on site via a peer-to-peer network, and implemented a virtualised IT structure for a drastic reduction in the largest single consumer of power.