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finite resources in the UK with a staggering 48.8% of the UK’s total waste output attributed to this industry.

To address these challenges head-on, the consortium is actively developing innovative automated solutions and digital tools to mitigate waste generation and promote the reuse of C&D waste materials.

These cutting-edge technologies hold the promise of ushering in a new era of sustainability within the construction sector, mitigating the waste that has historically plagued it.

The transformation envisioned by the consortium centres on two essential steps. Firstly, there is a pressing need for a paradigm shift in building design, emphasising efficiency and resourceconsciousness to reduce material consumption during construction. Secondly, superior waste management practices must be adopted to ensure both the quality and reusability of recycled materials, fostering a collective commitment to sustainability among all stakeholders involved in construction waste management. existing tests. I manage a team focused on researching new tests to identify their suitability for use as diagnostic biomarkers, with a particular focus on gastrointestinal health. In addition, I regularly contribute to scientific communication within Randox Health, helping to share our latest research findings and enabling those who attend our Randox Health clinics to better understand what their health data means for them.”

A key component in this transformation, Morgan Sindall is currently developing a Materials Data Bank (MDB) in partnership with UK partners University of Salford and BIMBox, and Czech based Strabag. This robust tool leverages manufacturers’ data related to products and materials allowing intelligent decision making to drive waste out throughout the project life cycle. This will provide easy access to data not currently available to designers, clients, contractors, waste creators and processors.

If you would like to contribute to any of the research being undertaken via the RECONMATIC initiative, please contact supply chain sustainability manager Kane Greenough on kane.greenough@ morgansindall.com.

Randox is dedicated to improving healthcare using innovative diagnostic technologies, for a range of health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke – reinvesting up to 25% back into R&D.

“Innovation is central to everything we do at Randox, from the development of innovative technologies, such as our patented biochip array technology which enables us to consolidate a huge number of tests onto a single chip to the identification of novel biomarkers of disease.” Adds Laura. “Key to this is our progress in data-driven risk stratification, where we utilise data to drive algorithm development and diagnostic pathways to better identify people at high risk of disease. In doing so, we can help identify those who should be prioritised for further investigation or strategies for prevention, whether that’s lifestyle change or treatments to reduce risk.”

“I’m lucky to work with a great team and I really enjoy collaborating with the various groups throughout the company. I also love the variety of my role. From learning about new biomarkers to attending events where I get to talk to people about health and share the latest innovations in diagnosis and prevention. Health is constantly changing, and our understanding of biomarkers grows daily; there is always something new to learn and share.”