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Graduate Futures: LJMU’s Golden Initiative Transforming Liverpool City Region

Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has struck gold for its commitment to student outcomes. Awarded Silver overall and Gold specifically for Student Outcomes in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), LJMU underscores its focus on graduate employability. This achievement comes to life through the university’s transformative Graduate Futures project. Funded by a £2.4 million European Social Fund grant, Graduate Futures has proven instrumental in developing a skilled, diverse workforce across Liverpool. As LJMU marks its 200th anniversary in 2023, this pioneering initiative embodies the university’s spirit of empowerment and social contribution.

The TEF Gold rating endorses Graduate Futures’ tremendous impact in launching graduate careers. “This award reflects our project and graduates’ vital contribution to Liverpool’s post-pandemic economic growth and recovery,” said Project Lead Shulah Jones. Shortlisted for Skills Provider of the Year in the 2023 Liverpool Chamber Innovation Awards, Graduate Futures cements its reputation as an agent of positive transformation in the region.

The statistics speak volumes about Graduate Futures’ influence. Since its launch in 2022, over 300 local SMEs have been engaged, nearly 200 new jobs created, and 2,000+ students and graduates enrolled. Over 100 LJMU graduates have been placed into meaningful roles across dynamic industries, from creative and digital to engineering, healthcare and more. Beyond the numbers, these figures represent lives transformed and a region revitalised by a highly skilled talent pipeline.

Driving Graduate Futures’ success is its ethos of promoting inclusivity, diversity and opportunity for all. The project has actively empowered students from various backgrounds to fulfil their potential. “We’ve facilitated important conversations around neurodiversity in the workplace, collaborating with academics to educate businesses,” Jones added. This drive for diversity and inclusion has nurtured more progressive, welcoming workplaces across sectors. Proactive in confronting the challenges of the pandemic’s impact, Graduate Futures has equipped LJMU graduates to enter the workforce in the ‘new normal.’ Extensive oneon-one guidance, targeted training programs, and confidence-building webinars have empowered students to adapt to a changed world. By supporting graduates with job placement and personal and professional development, Graduate Futures has fostered resilience and agility sought after in today’s dynamic job market.

Through innovative initiatives like the Future Leaders Advisory Group (FLAG) and monthly Coffee Club gatherings, graduates, employers, and the project team have enabled valuable networking and mentorship opportunities.

Such collaborations have laid the foundations for developing the next generation of business leaders in the Liverpool City Region. By strategically collaborating across education, industry and community sectors, Graduate Futures has fostered integration and alignment - creating careers, bridging the gap between academia and business, and spurring economic prosperity. It has advanced LJMU’s partnership strategy, cementing the university’s economic and social impact in the city and beyond.

Graduate Futures exemplifies the power of investing in human capital. The project’s bespoke approach recognises that graduates are not just job applicants but the city and region’s future - innovators, leaders, and change-makers. By providing platforms for skills development, hands-on experience and professional networking, Graduate Futures has empowered graduates to bring fresh thinking and passion to their work, driving growth for themselves and their employers.

As LJMU celebrates 200 years of education and transformation in 2023, Graduate Futures is a contemporary embodiment of the university’s bold and enduring mission to enrich lives. Its legacy will continue inspiring innovation and changing lives across Liverpool for generations. Most importantly, Graduate Futures graduates will carry this spirit forward - the trailblazers, visionaries and leaders of the city’s future.