Kaleidoscope Issue 67 - Spring/Summer 2018

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Kaleidoscope ISSUE 67 • DECEMBER 2018

I N T H I S I SS UE . . .


From the Executive Principal


From the Board


New Board Members


Leadership at Kristin


45th Celebration Ball


KFF Update


Blokes' Breakfast


Tribute to Lorna Rood


Little Doves Early Learning Centre wins Gold!


Odyssey 21 2018


Masterclasses 2018


Xanadu Jr


AristoCats KIDS


Performing Arts Successes 2018


Beijing Trip


Toot Suite


Pablo Kraus


Graduation Walk


Enviroschools Update


CAS Activities


GAIL Conference


Dovetail Exchanges


WPCA at Kristin


DOE Hillary Award


Kristin Sports Staff


Snowsports Success


Super Cluster Winter Sports Day


Winter Tournaments


Sports Awards Dinner


Sports Highlights


Reid Harker


Christmas Care Box


NZ Alumni Reunions


London Reunion


Celebrating 45 Years of Kristin Staff


21 Years of Euphony


The Story of Sing Kristin


Early Beginnings

Cover Photo: The closing scene of Xanadu Jr, Middle School Production (Term 3, 2018).


45th Celebration Ball


Odyssey 21




Performing Arts Successes


Toot Suite


Sports Awards Dinner


Executive Principal I am becoming increasingly concerned about the lack of clear thinking and strategy around the recruitment and retention of teachers in New Zealand. There are few professions more important to our nation’s future than teaching. Teachers help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to succeed in the global economy, spark their intellectual curiosity and support their social emotional growth. Teachers also help ensure that all students, regardless of their background, are given equal access to a quality education.

At Kristin we have been thinking deeply about the best ways to support our teachers and create a dynamic, innovative and collaborative professional learning environment. We are one of the few schools offering a term’s Sabbatical Leave for research and refreshment after 10 years’ service. We also offer teacher research fellowships within our global network - GAIL (Global Alliance for Innovative Learning). Currently this involves seven schools around the world. Similarly, each year, we offer a small number of staff the opportunity to join our Adaptive Leaders Programme where they undertake a research project, evaluate their leadership profile, work together as a group and receive mentorship from a leader in another school. All these initiatives have proven to be very popular and, perhaps more importantly, successful in motivating not just the individuals involved but their teaching colleagues as well.

The Government’s short-term solution to the current teacher shortage is to provide incentives for recruitment agencies to import teachers from offshore. I am not sure exactly where these teachers will be coming from, because countries like the UK, Canada and the USA are also experiencing considerable teacher shortages. In my view the solution isn’t to recruit offshore; the solution remains within our own hands in ensuring the status of the profession is highly regarded and that there are suitable rewards (remuneration) and conditions which “Our support teaching as a learning profession teachers will be and one that remains to be valued developing a professional by society.

In 2019 we are planning to implement a revised school-wide professional learning and development cycle that will involve peer coaching, shared goal setting and research related to individual teacher learning and development development (an “inquiry”) and Currently, there are over 50,000 observation and feedback of practice environment that will be teachers employed in more than 2,500 using a critical friend. Our teachers focused on learning and schools throughout New Zealand. It is will be developing a professional essential that the teaching profession growth and not on learning and development environment can attract and retain high-quality that will be focused on learning and compliance.” individuals, and several changes, growth and not on compliance. Teaching I believe, are needed to improve the way T I M O U GHTO N conversations will be the norm and a high our profession is perceived. Teachers can no degree of professional autonomy within a longer afford to be isolated practitioners working collaborative culture will be not only encouraged within a single classroom. If teaching is to be seen as but supported. a high-status profession, much greater emphasis is needed on continued learning by teachers within schools, supported Kristin has always been a leader in educational innovation by clear and strong professional leadership and the sharing of I believe our real focus on teachers as learners within a truly effective practice across schools. collaborative and reflective working environment will ensure we continue to attract and retain great teachers. As always, we will There is an abundance of research that points to the quality continue to reward them appropriately for their efforts. of the teacher being the single-most important influence on My recent research amongst our current Year 13 leavers student achievement. We need motivated, high-calibre and strongly suggests our greatest strength is the quality of our capable people entering the profession to ensure our young teaching staff - long may that continue. people are given the best-possible chance to succeed beyond school. Once we have attracted such people into a teaching career it is critical that they are supported by high-quality Tim Oughton professional learning experiences. We must also provide E X E C U T I VE P RI N C I PA L opportunities for the best and most capable teachers to become leaders and ensure that there is flexibility and agility to support the growth of all teachers within the profession.


From the Board As I write this I reflect on the two highlights of the year for me. The first was the opening of Little Doves. The dawn ceremony

Kristin campus a place of aroha, as this is the foundation of a

allowed me the first glimpse I had of the building and its

good and happy life.

grounds. We were joined by many ‘friends of Kristin’ – including those people who were instrumental in conceiving the vision of

The changes heralded in last year’s Kaleidoscope have now

Little Doves and seeing to its implementation. As the sun was

come to pass and been embraced by the Kristin community,

rising, we experienced a beautiful powhiri. Then the doors were

demonstrating, I believe, the strength of Kristin’s foundations.

opened and in a quiet and respectful line we passed through

A number of new Board members have been welcomed: Ian

every room, touching the walls, to ‘bless’ the space with our

Clancy, Gus Gilmore, Chris Trigg and Ana Wight. Each brings a

hopes and gratitude. It was very moving.

fresh perspective and unique skill set that is already adding a positive dimension to the Board’s decision-making. Thank you to

The establishment of a centre for early childhood learning

everyone who put their name forward for consideration. We are

had been an aspiration of Kristin’s Board and the Senior Management Team for many years. It represents a completion of the Kristin journey from the cradle to adulthood. When it comes

confident that there will be further opportunities to contribute to the Kristin community in future.

time for me to move on from the Board, the limited role I

Our much-loved Junior School Principal, Diana

played in the establishment of this place of aroha

Patchett, was farewelled this year and we

will be something that will give me much joy. The second highlight, as in previous years, was the Senior School Prizegiving. The Graduation Walk is always a moving experience. Every graduating class has its own personality which subtly imbues the ‘feeling’ in the air. This year’s walk was a fabulous mixture of exuberance and poignancy – high-fives, whooping, flag waving, hugs and tears. The joy and tenderness of

welcomed Jayne De La Haye to that role. We are delighted at how smoothly

“Just as our school song says, we strive to make the entire Kristin campus a place of aroha, as this is the foundation of a good and happy life.”

the occasion affirms for parents, educators, governors and students

a child’s growth from infant to young adult is all about change – a change so radical that it is a true transformation. Little Doves and the Graduation Walk are strong visual representations of this transformative process. But they also represent a less exciting, but equally important, principle at play – that positive change is best achieved when supported by solid foundations of shared goals, ethical leadership and a strong culture. To me, Little Doves represents another space of aroha on the campus, where the youngest of the children in the Kristin community are lovingly given the building blocks for their future life. Just as our school song says, we strive to make the entire


enthusiastic leadership style is making a significant and positive impact on the Junior School. This year sees the retirement of Lorna Rood after 21 years at Kristin. Lorna holds a particularly cherished place in

countless students during her twodecade time at Kristin, both as a teacher

The theme of my article in the end-of-year

As every parent and educator knows,

Her energetic, warm and

lifelong love of music and the arts to

why we do what we do.

embracing change is important to refresh an organisation.

Junior School.

Kristin’s heart. She has given a


Kaleidoscope for 2017 was change and why

Jayne has fitted into the

and, more latterly, as Artistic Director of Major Productions. Lorna has the ability to inspire passion and dedication from her students. It is Lorna’s own passion and dedication that sets the flame alive in her students. As I write this article there is another report of turmoil in the state education sector, including protracted contract negotiations and strike action. This highlights how fortunate we are, as an independent school, to be free to set our own path and to have so many dedicated teaching professionals at Kristin. We know that the quality and stability of relationships between the teaching professionals and the students is a key component to educational success. Providing additional support and enhanced professional learning opportunities is a key strategic focus for 2019.

Looking ahead to 2019, Kristin will continue to concentrate on

be hearing more about them in future, as they are refined and

the following educational strategies:

further developed.

• Enriching the learning process for each student by

As we come to the end of our 45th Celebration year, it is with

strengthening our understanding of their individual needs;

significant gratitude that I thank our broader community for

• Focus on differentiated learning, with a strong emphasis on student well-being, mental health, and development of the ‘whole person’; • The development of programmes to create an environment where teachers are able to learn together, share successes

the extensive support we receive across so many areas of our school. This has been a special year enriched by legacies from our pioneering past leading the way into our bright future. On behalf of the Board at Kristin, we wish the entire Kristin community a happy holiday break.

and challenges. The objective of these programmes is to make Kristin a beacon of excellence in creative and collaborative teaching practices, and cement our position as a leading light in this area. These programmes are in their infancy and you will

Philippa Fee C HA I R

New Board Members We are delighted to extend another warm welcome to our newest Board Members, who commenced their Board Governor positions in August.

M r Ia n C la ncy Pare n t G ove r n o r

Mr Gus Gilmore Pa re nt Gove rnor

M r Ch r is Tr igg Paren t Gover n or

• Has two children attending Kristin

• Has had three children attend Kristin

• Has two sons attending Kristin

• Currently General Manager Transformation at IAG New Zealand

• Graduated from The University of Auckland with a Master of Business Administration

• Has 20 years of experience in financial services leadership roles both internationally and in New Zealand

• Currently Chief Executive of the Manukau Institute of Technology, Gus is passionate about education and life-long learning • Previous experience in senior executive positions at the Tertiary Education Commission, Star Alliance and Air New Zealand

Miss An a Wig h t Al u mn i Gover n o r

• A Kristin Alumni having graduated in 2000 as Deputy Head Girl and recipient of the • Currently Chief Digital Officer for Achievement Trophy Southern Cross Health Society • Currently the Chief Commercial • Career has covered many roles Officer at Vend within the technology sector and recently in General • Extensive experience in strategy Manager roles with Genesis and operations across industries Energy and Air New Zealand and regions • Holds qualifications in Electronic Engineering from DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK

• Holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)


Head and Deputy Head Prefects: Christina Min, Joshua Heatley, Swati Puri & Fergus Scott

Leadership at Kristin Leadership is about service at Kristin – altruistic behaviour, making a commitment and doing something that will benefit others rather than for one’s own personal glory. Leadership is not about ties, badges, certificates or what can be written on your CV; it’s about having the chance to influence things for the benefit of others. Those who put themselves forward for the position, rather than the opportunity, will be found wanting. Through the leadership opportunities offered at Kristin, students can learn the skills required and put them into practice, allowing them to grow and see how their actions can benefit others positively. Kristin offers a wide variety of leadership positions which students can apply for, ensuring that there is a good match to their individual strengths and an area that they can actively engage with over the

apart, time management and organisational skills, self-confidence, communication skills, resilience, reliability, the ability to motivate others and a high standard of personal conduct and presentation.

course of the year. These include Prefects, House Captains, House councils and a range of committees, each supported by a member of

When selecting the leaders for the upcoming year, the following

The Prefects have specific leadership duties and responsibilities around the school, including liaising with the Junior and Middle Schools, chairing the Senior committees and acting as House Prefects. The Head and Deputy Head Prefects have further duties

qualities are considered: initiative, integrity, loyalty, ability to stand

assigned to them by the Senior School Principal.

staff and aligned with a particular area of the school community and with a focus on supporting and growing Kristin’s offering in that area.


The 2018-2019 Prefects team includes:

Publications Committee

H E A D P R E F E CT S – Joshua Heatley and Swati Puri


D E P U T Y H E A D P R E F E CT S – Christina Min and Fergus Scott

Promoting activities that encourage reading and writing throughout the school. Production of the student magazine Make Dove Not War

Hannah Burns Aleisha Chalmers Dominic Chen

and the Leavers Book.

Alyssa Chia

Thomas Crook Ginevee Engle

Olivia Forbes

Victoria Graham

Tim Hassall

Campbell Hay

Olivia Milsom

Max Osborne

Amber Paki

Harriet Powell

Hannah Reddy Casper Wong

House Captains are responsible for developing a distinctive House culture that is consistent with the Senior School. They lead the House councils, along with the Prefect Chair, and will be instrumental in forming the new House Senate for 2018/19, which will result in a far closer collaboration between the Houses

Service Committee C H A I R E D BY M A X O S B O R N E Responsible for promoting and supporting activities which reflect service within and beyond the school community by Senior School students.

Sports Committee C H A I R E D BY T I M H A S S A L L

and allow the student voice to be heard more effectively.

Promotion and support of sporting events throughout the year within the school and also helping at major sporting events in and

The 2018-2019 House Captains are:

around Auckland.

A P O L LO – Liv Henville, Alex Marris, Kaitlin Windmeyer

Tertiary Futures Committee

J U P I T E R – Alex Crook, Mason Orchard, Alice Steele M A R I N E R – Phoebe McKellar, Joshua Phillips, Clara Simmons


S AT U R N – Peta Kuluz, Katie Letica, Aaron Li

A strategic team that assists the Senior School’s Pastoral Team in building awareness of academic and tertiary pathways that focus on individual needs. Promotion and marketing of key tertiary-

The nine Senior Committees constitute the largest number of leadership positions within the Senior School. Each student has the opportunity to put themselves forward for three committees and every attempt is made to ensure that each student is allocated one

related events.

of their three choices.

Cultural Committee C H A I R E D BY A LY S S A C H I A Responsible for fostering and supporting engagement with the Arts in the Senior School and to provide support in key performance events, festivals, productions and assemblies.

Events and Hosting Committee C H A I R E D BY G I N E V E E E N G L E Responsible for organising the Senior School Ball and hosting parents and visitors at specific functions held at Kristin throughout

Well-being Committee CHAIRED BY HANNAH REDDY Raise awareness of student well-being issues (social, emotional, health and spiritual) and promoting pathways for students to access well-being support. Kristin is proud to be able to offer our students well over 100 leadership opportunities for their development and growth, with many, many more available through sports, clubs and other school activities.

David Boardman S E N I O R S C HO O L P RI N C I PA L

the year.

International Committee C H A I R E D BY C A S P E R W O N G Responsible for ongoing practical and social support for International students and partner school exchange students, as well as promoting and celebrating the ethnic diversity within the school community.

Management Committee C H A I R E D BY C A M P B E L L H AY Manage the Year 13 Common Room and provide reception duties at the Senior School office during lunchtimes. Organisation of Leavers’ gear and maintaining high levels of conduct and behaviour within the Senior School. New 2018/19 Kristin Prefects together with the 2017/18 outgoing Prefects



45th Celebration Ball As part of Kristin’s 45th birthday celebrations this year, in August we hosted an evening of glitz and glamour for parents and friends of the school. Held at Auckland’s premier venue the Cordis Hotel (formerly the

The event raised more than $55,000 to go towards major capital

Langham), 300 guests enjoyed a full red-carpet experience with

works on campus and we are very pleased with this result.

arrival drinks, a sumptuous 3 course dinner in The Great Room, a live auction that didn’t disappoint, and entertainment from one

Thank you to all those involved in making this event such a huge

of Auckland’s leading covers band Fifth Element.

success – our amazing group of parent volunteers, those who donated auction items, those who participated in the silent or

The live auction was masterfully managed by Aaron Davis from

live auctions, and those who came to the ball and enjoyed the

Harcourts Cooper & Co. and our fabulous bidders were rewarded

wonderful evening celebrating this milestone for Kristin.

with an amazing variety of items including a Suzuki Swift,

Thank you so much for your contribution; you make a huge

an in-home dining experience from The Tasting Shed, flights to

difference to our school community.

Chicago, a gorgeous amethyst ring from Orsini Fine Jewellery, and the hotly contested school car parks for personal use. Those who did not attend the ball were also invited to be part of

Samantha Brown M A RK E T I N G E VE N T S M A N AGE R

the 45th celebrations via the silent auction. Hosted by GalaBid - an online system that allows bidders to text their bids through - over 350 bids were received in total across the two-week bidding period.


A KFF Wednesday Walk group

KFF update We are moving quickly through spring into summer, nearing the end of another calendar year and school year. This time of year is so busy it is difficult to keep up with all the invitations and events that occur simultaneously. Days are getting warmer and longer and we’re spending more

as best as we can, with as little stress as possible. We learnt

and more time outside enjoying the beautiful weather and warm,

from Dr Shanker in his Masterclass talk in Term 3 that stress is

blue-sky days that are becoming more frequent.

good, but being over-stressed continually is not good and can have negative impacts on our lives. We need to find balance:

At this time every year, I find myself reflecting back (seven years

we need to get rest, eat well and exercise. We need to stay

now) since my first year here, when I found it overwhelming. Not

positive and be proactive. We also need to be brave and bold

only is it the end of the school year which lends itself to many

enough to seek help in times of need.

celebrations, graduations, award ceremonies, recitals and year-


end parties, but in addition to all of those wonderful occasions,

This year has proven particularly difficult for several families

there’s Christmas! As we approach Christmas and summer

in our Kristin Community who have experienced the loss of

holidays, our social commitments with families and friends get

an immediate family member or have gone through extremely

packed in on top of all the rest. It’s all good fun and we love to do

difficult times dealing with severe illness which has not resulted

it all, yet it is difficult to squeeze it all in sometimes.

in loss but has been life-changing nonetheless.

As we move through this incredibly hectic time, we should

We are so fortunate at Kristin to have a strong community of

strive to appreciate what we have and those we love, to be in the

parents who not only give of themselves to their children and

moment and enjoy the precious time with family and friends.

the school but are also kind, caring, generous, thoughtful and

As busy as we are, life changes like the weather and we need to

who ‘go the extra mile’, no matter how busy they are, to give to

expect the unexpected. It serves us well to manage that change

another family who is struggling.

We are extremely fortunate too, that our school’s Senior

Christina Hoseason

Leadership Team and staff support, and indeed encourage,

Vice Chair, Wednesday Walking Group, JS, MS

parents’ involvement in the school. It is widely acknowledged

Lois Lee

that students perform better at school when parents are engaged and involved in their school. A huge thank-you to all of you who have participated in the many offerings of KFF this past year and who have supported the school by volunteering your time and energy when and as required.

Korean Cultural Group Chair, Little Doves Sue Lyons Alumni Parents Group Priscilla Ma Parent Social Events, JS, MS, SS

As the year draws to a close, I’d also like to acknowledge the

Shelley McHugh

KFF Executive Team that work very hard to find ways to get

Arts and Cultural Group, SS

everyone engaged in some activity or material way to make them feel a part of the Kristin Family. Sarah Amos Parent Social Events, JS Cindy Beaudin Performing Arts Co-ordinator, SS Tania Bennett Parent Social Events, MS, SS Antonia Chen Chinese Chair, JS Rodd Eddy Parent Social Events, Board Student Sustainability Council, MS Chiara Gauld

Nicky Shave Alumni Parents Group, Board Representative, MS, SS Paul Stables Parent Social Events, MS, SS Rowan Stephens Alumni Parents Group Sherman Wang Toastmasters, Chinese Cultural Representative, SS Julia Wei Incoming Treasurer, Chinese Cultural Representative, SS

Patricia Holden K FF C HA I R

Outgoing Treasurer, Wednesday Walking Group, SS Lillian Handey Creative Arts Workshops, SS

KFF Creative Arts Workshop

KFF Parent-hosted morning tea

KFF Parent-hosted morning tea

KFF Parent-hosted morning tea


Blokes’ Breakfast 2018 On Friday 26 October, the Principals hosted over 150 of the Kristin community in and around the LIC on campus for the annual Blokes’ Breakfast event. The BBQs were running hot from their now-famous bacon-and-egg rolls, and the coffee was flowing by 6:45am.


The rain stayed away as parents and students browsed the variety of cars, boats and drones on display. If you attended the event, hopefully you also took a seat in Alexa’s Lounge powered by artificial intelligence, had a virtual tour of Commercial Bay (one of Auckland’s largest and yet-to-be-completed construction projects thanks to Warren and Mahoney Architects), and saw what some of our talented students can get involved in through our Technology Faculty with robotics and the building of drift bikes and e-bikes.

One lucky student who made a donation also won the right to take a ride in a 2018 Lamborghini Urus thanks to the Giltrap Group.

Our chosen charity for this function has always been Ronald McDonald House, and from supporting the event, including our shaking buckets on the day, we raised over $1,200 for them.

Samantha Brown

This event would not exist without the Kristin community coming together to bring along their vehicles and boats to exhibit. I’d like to pass on my sincere gratitude to those who gave up their time to bring in one of their ‘treasures’, to share with the wider community, and extend a really big thanks to those who supported the event by coming along on the day.



Lorna Rood Earlier this term I received a letter of resignation from a much-valued, much-loved and highly respected member of staff. It is the type of letter no Executive Principal wishes to receive, especially from someone who has had such an extraordinary influence on the culture and achievements in her particular field. Lorna Rood, our Artistic Director of Major Productions, is stepping down at the end of the year after an incredibly fulfilling and stellar role leading the Performing Arts at Kristin. Lorna is leaving primarily for family reasons and we all respect that decision. She has a number of grandchildren to care for and the next phase of her life will be dedicated to that. It is important that I honour and record my appreciation, on behalf of many parents, students and staff, for all that she has done to elevate Kristin’s reputation in the Performing Arts to one that no other school in New Zealand can really match.

Lorna coaching and directing our Phantom, Mitchell Stables, earlier this year

I would like to pay tribute to Lorna’s talent, to her professionalism and to her commitment to Kristin. I know of no other person in the teaching Performing Arts world who has given so much, achieved such high standards, and been connected in real terms to all students involved. She will always be respected for her belief in young people and for her abiding enthusiasm for everything associated with the Performing Arts.

Lorna has served Kristin for 21 years. She began on 28 April Peter Clague, former Executive Principal and previous producer 1997 as the permanent Head of Drama and from then on has of a number of shows Lorna directed, sent the following been involved in an extraordinary number of high-quality message upon hearing news of Lorna’s resignation: drama performances and musicals. Current and past students under Lorna’s direction My dear friend, adore her; her total dedication to them I can no more imagine the Auditorium “Current and has brought out the best in everyone, without Lorna Rood, than Kristin without from leading actor to silent stagehand. past students under the Dove. My fondest memories of 15 Professionalism is Lorna’s byword and Lorna’s direction adore her; years at that wonderful school are something she has instilled in every her total dedication to them of shows that we did together. You member of cast and crew of enrich so many lives with your humble, previous productions. has brought out the best in visionary and generous direction. everyone, from leading actor One character trait that we all admire None more than mine. Cast, crew and to silent stagehand.” most and respect in others is that of audience, you had the gift of taking humility. Lorna Rood is the epitome of people out of themselves, elevating them. T I M O U GHTO N humility. Shows were about stars, and You made magic on that stage and those of there was always scope for adoration, fanfare us privileged enough to hear it were in awe. and effusive praise. Lorna sought none of that. On behalf of all you have influenced, thank you – She would rather hide behind the curtains than be because we knew you, we were changed for good. called on stage to be thanked after a performance, and we Lorna will be farewelled at the end of the 2018 school year. She have all admired her immensely for that. She is secretly proud leaves a legacy that will endure for many years ahead, probably of every performer but she can be a very harsh critic for ever. She may be leaving Kristin but we all know Kristin will of herself. never leave her. Over the years, Lorna has won accolades from the wider Once again, I want to thank Lorna most sincerely for all that she community and has won the Showdown Award for Best Overall has selflessly given and achieved – it is few who achieve such Production on three separate occasions The Phantom of the legendary status in the profession. Opera, which received a phenomenal 19 Showdown Award nominations this year, of which Lorna was the Director, I believe is the highest-quality performance I have ever witnessed in a school production. It is so special that Lorna’s final production is probably rated by her as her best and I concur wholeheartedly.

Tim Oughton E X E C U T I VE P RI N C I PA L


Little Doves Early Learning Centre wins GOLD!


The visionary design of Kristin School’s new early learning centre has been honoured with a prestigious design award in Australasia’s largest annual showcase of design. Little Doves Early Learning Centre won a Gold award for spatial design at the NZ Designers Institute’s prestigious Best Design Awards for 2018. Architect Phil Smith, from Collingridge and Smith Architects, says the firm has designed over 70 early childhood centres around New Zealand over the past 10 years - but believes Little Doves has created a new benchmark in the field. The judges were particularly impressed by the building’s strong connection between inside and outside, creating a seamless integration for children to enjoy.

What makes the Little Doves’ design so special? Phil Smith, Architect and Director, Collingridge and Smith Architects My favourite part is the entrance sequence from the austerity of the car park to the delight of the reception area and then the discovery of the tree-lined hallway. Never fails to please every time I walk in! Mark Read, Landscape Designer, Natural Habitats I love the way the building and the landscape interact, strengthening each other’s qualities and character. The beautifully clean and minimalist building design provides incredible unimpeded views out into the greenorganic playground.

Tim Oughton, Executive Principal, Kristin School The design feature I like most is the indoor/ outdoor seamlessness. And, of course, the wonderful play area - I wish I was a toddler again! Barry Stevens, Founding Parent and former Board Chair It is one thing to think of the physical things about the building and we know that everyone is bowled over when they first arrive - but as you walk through the building it just gets better and better, and I think that is because there is an embracing spirit of love about the whole place. Diana Patchett, Former Principal Kristin Junior School (2012-2018) For practicality, the wide verandah with louvred roof is my favourite design feature of Little Doves. This allows the outdoors to be connected seamlessly to the indoors, which means the children and teachers can enjoy fresh air and the natural environment in all weather. For whimsy, though, I love the blue-lit cloud cut-outs behind the reception desk. This feature creates the iconic entrance we aspired to create for the families and staff. HeeSeung Lois Lee, Parent at Little Doves You feel like you have stepped into a different world when you walk through the door. The hallway depicting New Zealand native bush is always a favourite as we try to spot the native birds and fruit cleverly incorporated into the design. However, the best feature of Little Doves is the wonderful staff who are always so welcoming and lovely.


Odyssey 21 2018 Odyssey 21 is a three-week journey for 24 Year 9 students down the mighty Whanganui River, which was a significant mental and physical challenge for us all. Yet, Odyssey was so much more than that: it was a life-changing experience that built us into better people and we met so many lifelong friends who we will never forget.


I was placed into the Ruru tribe, led by legendary instructors KC

including Māori heritage and our responsibilities to our first

and Gabby, who are the coolest people I have ever met! Whio,

people. We learned to respect Máori culture and people through

the other group of 12 students, were led by the very awesome

acceptance and greater understanding. The whánau on the river

Om and Soph.

really taught us the deeper meaning of life.

We departed Kristin as a student group who didn’t know each

We also made numerous discoveries about ourselves. I came to

other very well. At the end of our 21-day journey, we had

the realisation that we should live in the moment. At the start

become like family. We also met so many people along the river

of Odyssey, I couldn’t wait to get to the finish but a short while

who now feel like whānau. They were all so kind and hilarious.

later I found that I didn’t ever want to leave. Even now, I hope to

Our helpers developed our understanding of everything

go back.

Most of us found that not having devices was actually amazing!

respectful than how meat is killed for supermarkets. This made

We weren’t distracted by screens and could focus on the world

us feel better about watching our protein getting shot because

around us. This enabled us to be more connected to everyone

we knew it was a much quicker and less painful death then

and everything around us. Actually talking face to face with

most animals go through.

someone and not hiding behind a screen had become harder back at home. Being free of technology allowed us to get better at communicating and it was so much more rewarding than talking on Instagram! Social media is supposed to connect people but I felt the most connected and most happy in nature, without my phone. Being in nature was a true gift. Our group loved every minute, even at a place we called “Tame A Rough Cow” despite it being steep and muddy hauling our gear up to make camp. We really appreciated seeing all the awesome places we went to, including the Bridge to Nowhere where we camped under tarps for a night. Although Odyssey was OK for me physically, the challenge for me was more mental. I learned that everything doesn’t come so easily. You have to try hard and earn what you need. A few of

One of the coolest things we did (there were a lot) was the night paddle. Paddling in pairs together with all of our belongings in our Canadian canoes in the quiet of the night was breathtaking. We are beyond grateful to Mr Murray, JT, KC and Gabby, Om and Soph and all the river whánau. We have so much respect for everyone who was involved in Odyssey because they changed our lives by giving us the best experience we have ever had. Thank you all so much for everything you did for us. We are grateful. We will never forget Odyssey and the skills we learnt. E rere kau mai te awanui, mai i te káhui maunga ki Tangaroa, ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au. The river flows from the mountains to the sea. I am the river and the river is me.

us struggled with the concept of killing animals and then eating

Miriam Scott

them even though we often ate meat at home. KC and Gabby

YE A R 9

taught us that how we shot the animals to eat was much more


Caroline Adams Miller

John Parsons

Grant Schofield

Yvonne Godfrey

Dr Stuart Shanker in action on stage at Kristin

Masterclasses 2018 In 2018 the Kristin Masterclass series continued following the success of the 2017 format with another comprehensive programme of speakers from New Zealand and around the world. The aim of the Masterclass series in 2018 was to engage our community in issues of the day and especially those that pertain to well-being and education, both for students and adults. As a school, we aim to be leaders in engaging in conversations

with a ‘think outside the box’ approach to tackling some of the

with our community and the local broader community about

significant health problems and issues of our times.

these critical areas. To help facilitate that goal, all of our Masterclass sessions have been either free entry or ticketed at minimal cost to cover the expenses of attracting high-quality

Former Kristin parent Yvonne Godfrey presented our second Masterclass. Now a professional speaker, Yvonne is passionate

international speakers. In 2018 our five Masterclasses over the

about empowering the next generation to lead. In 2009 she

space of three terms attracted to Kristin a combined audience of

founded the MIOMO (Making it on my Own) programme.

some 2,600 people.

Through MIOMO, hundreds of young people have learned life skills and leadership, equipping them for independence and

The first Masterclass event of 2018 saw us welcome Grant Schofield, who is a Professor of Public Health and Director of the Human Potential Centre at AUT Millennium. Professor Schofield’s presentation was titled ‘Brain Rules for an Awesome Life’ and focused on his research and findings around nutrition,


success in the adult world. Yvonne proved to be a witty and powerful speaker, who spoke mainly about the lessons from her book, Parenting Yadults, and the valuable lessons for parents of tweens, teens and young adults.

activity, sleep, multitasking and strengths to support our

John Parsons was not billed officially as a Masterclass speaker

children and indeed each other to lead healthier, happier lives.

but proved to be one of the most popular speakers we have had,

His Masterclass presentation was very engaging and relevant

with many parents and community members hearing about

his parent talk and wishing they had attended (John will be

His latest book, Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You)

returning to Kristin in 2019). John was at Kristin for a whole day

Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life

where he presented to all Middle and Senior School students,

(2016), has garnered enthusiastic reviews and media attention

staff and parents. He is an Internet Safety and Risk Assessment

throughout North America. Dr Shanker spent three days at

Consultant who delivers cybersafety and digital citizenship

Kristin and spoke with students, staff, parents and counselling

training and talks. The students loved his message, and many

and health professionals in a series of workshops and talks.

stayed behind to find out more, with others talking about

Over 900 people attended his Masterclass session, and

what he had said for days following his visit.

he had a profound effect on those who attended. A special mention must be made of Kristin

Term 3 saw two world experts in their fields grace the Masterclass stage. The first was Caroline Adams Miller, who flew in from Washington DC. She is one of the world’s leading experts on the science of goal-setting and grit. Caroline has a Masters of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of six books, including

“As a school, we aim to be leaders in engaging in conversations with our community and the local broader community about critical areas.”

Getting Grit. Caroline spent the day at Kristin and spoke with selected groups

was Dr Stuart Shanker, who is a Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Psychology and the CEO

In 2019 the Masterclass series will continue with a focus on the future and in particular what we can expect in the fields of education and work. I am delighted to announce that for our

newly released book Don’t Worry About the

her Masterclass in the evening. She is an

Our final Masterclass speaker of 2018, flying in from Canada,

coup for New Zealand to have him visit.

Jo Cribb and David Glover, authors of the

of students and staff before presenting

resonated with those who attended.

and facilitated Dr Shanker’s visit - a real

first Masterclass we will be hosting Dr


exceptional speaker, and her message significantly

Counsellor Chanel Houlahan, who brokered

Robots (How to Survive and Thrive in the New World of Work). This Masterclass will be held on Wednesday 3 April at 7pm and will be free to attend. Keep an eye on www.kristin.school.nz from late February next year to reserve your free seat.

of The MEHRIT Centre, Ltd. One of his many books, Calm, Alert

Dave Scott

and Learning: Classroom Strategies for Self-Regulation (2012),


is a top-selling educational publication in Canada.

School Counsellor Chanel Houlahan, Kindergarten Manager Leila Guillard, Dr Stuart Shanker and Little Doves Centre Manager Sarah Jones


and quick-witted comedy to an exceptional standard. Those privileged enough to be part of the crew pushed themselves in various technical and backstage positions, and grew under our exceptional production team, mentoring and educating students through every step. Junior, Middle, Senior and Alumni parents, community members and staff have graciously supported this triumphant Middle School production in various ways. My heartfelt thanks goes out to them as, together, we have believed in the Xanadu ‘magic’ that has occupied the Auditorium.


Xanadu Jr In deciding on Kristin’s Middle School Production for the 2018 season, we felt it was the year to produce something outside of the box – something fresh, vibrant and with music that would speak to a wide audience and excite cast and crew alike. The Broadway Junior adaptation of the cult classic film Xanadu was the perfect fit for our current students and production team, and, although not the most well-known show, we knew that the ‘80s pop-rock and comedy gold would excite, entice and entrance those audience members fortunate enough to enjoy its splendour. The unwavering talents of 162 Middle School students on and off stage, led by four Senior School crew leaders, shined through during a six-week rehearsal period. Cast members performed chart-topping ELO classics, ‘80s-inspired choreography


Kristin’s productions continue to highlight the strength and positive impact of the arts in the lives of young people. The benefits of developing communication, self-confidence, verbalisation, motor skills, teamwork, memorisation, physical activity, and self-esteem (to name a few) through a positive and uplifting experience are unprecedented in the lives of an adolescent. To quote Year 10 student Tim Gunn (Sonny Malone) in a post-show email, Xanadu was described as “a highlight of [his] life”. By the time of this magazine’s publication, many of the most committed cast and crew members will have been recognised for their exceptional efforts in the Middle School Cultural Awards for 2018. This honour is not limited to those with the biggest roles – each and every member of the team is vital to the success of the production. Our top Kristin Performing Arts students are not necessarily those thrust into the spotlight, but any student who shows steadfast dedication and effort in their commitment to professionalism and success, of which there are many students to be proud of. I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank Lorna Rood for her immense support, guidance and encouragement. Kristin’s unmatched reputation in producing professional shows is thanks to 21 years of Lorna’s vision, creativity and exemplary passion for the school and the students. I owe her my eternal gratitude for allowing everyone at Kristin to thrive, and for promoting our proud tradition of excellence in the arts. Although Kira’s roller skates may have wheeled across the Kristin stage for the last time, the spirit of Xanadu will live on forever, and all involved can take a collective bow and feel an overwhelming sense of pride in this very special Middle School memory.

Hamish Mouat A RT I S T I C D I RE CTO R O F M A JO R P RO D U CT I O N S


The AristoCats KIDS Kristin and Disney magic delighted over 1,100 audience members who were privileged to witness the joy of The AristoCats KIDS, performed by every student of Kristin’s Junior School on Friday 16 November. This adaptation of the 1970 American animated feature film is specifically tailored for performers of Junior School age – each of whom had the opportunity to shine on the Kristin stage as a very special member of the 460-strong cast. It is this inclusive opportunity that shows the spirit of the Junior School production in full force. The earlier performance began with four of the Year 6 lead characters (Thomas O’Malley, General Napoleon, Duchess and Roquefort) bringing the youngest members of the cast, the Kindergarten students, onto the stage to perform the opening number. The unity shown between the oldest and youngest performers was, in a word, inspiring. From here, the production highlighted the talents of all our vocalists, dancers and actors, through jazzy musical numbers, kitten adventures, hound dog marches and frog-filled rivers! Amongst our hard-working students, each production area was well supported by a huge team of parents, community members and students from all three schools. It is only with the

encouragement of these individuals that Kristin Productions can continue to reach the standard that has become synonymous with our name. Every student proudly wore their own AristoCats costume and danced with passion on the vibrant set – all craftily created by extremely generous members of our Performing Arts community. I cannot thank them enough for the gift they all continue to offer to our students. Each Junior School class has been immersed in the world of the AristoCats this term, and were ably prepared to take the stage by the talented and passionate Junior School Performing Arts team. Combined with the support of the Junior School Management team, the Junior School staff, and a brilliant Production team, The AristoCats KIDS will be remembered for years to come as another unique Kristin Production experience for all involved.



Performing Arts Successes 2018 ‘Thriving’ is the first word that comes to mind when reflecting on the Kristin Performing Arts Department in 2018. From Dance to Drama to Music, our students and staff have

spectacular Dance in the Dove dance recital at the start of

led active and exciting lives working together to discover

Term 3. Our senior Dance students also represented Kristin at

new talents and along the way presenting entertaining plays,

YouDance, Auckland’s annual secondary-school festival of

concerts and recitals to the Kristin community and beyond.

contemporary dance.

This year Kristin students have had numerous successes in

Kristin’s musicians have had another brilliant year across all

festivals and competitions at both local and national level,

areas of the musical spectrum. Once again Kristin has asserted

reflecting the excellent talent of our students and also the

itself as a centre for excellence in choral music. The Junior

quality of the staff and tutors who support them. Exciting new

School’s Treble Clefs and the Year 7 and 8 Middle School Choir

initiatives have complemented the department’s already rich

gained Gold and Silver awards respectively at this year’s Kids

offerings enabling the school to cater for an even wider range of

Sing. This was followed by Euphony making it to the National

student interests and strengths. However, regardless

Final of the Big Sing and once again taking out a

of the outcome or activity, the primary objective is

highly coveted gold award. Our new male choir,

always education through interpretation and expression of our world, and of course to have fun together as a community of learning. During 2018 we have seen a wave of interest and success from both students and teachers in the wonderful world of William Shakespeare. In Term 1 a group of

Boystrous, made a huge impression with

“This year Kristin students have had numerous successes in festivals and competitions at both local and national level, reflecting the excellent talent of our students and also the quality of the staff and tutors who support them.”

Middle and Senior School students prepared and performed scenes from

Head Girl Isabella Howarth was a standout being selected as

Town Hall. Our contemporary and pop musicians have seen success too, with Year 8 student James Kelly receiving the award for best musicianship at this year’s Rockshop Bandquest. Year 10 one of Auckland’s top young vocalists at the Stand Up Stand Out competition. In the

the works of Shakespeare as part of the delivered excellent performances; however, Kristin

appearance at Auckland

student Evy Hwangbo was recognised as


Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival. All students

strong performances in their very first

Senior School, Matisse Reynolds was selected as one of 40 finalists in the Lion Foundation Songwriting Competition for the second year in a row.

one of 48 students from across New Zealand to be included in the National Schools Shakespeare Production. From this cast

A group of our very best classical musicians participated in

Isabella was then announced as one of 24 students chosen to

the National Chamber Music Competition. Of our two entries

travel to London in 2019 where they will perform on the stage of

the ensemble Triple Czech made it through to the Auckland

the Globe Theatre. Kristin’s connection with the Globe Theatre

finals, while Kristin’s Year 11 group Chamber of Secrets were

in London will continue to grow with a group of our senior

invited to the National Final in Christchurch, where they were

Drama students travelling to the famous theatre for workshops

awarded the top prize for ‘Best Performance of a New Zealand

and performance in April 2020.

Composition’. This significant accomplishment is just one of the many examples of Kristin students developing as artists and

For students with a passion for Dance, Kristin’s co-curricular

celebrating excellence and passion in the Performing Arts.

offering is unrivalled. Through the after-school groups for lower and upper Middle School students, senior students, and dedicated groups for boys’ dance and musical theatre, participants were able to showcase their work in the


Nick Duirs HE A D O F VI S U A L & P E RFO RM I N G A RT S


Beijing Trip The opportunity to leave your parents behind, go off on an adventure on the other side of the world, and have spending money to go shopping with is something every 10-year-old would jump at. It was a hardy group of Year 6 students who arrived bubbling with excitement very early in the morning at Auckland Airport, looking forward to the experience that awaited them. The teachers were less excited, as they needed to be fully focused on the last-minute details required to ensure the trip started off like it meant to go on. Each of the days away could best be summed up with a few words. From travelling (it was 24 hours, two flights and several meals each way) to mind-blowing (any visit to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City with the myriad of sights to see is an experience not be missed). Climbing was a day that will stick long in the memory - 90 floors of uneven, well-worn and very crowded steps led us all the way up the Great Wall (and then of course down again). Sharing our PYP Exhibition with the students at WAB (Western Academy of Beijing) gave us the opportunity to make some international connections, as did the performance we gave at the Temple of Heaven to a crowd of enthusiastic locals. The highlight for many was the panda we encountered in the Beijing Zoo. After coming across eight sleeping pandas all hope was lost, until we came across PPPPPPP, who entertained us with a full range of panda antics, the highlight being forward


rolls. The Cube was action packed with fast slides, and the opportunity to kick back and relax on the lazy river providing options for all. Wangfujing street-food markets never fail to deliver with the scorpion-on-a-stick experience freaking most of us out. Wrapping up the trip was the acrobat theatre. When the eighth motorbike rode into the ball of death it is fair to say we were impressed. The sights, sounds and smells we came across on our journey were the highlights, as was the journey of self-discovery the students embarked on. As Chairman Mao so eloquently put it – “He (or she) who has not climbed the Great Wall is not a true man (or woman).” Not only did they climb the wall but also the students returned with greater independence and a worldlier outlook on life, a truly great accomplishment.

Rob Hutton JU N I O R S C HO O L A SS I S TA N T P RI N C I PA L

If you would to see more about the trip, please visit https://discoverkristin.school.nz/news-events/posts/2018/ september/junior-school-beijing-tour-2018


Toot Suite

A butterfly floats beside papa bear and an endangered tiger blinks near shiny flowers twinkling with electricity. The ceramic fairy houses are adorned with ivy, and twig insects nestle among fronds on a log. All await the adoring gaze of our community during the week of Toot Suite. Our wonderful artists from Kindergarten to Year 6 shared their work in a triumphant blaze of colour during Week 3 of Term 3. From ceramics to weaving, photography to recycled art, all manner of creativity was on display for audiences to savour. Our IB curriculum recognises the importance of enriching learning experiences through the context of Visual Art. Our students develop and enhance skills like creativity and visual communication, but further transdisciplinary skills like accountability, problem solving and receiving constructive feedback are also nurtured. This year we included two further innovations to the show. Firstly, artwork was grouped by the inquiry themes that the work was created for, like ‘Who We Are’ or ‘Sharing the Planet’. This enabled students and the community to gain a wider understanding of how themes can be interpreted across the Junior years. Secondly, all works included an artist statement,

written by each student, to explain some of the thinking that went into their creations. A few pieces were selected for two prestigious community art events. Some ceramic sculptures from Years 0-6 were on display at the NZ Sculpture on Shore event during November, inside Takapuna’s historic underground fort. Twenty-four Year 6 students will have their ‘Favourite Destination’ artwork printed onto tiles for decorating Auckland’s future Aotea train station. If you were able to attend any of the above events, I am certain you feel just as proud of our amazing artists as I do.

Timea Willemse VI S U A L A RT A N D D I GI TA L M E D I A S P E C I A LI S T K RI S T I N JU N I O R S C HO O L



Pablo Kraus


Our Year 12 IB Business Management students enjoyed the unique opportunity to learn from one of New Zealand’s youngest and most-prominent business leaders when ecostore’s Managing Director Pablo Kraus visited to share his experience and perspective on sustainable business practices earlier this year. A familiar face to many at Kristin, Pablo is a graduate from the class of 2005; he started his journey at Kristin in the Kindergarten in 1992 and continued through to Year 13. Mrs Jan Lewis was his Dean back in Year 12, so it was fitting that it was her class he visited in Term 3. Since leaving Kristin, Pablo has completed an honours degree in Digital Design from Vancouver Film School, following which he spent five years working as an interactive developer. In 2014, he joined his family’s business, PK Group, where he has held directorships in each of the group’s companies. In 2017, Pablo took on the role of Managing Director at ecostore and has spent the past 18 months broadening the company’s interests in the Australian and Chinese markets. In his session with the students, Pablo spoke about the opportunities and challenges that exist when expanding a Kiwi business into these competitive international markets and the values that underpin the ecostore philosophy and drive their innovative path forward. “Since stepping into this role, I’ve made it a real focus to get some further growth out of Australia and China. Three years ago, we had no business in China and now this represents about 12% of our company, with Australia making up about 35%.” Both markets have significant room for growth and Pablo is enjoying

Pablo Kraus with Year 12 IB Business Management students


the challenge, with big goals ahead. “My ambition is for ecostore to be number one globally for health, well-being and the environment. I want us to be up there taking over from Unilever.” The core values of ecostore are centred around the development and production of environmentally friendly and sustainable products; however, Pablo is clear that their responsibility goes beyond the products themselves: he believes it’s essential that they take responsibility for the sustainability of all aspects of the business. The ecostore manufacturing facility in Auckland is the only enterprise in Australasia with ISO9001, ISO14001, Enviromark Diamond and CarboNZero certifications and since 2014, by using ‘sugar’ plastics (derived from sugarcane instead of petrochemicals) for all ecostore packaging, this has removed 4,500 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. “Now that we’re using sustainable plastics in our packaging, one of the initiatives we’re looking at is how we can start to reuse some of the plastic that is not being recycled. This is a larger consumer change that needs to take place; it can’t just happen by everyone filling their recycling bin. We all need to reduce what we’re using, to think about what we’re using, and ask how can we make it better.”

Graduation Walk The ‘Grad Walk’ is one of the events during the Senior School year that is unique to Kristin. Taking place just before the start of the Senior School prize-giving, it marks the last time that our Year 13 students come together as a cohort, in uniform and before they start their end-of-year examinations. Starting 10 years ago, the walk continues to follow the same route, involving students from across all year levels. It traditionally starts in the LIC Foyer before proceeding in front of the Junior School, around the Administration block and Chapel, down the Kauri Walk (which becomes more impressive with every passing year) and finishing on the steps of the Auditorium. This provides an opportunity for younger members of the school, staff and parents to pass on their best wishes to the Year 13s before they begin their examinations and finally leave Kristin a few weeks later. For some of these students it does mark the beginning of the end of a journey, which may have lasted for up to 14 years in several cases, and is an opportunity for the whole school

community to wish them well for the future and to once again show the support that the school has for its students, as they approach this new stage in their lives. This incredible event is clearly a celebration, in every sense of the word, bringing cheers, congratulations, colour, sound and an indication of the love that the school community holds for each and every one of them. It is a fitting way for the students to gather, before entering their final Senior School prize-giving, taking on the challenge of their final examinations and finally graduating.

David Boardman S E N I O R S C HO O L P RI N C I PA L



Think Global, Act Local This year has seen some wonderful new initiatives at Kristin, enabling us to feel more confident as we move towards a Silver Enviroschool status. The Sustainability Council is now fully established (see below) and we have made some significant contributions to local community projects and organisations making a real difference.

P L A N T I N G TR E E S Some highlights include joining the highly successful Trees for Survival programme. A total of 1,000 native seedlings recently took up residence in a newly built nursery unit near the Senior School’s garden and this move could potentially save the atmosphere from four tonnes of carbon per year! A number of students are caring for the seedlings over the next 12 months, growing small trees ready for farms and local community groups needing trees for their restoration and riparian planting programmes. In addition, since May over 2,400 trees have been planted in Sanders Reserve by Year 8 and 9 students. In undertaking these activities, students are learning more about native plants, conservation practices and how to use a spade correctly! For some, this was the first time they had planted a tree.

CA R I N G FO R O U R LOCAL CRE E K The Lucas Creek Project was a highlight for many students during Term 3. Over the past few months, students have created items that help promote conservation and increase biodiversity. Sculptures of plastic turtles, giant jandals and metallic korus, morepork boxes and wétá hotels were just some of the exciting visual displays. Educational signage along the newly created ‘bush walk’ next to the Science Block help people identify tree species and their value to the environment. Water testing has


Lucas Creek water testing

been a regular activity in Terms 3 and 4 and we are contributing to the Auckland-wide database with Wai Care. Parents, teachers and students attended our exhibition during November where environmental action was shared and celebrated.

CARING FOR OUR LOCAL COM M U NI T Y Showing care and concern for people in our local community – social sustainability - is a vital part of being an Enviroschool. In Term 4 many student groups have visited local aged-care homes to entertain and spend time with elderly residents, who don’t always get to interact with young people. Year 9 Chinese classes visited Aria Gardens to teach tai chi and calligraphy and our Year 10 Leadership teams and members of the Community Service and Cultural Committee have been performing, playing games and having great chats over a cup of tea! These are positive experiences happening in our local area and the opportunities encourage our students to show an interest in older generations. Finally, a wide range of inquiry-based learning at Kristin has inspired environmental action, the PYP exhibition and Year 10 community projects in particular. It is heart-warming and inspiring to see our students show care and concern for their environment and for others. To see more, check out www.kristinlive.co.nz.

Sarah Wakeford S E RVI C E LE A RN I N G C O O RD I N ATO R

Lucas Creek Maori Garden

Horse trekking in the Andes

Decode Club's online advertisement

A Political Club initiative

Performing a Rap Triology

CAS Activities 2018 Kristin School is proud of the unparalleled extracurricular learning opportunities it provides students. The epitome of this is Senior School’s emphasis on Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), which is one of the three core components of the IB Diploma programme. Students in this programme have invariably taken advantage of CAS fully and have embraced the exploration into this aspect of their curriculum. During the year, expressions of both joy and challenge were clearly visible as students accessed their creative sides on different levels. Many took on the challenge of furthering their skills in performing arts, which reached new heights when they were involved in the ever-excellent Senior School production of Phantom of the Opera. Different fields of visual art were also outlets for students to identify their interest, such as painting, photography, music video and movie making. In addition, students presented new languages they had acquired, as well as their political/philosophical viewpoints through various mediums including a rap trilogy. Other highlights of creativity included coffee art, coding, computer game development, furniture building, glass blowing, robotics, blogging and podcasts. Physical well-being is closely related to the status of mental health which is of particular importance to Senior School students. By facing physical challenges and exertions, they can relieve their stress and refresh their minds. Students made the most of the sporting opportunities we offer at Kristin, together with their own running, gym or Pilates sessions to improve their physical abilities. There were also tramps, dances (including

Scottish country dancing), Andes horse trekking and exploration on board the Spirit of Adventure. The Service component of CAS is an opportunity for the students to serve the community, and concurrently learn valuable life and social skills. They committed their time and effort into helping communities, both local and global. Seniors took it on themselves to run valuable club activities in the Junior and Middle schools, such as reading club, chess club and science club, alongside numerous mentoring and tutoring sessions There were also projects for retirement village patrons, creating their life stories and organising events for them. Working with charity organisations such as UNICEF, SPCA, SADD and Youth in Transition expanded CAS’s reach at a national level, while work in Romanian hospitals and volunteering in Nepal showed how global-minded our students have become. CAS is a fantastic opportunity to further each student’s interest and try out something new. There is no doubt that this year’s Diploma students have extended or found their passion that they will love and keep for the rest of their lives. Congratulations to them all for their fantastic CAS journeys.

John Cho I B D P CA S C O O RD I N ATO R



GAIL Conference 2018 - Another BIG Success In the July school holidays Kimball Union Academy (a GAIL school in New Hampshire, USA) held another hugely successful GAIL conference, where 70 students from seven schools around the world gathered for a week to complete a range of activities and share their ideas and culture with each other.

It was an incredible experience and from the moment we arrived our time was filled with amazing experiences. The theme of ‘Ethical Decision-making’ was engaging and the baseball games, fireworks on 4th of July, huge pizzas, hiking in the woods, farmers’ markets, talent shows, music, dancing and sports events made the week so memorable.

The trip finished with some hiking up Mt Washington and four days in New York, which was a magical time for everyone. Visiting the 9/11 Memorial Museum was very emotional and learning about the impact on the city very moving. Activities planned by the students themselves, such as cycling in Central Park, MoMA (the Museum of Modern Art) and visits to Broadway, were all magical.

Angelynn Jayasuria from Year 11 reflects on her ethical decision experiences, saying: “In these classes, we were faced with decisions that really questioned our morals and outlook on life. The conference taught me that when facing a problem there are always different approaches to be considered and that while everyone’s opinions are different, it doesn’t mean that there is a right or wrong opinion.” It was wonderful to see the personal growth every member experienced and saying goodbye after seven days was really difficult.

Kaitlyn Windmeyer (Year 12) reflects by saying: “GAIL has impacted me dramatically, from teaching me new skills, to making new friends and providing me with a once-in-a-lifetime experience, which I will treasure for ever.” As Executive Principal Mr Oughton always says, “Life is about the friends you haven’t met yet!”

Sarah Wakeford S E RVI C E LE A RN I N G C O O RD I N ATO R

Executive Principal Tim Oughton with some of the Kristin student representatives at the GAIL conference in New Hampshire


Joy Xu at the Louvre Museum in Paris

From left: Grace Young and her exchange partner in France

Dovetail Exchanges When I signed up for this exchange, I didn’t know just how amazing it would be but now, coming back to New Zealand, I know for sure that I have to return to France one day. This exchange wasn’t just to enhance my French (although it definitely did): it also helped me to realise that it’s OK to make mistakes. My confidence has increased and I’m not as afraid to participate in class now. I know to take every opportunity to ask, speak and just make the most of it all. My month of living in a different country with a different family went by so fast, I would have loved to stay longer. During this time, I did everything an average tourist would do but also so much more. I experienced the culture of Paris, I saw things that maybe tourists wouldn’t, I ate authentic French food and I went to a French school. There were some embarrassing, awkward moments but I learnt how to get through those and to learn from them. It was more than anything I could have wished for in an exchange. I’m also so happy to have been able to see Cléo, my exchange student, and all her friends and family.

My trip to Paris was absolutely incredible. While attending La Source, I made so many new friends that I hope will remain global connections for years so that if I’m in Paris or France in the future, we’ll be able to reconnect. The exchange has greatly improved my French as for six weeks I was fully immersed in the language. It was also amazing as I got a first-hand experience of the culture and life in Paris, which I think is close to impossible for any tourist. As well as seeing the tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Musée D’orsay etc., I was also lucky enough to experience things tourists wouldn’t, like the five-night camp in Le Temple-sur-Lot just outside of Bordeaux, canoeing, kayaking and rowing down the river near where we were staying, biking to sunflower oil farms and eating fresh melon from the garden. We did a whole array of activities and I am so grateful I was able to experience such a life-changing trip. Grace Young, Year 10

It was honestly amazing and whenever anyone asks me what was my favourite part was, I simply can’t choose! Joy Xu, Year 10


WPCA at Kristin Year 8 have had a busy time embracing the William Pike Challenge Award (WPCA) this year, for the very first time at Kristin. The motivating objective behind this challenge aligns nicely with the attributes we encourage in our students: resilience, challenge, change, risk taking, confidence, leadership and kindness. Treasured life skills and opportunities to embrace. We were honoured to receive several visits from William himself, who initially introduced the programme to our Kristin Community, and checked in regularly to watch our journey develop. William Pike is an inspirational Kiwi who has experienced a phenomenal journey - from losing his leg in a volcanic eruption, to starting a nationwide youth development programme, to recently mountaineering in Antarctica. William’s obsession for the outdoors, education and seeing life’s challenges as opportunities has helped him overcome adversity more than once. His Challenge Award provides leadership opportunities, volunteering and mentoring experiences to build those tough skills that enable our children to tackle the challenges that we know life can throw at them. Since 2013, the programme has made a positive impact on thousands of youth and close to 100 communities across the country, and it is considered the lead-in to the popular Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award. The Challenge Award involves partaking in the following tasks: 20 hours of community service, development or mastery of skills through five different outdoor activities, and 20 hours of involvement in new Passion Projects. We are proud that our Year 8 students rose to this challenge. The school guided individual participation by providing several opportunities to enable students to build up their hours and thus

One of the stalls at the Year 8 Market Day

experience success in all three areas. The opportunities for 2018 included: Camp and Electives activities, outdoor Humanities skills trip, beach litter removal, tree planting at Lucas Creek, a Market Carnival and the subsequent relationship with a new partner school (Waioneke), Duffy Books initiatives, and the Community Service Day at Wenderholm. A highlight for students would be the Year 8 Market Carnival in Term 3. The enthusiasm was evident from the very beginning of the planning stage. Countless hours were spent getting ready for the multitude of different food, drink, craft and games stalls available. Stalls were advertised, designed and decorated, ingredients were sourced, prices were negotiated, stress levels rose and $3,700 worth of trading was accomplished in support of Duffy Books for schools, Ronald McDonald House and Starship Hospital. It was an especially memorable day for many different reasons, where parents were invited to join in and see their children perform at their best. Students jumped on board with other inspiring initiatives to embrace the Challenge Award and stories were frequently shared in Deans’ Assemblies. Contributions towards Community Service examples include students visiting rest homes, teaching tennis, engaging in beach clean-ups, charity bake sales, the 40 Hour Famine, reading in Kindy and tree planting. One student took it upon herself to visit the Spectrum Care Home in Henderson to paint a mural to brighten up its back fence, to the sheer delight and gratitude of residents. Others were busy with Passion Projects including: Scout Camp, learning drums, hockey, baking, guitar, boxing, fencing, school productions, drama, skiing, basketball, boxing, singing, shortstory competitions, pottery, dance, netball, golf, jazz, debating, drawing, umpiring, trampolining, embroidery, photography, movie making, squash, robotics, running and archery. This is only a snapshot of what was achieved; a remarkable triumph. We feel this programme has been an invaluable experience to foster personal development in our students. Participation and inevitable success have been apparent, both in school and at home. We look forward to our William Pike Challenge Award Presentation later in Term 4 to recognise the large number of students who have managed to meet, or in many cases exceed, their personal goals. We congratulate you all!

Nicola Hackett YE A R 8 A SS O C I AT E D E A N


Middle School students on a DOE Hillary Award tramp

Chloe Zhong and Iliana Ren

DOE Hillary Award In 2018, Kristin students’ involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh (DOE) Hillary Award has gone from strength to strength. We have had a total of 175 Middle and Senior School students working towards an award this year – 77 at Bronze, 55 at Silver and 43 at Gold. The introduction of the Online Record Book this year has revolutionised how students can keep track of their progress and engage with their leaders. While much can be said about how well our students have worked within the programme and how much they have achieved, it is said best by a student. Here we share Year 13 student Chloe Zhong’s reflection on her experience of completing the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Gold Award this year.

Charlotte Tweedale SENIOR S C HOOL GATE CO O R D I N ATO R

F R O M C H LO E Z H O N G , Y E A R 1 3 The Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Gold award has been a lifechanging experience for me. The most memorable experience of the award was the two tramps that I did for my adventurous journey. During both tramps, our group aimed to challenge ourselves both mentally and physically. In the first practice tramp, we needed to cope with the harsh weather and an injured team member. Because of the heavy rain and swampy track, we tramped for around 12 hours. By 10pm the sky was already pitch-dark, all the team members were exhausted and cold in the heavy rain, and one of us was injured. Therefore, we decided to just camp on the side of the track. This was the first time I had camped outside of a designated camp area, and I learnt a lot about how to find a good camping site in the bush.

The qualifier tramp was slightly easier than the practice one, because we managed to get to the campsite on time, before dark. However, the weather was still a challenge. On the last day, the track became waterlogged and the rain was so heavy that we had to build emergency shelters and wait for the rain to stop. It is from both experiences that I learnt the importance of teamwork and developed my collaboration skills. There were many moments during the tramp where people in the team had low morale, and it was very helpful that others in the team supported and helped each other. All in all, our group worked collaboratively to finish the practice tramp. In the residential project, I stepped out of my comfort zone to start conversations with strangers. When undertaking new challenges, I was a bit scared and reluctant to step forward. However, after I did it I felt like I could achieve more. When I encountered the challenges, I faced difficulties such as collaborating with the team in harsh conditions and when the team morale was low. I overcame these difficulties by encouraging others. Through this experience, I learnt to tackle challenges head-on. The importance of teamwork was highlighted in my residential project as well; I learned to see different perspectives from others when we worked together. By sharing our ideas, I was able to understand others’ thinking, which enriched the observation that we were doing. The Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award has taught me many valuable lessons which I will be taking with me as I move from school.



Kristin Sports Staff Our Kristin Sports mantra is an important one: “to be the best we can be, every day”. We have appointed some quality coaches and managers at Kristin School these past three years. At Kristin we believe in providing a positive sporting environment for all our teams. Our Premier teams across the main sports disciplines have some top-quality coaches and sports staff involved.

S P O RT S O F F I C E S TA F F Abbey Doe has returned this year following the birth of her lovely daughter, Riley. In a new role, she is now Sport Manager covering Badminton, Tennis, Gymsports and Cheerleading. Abbey is one of our longest-serving Sports Office staff members, having joined us eight years ago. At the front desk in the Sports Office is Tanya Lucas. Tanya was previously Sport Manager at Whangaparaoa College and she specifically covers Orienteering here at Kristin. She is also directly responsible for assemblies and has updated our Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) systems. Tanya has a great attitude and helps out across a number of sports.

BASKETBALL Our Premier Basketball coach is Carl Buck. Carl was an NCAA Division college player for 3 years while at University in America. He also played for the Super City Rangers in the NZBL from 2011 to 2013. Carl has a close connection with Harbour Basketball and has coached at age-group level. His passion and enthusiasm for the game are there for all to see and our boys love playing for him. His technical skill and tactical approach to the game ensure that our teams are well prepared for the season ahead. In a competitive sport, particularly here on the North Shore, it is clear our teams need to have the quality of coaching that Carl provides. Managing our Basketball programme is Simon Mesritz. He played representative men’s Basketball including playing for the Auckland Stars and North Harbour Vikings in the NZBL from 1993 to 2002. Simon was selected for the NZ U19 team and then the Tall Blacks in 1996, playing in the test series against South Korea. His passion and willingness to coach cannot be questioned. His work at AIMS tournaments, in particular, is first class. Our teams perform to their potential and beyond. Simon has been instrumental in bringing Carl Buck into our coaching programme.

HOCKEY Our Head of Hockey is Sam Bartholomew, who will be here in a full-time capacity in 2019. We are delighted that Sam is involved with our Hockey programme. He had his playing days cut short due to injury. His passion for the game turned him to coaching, where he has been working hard over a number of years to


reach his ultimate goal of coaching the Black Sticks at an Olympic Games. He has worked with the North Harbour Women as the Head Coach for the past four years, winning the national league this year. He also coached the Junior Black sticks at the 2016 Junior World Cup and worked with the Senior Black Sticks in the lead up to Rio. His experience in high-performance Hockey will provide our young talent not only the opportunity to learn current trends and training methods but also to develop their skills and understanding of the game. Sam is passionate about Hockey and technically and tactically is one the most astute coaches around. Our Girls’ 1st XI Hockey side have had the benefit of former Black Sticks’ player James Coughlan as their Head Coach and will do so again for 2019. James has been a member of the Kristin Community for a long time now, coaching a number of our teams. He had a successful playing career involving 11 NHLs and 88 test matches for the Black Sticks, the highlight being the Rio Olympics in 2016. James has also been involved in a number of North Harbour and New Zealand talent programmes as a coach through academies and representative sides, including leading the Under 18 Girls to the 2015 national title. We are also fortunate to have as the Hockey Sport Manager Barbara von Foerster. Barbs represented the New Zealand over-35s at this year’s Masters World Games. A passionate Argentinian, she has also coached our AIMS teams and Intermediate Girls team. She brings some Latin American spirit to all her trainings and games and the students love playing Hockey for her.

FO OT BA L L Our new Head of Football is Rob Pickstock. Rob is no stranger to Kristin School having previously been in this role and having had two children attend the school. His experience is broad and within Football circles he is well respected. Rob has had a long association with Football as a player, coach and manager. He holds a National Senior Level coaching certificate and has been coaching junior and youth teams since 2003. He expanded his skills into the team management realm in 2010 and since then has served as manager of a number of New Zealand National U17 and U20 teams. In 2014 he was appointed manager of the All Whites, a position he held throughout their four-year FIFA World Cup campaign and right up until earlier this year. Rob loves Football and wants to ensure all students at Kristin who wish to play are able to do so in a relevant competition with a quality coach. His connections and contacts in Football are such that Kristin Football will be well served moving forward. Rob was signed on for the second half of this year replacing Paul Harkness. His work with both our 1st XI and AIMS teams

From left to right: Sherren Findley, Sam Bartholomew, Rob Taylor, Simon Mesritz, Rob Pickstock, Tanya Lucas, Abbey Doe and Barbara von Foerster Absent: Carl Buck, Kate Denman and Andreas Fossum.

at their respective tournaments was exceptional. Both teams benefited from his guidance and attention to detail. Rob is well placed to also work with the governing body of Football as we transition through the club vs school planning review.

NETBALL Our Premier Girls’ Netball coach is Julie Kelleman Poto (JK). JK has built our Netball team this year, culminating in them having some great results at the national tournament UNISS. Their tournament began superbly, winning five games in a row. They were unlucky not to progress through to the top division for next year. JK is no stranger to elite sports teams. She has played franchise Netball in the Waikato/BOP Magic team, earning a call up to the Silver Ferns squad, where she remained as a squad player for some time. JK has held national championship titles as both a coach and a player in Basketball, before changing codes to Netball. She is currently the North Harbour U19 representative coach, passing on her undoubted knowledge and experience to players from across the North Shore. Kate Denman was appointed Head of Netball at the start of 2017. She has done a wonderful job working across all our Netball teams to ensure all coaches and managers are supported. Kate has a PE degree and teaching qualifications from the UK. She also leads our Sports Academy programme and believes in building from the base to ensure our students are fitter, faster and stronger. Her work with Andreas Fossum, our strength and conditioning trainer from AUT Millennium, has seen all our students in the Academy improve on their fitness and movement competency. This will transfer through to the Senior teams as these students move through the school and building from the base will ensure our teams continue to perform at the highest level.

K R I S T I N S P O RT S ACA D E M Y This year has seen the Kristin Sports Academy programme increase with close to 80 students across Years 9 and 10 directly working on improving all aspects of their strength,

basic movement competency and fitness. Andreas Fossum is our strength and conditioning coach and he has developed individual training programmes (along with specialised training programmes) for those students wishing to push through and compete at the top levels in secondary-school sport. Andreas works closely with our Premier teams on strength and conditioning and also on sports-specific testing. This will provide important feedback to our students on areas of their physical development that they must work on if they are to improve their playing ability and also prevent injury. At Year 10 level, all students are invited to apply for the Academy with a focus on the main team sports. If space allows, those students in individual sports are also able to join the programme. The Academy programme runs at the same time as the timetabled Year 10 PE course. Working alongside Kate Denman, Teacher in Charge of the Sports Academy, students’ test results throughout the year have pointed to some large gains in all areas trialled. Andreas is currently studying for his Masters in Sport Science at AUT University. His work here at Kristin will form part of his study.

WAT E R P O LO Our new Head of Water Polo is Sherren Findley. She has a passion for sport and brings a wealth of experience in sports management. This year Sherren has also coached within our Netball programme. The Premier team Water Polo coaches for 2019 are Daniel Marsden and Ricky Thomson (for the boys and girls’ teams respectively). Both teams are already in training for the new season

Rob Taylor D I RE CTO R O F S P O RT


Harrison Messenger


Snowsports Success This year has seen another excellent set of results for all our Kristin Snowsports teams and individual performers. From our beginner to advanced opportunities and programmes, we have seen strong numbers participating and competing for the school. Our learning and training programmes at Snowplanet have been thriving with record levels of participation. We have again shown strength and dominance in the Auckland Secondary School Champs and in the North Island competitions. Nationally we have had several of our students dominating their age-group competitions with this even extending to some of our athletes competing on the world stage.

SNOWBOARDING Mitchell Davern (Year 12) has had a superb year on the slopes by gaining selection in the New Zealand Youth team that competed at the World Youth Snowsports Championships. Mitchell placed 13th in the heats, missing out by just one point to advance to the finals. Earlier in the year, he won the Auckland Secondary Schools Slopestyle Championships and in doing so contributed to the Kristin boys’ team winning their fifth teams event in a row! Following this, at the Junior National Championships, Mitchell went on to win 1st U18 Overall, placing 2nd in the Freeride, Slopestyle and Halfpipe events. He ended the season becoming a carded athlete with a bright future ahead. Juliette Perera, Year 13, took out the coveted North Island Secondary School Giant Slalom event held at Mt Ruapehu in September. This victory adds to Juliette’s stellar year, where she was also victorious at the Auckland Secondary Schools Championship and the National Indoor Series. Unfortunately, it was the only Snowboarding event able to be held at the North Island Secondary School Champs as the weather deteriorated and forced the cancellation of the rest of the event. This was disappointing, as the overall title looked possible for the taking – particularly after Juliette’s winning effort in the Grand Slalom event.


S K I R AC I N G Congratulations to Mikayla Smyth and Michol Hinton, both Year 9 students, who dominated at the recent North Island Secondary Schools Ski Championship held on Mt Ruapehu. Their top placings (1st and 2nd respectively) went a long way to delivering the Kristin Ski team the overall team title. Earlier in the year, representing New Zealand at the Whistler Cup in Canada, Mikayla placed 3rd in the Giant Slalom event. This was the best finish by a New Zealander for 10 years in this international tournament. In addition, Mikayla continued this form by winning the U14 NZ Youth Series title, taking out both the Giant Slalom and Slalom at the National Championships. Earlier in the year Michol won the Waimarino Trophy, a nationally recognised Ski Racing event. The future of Ski Racing at Kristin looks strong and with these dedicated athletes and the opportunities we strive to provide, hopefully this will continue to see us reaching the podium. Harrison Messenger, Year 10, has also had a fantastic year, dominating the National Youth Series to take out the overall title. In doing so he collected the NZ Giant Slalom and Slalom titles. He contributed to the Auckland Secondary School Champs’ dominance with the fastest performance of everybody on the day, winning the Giant Slalom. Mikayla, Michol and Harrison have been selected in the NZ FIS Alpine Youth Squad for 2019. This allows them entry into the major international competitions in Canada and Italy.

Brent Goldsworthy T E AC HE R I N C HA RGE - S N OW S P O RT S

Michol Hinton

Mitchell Davern and Juliette Perera

Mikayla Smyth

Mitchell Davern


Super Cluster Winter Sports Day 2018 Our winter sports day held at Kristin saw plenty of action on the Football fields, Netball courts, inside the Gymnasium on the Hockey turf. Most teams played five or six matches, learning teamwork and strategy along the way. Kristin’s teams fought hard in pool play and later in the day had to dig deep to find energy for the playoff rounds. Teams developed well under the watchful eye of experienced coaches.

Barb von Foerster, Simon Mesritz and Junior School teacher Helen McMurtrie. It was great to see parents on the sidelines, positively supporting their children in sport, and all games were played in great spirit with the love and value of moving at the centre.

All games except Netball were played on modified courts or fields with players brilliantly adapting to changing conditions - bigger or smaller spaces, new coaches and tournament rules. The tournaments played out without a hitch, thanks to our sports managers Rob Pickstock, Sam Bartholomew,

Fiona Ackroyd JU N I O R S C HO O L P E S P E C I A LI S T



Winter Tournaments N Z SECONDARY S C HOOL S W I NT E R TOU RNAMENT Kristin School was represented by 8 teams across 6 sports at this year's tournament. Hockey, football, netball, basketball, badminton and fencing teams were all part of the week-long competition. Games were held from Whangarei in the north to Christchurch in the south. This week-long tournament is a true test of individual character and how strong the teams are as a unit. The senior boys badminton team playing in the tier one tournament at North Harbour placed 9th. They defeated Napier Boys in their final match to finish one place higher than their seeding. This is a young team, with all team members returning to Kristin next year so we look forward to them going from strength to strength. Down in Christchurch our Fencers were in action. The Girls Foil and Girls Epee teams both brought home medals along with Sally Zhang winning an individual bronze. Our 1st XI Girls Football team achieved their best finish at the Kathy Seaward tournament placing 6th out of 32 teams. They played two games per day throughout the week scoring goals and having fun. At Papakura, the boys football team did not start the way they had planned, however ‘bounced back’ winning 5 games in a row and narrowly missing out on a top 8 finish. This was a real team effort. Both teams should be congratulated for their effort in a highly competitive competition. Both our hockey teams playing in the tier one NZ Rankin and Federation Cups faced the best schools in NZ. Our girls team were disappointed with their end result however, when looking back they were just 4 minutes away from placing in the top 16. They led St Andrews College 1 - 0 with just minutes left. A late equaliser meant St Andrews went through on goal difference. The girls had given their all but sadly it was not to be. In Tauranga the boys team decimated by injury were also unable to maintain their tier one status. But credit to the team as they never stopped trying. The two basketball teams in action were also up against some quality opposition. The Junior Premier boys team had a wonderful tournament. They defeated Rosmini 69 - 68 in their

3rd place playoff. An excellent result following their four wins in a row on the first two days of the competition. Our Premier Girls Netball team were on fire from day one. Winning their first 5 games then narrowly missing out on a top 5 position in their division. This was an excellent result by the girls. They played tough, uncompromising netball against some quality opposition. They were well prepared and credit must go to the coach and management of the team that had them peaking at the right stage of the season. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the tournament knowing they had put their hearts and souls into it. Thank you to all the staff and parents involved. You were all superb, working positively and thoughtfully with all the teams.

AIM S The excitement levels increased throughout term 3 as the Middle School Year 7 and 8 students got ready for the team departure on Sunday 9 September. This excitement continued throughout the week. This was the largest Kristin team ever to attend the AIMS games. Held in the sunny Mt Maunganui, the week was a wonderful experience for all involved. Every Kristin student who attended either as an individual or in a team gave it their best. In particular, the main team sports of basketball, football, netball, hockey and water polo saw all our teams play with incredible heart and discipline. Well played to you all. You were magnificent ambassadors for Kristin School. With over 10,550 students in attendance from all over NZ and overseas, the week-long event is a celebration of competitive sport. Congratulations also, to those involved in tennis, table tennis, badminton, gymsports, climbing, golf and sailing. There were some impressive results and performances across all these sports. Thank you to the parents who helped manage these sports for us. Without your help we would be unable to properly support our students at the event. One of the major highlights was the Kristin team dinner on the Wednesday night held at the Tauranga Yacht Club. A wonderful evening was had by all, with superb catering, and of course it was a chance to acknowledge the staff and coaches of all our teams along with the parents who helped managed them. In particular – a big thank you to Mrs Plummer for your organisation and planning for the AIMS tournament and the dinner.

Rob Taylor D I RE CTO R O F S P O RT


Macsen Sisam and parents

Mason Orchard with the Troake family

Sports Awards Dinner The 2018 Kristin Sports Awards Dinner was held at The Spencer on Byron hotel in Takapuna. It was a fabulous celebration of sport. The guest speaker for the night was our very own North Shore star, Eliza McCartney. She spoke passionately about the benefits of being active through sport, how to overcome challenges and always to look ahead and plan. Her key message of always giving “100%, no matter the situation or how you feel” was well received. We were also privileged to have in attendance Kristin alumni, Olivia and Cameron McTaggart – our very own New Zealand representatives at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. The 400 parents, students, staff and friends of Kristin who attended were delighted to hear from Eliza that Olivia had pushed her at training but had also been a great support to her. This year the school added the Peter Troake Cup to the awards. Peter, a Year 13 student, passed away last year and his family kindly donated this new cup in his memory. Peter loved representing Kristin in sport. Mason Orchard was the inaugural winner and was delighted to be presented this award for his loyalty, commitment and honour to Kristin sport. The Firth Cup, presented to our Overall Sportsperson of the Year, went to Year 13 student Macsen Sisam. Macsen has had an amazing year in Tennis. He was selected for the NZ Davis Cup team, having been a finalist in the NZ Men’s Open Championship. Following major surgery on his ankle, Macsen bounced back – gaining his first ATP Tour points following an impressive performance in Tunisia in September. We wish him all the very best as he pursues a professional tennis career. Congratulations to all those who won awards. They were well deserved and please do continue to play sport and be physically active. Thank you to the staff and parents for their continued support of Kristin sport. We are not huge in terms of numbers but we do ‘punch above our weight’.


Eliza McCartney reminded us of this: “Sport can be a challenge but that’s why we compete in the sports we do; we love challenges and bouncing back or performing on the day... It is this that provides the greatest of all challenges.”

M A JOR AWARD WIN NERS 2018: Firth Cup: Overall Sportsperson of the Year: Macsen Sisam Peter Troake Cup (inaugural winner): Mason Orchard Senior School Sportsperson of the Year, Female: Greta Stewart Senior School Sportsperson of the Year, Male: Macsen Sisam Middle School Sportsperson of the Year, Year 9/10 Female: Izzy Gaze Middle School Sportsperson of the Year, Year 9/10 Male: Jett Marshall Middle School Sportsperson of the Year, Year 7/8 Female: Keira Spilling Middle School Sportsperson of the Year, Year 7/8 Male: Leo Clancy

Sports Highlights Josh Berry and Greta Stewart

YAC HTI N G Greta Stewart was selected for the NZ Youth team for the fourth year in a row this year – this alone is an amazing feat. But to add to this, Greta earned her third medal from the four world championships she attended. The only other Kiwi sailor to have achieved this feat was Chris Dickson! Greta also teamed up with Josh Berry to represent Kristin in the Auckland Secondary School Fleet Racing Regatta. They placed 2nd, sailing in the 29er class.

Y EAR 7 AND 8 H OUSE AT H L ET ICS CH AM PIONSH IPS A wonderful day of competition and participation was had by all at this year’s Year 7 and 8 House Athletics. The event involved all students competing in 8 different events throughout the day. This was followed by track finals in the 100m and 200m and also class relays. The House spirit was amazing with everyone


contributing to a successful day. Despite some showers and the odd slip, the championships concluded in spectacular

Ten fencers - Azaria Eddy, Kaya Girdlestone, Victoria Graham,

fashion with the class relay and finals. Well done to all involved.

Blake Greenwood, Cameron Grimwade, So Yeon Park, Olivia

Congratulations to Apollo House, who took out the overall title in

Roberts, Sophie Shannon, Sally Zhang and Sam Zhuang -

a close-run contest with Jupiter followed by Mariner and Saturn.

proudly represented Kristin this year; and under the astute

Some individual highlights included Daichi Iizuka breaking the

coaching and management of Kristin’s Head of Fencing Judit

Year 7 boys’ 400m, 800m and 1500m records. James Zhang

Fliszar, they have excelled again. At the National Secondary

broke the school record in the Year 8 boys’ 800m as well.

Schools Championships held in Christchurch, Kristin fencers won two team medals and team captain Sally Zhang also won

Overall Year 7 Girls

Overall Year 7 Boys

an individual Bronze. Our Epee and Foil girls’ teams won Bronze

1st Claire Bachmann

1st Ben North

and Silver respectively. Well done teams!

2nd Lila Maffitt

2nd Cooper Clague

3rd Madelyn Rowe

3rd Shane Huang


Field Champion Claire Bachmann Field Champion Laurence Hang Track Champion Vanessa Li

Track Champion Daichi Iizuka

Overall Year 8 Girls

Overall Year 8 Boys

1st Izzy Plummer

1st Tongsheng Wu

2nd Wendy Wen

2nd Will Geraghty

Zhang competed in the doubles competition.

3rd Georgia Dagg

3rd Louis Hackett

A huge congratulations to Jeffrey Zheng, who came 2nd in the

Field Champion Georgia Dagg

Track Champion Tongsheng Wu

Track Champion Izzy Plummer

Field Champion Will Geraghty

Seven Kristin students attended the Auckland Secondary Schools Individual and Doubles Badminton Championships held at the Auckland Badminton Centre. Daniel Chen, Jack Hu, and Jeffrey Zheng competed in the individual championships; and pairs Martin Lin and Dennis Yang, and Christina Yang and Fiona

Junior Boys’ individual competition. This is a great achievement for Jeffrey as he was not seeded in the top 10. He only narrowly lost the final, 2 sets to 1.

S W IM M I N G Congratulations to Year 13 student Tiernan Keane. Tiernan has performed admirably in a number of competitions this year. He placed 1st in both the 50m and 100m Freestyle events at the Auckland Schools Individual Championships, and also placed 2nd in both the 100m Butterfly and the 100m Individual Medley. Tiernan capped off his year by representing the Cook Islands at the Oceania Championships.



Reid Harker


When Reid Harker graduated from Kristin in 2013 he already had motorsport in his veins. The young driver had been working hard on the highly competitive national karting circuit since 2009 and was preparing to step up to the NZ Formula First and BMW Race Driver Series. Fast-forward to 2018 and Reid has just had the season of his career, competing in the Toyota Racing Series and clocking up his first experience of Porsche Carrera Cup Asia for Earl Bamber Motorsport. Alongside his incredible on-track achievements this year, Reid has also graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Marketing and Management, and taken on an exciting new role in the marketing department of the Giltrap Group, which he describes “as a fantastic company who have done so much for motorsport in New Zealand.” Reflecting on everything that has happened this year, Reid says he could never have foreseen how everything would turn out; “It is so hard to predict where the next opportunity is going to come from, especially in motorsport. But, I have always had a good idea of where I want to be and am open to different ways of getting there, depending on the opportunities that arise.” This tenacity and drive has been a major factor in Reid’s success. It’s one of the things that impressed the team at Earl Bamber Motorsport when Reid was offered the opportunity to get behind the wheel in the penultimate round of the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia series in Malaysia in September. In an interview with velocitynews.co.nz, Will Bamber talked about Reid’s efforts to secure last-minute backing when an opportunity to drive came available; “I actually gave him the challenge on Thursday night and said ‘hey man, there’s a seat available, a driver had to pull out, make it happen…’ He was up at 4am calling New Zealand and making sure he had enough to secure everything to sign on.”


Reid went on to deliver a strong debut in the competition, improving over the weekend and making significant leaps forward. “I think by the end of the weekend we were within a second of the front guys. In testing we’ve found more time,” he told Velocity. “It is a super competitive championship up the front… I think if I was racing again [now] we’d be amongst it.” After clocking up such a strong first performance in Malaysia, Reid is more focused than ever to put together a campaign for Porsche Carrera Cup Asia in 2019. “My long-term goal is to become a professional driver, and this is just the next step in getting there.” He’s quick to recognise the support he has in pursuing this goal, both inside and outside the motorsport industry. “It is so important to have a strong support network. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and work with some awesome people in and out of motorsport who have helped me get to where I currently am and are helping me get to where I want to be.” And his secrets to success? That’s simple: “Do what you love, work hard at it, surround yourself with supportive people, deliver on your promises, and enjoy the journey.” We asked Reid how his 13 years at Kristin have helped him on his journey: “I wasn’t a highly academic student, but school helped me to find what I was passionate about, which has always helped me decide what to do next. “To my teachers, thanks for being a part of my journey and thanks for all your hard work in the classroom and behind the scenes. And to the students, try and enjoy every day at school. It’s not all that bad . And try to listen to your parents.”


Christmas Care Box Jessica Smee, Abbie Clough and Hannah Tweedie are three graduates of the class of 2013 who have set out to bring love and joy to Kiwi kids this Christmas. The trio are on a mission to fill at least 200 ‘Christmas Care Boxes’ with presents and essential items for less-fortunate kids ranging in age from 5 to 18. Thanks to some generous product and financial donations from New Zealand companies and individuals, these ladies are well on track to exceed their goal.

Moving into my own business, I didn’t want that momentum to stop. Earlier this year I had read there were over 85,000 children living in poverty in New Zealand, and it just didn’t sit right. Abbie and Hannah are equally passionate about helping those in need, and have helped turn this idea into a reality.

We caught up with Jessica recently to learn more about what they’ve been doing since leaving Kristin and to hear how Christmas Care Box came to be. What are we doing these days?

Last year, Auckland City Mission had more than 4,000 people lined up outside their doors over the Christmas period. Many of them were single parents with children who couldn’t always afford to put food on the table, let alone provide a Christmas present.

After finishing school at Kristin, Hannah studied at both Otago and Auckland universities, while Abbie and I attended Victoria University in Wellington.

Initially we thought this could be a one-off project, but after the overwhelming support we have received, it will most definitely be back next year, bigger and better.

Hannah completed a Bachelor of Arts majoring in media, film, television and psychology. Since then she has been working at Sky Television, in advertising sales as an Account Co-ordinator.

How does your time at Kristin play into who you are today?

After graduating with a degree in commerce, Abbie went overseas for a few months, travelling the world before settling back in Auckland as an Account Manager at an experiential marketing agency. Alongside her full-time job, she has recently started training to be a Pilates instructor. While working in the insurance industry, I’ve started my own company called Ducks in a Row. It’s an online platform that educates people about money, starting with things like KiwiSaver, insurance, wills, mortgages, budgeting and more. What is Christmas Care Box, and how did the idea come about? In my previous role at Ernst & Young, I was heavily involved with Auckland City Mission and high-school mentoring programmes. This work gave me a greater appreciation of the struggles some people are facing in our city. I began to organise charity drives to help those in need, for example our blanket-drive with Auckland City Mission, to help keep families warm over winter.

I think two amazing things we were taught at Kristin were empathy and initiative. The community projects we undertook at school camp and throughout the year, and the way we were taught to treat each other, have engrained in us a deep sense of empathy. Our home and school environments moulded us into individuals who care about other people. The other piece of the puzzle is initiative. It’s one thing to care and feel bad for people that might be struggling. But, without the guidance we received and confidence to muck-in and actually do something, this empathy would have been without action. In attending Kristin School, we have lived privileged lives. And I think it’s so important that we take time and use these gifts to help those in need.

For more information on Christmas Care Box, visit Christmas Care Box NZ on Facebook.


NZ Alumni Reunions This year we’ve had the pleasure of meeting up with over 250 New Zealand-based Alumni across the country as part of our annual reunion calendar. REGIONAL REUNIONS

A U C K L A N D 2018

While the first part of our year was busy with international events, our NZ programme kicked off at the start of Term 3 with our Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington reunions.

Held on campus in October, the annual Auckland Alumni Reunion is one of our most anticipated events in our reunion calendar. This year, we welcomed an incredible group of 150 past students and staff back to celebrate the special anniversaries of the classes of 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 and 2013.

We were fortunate to have a couple of special guests join us for our Christchurch and Wellington events this year: Head of Science Matt Campbell joined Alumni Manager Lucy Wilson for the Christchurch reunion and Assistant Middle School Principal Mark Haslam attended the Wellington event. We’re always overwhelmed with requests from past students who want to reconnect with favourite teachers, so the opportunity to have Matt and Mark involved this year was a great addition to our events; their attendance meant a huge amount to everyone in attendance. While these regional reunions are largely populated by current University students or recent graduates, it was great to catch up with Alumni from some of the earlier cohorts this year, including Dijana Dragicevich (1992), who is currently in Christchurch completing her PhD, and the entire Linnell clan of Christian (2004), Tamzin (2005), Adam and Marcus (2007), who are now all based in Wellington. With so many Kristin Alumni relocating back to Wellington after time overseas, we now have a strong base in the capital with Alumni from the early 1980s and ’90s through to 2017; and we look forward to welcoming our latest Alumni grads for next year’s events!

Our guests were given a tour of the campus by Principals David Boardman and Dave Scott, supported by students from the new 2018/2019 Events & Hosting Committee. For those who hadn’t been back since their school days – in some cases up to 35 years – the changes around campus were striking. For others more familiar with the School’s most recent developments, it was a wonderful opportunity to revisit memories and reflect on the way this place shaped their lives. One of the things that makes this event so special is that each of the anniversary year-groups come together to celebrate as one; and together, these seven year-groups represent every year of Kristin’s 45-year history. We had students from Kristin’s foundation years in Campbells Bay (1973-1978) and the early years of the Albany campus alongside Kindy Kids of the 1990s, Middle School Alumni from the 2000s and graduates of all decades. It was a true snapshot of our school and the sense of community was palpable; it was a joy to be together!

Lucy Wilson A LU M N I M A N AGE R

Auckland Reunion


London Reunion Our 2018 London Alumni Reunion took place over the October holiday break. It was a wonderfully fun and enjoyable event for our UK-based Alumni, with over 45 past students, staff and family members getting together for an evening of social networking and celebration of all things Kristin. A highly anticipated biennial event, the London reunion is an opportunity for guests to reflect together on how their Kristin experiences have shaped their lives so far. It is also a chance to build networks with like-minded locals and celebrate successes within the group. This year’s event took place at New Zealand House on Saturday 6 October and included Alumni from the class of 1986 through to graduates of 2017, as well as past staff and Kristin parents. The reunion was hosted by Executive Principal Tim Oughton, alongside Morag Fryer, our Director of Marketing and Advancement. Special guests included former Senior School

and Executive Principal Peter Clague (2000-2014), past Kristin teacher Chris Petersen (1990-2014), and past parents and current grandparents Pamela and Paul Clews. London has always been a major destination for our Kristin graduates and we currently have over 300 past students who are based in the UK. After several years of regular reunions (and thanks to the strong connections maintained through social media) our UK networks are going from strength to strength. We now have a London Alumni facebook group and encourage all UK-based Alumni and Kristin families to become active members of the local Kristin community.


Celebrating 45 Years of Kristin Staff It would be impossible to truly celebrate Kristin’s 45th anniversary without recognising the incredible staff and leaders who have contributed to making Kristin the school it is today. On Friday 21 September, we had the pleasure and privilege of welcoming almost 100 past Kristin teachers and Kauri Club members back on campus for a very special occasion: our 2018 Kristin Staff & Kauri Club Reunion. This event brought together the most incredible collection of individuals who have each shaped the learning experiences of countless students over the years of our school’s history. Among the guests were some who have been here right from day one – founding parents, teachers, board members and family members. We welcomed back 10 past Board members, three former Board Chairs, six former Principals and Deputy Principals, and 13 teachers who have given over 20 years of their lives to nurturing, teaching and supporting Kristin students. It was an absolute privilege to hear first-hand stories of how a small and dedicated group came together in the beginning, with a brave vision for what could be, and how they worked tirelessly to make it a reality. Joined over the years by so many highcalibre, passionate teachers and staff, together these people have created everything we know Kristin to be today.

A deep sense of gratitude exists within our Alumni community for those special teachers and leaders who have shaped students’ lives over the years. We asked for messages and contributions in the lead-up to the reunion and were overwhelmed by the comments that streamed in from Alumni who want to acknowledge and give thanks for the service of their teachers. It has been many years since we have had the opportunity to share such an occasion with this group and, following the success of this reunion, we are looking forward to creating more regular opportunities. Time is too short to lose touch again! I would like to extend a special thanks to Ted Berry, Liz Darlow and Wendy Hay for their contribution of countless hours behind the scenes, helping us reconnect with past staff and to spread the word about the event; we couldn’t have done it without you.

Lucy Wilson A LU M N I M A N AGE R

For our founders, it is incredible to walk through the campus and see those early aspirations reflected in the facilities that have filled the campus and the achievements of today’s students.

From left: Jayne de la Haye, Kristin Junior School Principal; Judi Paape and Maggie Twaddle, both former Kristin Junior School Principals; and Joan Baker, former Head of School (Primary)


From left: Former Board members: Neil Webber, Barry Stevens and Derek Firth

21 Years of Euphony Music has always been an important part of the fabric of Kristin. We are very fortunate to enjoy a rich musical heritage and a school culture that appreciates the arts. This is a legacy that has been laid down for us by the many staff, students and families who, over the past 45 years, have immersed themselves in music during their time at Kristin. As the years have passed and students have come and gone, different performance events and music groups have been created to reflect the passions and talents of the students of the time. Some have come and gone with the students themselves, others have evolved, and a few select groups have established themselves as icons within the school. Euphony is one such group; established as an auditioned chamber choir for girls back in 1997, Euphony has become the longest-running performance group in Kristin’s history and, this year, we celebrated the 21st anniversary of this special choir.

Alumni members, families, fans and supporters. Special guests included the group’s founder, former Head of Music Nick Richardson, long-time accompanist Shelagh Richardson, and founding Euphony member and current Kristin Board member Wendy Chen. Also featured in the programme were special performances from Alumni members from the class of 2009, Hillary Fee and Christina Orjis. Euphony manager Megan Bennett said the event was an incredible way to mark such a special anniversary and it demonstrated that the bonds created through the choir run much deeper than a simple love of music. “Euphony is a sisterhood. This incredible legacy of talent and passion for singing, established over the past 21 years, forms the basis for so many special memories and it’s wonderful to think this will continue for future Euphony singers and families too.”

Wendy Chen and Nick Richardson

Over the past 21 years, more than 200 students have sung, performed and travelled with Euphony; together they have gained recognition on the international stage and claimed numerous national titles and awards. Along with its members, Euphony attracts support from innumerable family members, friends and fans who are as much a part of the Euphony community as the members themselves. To celebrate the 21st milestone, this Euphony community came together over Labour Weekend for a special anniversary concert in The Dove. Euphony 2018 and 2019 were joined by


Here we learn to live T H E S TO R Y O F S I N G K R I S T I N One of the familiar faces that we welcomed back to Kristin at the staff reunion in September was Anne Tindall (formerly Bradstreet), a much-loved Kristin staff member who taught here from 1983-1992. Many Alumni and their families will remember Anne from her days as a teacher in the Junior School and for her involvement with Kristin music. For many years, Anne nurtured musical talent through Kristin’s musicals and student performances, often writing original pieces for students to perform. One such piece was Sing Kristin, originally written for the Mariner House Choir to perform in the 1986 House Choir competition. As well as taking the title that year, the song captured the spirit of the school community - so much so that Principal Claudia Wysocki asked that it become the official school song.

Anne Tindall (formerly Bradstreet) in 2018

Anne teaching students Sing Kristin


In the 32 years since it was originally composed, Sing Kristin has become a special part of what it means to belong at Kristin; thousands of students and staff have sung those lyrics together at assemblies and special events, our Alumni often break into spontaneous song during reunions and the lyrics are frequently referenced by students and staff alike when expressing what it means to belong here at Kristin. Anne’s contribution to the House Choir competition back in 1986 captured the spirit of the moment, and even today, her words hold relevance for what brings us all together in this place and time.

Sing Kristin - Original Lyrics

Early Beginnings - Jim & Anne Holdaway

A sausage sizzle at the 1974 garden party


Early Beginnings Excerpt from “25 Years of Kristin” Jubilee publication, 1997. Text from Anne Holdaway. When the idea of Kristin was born, my husband, Jim, chaired one of the first meetings of parents… Unfortunately, [our daughter] Sarah was too old to enrol at the initial Kristin Primary School situated at Campbells Bay. However, since the move to Albany, we have had the pleasure of following the fortunes of two grandchildren at the school. Despite a high standard of buildings and equipment, we recognise that it is still the input of people that really counts. It has been the influence of staff, students and parents who have fostered the unique Kristin Spirit that sets it apart from other schools and remains with students after they leave.

the depths of native bush lured by a Treasure Hunt, and nearby was a barbecue. The tennis court became an arena for marching girls, dog obedience courses and dancing; while a wine-tasting booth proved popular.

I have unearthed old diaries and relived the heady atmosphere of early Kristin. Still in sharp focus are the fundraising garden parties held on our property in 1974 and 1976… Roy Munn left no stone unturned in the organisation. Detailed maps covered every inch of our garden down to the last lolly for the scramble… Hoopla, a Wishing Well, Trampolines, Lucky Dip, Cookie Bear, Fairies, Fancy Dress and a Fire Engine. Children plunged into

Throughout the North Shore and beyond, [Kristin] uniforms proliferated, as first Intermediate and later Senior students stretched the school limits to capacity. We watched in wonder as our initial concept materialised beyond all expectations until today, when it holds a justifiably prominent position within the educational community.

Fundraising continued in earnest after the primary school opened at Campbells Bay. Team efforts, I recall, included two Balls, a fashion spectacular, wine and cheese evenings and endless lunches and coffee mornings. We begged, borrowed and baked while the school roll multiplied.


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