Progressive newsletter edition 5

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Together We Will

8867 Today! - 8867 Tomorrow! - 8867 Forever!


March 2017


Union Busting is NOT Common Sense

The Belize Progressive Party - BPP decries the announcement by the GOB, which expressed the intent to provide “a honourarium” to teachers who did not take part in the October 2016 industrial action. Apart from the Barrow Administration's blatant attempt at union-busting, the BPP highlights the gross mismanagement it represents, which is demonstrative as to why the nation is in such a dire state of affairs: socially, economically, financially and administratively. Recently, the government presented an inadequate budget which, in keeping with the dearth of leadership, lacked in vision as well as innovation. It was essentially standard, as far as budgets are concerned, featuring an overwhelming increase in taxes, which shall inevitably burden the most vulnerable. Even more disturbing is that not far removed from the

presentation and passing of said budget, the GOB had the face of brass, to announce the allocation of $1 million for the honourarium. Unlike Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, which has resorted to name calling and personalising the matter, which inevitably stokes the fire for partisan mischief-making, your BPP recognises the systemic and institutional nature of this negligence and calls out the Barrow Administration for its outrageous maladministration of the nation's affairs and simultaneously demands the PUP adequately fulfill its constitutional role of conducting the required due diligence to proactively pursue and expose this outlandish proposal of the government. If it is established that constitutionally mandated protocols stemming from the budget were not adhered to, the option of addressing this abomination via legal means must be considered.

Based on the unsatisfactory government budget, the BPP demands clarification regarding specifically, from where government intends to source the proposed $1 million payoff? Beyond that, if such funds are legitimately available, why has government opted to use it for that purpose, as opposed to putting it toward a less controversial and more impactful effort? After all, the dire socio-economic and financial status of the nation involving matters related to: citizen security, n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y, d i s a s t e r preparedness and overall human welfare, alongside a range of concerns, is indisputable. Your Belize Progressive Party - BPP demands that both sides of the PUDP non-divide desist from their disruptive engagement in an ongoing game of charades and place the necessary emphasis of meeting the ever-increasing needs of this nation, as their number one priority. With this display of a lack of conviction to doing what is best for the nation, on both sides of the aisle, it is no wonder that corruption and intentional dysfunction remain par for the course, in terms of Belize's governance. Therefore, the BPP calls on the unions, civil society and the remaining social partners to remain resolute on this matter and not allow the age-old tactic of “divide and conquer” to successfully rear its ugly head.




On 21 September 1981, British Honduras obtained its “independence” from Great Britain. Given the indisputable disproportionate history surrounding the access to and control of our natural resources, it was cause for celebration, for ideally, the path toward selfdetermination and self-reliance, was set for the inhabitants of this nation to be the prime recipients of Belize's natural splendour. That is what should have occurred, but much to my chagrin and hopefully to the masses of Belizeans both at home and abroad, it is clear that no such thing occurred and in effect, our people went from being ruled by the colonialists, to allowing and quite frankly facilitating their successors, the native neocolonialists, to rule over us. In analysing Belize's body politick, I make no bones in saying that ours is a classic case-study of intentional dysfunctionality. Although selfpraise is no recommendation, admittedly, I am more than judicious when it comes to identifying precisely who the culprits are in this quandary of inequity premised on: corruption, nepotism, cronyism and subterfuge. Effectively, it is those elected officials who have crafted and continue to manipulate the PUDP system, in that those in positions of authority, base their decisions on self-interest; which is a classic case of Rational Choice Theory. Anyone who loves this

nation and is not a PUDP minion can attest that such is the case in Belize. These politicians, especially those of the legal ilk, are notorious for their manipulation of the facts and hoarding of the spoils that all Belizeans should enjoy As a student of Governance and Public Policy, I know that elements involving: community outreach/liaison, transparency, accountability, checks & balances, the use of governance tools such as referenda and the employ of proportional representation, are critical toward achieving the soughtafter best practises. Unfortunately, it appears as though despite the expanse of time, the influence of the buccaneers and those who engaged in piracy is deeply rooted in our DNA. How else can one explain a nation that is blessed with natural wealth untold and boasts a population of less than 390,000, yet is in such dire: social, economic and financial straits? Quite frankly, if it w e r e n o t f o r o u r i n d i ff e r e n t approach toward issues that should be of the utmost concern, I believe Belize would not be in such a selfinflicted mess. Take for example the myriad of hotbutton issues which demonstrate the lawlessness we have aided and abetted, by not holding our elected officials accountable. If I were to produce a comprehensive list, this piece might prove never-ending, so in terms of current issues of concern, here are but a few. First is the existential threat posed by Guatemala and the myopic-FAILED GOB (PUDP) “4A Policy” of: A P P E A S E M E N T , ACQUIESCENCE, ADHERENCE and ACCOMMODATION to every demand by our aggressive neighbor which serves to facilitate their bullying and intransigence and the

GOB's asinine- flawed narrative which irrationally urges Belizeans to vote to take the matter of Guatemala's unfounded claim to the ICJ; second is the Immigration Scandal which is yet another blatant manifestation that is underscored by the ongoing practise of granting Guatemalan nationals Belizean citizenship…in direct contravention to Belize's Constitution; this takes us to the matter of GOB's unsatisfactory and vision-less budget, coupled with their intended attempt at union-busting by allocating $1 million (that was not noted in the budget) as an honourarium, for teachers who did not strike during the industrial action in 2016. These are but a few of the distasteful and treasonous acts of aggression, we allow to occur, when we sit idly by and do nothing! In all, “Belize dah fu wi” and until the electorate not only accepts, but realizes the salience of that sentiment, alongside the required sense of ownership that must accompany it, the nightmare of Belizean governance or the lack thereof, complete with its dearth of principles, shall continue on its downward spiral. Your Belize Progressive Party – BPP represents the hope for this nation and only through your support shall we be empowered to represent the people of Belize enroute toward making good governance the norm, in conjunction with adherence to the rule of law, as opposed to it being the exception.

8867 Today 8867 Tomorrow 8867 Forever Belize, Sovereign and Free – NO ICJ!


Paco Smith

Belizeans and true friends of Belize, Amid the numerous instances of intentional dysfunction perpetrated by elected officials on both sides of the PUDP nondivide, is there anyone among us who honestly believes that our nation is not in trouble? I pose this question because it should be glaringly clear to one and all, that corruption is the bane of Belize's progressive development. When we allow elected officials to run amuck of the law, irrespective of whether they are part of the sitting government or members of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition, it damages Belize. Fundamentally on the need to do that which is right, each of them must be held

accountable for their actions or lack thereof; hence working to repair and improve the social fabric of the nation. With elected officials blatantly thumbing their nose at the law and even worse, with little to no effort put forth concerning enforcement, that is why Belize is quickly deteriorating in the areas of: human development, social welfare, citizen security and the overall common good. If I were to list the many ways through which the nation is hemorrhaging due to the existing lack of vision and commitment to the rule of law, it would prove quite extensive. Yet, the scope of administrative negligence displayed by s u c c e s s i v e P U D P administrations is testimony as to why Belize is suffering from a selfinflicted morass of corruption, which is underscored by our collective reluctance to take elected officials to task. The symbiotic relationship of the PUDP, results in the continued charade, which holds negative consequences for Belize. Take for example the so-called “Integrity� Commission. Upon its formulation the Chairperson decreed that it would forego its rightful role to ensure that all

elected officials who are in compliance with the Prevention of Corruption Act (POCA) circa 2008. Does it come as a surprise that only the BPP has lodged a fervent complaint? Neither the UDP, nor the PUP will follow suit because both know that members of their parties shall be affected once the law is enforced. Therefore, if you are serious about making the muchneeded, substantive change, remain vigilant and do your part to place Belize on the path to recovery. You can begin by supporting your Belize Progressive Party - BPP in any fashion you deem appropriate and eventually become a member, because the BPP is the only viable option for Belize. 8867 Today 8867 Tomorrow 8867 Forever Belize, Sovereign and Free - NO ICJ!

The Progressive (Established 2016)


Belize Progressive Party

Editor: Hipolito Bautista Asst. Editor: Abdul Nunez Layout: Diafra Nunez Lithographer: Matias Ara Please address correspondence to: # 63 Vernon Street Belize City, Belize Tel: (501) 202-2448 (501) 615-4476

E-mail address



Aspirations for Achievement Featuring Tricia Young Tricia Young was born on January 7, 1980 and grew up on George Street, Belize City. She was a student of Queen Square Primary Later she attended the Nazarene High School although she was unable to graduate from there. Ms. Young is the second youngest child of Ms. Martha Romero and Mr. Dennis Young Sr. She is presently thirty seven (37) years old and is the mother of four children, one daughter and three sons. She aspires to be the best mom she can be. Despite the many challenges she is facing, she is now attending the Gwen Lizarraga’s High School Evening Division and received a scholarship from the Belize Progressive Party. Ms Young has ambitions to someday travel the world as a social worker and to continue helping others. She looks forward to also meeting new people, exploring different cultures and learning about their history in her future travels. But now, she resides in beautiful Belize where

she works hard as a single mother to raise her children. Her daughter, the oldest, is a fourth form student of the Pallotti High School and hopes to someday become a lawyer. One of Ms. Young’s sons, the oldest of the boys, is in the first form at Ladyville Technical High School and the other boys attend the Burrell Boom Primary School. Ms. Young is of the Muslim faith and has been an active member of the Belize Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at for the past three years. She designed the Belize Pantry Program which was orchestrated by the Government of Belize and was once a security guard for the KBH Security Company. She also worked as a bartender and cashier and mainained the Internet Café and Masjid for the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.

Liberating Women’s Group Meetings Every Saturday at the Belize Progressive Party Headquarters Starting at 1:00pm

Youth and the Economic Situation in Belize


by Abdulmajeed Nunez

Is Belize the new Columbia? Belize is the only Central American corridor open. Is there anyone who wondered why Guatemala has annexed to Sarstoon Island? And if Guatemala, Honduras and Belize are benefitting from drug transshipment? Is this the reason why Southern Command is here? Everything is interrelated; US visas of high officials are being revoked, Mr. Middleton's has visa phobia. The youth is learning by observation that they must survive by any means necessary. Look at the mockery of the Senate Select committee, not withstand every day someone walks from a murder trial at the Supreme Court due to Nulli Prosequi. The corrupted are not prosecuted in fact they are rewarded, this is the level of cynicism being fostered in our youth. If any, past indication is a trend right now. Before Easter, crime will escalate especially petty crime. Anything to get a few bucks r i g h t n o w. P r o s t i t u t i o n w i l l increase and buying power is going down. Belize has a service

driven consumer driven economy rather than a productive economy. People will want to consume and will not care how they get it. There is going to be less opportunity to hire youth and if they are hired, they will not work as much because employers are going to have to pay them more, assuming they have to pay income tax. Employers are not going to want to do that they will rather work with the ones they currently have. The fix is a short-term fix (raising of taxes), but it is sure to have longterm misery. This economic downturn and the raising of taxes is going to affect everybody and crime will become rampant. Scams will be on the increase, ripping people off, whatever people feel they have to do to get money. Syndicates and gangs will be on the increase, since they see the void on the streets being left by the police. Gangs will do more hits for money. Since desperate times call for desperate measures, there will be an increase in kidnappings, robbing of tourists and ransoms. People are on the edge right now, as things get harder, people will be become more edgy. Then we go back the 2012 when tourists stopped coming due to fear of danger. One tourist attack could damage this industry forever. Government is busy raising taxes; can anyone explain what they are doing to alleviate poverty at the same time? They will do nothing because they will have to spend money. Crime will escalate because in Belize everything is inter connected. Government finding a million dollars to give teachers as an 'Easter bonus' in these hard economic times is clearly union busting. Notice they

found it after they started raising taxes so those loyal stooges will still think they are getting their fair piece and that GoB is taking care of them. Lining up their pockets a bit to keep them loyal and blind. On top of that the BNTU is ready to elect a new leader as Luke Palacio can no longer be leader. Elena Smith is looking to be his successor. Trying to distract teachers from supporting this Senator. The UDP made a mistake of clear union busting which needs to be challenged in court. In my view, the taxes measure is not going to go well and in a few years or so, they are going to have more problems with the super bond. Their greed, poor managerial skills, drunken by power and stature will be the key factors. They are going to get m o n e y, b u t b e c a u s e t h e government is so corrupt, the monies will not go where it is supposed to since there is no independent audit. Everything is hush, hush and everyone does not get to see it. The youth on the streets are seeing the corruption not only optically. I am leaning to the question, is Belize a drug state? How does a minister get all this money and still not have money to pay the superbond? Where else are they getting the money from? Elrington does not care about the borders because with an adjacency zone they could help Guatemala out with the trafficking. If we had a border, then we would not be the traffickers that we are. The US used to think that Belize was this golden spot in Central American used for trafficking; now they realize we are just as guilty.


How to Make a Piggy Bank Out of a Water Bottle knife. Ÿ Use scissors to cut out ear




and inner-ear on orange paper Repeat for other ear. Cut out. Place inner-ear on blue paper and trace around. Repeat. Cut out. Fold ears at tab. Position ears along edge of paper band, about 1" to each side of slot. Tape tabs to back of paper band. Wrap band with ears around bottle, aligning slots on bottle and paper. Overlap ends of band and tape seam.

Ÿ Trace around bottle cap on

orange paper.

Materials you have: Empty plastic beverage bottle (the wider the better) Craft knife Scissors Colored paper (1 sheet orange, 1 sheet blue) Pencil Craft glue Transparent tape Hole punch Paintbrush

Materials you need: 4 wood beads (3/4" diameter) from (Local craft store)

Ÿ Cut out and glue to cap. Orange acrylic paint from local Ÿ Use hole punch to make 2

craft store


blue circles. Ÿ Glue to bottle cap. Ÿ For eyes, use hole punch to

make 2 circles of either color. bottle. Use craft knife to cut Ÿ Glue them to bottle. Or, cut a 1 1/2" x 1/8" wide slot (for 2 dime-size circles out of inserting coins) in bottle, contrasting paper and glue about midway between top hole-punch circles to them; and bottom. glue larger circles to bottle. Ÿ Use scissors to cut a strip of Ÿ For legs, paint beads and orange paper long enough let dry. Glue to "belly" side to wrap around bottle and of bottle. Ÿ same width as bottle label. Courtesy Ÿ Wrap paper around bottle and use a pencil to trace et-home/crafts/water-bottleover slot in bottle. Unwrap paper and cut slot with craft craft

Ÿ Peel label off clean, empty



by Charles Leslie Jr.

REALITY Playing the blame game will not bring Belize out of our current economic and social crisis. The blame game has been the modus operandi in the House of Representatives for the better part of 35 years. I will not go into the details as to why that is. I believe that all right thinking Belizeans are fully aware of why we are where we are. But I understand that most Belizeans are not sure on how the vacuum will be filled once you decide to go to the polls and oust the PUP and UDP and the entire dysfunctional system that they have maintained and allowed to persist. And to add, I also understand why you may be reluctant to embrace the Belize Progressive Party. You shouldn't be afraid.


did not attempt to buy votes, for we would simply have become a part of the problem of perpetuating poverty.


did not stop pushing anticorruption even when we were told we only focused on a few issues, and were proud when the BNTU took up the challenge to take the push to the finish line and getting UNCAC signed. were the champions of protecting our sovereignty, our borders and bringing national and international awareness to Guatemala's illegal claim and invasions of our nation. never compromised our principles and stance based on the popularity of any one BPP member, for we want to make sure that the integrity of democracy remains itact throughout our growth, even if it means losing some members along the way.



A NECESSARY SACRIFICE: NO COMPROMISES! The members who makes up the BPP, understand a very important concept when it comes to really WHO IS SERIOUS ABOUT CHANGE addressing the economic and social I have heard the debate take place in issues of Belize: the public forums, that 'third' parties are not serious about politics, and not Political parties put politicians to run serious about change. This false for office, and the party with the most premise has been one of the Achilles' winners controls the House, and the Heel of Belize's progress towards a Cabinet. They then become the nation that benefits all, instead of a few. ONLY entity that can make or break economic policies. No one else in Quite the contrary, the only people this nation has that power. No truly serious about change are the political party in Belize is capable of people who decided that they will put addressing the issues that ail our their name on that ballot and run for nation, once in the House of office, outside the established political Representatives and Cabinet from a institutions of the PUP and UDP. compromised position. It will never happen! These are the Belizeans, going as far The BPP is the ONLY political party back as a true patriot and national hero, that has not compromised its Philip Goldson, who: integrity and principles to win an · put our lives, livelihood and election. families at risk, to stand up for The BPP: you, the people. · did not take money from · who risk getting ostracized from special interest groups to win friends and families, to stand up elections, for we did not want for, you, the people. to be burdened with giving · who risk getting politically sweet, accommodation victimized in every way deals to anyone. possible, to stand up for, you,

the people. Belizeans have been calling for saviors of our nation. Those saviors won't come in shining armor, nor come from the elite families. They will come from among you, they are the ones who are willing to take a bullet for you. They are the ones who live your reality every day. They work hard, just like you, to feed their families. They feel your pain, b e c a u s e t h e y l i v e like you. WHAT YOU CAN DO Financial: This is the real world we live in. And it takes financial and human resources to get things done. From the small donations that have trickled in since our inception, we were able to prove our mettle and get our headquarters up and fully functional in less than one year after the 2015 Belize general election. Our Secretariat has been doing a wonderful job, and we have managed to publish 4 issues of our The Progressive Newspaper, and working on the fifth. All of which we are doing by pooling our own personal resources and the resources that are trickling in. Ideas: If you are unable to help financially, then, please, volunteer your ideas. We have people who send us ideas every day, and we have been archiving those ideas and studying them. For us to bring this nation out of this abyss, we know that we have to listen and we are listening. Volunteer: If you are able to volunteer some of your time, please do so. We need all the help we can get. Most of us have jobs or own our own small businesses, thus making it a challenge, but necessary sacrifice, for us to grow the BPP the right way, without compromising. Vote: Belizeans, especially our young Belizeans who have withdrawn from participating in the political process. Continued on Page 9

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Vanguard! From BFLA Arm She stepped up to the Youth Advocacy Movement with charm She's first Vice President of the National Youth Council Acting or Interim President of National Exec and the Belize District Council After organizing the Caribbean Youth Summit Which was nothing short of a hit? Then journeyed to Brussels Belgium representing National Youth Councils With the Caribbean Regional Youth Council Belize was a part of the Caribbean Delegation Proving again to the nation A nation only rises as high as it raises its women She works with youth governance my friend Her capability has been proven Hailing from The plot of land Weh CDCDC now St. Martin's deh pan Weh she received her education From preschool to std 6 graduation Where she was the salutatorian Dah deh she did baptism and first Holy Communion Her navel string is buried there Half her life was spent right there Her mother is an accountant Her father a fellow militant Her personality is out going and

pleasant For chaos and incompetence she has no tolerance She is the fourth girl of a family of six So you know she learns quick Her teachers' hold her in high regards She's a recipient of the 2014 youth awards Ms. Dominique Is quite unique From Dina Chang in STD 4 she did beat By an average of zero point one Even the principal came to tell her congratulations She has always been responsible A trait that is distinguishable

In her, her teacher saw a leader With the task of trash monitor Her teacher then entrusted her From trash monitor To class supervisor Then on to peer helper Class Rep to Class president Then off to Youth Ambassador she went Imagine a 15 year old from the St. Martin community Who had never left her country? Represented Belize proudly in Washington DC She has proven she's a vanguard Ready to step up in that regard. By: Abdulmajeed K Nunez

BPP Policies Explained LENDING INSTITUTION PLAN The BPP will immediately declare a moratorium on residential foreclosures, affording homeowners an opportunity to refinance with a more considerate National Bank. The BPP will enact usury laws that will protect all Belizeans from usury abuse. The BPP will utilize the National Bank to provide low-interest financing to the productive sector. The BPP will create legislation to allow for the establishment of jointly funded mutual funds by the private and public sector, to provide low interest financing to the productive sectors of the economy geared towards import substitution – focusing on AgroIndustries and LightManufacturing. The BPP will encourage all farmers to join newly created

Help us to create the change you want to see!

to the BPP Development Fund Account #100272401 Atlantic Bank Belize City, Belize Central America

FARMING & VALUE-ADDED PLAN cooperatives that will have access to special subsidized rates and loans. The BPP will adopt appropriate programs conducive to reducing the cost of doing business for the productive sector, such as fuel subsidies and subsidies for utility rates. The BPP will emphasize import substitution, identifying those products that can immediately be produced locally The BPP will create an environment with incentives that shall encourage local producers to pursue value-added initiatives. The BPP will ensure farmers are abreast of the benefits involving the existing agreements and protocols to which Belize is a signatory (e.g. Rules of Origin under the CSME). The BPP will support backyard gardening countrywide, in every municipality and schools. Providing seeds, technical help on how to do compost. The BPP will enact a minimum municipal new lot size of 75 x 100 instead of 50 x 75. This gives an additional 2,750 sq.ft for backyard gardening. The BPP shall support the development of the Organic Niche Market to increase the value of our products. That's Not All: These programs will assist in regulating the market nationally while preparing the farmers to improve their export to compete on the international market. BPP

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will make sure the farmers are informed on the Rules of Origin under the CSME. The BPP will therefore utilize the Agritade policies for the (Caribbean: Agricultural trade policy debates and developments, 2013). Benefits of Treaties: Inform the farmers of the benefits of the Protocols Amending the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas with regards to Protocol IV Trade Policy and Protocol V Agricultural P o l i c y. R e f e r e n c e : P a p e r presented at the Salises Conference 2004, Jonathan Lashley PHD, ‘CSME: Effects on Small Business Enterprise (SBE)’. Why BPP is the Only Machine that can Save Belize Continued from Page 7 We do not need you to march in the thousands. We do not need you defend us on Facebook or the radio. We do not even need to know that you support us. All we need is for you to register to vote, walk into the polling station on Election Day, and cast a REAL protest vote. Help us send a clear message: "We have had enough. We deserve better than this. We demand better than this." From the bottom of my heart, I would like to take this time to thank all the Belizeans who have come out to support us. I know it is a risk, however, it shows that you are willing to stand up for your country and countrymen. You are a true hero in my eyes. This is not a hobby for us, this is not a game for us, we know we deserve a better Belize, and we will continue fighting for it. With your support, we can. Together, we will save Belize.



Tumeric (Yellow Ginger) and High Blood Pressure Traditionally known as a spice, curcumin in turmeric or yellow ginger is now recognized for its anti-inflammatory effects and for being a strong antioxidant. Curcumin is used as a treatment for a variety of illnesses including h y p e r t e n s i o n . Hypertension is the clinical term for high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/80. These are systolic and diastolic blood pressure; systolic being the maximum pressure by which heart would pump blood in your arteries and diastolic being the minimum pressure by which your heart is refilling. High blood pressure is a medical condition that would qualify as pressure above 140 and above 120 would be prehypertension . Hypertension is classified as: * Primary hypertension: When there is no identifiable cause of high blood pressure. * Secondary hypertension: Any underlying condition that causes high blood pressure. Age, family history being obese, being physically inactive, tobacco consumption, lack of minerals and vitamins in diet are few risk factors for developing high blood pressure. Chronic hypertension can lead to heart diseases, heart failure, vascular disease, kidney disease, vision loss etc. Lifestyle changes like weight loss, reduced salt intake, healthy diet, exercise etc. can help reduce

high blood pressure. Blood pressure medications are also prescribed. Turmeric shows some excellent anti-hypertensive properties. Spicing up your diet with turmeric can benefit in h y p e r t e n s i o n . How does turmeric benefit in h y p e r t e n s i o n ? Research studies do show some great evidence about how turmeric can help normalize blood pressure. 1. Turmeric has anti-hypertensive property Renin-angiotensin is a hormonal system that regulates blood pressure. It involves activity of enzymes-renin and angiotensin as well as receptors or proteins that bind to these enzymes. It also involves kidney function since kidney affects blood volume by filtering it from toxic elements and adjusting electrolyte balance. Research shows that curcumin can reduce hypertension by regulating the activity of angiotensin receptors and thereby preventing the blood vessels from constricting. Not only curcumin, turmeric oil fraction and turmerone also demonstrate similar activity. Research shows that curcumin and its derivatives have vasorelaxant properties or the ability to relax blood vessels which reduces resistance to blood flow and hence reduces hypertension.

D o s a g e Inclusion of turmeric in diet can help in hypertension. A therapeutic way of taking turmeric is The Golden Paste. It contains black pepper and oil which enhances the absorption of turmeric in the body. 1-2 teaspoons of the Golden Paste taken once or twice daily can help. P r e c a u t i o n Turmeric in diet is safe. If you are trying turmeric for the first time you might experience slight gastric discomfort which should subside eventually. Turmeric supplements should be taken with caution. A few cases in which you should avoid turmeric supplements are: - Pregnancy and lactation - Prior to surgery - If suffering gall bladder issues If taking blood thinning medications, anti-depressants and blood sugar lowering medicines. Curcumin supplementation is found to have drug interaction with hypertension treating drug, losartan. Therefore if you are taking antihypertensive drugs there could be a possible drug interaction with curcumin supplements when taken together. Turmeric in diet is safe, since it has a lower percentage of curcumin and free from additives. Consult a doctor before taking turmeric supplements.


Dominique Noralez Dominique is the daughter of Charlet Hauze and Albert Noralez and was born on January 12th, 1997 in Belize City.

youth arm (YAM) and the subcommittee of the National Aids Commission where she is president.

She is a past student of St. Martin's Primary School and St. C a t h e r i n e ' s A c a d e m y. S h e graduated from primary school with many awards and top honors and from high school with gold honors and a young writers' award.

Dominique also is a musician and plays tenor pan with the Pandemonium Steel band.

Currently, Dominique attends the St. John's Junior College. In 2012, she became a Youth Ambassador and received training in leadership and

Deservingly, Ms. Dominique Noralez was awarded 2017's Outstanding Young Woman. (Courtesy Department of Youth Services) advocacy in the United States. She is a member of the BFLA's

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The Executive 2016-2017

Patrick Rogers (Political Leader)

Jennifer Arzu Williams (Dep. Chairperson)

Paco Smith (Chairperson)

Hipolito Bautista (Secretary General)

Pearlene Jones (Dep. Secretary General)

Charles Leslie Jr. (P.R. Director)

Elizabeth Dena (Treasurer)

Dennis Smith (Dep. Treasurer)

Melva Gabourel (Dep. P.R. Director)

Wil Maheia (Dep. Party Leader)

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