Belfast Telegraph Family Life MAgazine April 2016

Page 25

22 April 2016 | Belfast Telegraph

Family Life | 25 Fresh flowers are both bright and fragrant


Go for green! If your garden is looking on the tired side, give it some attention and you’ll be rewarded with velvety grassy glory and sumptuous colour throughout the summer.


Sink the stink... You might be nose blind, especially if you have pets. Get a friend to come round and give you an honest verdict, then do something about it. If the culprit is an old rug, take it to the dump. Whatever the source of your pong, deal with it at source, then brew up your own DIY room spray using distilled water, a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of your favourite essential oils such as lavender, lemongrass or cinnamon. And breathe...


Outside chance... Go out and take a cold, hard look at the front of your house. Peeling paint? Blocked drains? A heap of stuff waiting to be brought to the dump? Begin to deal with these problems and you’ll soon find you are delighted to come home every day.


Somethingold, somethingnew

Vintage furniture has stood firm against the onslaught of modern minimalism, shouldering aside the sleek shiny surfaces and plain grey walls that have dominated homes over the past few years. Vintage never went away, because quality will always stand the test of time, and whether your scheme has a 2016 Mexican twist or looks like something from the pages of a 1950s home décor magazine, the chances are you would rather give away any amount of modern paraphernalia than part with a single antique item. Even worn varnish can be viewed with affection, as it bears witness to loving hands which are no longer around. It’s as personal as modern slick is impersonal. Kickstart your vintage journey with a quality sideboard or a beautiful Chesterfield suite and begin creating heirlooms for future generations, or check out the auctions for pre-loved pieces.

Wide Vintage Sideboard, was £899 now £599, McCully Furnishings

Vintage Chair, was £209 now £139, McCully Furnishings

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