Belarus (magazin#8 2021)

Page 40


Vera Polyakova


What is the main thing in her life Vera Polyakova, media actress, TV presenter, head of the theatrical project "TriTformaT", associate professor of the department of vocal, speech and plastic disciplines of the Academy of Arts of Belarus would like to tell the readers of the magazine?



About life, theatrical performances, new formats of theatrical performances, about her husband, children and friends, as well as why the year 2020 was very important in her destiny – about this and about being, in which it is impossible for her to live without straining – is our conversation with her. Once one of her colleagues said about Vera Polyakova that she is a real boon to journalists: bright, lively, charismatic and very open. And so it is. This is what we have seen while communication with Vera. But what else would be added to this list is sincerity. A genuine natural quality that cannot be played, even as a brilliant actress: it either exists or it does not. So Vera is inherent in sincerity, which also makes her a warm, sunny, magnetic person. – Vera! Psychologists say that we are all made up of subpersonalities. Which one would you like to talk about in more detail, which one is most dear to you in yourself and why? – Oh, I don’t know... In fact, I like everything I do, what I manifest myself in. I love what I do so much that I cannot dissect it somehow. It always surprises me when people say, "God, how tired I am! I don’t want to go to work." I get tired too, but I always want to go and do something. Even on vacation, I do not lie idly on the beach and just sunbathe. Of course, I lie on the lounger, but at the same time I invent new projects, negotiate, get in touch with someone. There is not a single city in which I would simply come and have not agreed on a tour for my theatrical project "TriTformaT". For example, if I'm planning a vacation, I go and already think: I will definitely meet someone there and agree on a tour. For example, I would really like to show my performances in St. Petersburg. Because our director is from Tikhvin, and this is a town near St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the university, and then studied with Sergey Solovyov in Moscow. Therefore, I understand how cool it would be for her to show our performances in St. Petersburg. Whether teaching, or my theatre, or the Theatre of Film Actors, or cinema, television, these are all important parts of my life. As well as my concert activity. And I endlessly lead some concerts, and I myself perform in them, I sing. This year we have continued for ourselves the "Boat evenings". In the past, when a

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