Essential Oils- Singles and Blends Guide

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Foundational Aromatherapy

To Be Well™* To Be Well™ blend is specifically designed to support the immune system and kill bacteria and viruses. Many find it one of the best blends to use on children and use it instead of 1st Defense™, which is only for adults. During cold and flu season it gives the body added immune support to defend against sickness. Besides just being preventative, it is highly effective if illness has already set in. With antiviral and antibacterial oils it targets all sorts of bacterial, viral, or respiratory illness. It helps with spasmodic cough, congestion, sore throat, fever, and fatigue.

Key Emotions: Uplifted, Encouraged, At Ease, Hopeful, Unrestrained Key Body Systems: Immune, Respiratory

Safety note 

Safe for all ages.

Ingredients: Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, Ravensara, Tea Tree, Thyme Linalool How Do I Use It? SOAK IN THE TUB BREATH IN, BREATH OUT IT’S IN THE AIR PUT IT ON

Mix 2-4 drops in ¼ cup unscented Dead Sea Salts, milk, powdered milk, or coconut milk. Swish in warm water; soak for twenty minutes. Inhale 3-4 times a day from bottle lid. Or put 1-2 drops on tissue or cotton ball inhale directly or put in pillow case. Or 1-2 drops in palm of hands, rub together, cup hands over mouth and nose without touching face, and inhale. Diffuse 10-12 drops for fifteen minute intervals every two hours during the day. To strengthen immunity and inhibit infection, apply 1 to 2 drops with 2 to 3 drops carrier oil on sole of each foot at morning and at night. For fighting an infection, rub 1 to 2 drops mixed with 3 to 5 drops carrier oil on bottom of feet once every hour for three to five hours, then once every four hours while awake.

Ingredient Descriptions Eucalyptus Radiata, also known as narrow-leaf Peppermint, is a gentle but powerful respiratory oil. Milder than other eucalyptus oils, it is an excellent choice for use with children. It has exceptional anti-infectious abilities and is particularly useful in clearing the upper lungs. It can be used to help reduce fevers and alleviate chronic fatigue or immune deficiencies. *DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for educational purposes only, not to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition, or prescribe in any way. The data presented here may not be complete or fully accurate. As with all essential oils, do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. *SAFETY WARNING: If applying an essential oil to skin, always perform a small patch test by properly diluting the oil in an appropriate carrier oil and applying to an insensitive part of the body, such as inside of elbow. Use vegetable or milk to remove any essential oils causing irritation. Always keep essential oils and blends away from children. To slow oxidation and protect shelf life, store in a cool, dark place with lids tightly secured. Never put oils in the ear canal or eyes.

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