Ready2Lead Information Pack 2022

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... uniquemakeimpact your in the world! 2022 Getting started...

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?


The SDGs "are a call for action by all countries –poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

There are 17 goals aimed at making our world a better place. The goals are shown below and you can find out more about them here: sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

Where do we start?

Look for local inspiration:

The Global Goals Competition recommends starting local. "What are the needs of your local community?" So, think about:

• What are the needs of Bedford Borough? How can you find out? Who can you talk to? What should you read?

Begin with you!

When we start trying to make a difference, we begin to realise the importance of what we are doing. So, start with you.

• Look at the UN's lazy person's guide to changing the world: sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/


Get organised!

Identify your team

A fully committed team, where everyone values the differences, strengths and character of each member, will be important. It is good to ensure differences of expertise, interest and character and to work hard to ensure that each member feels valued. One way to do this is to assign specific responsibilities. It can also help to be honest with one another about how each other like to work; you can then try to adapt to help one another out.

Ensure you have support from a member of staff

Anything based in school needs to have the full support of a member of staff. However, remember they are incredibly busy so be realistic about what you are asking from them and think about what you can do to ensure you don't require too much of their time.

Identify key dates

What deadlines must you hit? What commitments do you, your team or your school have that will impact on your project progress?

Meet Regularly

You will easily lose momentum if you don't set aside time to meet to plan your next steps and to inspire one another to keep going. A weekly meeting would be a good aim.

Set yourself some SMART targets

If your project is going to be a success, you are going to have to make things happen. That means you have to aim for SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT, TIME BOUND targets (or SMART targets).

To find out more about SMART targets, watch the Global Goals Competition's Masterclass #1:


Get some feedback

On 21st October you will need to submit your project plan so that you can get some feedback on your initial ideas. Use the Project Plan Template for this and send it to

Useful websites:

Home - Ready2Lead?

GLOBAL GOALS RESOURCES - Global Social Leaders

The Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World - United Nations Sustainable Development

The World's Largest Lesson (

Project Everyone - Accelerating Progress to a Fairer World (

Communications materials - United Nations Sustainable Development

Food Recovery Network

Local 2030 - Localizing the SDGs

SDGs in Action documents/8326Factsheet_SummitPress_Kit__final.pdf


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