CVS BH119 Reinventing Beauty Magazine 2nd Quarter, 2011

Page 90


Last Word

Journaling “A journal or diary is not a record of the happenings in your life; it is a chance to write the details about your feelings...

Oprah swears by it. And we know that anything Oprah thinks is worthwhile is something we should explore. But this type of exploration is personal and intimate … journaling. Journaling is a term created to describe the practice of keeping a diary or journal that explores thoughts and feelings surrounding the events in your life. A journal or diary is not a record of the happenings in your life; it is a chance to write the details about your feelings. Journal keeping is known to help with problem solving while also helping to clarify thoughts. It is a process that assists with self-exploration and personal development. If you are wondering how to get your journaling started, select a journal. Some like to buy a beautiful book with blank pages; feeling that its beauty will inspire them to fill it with beautiful things. Others choose a plain notebook to allow for messy writing, doodles, drawings – anything that allows for free expression. Many choose the computer for recording their thoughts because they can type faster than they can write. Through journaling you get the thoughts out of your head and on to paper which may give you insights you otherwise may have never seen. This process is known to be a good stress management tool.

Verify progress. Verify progress. It is a good idea to go back and re-read entries or journals from the past. It will give you a chance to see how much progress you have made. This is important because it helps to remind you that you are still growing and changing even when you feel stuck. Many keep journals for specific purposes. Jim Karas, personal trainer to the stars, swears by keeping a food journal. He says that it is really the way you will lose the weight once and for all. You write down every bite. Keeping a food journal works because you are confessing what you have eaten honestly and daily – even if only to yourself. Karas believes that being really aware of what you put in your mouth will get you to shed those pounds. Others have come to journaling through The Secret. Based on the law of attraction, The Secret emphasizes that the energy you put into the world comes back to you. You create the circumstances of your life and the choices you make everyday. Your thoughts are most powerful. Thus, putting those thoughts on paper and exploring what it is you really want from your life is the most important thing you could do in order to achieve them.

Solve problems. Through your journal you are able to record the events of a situation and reexamine it, which will help you see solutions.

The key to journaling is just to start. But if you need some inspiration, begin by writing about your dreams, where you would like to be in two years, if you could have 3 wishes or what are you grateful for.

Gain clarity. When you’re not sure what to do you may get a clearer direction of which way

Don’t you think it is time that you get to have the last word?

As you examine your thoughts you are likely to:


to go as you explore things in writing. The first part of the journey is not to think about it, just pick up a pen, turn the page and write.

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