NYC One Mans Trash Another Mans Treasure Beautiful Nation Project

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One Man's Trash, Another Man's Treasure Location: New York City, New York Latitude/Longitude: 40.7056, ­73.978 Journal Entry: Have you ever seen someone throw something away that you thought was perfectly good? In New York City I notice that people throw things away that do not look like trash. I have seen chairs and desks, tables and mirrors, baby strollers and roller skates, all put out for the garbage men to collect. In a world with lots of things, people are often throwing things away in exchange for new things. I wonder, where do the things we throw away go? Well, if you live in District 11 in East Harlem, New York your precious belongings, set out for the trash, might just be saved! For the past 35 years Nelson Molina has been working for the District 11 Sanitation Department. Over the years he has saved some very interesting artifacts from the trash! In fact, he has a whole floor of the District 11 building filled with beautiful and interesting things that other people have thrown out with the garbage. The “trash museum” is on 99th Street between 1st and 2nd Avenue. Masha and I took the subway to 96th Street on a Tuesday morning. We noticed people hustling to work, carrying bags of goods and packages of different sizes, and walking their pets. I saw crossing guards giving directions and school children playing outside on basketball courts. We were paying attention to everything around us, looking for signs leading to the Sanitation building. What would the trash museum look like? Would it have a sign on its door? I wasn’t feeling very confident that we would find it. Just then, I noticed that garbage trucks lined the street ahead of us. We were in luck! We walked towards an open door and a garage full of sanitation trucks. A few men were inside the doorway. “Excuse me,” I asked. “This might be weird, but do you know about a trash museum?” The men looked at me and smiled, “Yeah, sure, that’s Nelson’s thing. It’s not really a museum though. You can’t just go in. It is up those stairs, and it’s not that safe in here. If you feel we would be in trouble. You have to go to City Hall.” Right then, Nelson walked in the door. “Hey, this is Nelson,” one of the men said. I introduced myself, “I am a teacher, can I ask you some questions about it and see the museum?” To my surprise, Nelson said yes! “Come on up. I can take you around. You can’t video tape me, but you can take pictures of anything you like.” Masha and I climbed a narrow stairwell lined with paintings and photographs hanging in their frames. The ‘trash museum’ is on the second story floor of the District 11 Sanitation Department building. The building takes up a whole block so you can imagine the size of one floor. Though the paint was old, the concrete building was solid, clean and organized inside.

Though Nelson and his coworkers don't live at the Sanitation Department, they do put in some long hours. A typical day starts at 8am and ends around 3pm. As I look around, I notice an exercise room tucked in the corner and a man walking on a treadmill. "How long have you worked here?" I ask Nelson. "I have worked for the sanitation department for about 25 years," he said. "Where does your family live?" I asked. "In the Bronx, I have live with my wife and my kids." "Did you ever think you would be famous for collecting trash?" I ask him. Nelson laughs and chuckles, "No way!" He smiles as he says it, as if it confuses him a little too. He adds, "People come from all over to see this place. From Tenessesse, Florida... I have to tell them they can't come in. It is not a public place like that. You are lucky to catch me on break today so I can walk you around myself." "Has your family been here? What do they think of the trash museum?" I start to wonder about his home decor. Would his family also have an eye for picking things out of the trash? Would the whole house be a collection of interesting art and objects? "My family is supportive, they think it is interesting, I guess." He sounds humble, and I get the idea that trash museum might mean more to people like me than his friends and family. Nelson explains that he used to collect the trash, but now he drives the trucks. As a truck driver he still has his eyes open for things to collect along his routes. Some of the other guys collect things for him to put into the museum now too. "We aren't allowed to take trash home with us. Those are the rules," he explains. "So, starting to collect some of the nicer things just so they wouldn't go to waste at the headquarters was all I was trying to do. Pieces of art that looked beautiful or things that were still funny, entertaining. Why waste perfectly good things, you know?" "What was your best find?" I asked. "An old projector and hundreds of great reels. It is still works, just look over here," he says as he points to an area he has set up as a little viewing area. There is a working projector from what looks like the 1940's and reels of film. A picture is playing on the white screen hanging down under a tent. There are old movie theater benches and a director's chair. "And what is the most recent thing you collected from the trash?" I ask. Nelson motions to the far left of the room where there is an orange tipi, tall enough for a grownup to stand inside, but still for kids. He has it on astro­turf, on its own, as if in the wilderness. "We leave early in the morning and go through the streets of East Harlem," Nelson begins as he describes his route. "If we have a light load, then we might come back to the headquarters early. Otherwise, we drive our load over to New Jersey. That is where all of the trash in East Harlem goes, to a landfill in Jersey." The things we throw away can tell just as much of a story about us as the things we keep. Did you know there is even a field of science called Garbology, which is the study of trash!? Nelson's job of being a sanitation worker didn't seem so bad after listening to his day, and seeing where he and the other workers start their work day.

"Do you mind if I ask how much money you make, Nelson?" I was a little nervous about asking, but I was curious. "I make pretty good money now, " he said and smiled. "You can make a good living. I can take care of my family, and I have a good life." What is something you would never throw away and why? After just 15 short minutes, Masha and I were quickly scurried out the door and down the stairway from where we came. Nelson had to get back to work, and has he explained earlier, this wasn't really a museum! It is home in a way to Nelson and his fellow sanitation workers. It is their relaxation place, where they quietly enjoy the sidewalk show of what New Yorkers love, and hate to throw away! ­ See more at:­makulu/journal/one­mans­trash­another­mans­treasure­0?page =1#sthash.FR4etjLw.dpuf

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