Vista Magazine Issue 82

Page 16

Nothing to Sneeze At:

Homeopathy for Seasonal Allergy Relief By Stephenie Farrell


he snow is melting, the sun is shining, and the warm weather is on its way. Spring is in the air. How glorious! Well, perhaps not so glorious for some people. If you’re like many of the millions of Canadians who suffer from seasonal allergies, you’re likely dreading those spring flowers. Unfortunately, over-the-counter medications can leave you feeling drowsy, dizzy, and just plain awful. However, there are natural, safe, homeopathic alternatives to those medications. Homeopathy is a gentle way to relieve your allergy symptoms without the common side effects associated with generic antihistamine treatment. Here’s how to prepare your medicine cabinet with natural remedies this allergy season. • Alium Cepa: When your nose is dripping like a faucet, you may want to consider trying allium cepa. If you need this remedy, you’ll produce excessive amounts of watery discharge from both your eyes and your nose. The nasal discharge may excoriate your nostrils and upper lip. Tearing is excessive, but bland. Your nose may be completely blocked and you’re likely to suffer from violent sneezing fits. With this remedy, your symptoms feel worse in a warm room and better in the open air. If you’re particularly sensitive to flowers, peaches and pollens, give allium cepa a try. • Euphrasia: If you’re suffering from burning tears and bland nasal discharge (opposite of the above symptoms), euphrasia could be a good choice for you. The common name of euphrasia is Eyebright. As the name suggests, eye symptoms feature quite prominently with this remedy. You may want to try this remedy if your eyes are inflamed, extremely irritated, burning and itching, and if symptoms feel worse in the morning and better at night, upon lying down. • Pulsatilla is a good remedy when your allergies are seasonal. If your eyes are incredibly itchy, produce lots of tearing, and symptoms are made better with cold applications, you may consider pulsatilla. Common sensitivities are pollens, hay and ragweed. If you need pulsatilla, your symptoms are likely worse when you’re overheated and are better when you’re in an air-conditioned room. • Natrum Muriaticum: Thin, watery discharge from the nose that resembles a raw egg white may respond well to natrum muriaticum. If you experience tearing from your eyes that is worse when you walk outside in the open air or in the wind, if your lips are chapped and cracked at the corners of your mouth, and if you experience a loss of smell and taste when your allergies begin, give this remedy a try. • Nux Vomica could be right for you if you suffer from sneezing in the morning on rising from your bed. If you develop dark circles under your eyes and feel a sensation of ‘fullness’ in your ears, or suffer from nasal obstruction at night and runny nose in the morning and throughout the day, nux vomica might be right for



you. If you need this remedy, you’ll feel relief from your stuffiness when you’re in a warm room or when you drink warm drinks. • Sabadilla is a good remedy to try if you have uncontrollable, debilitating paroxysms of sneezing. With each sneezing fit, your red, burning eyes will tear up. If you need sabadilla, a ‘tingling’ sensation and constant itch will be felt within your nose. Symptoms are usually worse in the open air and better in a warm room. Typical sensitivities are pollens, especially from flowers.

How to Take Your Remedy

It is important to take your homeopathic remedies properly, as with any medication. Follow the steps below to ensure you are taking the treatment correctly. • Choose a low potency such as a 6C, 12C or 30C; the higher the potency, the more specific you have to be about matching your symptoms. • Let the pellets dissolve under your tongue, making sure to take them at least 30 minutes before or after eating or drinking. • Take one dose of the remedy every half-hour or hour for up to three doses. • Once you feel a 50 percent improvement in your symptoms, stop taking the remedy and let your body do the rest. • If you’ve taken three consecutive doses of the remedy and there’s been no improvement, stop taking the remedy; it’s probably not the right remedy for you. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek the advice of your primary health care provider. Consider seeing a certified Homeopath. Constitutional homeopathic treatment is a wonderful way to help improve your overall health.

Additional Tips for Allergy Sufferers

There are a few other natural tactics you can try that are proven to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Consider the following strategies to quell the effects of seasonal allergies. • Try supplementing with omegas 3, 6 and 9. These oils are known to have anti-inflammatory effects and can help decrease allergy symptoms. • If you can, limit your intake of dairy. Dairy products increase mucus production and can make seasonal allergies worse. • Nasal douching with saline solution from a neti pot or squeeze bottle may help reduce symptoms.

Stephenie Farrell is a Classical Homeopathic Practitioner in Hamilton, Ontario. You can check her out on the web at and contact her at

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