Beagle Weekender Vol 322 August 4th 2023

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beagle weekly : Vol 322 August 4th 2023 1 Page 1 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine. Arts ……………………. 33 Cinema ……………….. 25,26 Community ………………3 to 14 Reading ……………………..27 to 32 Real Estate…. 43 No ces…… 46 Food ………………………...34 Sport and Fishing………. 36 to 42 Editorial …………………..2 What’s On …………….... 15 to 24 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ Vol 322 August 4th 2023

Welcome to this week’s editorial, Council’s Public Access session this week saw a member of the public coming forward asking what the community and council could do to improve recycling and repurposing.

Being the period of the annual hardwaste collec on where thousands of cubic metres of unwanted house hold goods are stacked at the front of our homes for collec on the ming of the presenta on sought to reiterate that, as a community, we could do more to reduce the waste going to landfill.

The speaker spoke of days of old when the shire had small ps on the outskirts of our towns. Many in the Tuross/Bodalla area will fond memories of the old Turlinjah p. Rubbish was dumped in one sec on to be burnt while anything you thought might be of use to someone else was put to one side, and o en collected to be repaired or repurposed.

If you were to return to those days of old you would observe two key things. The household rubbish that was dumped generally had far less toxins. Yes, asbestos cladding was in there, along with vola le and toxic paints and chemicals, but generally there was far less plas c. It was understandable that the periodic burning off of these ps had to stop as they were uncontrolled as well as being exposed for the dangers they presented to the environment by way of leaching, smoke and poten al bushfire risk. But with the closures came the closure of the repurposing opportunity as well.

In order to gain control of the impact of garbage ps Council established two primary ps (Brou and Surfside) and downgraded their Moruya Tip as it had arrived at its use by date and was unable to expand.

The public were now encouraged to use kerbside collec on and separate household, green and recyclable waste. But what of the near working lawnmowers, what of the household furniture and household goods that were too good to be wasted? Council once promoted that it has a “Buy Back Shop” where worthy items had been saved for resale. That, for whatever reason, no longer exists.

Fortunately in its place we have Rally for Recovery at Tomakin along with Vinnies and other agencies stepping in to ensure func oning household goods are given a second life.

In days of old Eurobodalla residents survived on low incomes but lived rich lives, Many s ll do having the oldest demographic in NSW. With the high number of residents over 65 it stands to reason that many had come through tough mes and they knew, and respected that one needed to ra onalise and reuse or repurpose as money was hard to come by.

But over the decades much has changed when it comes to garbage and waste in the Eurobodalla. Our two main ps are under pressure of reaching their capacity with a third Super Tip being considered. One of the main issues around this me of year is that the bulk of the household goods we now buy have reduced lifespans, either by poor workmanship or by design. What was junk to one and a treasure to another has simply become junk. And lots of it.

As a litmus test goes it would appear that either we, as a community, have taken it upon ourselves to proac vely feed the reuse and repurpose supply line by giving unwanted, but useable household items to Rally and Vinnies or that due to the economy we are holding on to our items.

A drive around the shire this year offers a different picture compared to previous years. There appears to be less valuable treasure to be found.

Maybe, just maybe, without any educa ve help from Council as was requested today, we are quietly achieving the reuse and restora on required to assist our household “waste” to be more circular where the old or unused finds new homes, or is repaired.

If that is the case it would be worthy of a statement from Council at the end of the annual household waste collec on that might further encourage recycling, reuse and restora on.

We now have some terrific community ini ates that we can support. Rally for Recovery at Tomakin do a brilliant job having already raised over $3 million for Sydney Children’s Hospitals Founda on. Then there is the Eurobodalla Repair Café in Moruya each Friday with soldering irons, sewing machines and tools at the ready to keep things working. Most recently there is the 3.4 thousand strong members of the Face Book group Buy Nothing Eurobodalla Coast, NSW .

In all it appears that there is li le that Council can do any further than con nuing to educate people in recycling their household waste and reducing the volume of waste that goes to our p faces. But maybe, just maybe, it would a terrific to let us know if we are improving.

The presenta on this week to the Council’s Public Access reminds us all that we all have a voice and that some mes the solu ons are not to be delivered by Council but by our own community in a hope of making it a be er place for all. Un l next—lei

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Science Week at Eurobodalla Regional

Botanic Garden

Come to Science Week at Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden for a special focus on threatened plants and animals, and what we can do to conserve them.

Seminar: Threatened Species and Botanic Gardens Saturday 12 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Learn how botanic gardens across Australia play a crucial role in ensuring the survival of threatened species, and discover ERBG's innovative plans for a new threatened species garden.

Seminar: Citizen Science Matters Saturday 19 August, 9.30am – 3.30pm

Delve into the significance of citizen science in filling crucial data gaps on some of our most threatened wildlife.

Inaturalist Training Saturday 19 August, 1.30pm – 3.00pm

Join experienced trainer Jen Connolly for hands-on training on navigating the app

Orchid Walk Saturday 19 August, 1.30pm – 3.00pm

Local orchid expert Dylan Morriseey will lead you through the native forest, sharing fascinating insights about the unique orchid species found in the region.

Book Now at

Photo credit: Gang-gang chicks by Margie Burk

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Uniting Church Heatwave And Bushfire Haven At Batemans Bay Now Operational

Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips is pleased to announce that the Uniting Church Heatwave and Bushfire Haven in Batemans Bay is now operational. This project to establish a new Heatwave and Bushfire Haven has been spearheaded by South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) and the Uniting Church Batemans Bay. The project transforms old squash courts into a vital facility to safeguard the community during extreme weather events.

This project received two grants totalling $123,780 in federal funding through the Preparing Australian Communities program, and the Strengthening Rural Communities program (FRRR).

The project was also supported by significant contributions from the Uniting Church and SHASA who contributed $16,000 and $8,600 respectively. This funding has been used to establish a whole-of-building emergency power supply, incorporating a large solar array, battery storage, and a backup generator. This ensures the facility’s continuous operation, even during power outages, when it is most needed.

“I saw firsthand how much our communities needed facilities like this during the bushfires. People were often stranded without appropriate facilities, and it just wasn’t good enough - I knew something had to be done,” Fiona said.

“Seeing what this has become is just incredible – the community banded together to transform an old sporting facility into a Bushfire Haven and I am so happy I was able to help with funding to get this project done,” Fiona continued.

The new Bushfire and Heatwave Haven will help keep the community safe during heatwaves, bushfires and other extreme weather events.

The projects impact goes beyond safety in the event of bushfires and extreme weather. The facility's upgrades will enable the church to continue providing essential services, including the food bank and access to showers and washing machines.

"I want to thank the Uniting Church and SHASA for all the work they have done getting this off the ground. This will undoubtedly serve as a lifeline for our community during challenging times," Fiona concluded.

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Tough talk about death made easy with free info sessions

Talking death is difficult, but forward planning means we can die in a way that is true to ourselves and considerate of our family, says end-of-life specialist Shanna Provost.

"Australians care about end-of-life planning but many don't act on it," Ms Provost said.

"Last year’s research shows 90 percent of Australians say it’s important to plan for care op ons in the face of serious or terminal illness, while only 40 percent actually do something about it."

Ms Provost, author of the Rest Easy Journal, helps community members put their end-of -life wishes into ac on.

Next week, Ms Provost is running free community workshops to mark Na onal Dying to Know Day (August 8), supported by Eurobodalla Council's Healthy End of Life Project.

"Council recognises the importance of helping the community to have discussions and get their affairs in order for a healthy end of life,” Ms Provost said.

“You'll come away from these sessions with informa on on how to make the best decisions for you and how to gently have those tough conversa ons with loved ones.”

Narooma Library will hold a session on Monday 7 August. The Batemans Bay Library will hold a session on Tuesday 8 August and there will be a session at Moruya Library on Thursday 10 August.

Bookings for the 1.5 hour sessions are essen al, through the libraries' event webpage or contact Moruya Library on 4474 1333.

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Bega: State-of-the-art water treatment plant delivered for the shire’s north

A new Council-built water treatment and filtra on plant is now delivering clean and clear water for customers connected to the Brogo-Bermagui waterline.

Council’s Water and Sewerage Services Manager, Steve Marshall said the Brogo treatment plant is fully opera onal and puts an end to the need for boil water no ces during wet weather.

“Our town water customers in Bermagui, Cobargo, Quaama, Brogo and the Wallaga Lake area will be relieved to know they are now connected to the shire’s most innova ve water treatment plant,” Mr Marshall said.

“For many years, the topography and nature of the Brogo River drinking water catchment meant that silt and soil frequently found its way into the water supply following heavy rain.

“This problem was compounded following the Black Summer bushfires, where more than 80% of the catchment was burnt and lost its groundcover, resul ng in a significant drop in water quality as sediment entered the river.

“Temporary measures were introduced thanks to assistance from the Australian Defence Force and a NSW Government funded short-term facility, however we knew a larger plant was needed and we were delighted in 2019 to receive funding and go ahead to develop a treatment plant the community deserved.”

Mr Marshall said the combined funding from the NSW Government and Council allowed for development of a three-stage treatment plant that would deliver clean drinking water, regardless of the condi ons.

“This new plant uses three key stages: a clever process called floccula on, filtra on, and chlorina on” Mr Marshall said.

“The first stage, floccula on, places an electrical charge through the water that causes sediment to clump together. Aera on is added, making the clumps float to the surface where they are then mechanically removed.

“Fine sediment is then removed through a filtra on process before the water is treated to remove bacteria and pathogens.

“Together, these stages combine to deliver a reliable supply of clean and clear drinking water, able to cope with spikes in demand during our busy summer season.”

Mr Marshall said the Brogo-Bermagui facility joins another in Bemboka as the second plant to offer filtra on.

“With work under way for an upgraded water treatment plant in Bega and funding in place for a new facility in Yellow Pinch, we have within our reach the capacity to offer upgraded treatment to every town water customer in the Bega Valley Shire,” Mr Marshall said.

“This will deliver a shire-wide town water supply that meets and exceeds the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

“I thank the NSW Government, the Australian Defence Force for their early assistance, our contractors and project staff, and mostly the community for their pa ence.

“It’s been a journey for everyone involved, and to mark this achievement we have developed an interac ve StoryMap portal on our website that charts the process from the bushfires to the finished facility.”

To view the StoryMap and learn more about the Brogo Water Treatment Plant, visit the project page on Council’s website.

This project was funded with a $10 million grant from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Safe and Secure Water Program, along with a $2.5 million Council contribu on.

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WIRES to the rescue

This juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle nicknamed ‘Roo’ was rescued by WIRES volunteer Renate on 26 November 2022 after being found unable to fly by a local resident on his property.

After carefully containing the distressed bird Renate discovered it had a compound fracture of its left wing.

Roo was immediately transported to WIRES Mid South Coast raptor coordinator Sandy (Collins) who medicated the injured bird for pain relief and treated him with antibiotics as infection was already evident by the swelling around the fracture.

The next day he was transported to Raptor Recovery Australia (RRA) for a full assessment and a pin was inserted in the hope the broken wing would heal.

Thanks to the dedicated care by the team at RRA over these past eight months Roo has made a full recovery and been transported back to Narooma for release close to where it was originally found.

A collaborative rescue and rehabilitation success story for one very lucky Sea Eagle!

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Release day. Photo credit Maryke Roo the juvenile White- bellied Sea Eagle on the day of his rescue 26 November 22 (credit Sandy Collins)

Discover your family history

Explore your family history and learn from local experts during Na onal Family History Month this August.

Eurobodalla Libraries are hos ng free workshops and a special book launch with the Moruya and District Historical Society.

Libraries coordinator Samantha Fenton said the book launch will kick off family history month celebra ons at Moruya Library on Friday 5 August.

“We’re excited for the launch of Moruya and District Historical Society's latest publica on, Bergalia, Meringo, Bingie,” Ms Fenton said.

“Book author Shirley Jurmann, who is a fourth genera on Lou t family member and recipient of the Fergus Thomson OAM Heritage Award, will talk about farming communi es around the village of Bergalia.”

At Narooma Library, history expert Helen Ryan will present on local history and genealogy while Batemans Bay Library is offering workshops.

“If you’re new to, come along to a workshop and learn how to build a family tree,” Ms Fenton said. “A second workshop will cover more advanced methods of researching, organising and verifica on of findings for experienced users.”

For a beginner’s introduc on to family history research, members of Moruya and District Historical Society will guide through the first steps at a workshop on Thursday 24 August.

"Our free family history month events are a great opportunity for community members to learn and build upon their interest in local history,” Ms Fenton said. “If you can’t make it to an event, come and check out our extensive local studies collec on or our photo and slide scanners that preserve visual histories.”

For more informa on and event bookings, visit

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Eurobodalla Photographers July Meeting – Creativity Blooms

This month's competition theme was 'open', which inspired a wide range of photographs to be submitted. Images were judged by experienced photographer and club member, Mick Newnham. Mick commented that it was hard to compare such a fantastic array of images, however, some photos stood out over and above the others. Mick provided very thoughtful feedback and demonstrated how some images could be improved in postphoto editing, such as cropping, colour saturation and removal of distracting details. The 'open' category demonstrated club members' technical skills, creativity, willingness to try new styles and capacity to capture some unique moments in time.

Club member, Anne Brown, shared her personal portfolio and photography journey since joining the club seven years ago. Her images highlighted her passion and commitment to taking photos of her family and her grandchildren's sporting achievements. Photos are a remarkable way to preserve memories and to help people savour everyday life experiences. Anne stated her skills and knowledge of photography have significantly expanded since joining the club and she has enjoyed the connections and friendships with other club members.

Although the club has monthly meetings, many club members meet regularly to take photos, share their knowledge and skills, and of course have coffee! The club also organises regular field trips and other photoshoot possibilities, such as a recent day at the Moruya races. Joining the club is a great way to expand your photography skills and also to meet people and form friendships.

Another club member, Ken Foster gave a slideshow presentation of his recent adventures across the Nullarbor Plain to Perth. Ken highly recommended adding this trip to the bucket list, and the beauty of his photos was very convincing. Ken's images showed an array of landscapes, flowers, sunsets and humorous signs. Ken's last photo was a good demonstration of differing perspectives and 'what you see is in the eye of the beholder'. Traveling to different destinations is certainly a great way to capture different images that can't be found in our local area.

Beginner workshops have continued and there is another workshop scheduled for Saturday 12th August at Dr Mackay Community Centre in Moruya. Club members are also preparing for an upcoming exhibition as a part of the River of Arts Festival. The exhibition will be held at Club Malua on the 15th – 17th of September. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an advanced photographer, you are welcome to come along and join a club meeting. The club meets at 7.00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month, at Tomakin community hall, Ainslie Pde Tomakin. See you there on the 22nd of August!

If you have any questions you can contact the club on Check out their website at or Facebook

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Seminar: Threatened Species and Botanic Gardens

Saturday 12 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden

Celebrate Science Week at the Botanic Garden with a seminar about the developing role of botanic gardens in threatened species' conservation.

Learn about how botanic gardens across Australia are developing new frameworks to ensure threatened species survive in living collections, and ERBG’s plans for a new threatened species garden.

There will be an overview of threatened plants in the South Coast region and a report from a recent field trip to Mt Imlay, which is home to a unique plant community several threatened species.

1.30pm Michael Anlezark – New Cooperative Frameworks and upcoming ERBG Initiatives

2.30pm Tricia Kaye – South Coast Threatened Plants - Patterns & Puzzles

3.00pm Dylan Morrissey – Mt Imlay - Unique Threatened Plant Community on South Coast

Book through Eventbrite - -664251001627

With less than a month to the next fire season the Tuross Head Rural Fire Brigade are invi ng the Tuross Head community to one of three mee ngs to look at how they can prepare for the coming fire season.

As well as delivering the invita on to the community by way of The Beagle and social media the brigade members have also le erboxed those on the Highway, Hector McWilliam, Trafalgar, Clive Park and Chatham Park.

The mee ngs will take place as follows:

 Residents living west of the Princes Highway: Monday 7th August.

 Residents of the cluster developments adjoining the heritage grasslands (Forest Lake Close, Hawdons Cove, Bass Ridge and Casuarina Grove): Thursday 10th August

 Residents of Tuross Head village and cluster developments closer to the village: Monday 14th August

All mee ngs will be at Kyla Park Hall star ng at 6pm.

The community are encouraged to come along with ques ons and sugges ons to help the Tuross Head Rural Fire Brigade plan and prepare their community for the coming fire season.

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Little has been done to prepare the community for the next fire season

The 2019-2020 bushfires saw the Tuross Head community isolated with little if any communication of what to do in the case of the village becoming closed off to evacuation. As it was the fire front made its way directly towards the village and only fortunately turned direction at the last moment.

With cold embers dropping from the sky many were in watch and wait in readiness for live embers to arrive. Anticipating fires in the village the Council cleared a stand of trees by Hector McWilliam Drive, possibly to create an asset protection buffer, possibly to prevent burning trees falling onto the roadway.

News was coming from Moruya of the total chaos that was the Moruya Evacuation Centre with stories of gastro, failed toilets and inadequate agency resourcing, especially for the elderly. Electricity was down as was telecommunications. For those who decided to evacuate their homes, especially the elderly and infirmed, the decision was made to drive to the officially endorsed, clearly signposted "Bushfire Neighbourhood Safe Place, A place of last resort."

The sign, erected at the entrance to Kyla Oval suggested that this was the Safe Place and, as such it seemed plain that the Kyla Hall was the place of Last Resort, especially given the ember fall. But for those who packed their things and made their way to the hall they found it firmly closed. With no phones they made the decision to go instead to the Tuross Head Country Club where they joined over one hundred other community members looking for safety.

The Tuross Head Country Club had opened its doors. They were not obliged to but they did knowing that they had floor space, toilets, running water and staff on hand to assist if required. Fortunately they also had a defibrillator that was used to assist an emergency. In time volunteers from Moruya and beyond, came forward supplying bottled water, basic provisions and toiletries that had been donated by groups and charities outside of the shire. The club remained isolated during much of this time and certainly fell through the cracks of any formal response agency stepping in to assist in managing and establishing protocols.

So what of the next fire season? Has anything been done to improve communication with the Tuross Head residents (or any of our village and satellite towns) advising them, as Shoalhaven Council has done, of exactly where the evacuation places are, and stepping in to ensure those places are at a standard acceptable to the combat agencies who will manage them? NO.

Is Kyla Hall, Durras Hall, Dalmeny Hall, Nelligan Hall or Tomakin Hall at the required standard to serve as an evacuation centre for shire residents if access to Batemans Bay, Moruya or Narooma Centres is not possible? NO

In December 2022, in a first for Australia, 26 digital information screens were been installed across the Shoalhaven to provide authoritative, accurate and timely information to communities at all times of the year, including in emergency situations. In normal times, the screens will be displaying real-time information, including the daily fire danger rating, weather from the Bureau of Meteorology in addition to promoting local community and Council events relating to each individual community where they are installed.

The screens were delivered as part of a $2 million Council initiative jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments in response to the community’s experience of the 2019-20 Currowan Bushfires, where critical communication was severely impacted by power outages and disruptions to the mobile phone network. The new communications system are in place to support the resilience of communities in how to think, decide and act in the best interests of their safety and wellbeing.

Shoalhaven Council said "We saw how standard communications failed during the worst of the bushfire

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emergency and people felt isolated and unable to make informed decisions. These digital screens will provide residents with reliable and current information that can be updated in an instant and tailored for each specific community to be an accurate source of truth.

We know from what we saw on the ground and the many testimonies given to the NSW Government’s Independent Inquiry into the Summer 2020 Bushfires, that the lack of access to timely, accurate, local information was a significant cause of community concern during the bushfires.

Providing infrastructure that is robust enough to overcome the vulnerabilities of standard power through stand-alone solar power systems and satellite communications will make all the difference. An emergency doesn’t generally happen in an instance or an immediate vicinity. It builds and may travel long distances over a period of time. Ensuring timely and accurate information helps people with decision-making. Informed decision-making helps people to build resilience to respond better to future emergencies.

Each Shoalhaven information hub includes a technology upgrade providing satellite connection powered by solar panels delivered to the state of the art 13.5-kilowatt Tesla Powerwall2 battery and 55” portrait information screens accessible both internally and externally to the Council-owned facilities where they are installed.

The Community Information Hubs are located across the city at 26 locations including all showgrounds, four Holiday Haven tourist parks and the Wandandian Progress Association Hall. Meanwhile in Eurobodalla there has been little in the way of any preparation by Council for next event. Most embarrassingly the Eurobodalla Local Emergency Management Plan has not been updated since June 2019. This is a substantive failure given that the plan is required to be updated:

In regards to Tuross Head the following extract from the Plan offers little if any guidance:

Yet to our South Bega Valley Shire Council has updated their Plan and they list their Evacuation Centres. With little doubt the next emergency will find Eurobodalla's formally unidentified centres deficient and suboptimal. There has been little done to prepare or improve their function and to respond the failures of the facilities revealed in the last event.

While Eurobodalla Council did an in-house review of their own response they simply refused requests by the community to have a review of where the deficiencies were by all levels of government and by all agencies. Without that review to guide for required improvements needed for the next event it is little wonder that the Tuross Head, and the other satellite towns and villages of Eurobodalla, find themselves as in the dark and as ill-prepared as they were pre the 2019 fires.

Outside of these failures the community volunteers press on to do what they can.

In the coming weeks I will be drilling down to reveal that Council has been sitting on its hands and has failed its community in providing the basic preparations that the community expect ahead of the next emergency that will be coming.

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Easier licencing for public reserve events

Mayor Mathew Hatcher says a new proposal for the licencing of events taking place on Eurobodalla’s public reserves will make life easier for organisers.

“Currently, many events held on our public reserves are taking three months or more to licence,” Cr Hatcher said.

“If an event is only on Saturday, the bump in and out to set up fencing, portaloos or marquees – usually only delivered and collected on weekdays – means it is considered as four days, requiring a licence and public no fica on. We’re proposing to grant 5-year licences for these events; they will be approved just the once, not annually, providing more certainty to organisers.”

The proposal applies to events held at Corrigans Beach Reserve, Batemans Bay Foreshore, Hanging Rock, Mackay Park, Moruya Riverside Park, Moruya Showground, Bill Smyth Oval, NATA Oval and Quota Park.

“We want to know what you think and we’re taking your feedback up un l Friday 1 September,” Cr Hatcher said.

For more informa on on the proposed licences or to prepare a submission visit

The Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips has been checking in on an important disaster preparedness project for the South Durras community this week.

After the 2019-20 bushfires the Durras Community Association advocated to the Member for NBN cabling to be put underground, and for composite fire proof power poles from the Princes Highway into South Durras be installed, protecting power into the community.

Ms Phillips said today “I am really pleased to see the NBN work complete, and the composite power poles going in now. Thanks to NBN and local Essential Energy workers.

Thanks to Murray Wa , Emergency Services Minister, and Michelle Rowland MP, Minister for Communica ons, for listening and helping this community be more prepared for future disasters”.

It is hoped that Eurobodalla Council will step up and follow the lead of Shoalhaven Council and South Coast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) to provide the Sth Durras a Safe Heatwave and Bushfire Haven by transforming the Durras Hall into a whole-of-building emergency power supply, incorpora ng a large solar array, ba ery storage, and a backup generator thereby ensuring the facility’s con nuous opera on, even during power outages, when it is most needed.

SHASA has now gained grants to establish six such havens on private premises such as two CWA Halls, a Mens Shed and two Church halls. As yet Council have not made application to the NSW Government for the considerable funding they have at hand to create these essential havens.

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Above: Durras Community Associa on Vice PresidentTrevor Daly with Federal Member, Fiona Phillips

Cri cally Endangered fledgling takes long haul flight to Nth Coast

A rare hooded plover born in Eurobodalla Na onal Park has been spo ed 7 months later more than 850 km kilometres north in Broadwater Na onal Park, a massive migra on for this mini adventurer.

Na onal Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Shorebird Ranger Kaitlyn O'Brien said she was over the moon when the call came in from the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme (ABBBS) repor ng that 'Hoodie T7' had been spo ed near Evans Head.

Above: Hooded plover (Thinornis rubricollis) T7 was sighted at Salty

Lagoon Entrance, Broadwater Na onal Park ... Credit: Jacob Crisp

"Un l now the maximum distance a banded hooded plover has been recorded moving is 376 km, and that was a er 5 years, so this li le one has certainly started at a cracking pace," Ms O'Brien said.

"We are not sure why Hoodie T7 is so adventurous as these beach-nes ng birds are typically only seen on the south coast, so we are very keen to hear where it stops next.

"Our dedicated group of south coast shorebird volunteers monitored Hoodie T7 as a chick, watched it grow, shadow its parents and eventually fledge in January.

"Like it's parents, Hoodie T7 was banded and given an engraved leg flag for iden fica on.

"Banding provides valuable data that gives us a wonderful insight into the secret life of hooded plovers and helps us protect these very special birds.

"Thank you to the ABBBS volunteer who spo ed T7 and reported it. It's incredible to learn that Hoodie T7 has ventured so far and we are really pleased to see it looking happy and healthy.

"It's extremely rewarding to know that our work protec ng these birds during the nes ng season pays off, and that we are contribu ng to the survival of this species," Ms O'Brien said.

Hooded plovers are listed as Cri cally Endangered in New South Wales. A recent census es mate puts the current NSW popula on at only 65 birds. Despite their dis nct black, white and red colouring, hoodies are difficult to spot during nes ng season and are very vulnerable to disturbance.

The best way for people to help Hoodies and other beach-nes ng birds is to share the shoreline. Be aware that shorebirds nest on NSW beaches from August to March. Give them space, leash dogs and walk on wet sand, avoiding the dunes.

For more informa on on New South Wales's beach-nes ng birds, visit Share the Shore. Read more about the ABBBS, including how you can report sigh ngs of banded birds

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What’s on

Launching Braidwood Concert Series 2023

Winter/Spring series is the inimitable Luminescence Chamber Singers presenting B.A.C.H. SUNDAY 13 August from 2pm at Braidwood Uniting Church. Online tickets here: landing/994784?eid=994784.

Get in quick as seating is limited! You can also pay at the door on the day. AND hear Artistic Director AJ America interviewed on Braidwood 88.9FM on Monday 7 August from 3.30pm. And listen to artistic director, AJ America being interviewed on Monday 7 August rom 3.30pm on 88.9FM Braidwood. It’ll be a fascinating discussion.

In this concert of musical cyphers, Luminescence Chamber Singers join forces with guest artist Anna Freer (violin/ voice) to perform Bach’s monumental Partita no.2 in D Minor, interwoven with some of Bach’s most beloved chorales. The concert culminates in a new arrangement of the Chaconne – a setting for voices and violin that reveals a tapestry of references to Bach chorales buried in bones of the Chaccone.

Don't miss this outstanding performance. Its only just up the Clyde Road! Book now and secure your seat, as seating is limited.

Venue: Braidwood Uniting Church, 68 Monkittee St, Braidwood Date: Sunday 13 August

Time: 2pm - 3.15pm

Tickets: $45 adults, $40 concessions, $35 under 35s, $25 under 18s.

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Aug 4th - Rock and Roll Dance Party – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Aug 5th - Roddy Reason – Moruya Golf Club (6pm)

Aug 5th - Pearlerz – Club Tuross (6.30pm)

Aug 5th - Rick Bamford – Club Malua (7pm)

Aug 5th - Hot August Night Dance party at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Aug 5th - Australian Rugby Choir h ps://

Aug 5th: Josh Veneris at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm

Aug 6th: Abby May at the Broulee Brewhouse, 1-3pm

Aug 6th - The South Coast Music Society presents Soprano Bronwyn Douglass and Accompanist Alan Hicks

2pm St Bernard's Church, David Avenue, Batehaven Adults $45, SCMS Members and Concessions $40 Students and an accompanying adults Free Tickets at or at the door

Aug 12th: Sam Rees at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm

Aug 11th Stephen Jackson – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Aug 12th - 19-Twenty & Sunday Lemonade at Moruya Waterfront Hotel Motel 3:00 pm - 6:00 pmh ps://events.humani

Aug 12th Stephen Jackson – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Aug 13th: Woodface at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm

Aug 18th - Geoff Achison at Narooma Kinema

Aug 19th: Val Moogz at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm

Aug 20th: Rhys Dursma at the Broulee Brewhouse, 14pm

Aug 25th - The Sydney Hotshots Live at Moruya Waterfront Hotel Aug 25th

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What’s on

More Blues live at the Kinema

The wonderful Blues at the Kinema concerts con nue in August, hosted by Narooma School of Arts (NSoA). Highly acclaimed blues-root guitarist Geoff Achison of Melbourne will feature at Narooma Kinema on Friday 18 August supported by local legend Tony Jaggers.

Geoff Achison is “super excited” about playing at the Kinema.

“The experience of performing with simple acous c guitar and voice is extraordinarily libera ng,” he said. “I soon se le into flowing with the music and telling my stories about these songs.

“The most exci ng thing is seizing the opportunity to set the music free. The plan goes out the window, the chords change when they want to, the arrangement evolves as you bear witness, and the audience comes along for the ride.

“It’s hard to get the same vibe in the studio. That’s why live music is the best.”

Geoff has been hailed as one of Australia’s finest blues players, a brilliant lead guitarist and a gi ed songwriter.

“Geoff draws on deep blues, soul, funk and acous c folk influences and his music has been compared favourably to Eric Clapton, JJ Cale and the Allman Brothers,” said NSoA concert co-organiser Pe McInnes. “Geoff is invited to music fes vals around the world and he’s coming to Narooma Kinema. Why would you miss it…”

Ms McInnes said response to the series of Blues at the Kinema concerts from both musicians and patrons has been excep onal. “All enjoy being up close and personal, and our musicians all say they love a listening audience,” she said. “The School of Arts is passionate about suppor ng all the Arts. Bringing quality musicians to the Kinema is also a rac ng people from far and wide, even from the ACT, Queensland and Victoria.”

Tony Jaggers needs no introduc on to Blues fans across the south-east. He has supported many top line bands playing rock and blues over many years, and performed at many major Blues Fes vals in Australia and onstage with some Blues greats. He also hosts the community radio Blues programme ‘Mojo and JellyRolls’.

See Geoff Achison and Tony Jaggers at Narooma Kinema Friday 18 August.

Purchase ckets online through, not at the Kinema. Early Bird ckets cost $35 if bought by 1st August, or $40 a er 1st August. If you want to risk missing out by buying on the night, ckets will cost $45 at the door.

Doors open 6pm; show starts 6.30pm. There will be a bar with wine, beer and cocktails and noodle boxes for vegans, vegos and meat eaters.

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Wanderer Fes val Announces Stellar

Final Line-Up

Adding to an already stellar line-up, Wanderer Fes val has released its final program announcement, cemen ng a world-class program of music, art, comedy, theatre, circus and ar san workshops over three unforge able days and nights.

Phenomenal Zambian ar st, Sampa

The Great (ZM), is all that and so much more – a prodigious talent with a unique voice and point of view, Sampa is a formidable force kicking down the door of a new wave of ar stry in hip hop and taking the world by storm.

Coveted by fes vals around the world, Wanderer is thrilled to deliver Sampa The Great to the Sapphire Coast. A rac ng acclaimed collaborators (Bon Iver, Michael S pe, Moor Mother, Sharon Van E en, Rokia Koné and renowned producer Jacknife Lee) and landing in music cri cs bucket lists, we are thrilled to welcome interna onally renowned visual ar st and musician, Lonnie Holley (USA), who delivers an extraordinary aural memoir forged in Alabama fire and a life of extreme adversity and perseverance.

Hailing from closer to home, Ben Lee boasts a 30-year career that has been prolific and unpredictable, producing some of the catchiest tunes in Australian pop history. With his music full of candour and reflec on, wit and insight, Ben Lee is at his best and loving it. Northeast Party House is the ul mate party band –explosive and magne c. They will be your soundtrack to some unforge able fes val moments this September. Delivering the laughs this year – award winning Tom Ballard is one of Australia’s ho est comic talents having performed and won acclaim all around the world. A born storyteller with a sharp wit, Claire Hooper is a highly sought a er guest and co-host appearing on iconic comedy shows and fes val favourite for her cap va ng and brilliant shows. Wanderer’s latest program announcement has quality and quan ty in spades with 24 ar sts just announced and joining previously announced headliners Ocean Alley, Django Django (UK), The Jungle Giants, Thelma Plum, Spiderbait and Kevin Morby (USA) to complete the 70+ strong Wanderer Fes val 2023 line-up (full list below).

Wanderer has also just launched the Ul mate Fes val Experience compe on with cket holders in the running to win an epic fes val upgrade with all the bells and whistles of VIP passes, backstage access and absolutely one-of-a-kind accommoda on. The prize also includes a whale watching cruise with Sapphire Coast Adventures and lunch at Merimbula’s ha ed restaurant, Valen na. The compe on ends at midnight on Monday 21st August 2023. Full details and T&Cs can be found here

Wanderer offers a watershed new genre of bou que music fes val set in one of Australia’s truly pris ne loca ons in Pambula Beach. A truly mul -genera onal experience, Wanderer welcomes tradi onal fes val goers as well as families to the bucolic wonderland that is the Sapphire Coast, southern New South Wales. Tickets for Wanderer Fes val are priced according to age and range from $50-$320. Single day, 2 day and 3 day ckets are available from h ps:// ckets. Helping you start your Wanderer journey now are Pay in 4 payment plans – available through Mosh x. Wanderer Fes val is a bou que fes val and some (or all) cket types will likely sell out. Buying early is recommended. Wanderer Fes val is proudly supported by the NSW Government through its tourism and major events agency, Des na on NSW.

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Live at Moruya Waterfront Hotel

Tickets from $37.63 at h ps://

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Batemans Bay’s Premier Entertainment venue

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Montague Choristers and Visiting Artists

August is going to be a big month for the Montague Choristers and Visiting Artists.

At 2:30 pm on Sunday, August 20, the Montague Choristers will be singing Songs of Sundrie Natures - a selection of wonderful music by William Byrd, including several movements of his Mass for Four Voices, as well as some of his shorter works.

As an instrumental interlude we'll present the Trio Sonata in G major BWV 1039 by JS Bach performed by Cathie Doherty (flute), Philip Hartstein (violin) and Lada Marcelja (cello). This concert is at All Saints' Anglican Church, Bodalla and entry is by donation.

Then, at 2:30 pm on Saturday August 26 the Affinity Quartet returns to Narooma fresh from their triumph at the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition where they won the Grand Prize for best ensemble, first prize for best string quartet and the audience prize!

More about the competition here https:// affinity-quartet-announced-as-winner-ofmusica-viva-australia-s-melbourneinternational-chamber-music-competition2023/

Affinity will be playing Haydn's quartet Op 50 No 5 - The Dream and Beethoven's Op 59 No 2 - the second of his Razumovsky Quartets.

Affinity will be playing at St Paul's Anglican Church, Tilba St, Narooma. Tickets are $28 from Mitre 10 Gifts, Narooma and Nested on Wallaga, Bermagui, or $30 at the door or from Trybooking from https://

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Gadfly 298

Regular readers might recall a column a couple of months ago when I speculated that someone from our Aboriginal community would become the focus of the great movement to complete our Australian Constitution with the inclusion of our continental forebears…and incidentally, the Voice.

Surely, I thought, cometh the hour, cometh the person. Not the man like, say, the talented but divisive Noel Pearson or Stan Grant. In fact, it seems Stan has made a major sacrifice and left the public scene for the duration; while Noel has traded his critical whiplash for the natural gentility that first brought him to national attention. Well, that’s what good blokes do.

At the time, I thought maybe Ash Barty or Kathy Freeman might come to the fore, perhaps with an elder like the wonderful Pat Turner and/or Evonne Goolagong to gather the Boomers to the cause.

It never occurred to me that Sam Kerr might come zooming in from Chelsea to light a fuse under the Matildas in the biggest women’s event the world has yet seen…and to do it in my dear old hometown of Brisbane. But as they prepared to square off against Ireland, the idea began to take root. After all, she’s probably the best striker in the world, a hero in the making.

But then suddenly she was blasted out of the match by her strained calf muscle…at training, for goodness sake. Is coach Gustavsson crazy? If they hadn’t trained enough to beat the colleens the day before the match, he’s not worth a Swedish sausage, let alone the small fortune they’re paying him to get them all on the field in tiptop form.

Anyway, we beat them with a penalty; only learn that Sam’s calf was so crook that she wouldn’t be lining up against the Nigerians. Oh well, I thought, they’re a good way below our world rating so Sam’s ripper little understudy, Mary Fowler will take us through to the next round.

Enter Mr Gustavsson stage left with another Swedish training session and Mary’s out, the team is unbalanced and down we went. But not for long. Those four goals against the Canadians sent us straight to the round of 16 where Sam is sure to star. And then…well, I guess it’s up to the’ Yes’ case organisers to recruit her to their team

In fact, that was my earnest suggestion when I met up with a group of six local ladies spreading the ‘Yes’ word at the entrance to the Moruya Markets which we visited last Saturday.

They looked at me as though I’d gone nuts. ‘Sam Kerr?” said their pleasant spokesperson. ‘She’s got a life too, you know. She’ll be back in Chelsea earning a living.’

‘Yes, but…’

‘Give the girl a break. We really don’t need her anyway. This is one for us.’

That’s when I noticed that none of them looked even slightly of Aboriginal ancestry; and, neither, of course is Sam whose Dad came from India, her Mum from Fremantle. The Moruya ladies were friends and neighbours who had responded to a general call from the ‘Yes’ folk and they were loving it. They had a bunch of pamphlets, some regulation clipboards, and biros for signing your name. The organisers had given them some broad guidelines, but basically they just spread the word, and already they were optimistic about the result. ‘We can do this, you know,’ they said.

‘Sure,’ I thought. ‘Give the girl a break. This is one for us.’

Just a tick in the box and our Constitution is complete. Absolutely no training session required.

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Reading—a beer with Bazza

Mick’s heavily bandaged head ensured multiple best wishes as he limped through the front bar of the pub.

He groaned as he lifted himself on to the bar stool and cradled his head.

Bazza let out a low whistle as he positioned the schooner in front of Mick.

“Well….well…..well, Mick…………… it looks like you are back from a trip to Ukraine.”

Mick took a sip and sighed.

“No time for your smart arse comments, Bazza. I am in serious pain and am only joining you because….. well let’s face it….. no one else will put up with your warped view of the world come Friday afternoons. Anyhow……since you have not asked…… I came off my push bike.”

Bazza raised both eyebrows.

“Six stitches above the left eye, Bazza, and a fair bit of skin missing from the left leg. It all happened outside my grandson’s school right on bell time…….. I had just farewelled him for the day, jumped back on the bike and the front wheel slips on a piece of iron covering a pothole. I was only travelling about 5 kilometres an hour, and over the handlebars I go, and manage to connect with the road just under the helmet on my right side.”

Mick paused and adjusted his bandage.

“Anyhow, given it’s a head wound, there was a fair bit of claret flowing, but I managed to sit in the gutter whilst school kids gathered, with one showing me the footage of the accident he managed to capture on his phone.”

Bazza rubbed his hand across his mouth to conceal a grin.

“All a bit embarrassing, Mick. You are probably a star on Tik Tok.”

Mick leaned in.

“That’s not the worst of it, Bazza. I asked one of the older kids to ring an ambulance while I tried to stem the flow of blood. Well……. he makes the call and is asked what happened and to describe me.”

Mick’s face reddened and Bazza could not contain a chuckle.

“He is a bit flustered and yells into his phone, ‘This old bloke’…… a pause……. ‘I don’t know…… really old……. I mean grey hair old and wrinkled face old, you know….. rocking chair old………ahhh…. definitely pensioner old’………. Another pause……… ‘He is too old to be riding a push bike. I reckon he should…..’……. I tell you , Bazza, I had to take the phone off him before I got the full lecture from this school kid, in front of this gathering crowd, and correct the facts with the ambulance.”

“Sore head, sorer ego, Mick….. It’s interesting how we see ourselves differently to how others see us. Anyhow, it looks like you are going to end up with a pretty decent scar.”

Bazza took a decent sip.

“I reckon you have a week to think up a better story …… one more befitting your legendary status in the community.”

Have a beer with Bazza at

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100 Years Ago 4th August 1923

By adver sement it will be seen that Mr. Raymond Byrne, of Bodalla, is placing his fine new 22 h.p. Ford lorry at the service of residents of Bodalla and surrounding districts. As well as carrying general goods, he is prepared to convey picnic par es to any part of the country. A silo recently destroyed by fire on Mr. S. W. Bate’s farm, Central Tilba, is being replaced by a 120 ton concrete structure.

This week we have to report that Mr. P. J. Mylo is one of the first to advance in the mode of delivering his goods, having invested in a new Ford lorry. Householders in all the con guous centres will now receive their bread per motor. To be abreast of the mes more of our business men will have to relegate Old Dobbin to the scrap-heap and secure the swi er conveyance, toot the horn and join in the march of progress – on top gear.

We understand that, without any in ma on to the parents, the Newstead Public School was unceremoniously closed down on Tuesday. The reason for such peremptory ac on is being inquired into.

One of the largest pigs we have seen slaughtered was on view at Donnelly Brothers’ butchery on Wednesday evening. The monster, which was only 18 months old, was reared by Messrs. Luck Bros., “Myrtle Bank,” Yarragee, and when dressed turned the scales at 375lbs [170kg]. The internal layers of fat weighed 30lbs [13.6kg].

The death occurred at Bodalla on Sunday a ernoon last of Mr. William Wellington Motbey, an old and highly respected resident of the district. … Deceased, who was in his 65th year, was well-known at Nerrigundah, where in the early days he was a prosperous miner, but misfortune and ill-health came upon him and he was deprived of most of his hard earnings. He leaves a widow and nine daughters, Mesdames McGill (Bodalla), Bea e, D. Rose, D. White (Moruya), Misses Evelyn (Sydney), Olive, Dora, Ilma (Bodalla), Ruperta, (Newcastle) and one son, Samuel.

Deepest regret was expressed on Sunday morning when the news of the death of Mr. Thomas Turner, of Gundary, was made known. Mr. Turner contracted pneumonia and pleurisy, but the immediate cause of death was heart affec on. … Deceased was 72 years of age and was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner, of Glenduart. Born at Mullenderee, he lived there con nuously for 66 years. Successfully following farming pursuits for many years, he re red six years ago, and with his wife (formerly Miss Jane Fogarty, of Mullenderree) he went to live on his property at Gundary. Le to mourn their loss are a sorrowing widow, two brothers, Messrs. John (Mynora) and Edmund (Sydney), and four sisters, Mesdames Jones and T. Connors (Rockdale), Wallace (Berry) and J. Connors (Gundary).

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

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Winter theatre in the Moruya Red Door Hall.

2 x 1 Act short plays at the end of Aug/early Sept in the Red Door Hall.

5 shows only with seating for 50 at each show. Tickets on Sale this week - see attached poster for details.

"A Chip in the Sugar"

- wonderful to be staging this terrific monologue written by Alan Bennett. Delighted to have the talented Robin Aylot back on stage in this Talking Heads classic written for the BBC.

"Lost and Found"

- written and directed by Jacky Spahr, an award winning director and actor from Canberra, who now calls Moruya home. Pleased to be premiering this short Pinteresque style one act play, which focuses on courage within relationships.

Dates: Fri 7pm 25 Aug + Sat 4pm 26 Aug + Sun 27 Aug 2pm Matinee + Fri 7pm Sept 1 + Sat 7pm Sept 2.

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Quite often I write about the therapeutic benefits of using a salt pipe, especially when the cold and flu season is in full swing. I think it’s important to remind everyone of how effective these salt pipes can be. We receive such amazing feedback from customers using these salt pipes I thought it important to again remind our customers of the amazing benefits of salt pipes.

Saltpipes are thought to reduce inflammation and infection in our lungs. By regularly using a salt pipe, many have found they can breathe more easily. Saltpipes in fact may be helpful for the treatment and prevention of asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, allergies and other respiratory problems. We have received really positive feedback from many customers reporting they have found the salt pipes to be very beneficial for many of these ailments. It has helped them to breathe easier, alleviate shortness of breath plus they don’t sneeze and cough as much.

Even snorers have found some relief when using these salt pipes – in fact we had one customer come into our store after using the salt pipe for only a few days, raving about how well it had worked for his snoring. Salt pipes can be helpful to overcome wheeziness or persistent coughing when suffering from colds. They may also assist with treatment of shortness of breath and can be particularly helpful for smokers.

If you are a sports person, you may find a salt pipe may help you perform better by cleaning the lungs. Singers and musicians playing wind instruments such as the trumpet may achieve better results after using a salt pipe.

As I have written previously, salt therapy has been used for centuries. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed inhaling steam from salt water was of benefit for lung and bronchial disorders. In the early 19th century, a Polish doctor discovered miners working in salt mines, despite difficult working conditions were in good health plus never suffered from respiratory problems. Then in WWII people regularly sheltering from bombing in a salt cave in Germany found their respiratory conditions were improved and even the healthier people found their immunity improved and they didn’t catch colds. Since these times Russia has undertaken much research into the treatment of asthma and bronchitis using salt therapy. This therapy is commonly used in Central and Eastern Europe.

It has been found, when suffering from respiratory problems, the smaller the particle, the better the health benefits. It appears between 5 and 10 microns are able to reach the windpipe and central bronchial area. Below 5 microns it reaches right into the lungs and between 0.1 – 2.5 microns it will penetrate deep into bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli. It is understood these particles destroy pathogenic micro-organisms by

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dehydrating microbial cells, calming any inflammation, drying up mucous and enabling the body to eliminate mucous and bacteria from airways.

Obviously, we don’t have access to salt mines, however at Go Vita we do stock Saltpipes. The Saltpipe Inhaler is filled with the best quality salt crystals. Its salty therapeutic microclimate calms and cleanses the cells of the respiratory system. When using the Saltpipe the moisture of the passing air absorbs the micron sized particles of the salt that penetrates the respiratory system to induce natural self cleansing mechanisms that flush away the impurities from the surface of the cells, mechanically cleansing the passageways, helping to clear our nasal cavities, and helping to calm, heal and repair inflamed lungs and airways.

The Saltpipe is easy to use. Simply inhale through the mouthpiece and exhale out through the nose for 15-25 minutes once a day. When starting out you may experience some coughing and sneezing as the body clears itself of mucous from the lungs and sinus cavities, however these symptoms will subside once the saltpipe is used regularly. Note the Saltpipe is not to be used instead of prescribed medication to stop an asthma attack. A Saltpipe however may be beneficial when used regularly to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

Bone Broth has become popular as a health supplement of late and with good reason. I’m sure we all know someone who has been talking up the benefits of bone broth. Bone broth is great to be drinking at any time of the year, however it is particularly warming on these cold winter days. We are often asked about the flavour of bone broths. To enable customers to sample our bone broths we are setting up a pot of bone broth each week in store, to enable customers to sample these nourishing, tasty broths.

This week customers can sample one of our most popular bone broths, Best of the Bone Organic Turmeric, Ginger and Black Pepper Broth. Bone broth contains collagen, amino acids, minerals, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and essential fatty acids. The are believed to be beneficial in helping gut health especially irritable bowel, acid reflux, colitis and leaky gut. They can also be helpful for bone, joint and muscle health. By adding turmeric, black pepper, and ginger to a bone broth, there are some extra health benefits.

Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Many find turmeric to be helpful for treatment of arthritis and inflamed gut and bowel problems. Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant. It is believed to improve brain function and in particular help with lowering the risk of degenerative brain function especially in old age. It is also thought to lower our risk of heart disease. Ginger may also be helpful for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and gut and bowel inflammation. It is often taken to aid digestion and help with acid reflux. When we add all of these ingredients into one nutritious paste, you can see why this broth is so popular.

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Broulee Runner’s Results

Wednesday 2 August 2023

One day a er the ‘horses’ birthday we were pleased to have an excellent field of athletes taking to the track for this evening’s races over the three distances. There was no horse play as 8 runners improved their mes, and we welcomed two new starters.

In the 2-kilometres the improvers were Sophia Carver, Violet Turner, Erin Domeny, Robyn Halke , Oliver Turner, Charlie, and Jala Channon. In the 4kilometres Ryan Bissell smashed his previous me to record an excellent PB.

We welcomed Django Dolphin and Lyndall Jackson to their first run with the group.

The new start area has proved a huge success for families with the adjacent water, swings, and hilly slopes. It will be more a rac ve with the warmer weather and the water in Candlagan Creek. The flat course allows the faster runners to push themselves to their limit. Also, it allows those wishing to walk or push a pram to have a safe path to follow.

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Moruya Women’s Golf

Wednesday 2nd August

The 6th GNSW Monthly Medal was another highly contested round. Some great scores were recorded by many of the 21 players, but none more so than by the two winners.

1st Place: Phyllis Reid won the prized Monthly Medal with a fantas c 69 ne .

2nd Place: Judi Hebbard with a most acceptable 74 ne .

Place Ge ers:

M. Douglas (75), A. McMillan (77), J. Hosking (78 C/B), S. Noy (78 C/B), J. Lumsden (74 C/B), M. Muriwai (78).


Div.1 5th Hole: Marie Muriwai

Div.2 6th Hole: Val Moore

Div.3 12th Hole: Phyllis Reid

Narooma Social Bowls 25 July

Enjoying another perfect, sunny, winter’s day our social bowlers were keen to get out on the green. There was a game of triples and two games of pairs and this week winning scores on ends six and 12 were doubled. The winning team for the day, decided by Lowest Winning Margin, was Sue Waldock and Sue Sansom (skip) who led 14 to 12 a er 12 ends thanks to a three, doubled, on end six. They gradually extended their lead to go on to a 23 to 17 win against Heather McGourty and Cindy Newell (skip). Clare Cork con nued her good form in picking up the money for her res ng toucher at 12.40.

Peter Hawker won the Rapley’s Meat raffle and Suzanne Dainer took second prize. Thank you to Rapley and Sons for their con nued, valued, support. Heather McGourty won the 50Club.

Major Pairs

The finalists in the Major Pairs were decided on Friday when Carol Harraway and Vicki Herman (skip) met Suzanne Dainer and Gail Howe (skip). Carol and Vicki started strongly and a er 11 ends they led 11 to seven. There were some really good ends in play throughout the match with very few mul ples however Carol and Vicki kept their margin and eventually ran out 20 to 11 winners. They will now play Alison Maloney and Sandra Breust in the final.

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Photo - Willy Blink watches her bowl while Barb McNamara prepares for her next shot. Photo: Phyllis Reid

Tight Finish In Tuross Head Vets Golf Event

Tuross Head Veteran golfers played a Single Stableford event on Wednesday 2 August. In a very tight finish Allen Lee edged out Len Rogers, Chris Wratten and Terry Milliken on count back, all players recording the same 17 point scores.

Minor prizes went to Ann Ware on 16, Graham Moore, Peter McRae and Derek Hoare with 15s, Ian Manton and Henry Anderson on 14, and finally Richard Kelly and Jane Eglitis with scores of 13 points.

Ross Hendy took out the infamous Bradman award with nearest the pins going to Bruce Harding on the 4th, Steve Collins on the 6th, and to Gail Rogers and Terry Milliken on the 7th. David Williams won the Accurate drive.

Image: Allen Lee

Narooma Women’s Golf results

A small field of 18 entrants competed on Monday 31st July in a Medley Canadian Foursomes event.

One division - the overall winners were Jennifer Walker and Diane Knoll with a score of 71.625

Balls to 76.75

Wednesday, 2nd August on a beau ful winter day we had a great field of 36 entrants compe ng in a Stableford (4) event.

Two divisions: Div 1; 0-28 Div 2; 29-45

Division 1 winner was Jenny McIntyre with a score of 39 off a handicap of 22

Runner up was Jennifer Walker with a score of 38 off a handicap of 22

The division 2 winner was Robyn Gible with a score of 40 off a handicap of 38

Runner up was Margaret Brown with a score of 37 C/B off a handicap of 30

Balls to 35

Nearest to pin:

Hole 3, Div 2 Marion Brooks

Hole 9, Div 3 Pam Shepherd

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Please book at Narooma Pro Shop to be part of this great Charity Golf Day for Legacy.

Rhys Kennedy to play Wembley Stadium

The Betfred Men’s Challenge Cup Final will return to Wembley Stadium on Saturday 12 August 2023 as Hull KR face Leigh Leopards.

To many who don’t follow British rugby league this event will offer little interest.

But to the many in Eurobodalla who have been following the career of Moruya born, Rhys Kennedy, it will put a smile on their faces knowing that Rhys is enjoying his time in the UK playing for Hull KR.

Wikipedia says of Rhys: Kennedy played for the Melbourne Storm in the National Youth Competition in 2014.

In 2016, Kennedy played for the Illawarra Cutters in the Intrust Super Premiership NSW competition. In 2017, Kennedy joined foundation club North Sydney who were the feeder club side for NRL side South Sydney.

Kennedy spent two seasons playing with Norths in the Intrust Super Premiership NSW.

On March 31, 2019, in Round 3 of the 2019 NRL season, Kennedy made his NRL debut for South Sydney against the Gold Coast Titans.

Kennedy then signed for the Brisbane Broncos in a deal that ran until the end of the 2020 season. This was then upgraded until the end of the 2022 NRL season.

Rhys is currently in his first season for the Hull KR after signing a two-year deal with the Robins in the offseason

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Above: Rhys after scoring a try against Castleford - Photo courtesy of Hull KR

Special Olympics

South Coast - 10 Pin Bowling at Regional Compe on

Special Olympics is a volunteer-run spor ng group for people with intellectual disability.

Special Olympics South Coast Club welcomes athletes and volunteers from Ulladulla to Victorian border. Besides 10 pin, they train and compete in basketball and swimming.

Above: The Special Olympics South Coast Club team (including volunteers) con nued to show kindness, sportsmanship and enthusiasm, not only on the long road trip, but throughout a very busy (and noisy!) day.

The latest sports venture Special Olympics South Coast had an early start (5:00am) to travel to Shellharbour Ten Pin Bowling Alley.

The 12 athletes, supported by 4 volunteers in this event came from Moruya, Batemans Bay and Ulladulla. Alas the distance was far too great for the Special Olympics South Coast Bega athletes to compete in this comp.

In all 90+ athletes from more than 5 regions across the state and ACT competed.

As is usual players are divisioned into groups that allow for the most equitable outcomes with all athletes winning ribbons, and many bea ng their personal bests.

Along with impressive games played by all athletes, three new Special Olympics South Coast athletes played outstanding games. Helena was placed 3rd; Steve placed 2nd; and Alicia was 1st.

Unfortunately, and much to the athletes’ disappointment, they were unable to stay for the presenta on of the doubles ribbons, due to distance/travel woes. The athletes will instead learn how they went in the doubles, when Illawarra Special O sends the results and the ribbons. This will all be revealed during a own presenta on at the next training morning at Dunn Lewis Centre, Ulladulla on 13 August (9:30- 11:00am) hoping to have many clubs compete when they host a Regional Ten Pin Bowing comp in October.

The next big bowling trip - State Bowling Carnival in Campbelltown, August 19 and 20. 15 of our athletes will compete to win medals!

Follow the Facebook page: Special Olympics Australia - South Coast

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Moruya River.

The cold waters have certainly kicked in in the Moruya system, with the scourge of winter fishing, the dreaded slime weed in full force throughout the Moruya system. This stuff covers your rigs and baits, and generally makes fishing the river this time of year, nigh on impossible. Finding a section of river where there isn’t slime is the key to finding a fish or two. Try the areas around the airport flats, quarry wharf, and Preddy’s wharf and the back of hole-in the wall to see what is around. The only cure for this slime, is warm water, which is a few months off coming back. I generally give the river a miss this time of the year time the slime dissipates.

Tuross River.

Tuross isn’t immune to the dreaded slime this time of the year either. What Tuross has in its favour, is the expansive system that can hold pockets of clear slime free water. A bit of exploration is the key here to find a section that is free from the winter slime.

If you can find a slime free section, live nippers or slowly worked soft plastics or blades can help you to connect to a fish of two.

Soft plastics fished on weedless style hooks that hide the point can be helpful to stop your lure picking up any weed this time of year.

Rock and beach.

For my money, the beaches and rocky headlands are the place to be during winter. There are plenty of good sized salmon around at the moment, with no particular beach having any advantage over another. This is due to the fact that fish swim, and they will be where you find them.

The Moruya breakwall has been a little hit and miss this last week, with some days better than others. My advice is be prepared to explore and look around at different locations till you find an active school. When you do find them, pilchards on gang hooks and paternoster rigs will be the go, as will metal slices, big soft plastics and even stick baits or poppers. There is nothing more exhilarating than watch a surface lure get bit! The drummer guys are also have a good time of this season, with some solid fish coming from the rocks.


The tuna guys have been rewarded for the effort involved in getting out and searching for the old yellowfin this week. Several boats have had success with fish up to 70kg boated this last week.

For those looking for a more leisurely trip, mixed bags of snapper, trevally, flathead and even the odd gummy have been taken inshore this last week. Start looking around the 20m mark and explore from there. We finally have mullet fillet back in the freezer, but no whole mullet or 1kg bags of salted pilchards. Supply issues are still something we are dealing with, but where possible I try and stock up on other options where possible.

For those that follow different brands on the socials, they will know that the AFTA trade show is currently in full swing in QLD this week. So there are lots of new products starting to be seen on the socials. Some of these items will be available straight away, while the majority of product won’t be available to later in the year closer to summer and Xmas.

Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle World Moruya.

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beagle abode: the leading online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide, showcasing the current Eurobodalla, and wider South Coast property market

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OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide

The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors.

The beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas

The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week.

You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE

The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts.


h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 322 August 4th 2023 44 Page 44 real estate

South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1158:

Exploding a Myth: “Winter is Not a Good Time to Sell”

On the 16th of July 2010 you will no doubt all remember that our Franzen Tips was titled “Winter is Just as Good as Spring for Selling”. In that article, we discussed the hype around the so-called “Spring Selling Season”, but we iden fied that there is actually very li le difference in the levels of real estate sales ac vity across every season. The study analysed sales volumes between January 2000 and 2009 and found that autumn a racted the largest number of sales with 26.6%.

But have things changed since then? The table below, shows the sales percentages from 2000-2009 (from our original Franzen Tips) and the recent analysis we undertook for the sales from our office for the period 2016-2023

As you can see from the above table, the results are remarkably similar from season to season and confirm our belief that ANY TIME IS A GOOD TIME TO SELL! There is only a small percentage difference between the quieter season, typically summer, when people want to enjoy their summer holidays, and the season of autumn.

There are several explana ons why autumn and winter are more popular than most people would realise. The key one is that many people want to purchase proper es (par cularly holiday houses) during autumn and winter to have them ready for the spring and summer holiday seasons.

As we head towards the end of winter, we think that if you are contempla ng selling, then now is a good me to do so, as it will be in spring or summer or autumn.

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Season 2000-2009 2016-2023 Spring 25.3% 25.3% Summer 22.8% 23.2% Autumn 26.6% 27.5% Winter 25.3% 24.0%
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Eurobodalla Community Noticeboard is the place to promote your community events. Simply email your community event or notice to
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The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn.

Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.00-12.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre) Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm. For informa on contact

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beagle weekly : Vol 322 August 4th 2023 52 Page 52 Trades and Business Directory 2023 Before you engage a tradesperson to build, renovate or repair your home, ask for their licence number and check that they hold the correct licence for the job. Visit the Fair Trading website or contact 13 32 20 to check a licence. Accounting Air Conditioning
Bathrooms Automotive
beagle weekly : Vol 322 August 4th 2023 53 Page 53 Trades and Business Directory 2023 Before you engage a tradesperson to build, renovate or repair your home, ask for their licence number the correct licence for the job. Visit the Fair Tra or contact 13 32 20 to check a licence.
Builders Carpenters Carpet


Trades and Business Directory 2023





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Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Garden Landscaping Home Maintenance Kitchens Glass


Trades and Business Directory 2023


Mowing and Gardening



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Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Pest Control
Plumbers Plasterers

Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Roofing Solar Electrical TV Antenna Tiling Trees

Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Waste Management

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