Beagle Weekender Vol 292 January 6th 2023

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beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 1 Page 1 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine. Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 28 to 31 Cinema ……………….. 19 Community ………………3 to 12 Reading ……………………..20 to 27 No ces………………………… 37 Sport and Fishing………. 32 to 34 Editorial …………………..2 What’s On …………….... 13 to 18 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ Vol 292 January 6th 2023
Photo courtesy of South Coast Pix

Welcome to this week’s editorial,

Having lived on the South Coast for 36 years I have seen many Christmas holidays come and go. Like many I have memories of scorching summers, the wild storms, the cold snaps and the endless rains that we have experienced from me to me, but fortunately there have been many years that were simply Normal. To my mind, this is one of them.

Post bushfires, and post Covid lockdowns, the number of visitors seems to have returned to ‘Normal’ where ‘Normal’ is the full capacity of our holiday accommoda on. Cafes appear to be well patronised and town streets are full of visitors enjoying being generally unrestrained and out and about. Even the weather has been ‘Normal’ offering up days of sun for beach ac vi es and then delivering overcast days to remind us that summer holidays are also spent around jigsaws, Monopoly sets, kicking a ball at a local park or going to the movies.

Adding to it all are the many who have brought their bikes to ride our cycleways, their trainers to explore our walking tracks and their dogs to discover our off-lead beaches. Our markets are overflowing with visitors and local produce. To anyone looking down from above the South Coast is indeed “all kinds of natural”.

It is understandable that folks come to enjoy the natural beauty of the place. In doing so they leave no place unexplored. The creeks, the rivers, the rocky foreshores are there for the exploring; as to the beaches, lakes and rivers. Pris ne and ready for discovery and enjoyment.

And we know they have been there by the li le reminders they leave behind. Bait bags strewn along the foreshores by fishers who “love nature”. And then there are the bo les, cans, fast food packaging strewn along the highway along with the local park bins filled to overflowing with s nky prawn shells and the rest of the holiday detritus. But not to worry. Once they have all gone home the locals will do as they have always done and go out and pick up all the crap le behind by the self-en tled who seem to have arrived at “all kinds of natural” and happily le it as “all kinds of sh*thole”.

I watched with interest the latest Australia Day Lamb adver sement (h ps:// ). It is well cra ed and has a good message however… it failed to iden fy one of the biggest flaws this country has… our propensity to throw rubbish out the window, to chuck bait bags overboard, and to disrespect fellow Australians with the assump on that someone else will pick up their rubbish.

As you watch the Australia Day Lamb advert ask yourself whether it is now considered very Australian to li er highways and waterways and very (by the poor turnout) Un–Australian to register for Clean-up Australia Day. Maybe it was too hard for the producers, or too controversial, to put a spot-light on Australians, all Australians, who rubbish their own country. Maybe they should have.

Talk to any interna onal visitor about our fair country and eventually they will comment on how our roads sides are a garbage p from Cape York to Tasmania, Byron Bay to Perth. This surprises them more than the volume of roadkill they see. But for the average Australian this has become the ‘normal’ and apparently the Australian thing to do, as it is clear there is more than one Australian doing it, and they are being witnessed by friends and family.

But then… it would be un-Australian of me to men on that our pride of country and pride of place appears to be li le more than jingoism given the state of our roadsides, parks and foreshores. The annual volunteer turnout for Clean Up Australia Day each year is less and less. As it turns out there is only a handful of people who are actually stooping to pick up the garbage. Steadily we are losing the ba le.

The “All Kinds of Natural” and “Nature Coast” that Eurobodalla used to be is long gone. At every turn there is now rubbish to see. New rubbish and old rubbish le to rot by those who walked there before you.

It might be un-Australian to rubbish Australians but it now seems quite acceptable that Australians can rubbish their own country, and live with the fact that they have become, in the eyes of interna onal visitors and Pacific neighbours, a Rubbish country.

Maybe the Na onal chant should be “Aussie Oi, Aussie Oi, Aussie Oi, Oi, Oi … Oi .. You !!, yeah, you, pick up your #$@^ garbage!!”. Un l next—lei

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Submissions sought on Moruya rodeo licence

Eurobodalla Council is seeking community feedback on a five-year licence renewal allowing the Rodeo Associa on of Moruya to run events at the Moruya Showground.

The rodeo has run for 48 years and is consistent with Council’s plan of management for the showground, and to obtain a new licence the rodeo must con nue to comply with all relevant legisla on.

Council is also considering mandatory compliance with the NSW Code of Prac ce for animals used in

events as an addi onal condi on should a new licence be granted.

Submissions close 10am on Tuesday 31 January. For more informa on visit Council’s Public no ce: Licence for Moruya rodeo page.

Cheaper Medicines from January 1st, 2023

As of 1 January 2023, millions of Australians are now paying up to 30 per cent less for their Pharmaceu cal Benefits Scheme (PBS) prescrip ons, with the maximum PBS copayment dropping from $42.50 to $30.

“For the first me in the 75-year history of the PBS, the co-payment for general scripts has fallen", said Kristy McBain MP, Federal Member for Eden Monaro.

“We heard from pharmacists, stories of their customers coming in with a handful of prescrip ons asking for advice about which script they can go without, because they can't afford to fill them all.

“I am pleased that our cheaper medicines policy will make that choice redundant for millions of Australians” stated Ms McBain.

"The community pharmacy in partnership with the Australian Government is commi ed to improving pa ent outcomes and especially in mes of rising living costs, no pa ent should ever have to choose between lifesaving medica on and food on the table.

“For an Eden-Monaro family relying on two or three medica ons, this can put as much as $450 back into their household budget” said Kristy McBain MP.

"In addi on, from 1 January, Australians with eye disease, a rare blood disorder or asthma will have access to new and expanded medicine lis ngs under the PBS.

"Since July 1 2022, there has been addi onal funding approved for 61 new and amended lis ngs on the PBS".

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rodeo Above: Jessica Kirkwood from Blooms Chemist in Queanbeyan with Federal Member for Eden Monaro, Kristy McBain


severe, invasive bacterial infec ons following recent increases in cases.

Execu ve Director of Health Protec on NSW, Dr Richard Broome said there had been increases in both meningococcal disease (IMD) and invasive group A streptococcus (iGAS) infec ons in recent weeks.

Cases of IMD were above average in NSW towards the end of 2022, and cases of iGAS have increased in NSW, in other states, and overseas.

Dr Broome said it was important the community was aware while the infec ons are very rare, both can be very serious and can cause death or permanent disability.

“In their early stages, invasive bacterial infec ons including IMD or iGAS some mes mimic symptoms of viral infec ons like COVID and influenza, and can also follow or occur at the same me as a viral infec on,” Dr Broome said.

“Rapid interven on and effec ve treatment for invasive bacterial infec ons are available and can be lifesaving. We urge people to pay close a en on to symptoms, trust their ins ncts, and seek urgent medical care if symptoms worsen or if they or the people they care for appear very unwell. “While no fica on data on iGAS has only recently become available in NSW, the number of people unwell with the condi on has clearly increased here and across the world,” Dr Broome said.

Between September and December of 2022, 137 cases of iGAS were no fied in NSW. There were 36 cases of meningococcal disease (IMD) reported in NSW in 2022. Indicators of serious illness include fever, a fast heart rate, cold hands and feet or a mo led look to the skin, difficulty waking or increased lethargy or confusion. The person looks unwell and may also have nausea, vomi ng or abdominal pain.

Symptoms to look out for in young children that may indicate severe illness include irritability, difficulty waking, high-pitched crying, refusal to eat/feed, fewer or no wet nappies or decreased urina on, cold or mo led limbs, and difficulty breathing.

People with meningococcal disease may experience severe headache, neck s ffness, dislike of bright lights, or unexplained joint or limb pain. A non-blanching rash of red-purple spots or bruises may also occur but o en presents later in the illness. Do not wait for a rash to occur. iGAS can cause different symptoms. As well as the signs of serious illness, they may have muscle aches and pains. If they have a bruise or a skin infec on this may become red, warm or very painful, including pain beyond the area that is obviously affected.

People with iGAS may develop a red, warm, painful, and rapidly spreading skin infec on which may have pus or ulcera on. Children may present with a sunburn-like rash. The rash and skin changes are not always present so do not wait for a rash to seek care if the person is very unwell.

Lower abdominal pain, bleeding, or bad-smelling discharge from the vagina can be symptoms of serious infec on in women who are pregnant or who have recently given birth.

For more informa on on iGAS and IMD see the NSW Health website: h ps:// Infec ous/Pages/default.aspx

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Health is advising the community to be aware of the signs and symptoms of rare but

Library garden’s all grown up, water-wise and inspira onal

Moruya Library and surrounds has a new bush oasis of more than 500 na ve plants to explore.

What’s eye-catching right now is a special corymbia ficifolia ‘baby orange’ flowering gum that’s blooming for the first me.

Two-years ago, the library entrance was a weedy mess.

Council’s community development manager Kim Bush felt the space could become more appealing to the eye as well as a cultural and learning experience.

She rallied the sustainability team and parks crew and got to work crea ng spectacular “outdoor rooms”.

“We purchased na ve plants from local nurseries and designed the garden in a way to conserve water,” Ms Bush said.

“Even the species of grass we used around the site, called zoysia, grows slowly and uses less water.

“We hope this garden inspires others to recognise different na ve plant varie es they can buy locally and plant at home.”

Ms Bush said the rela onships between cri er, plant and shelter were also explained on signs as you stroll through the garden.

“The signage will also assist with community and school group visits to the garden where educa on is provided on water-wise and sustainable gardens and their inhabitants,” Ms Bush said.

The garden is maintained by Landcare volunteers, eco crews and library volunteers. Ms Bush said there’s more to come with landscaping, a yarning circle and sea ng to be completed this year.

Another recent addi on to the library and The Bas surrounds was a pizza oven, installed in November.

“There will be certain days we’ll fire up the oven for people to bake their bread or some pizza, to bring the kids and a picnic blanket to enjoy dinner outside,” Ms Bush said.

The pizza oven was funded by the NSW Government’s Reconnect grant program. To find out when the oven fires up next, keep an eye on Council’s events webpage.

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Above:: Branch librarian Donna Lawrence and Council’s community development manager Kim Bush explore the new garden.

Caught out on toilets and bins

Eurobodalla Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn has described locked public toilets and overflowing bins in Batemans Bay over the New Year break as unacceptable.

Mr Winn said despite doubling the number of street bins and emptying them daily, the Batemans Bay CBD and foreshore looked a mess at mes with li er spilling out of bins, and members of the public resor ng to shopping trolleys to contain the waste.

“We thought we had it covered with ten extra bins on the Bay foreshore alone,” Mr Winn said.

“We’ve now placed 12 addi onal bins around the waterfront, but we as a Council will set about finding a be er long-term solu on.

“I don’t want to see this happen again. Businesses are doing their best to a ract visitors and the community expect their towns to present well.”

Mr Winn also acknowledged issues with locked public toilets around the Bay on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

He said Council’s cleaning contractor had let them down, leaving Council staff scrambling to open the toilets a er complaints started coming through.

“This is unacceptable, and we will do be er next me,” he said.

“We need to get these simple things right, and I’m determined that we will.”

Above: Despite Council doubling the number of street bins and emptying them daily, residents and visitors were using shopping trolleys to contain li er around Batemans Bay over the New Year break.

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Wagonga shoreline works take a break over Summer

Restora on work along Narooma’s Wagonga Inlet will recommence a er the peak summer holiday period.

The first stage of the Living Shoreline project, involving the installa on of a new oyster reef, has been completed.

Eurobodalla Council’s natural resources coordinator Heidi Thomson said the next stage of the project would begin in February 2023. The work includes a foreshore realignment and plan ng of na ve species by the Wagonga Local Aboriginal Land Council.

“Natural plant communi es like saltmarsh and other low growing foreshore species will be used to reclaim the shoreline,” Ms Thomson said.

“Then we will install formal access ways, a boardwalk, je y and floa ng pontoon.”

Un l stage two of the project begins, Ms Thomson said the area will be reopened for the public to use.

“Part of the temporary gravel road was removed and reseeded with grass so the area can open back up for the summer season,” Ms Thomson said.

“The construc on fence along the foreshore will also be temporarily removed.”

The shoreline project is a partnership between Council, NSW DPI

Read more about the project on Council’s website.

and the

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Fisheries Nature Conservancy. Above: Wildlife along the new oyster reef in the Wagonga Inlet, Narooma. VIDEO: Narooma's living foreshore project - nature based experience along Wagonga Inlet foreshore. Video credit: Nicole Larkin Design | Short Pants Consul ng | REALMstudios | Royal HaskoningDHV h ps:// ltkt6YNR8

Moruya Museum have two interes ng exhibi ons running

at the moment. “It’s about me’ – an eclec c collec on of clocks and watches ranging in size from small trench watches worn by soldiers in World War I to a tall English grandfather clock da ng to around the mid 19th century. Hurry as this exhibi on is due to close at the end of January. The ‘Moruya Stories’ exhibi on tells our district’s history through the people and businesses that have shaped our community over the years.

Visitors will also be able to learn of Moruya’s connec on to the granite used in construc on of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and other famous Sydney landmarks. The Abernethy Stonemason’s Lathe, a rare surviving piece of Victorian-era machinery listed on the Na onal Heritage Register, now resides in a purpose-built shed next to the Moruya Museum.

Moruya Museum permanent displays showcase ar facts from the early 1800’s in the rooms of our Museum building built in 1875 by Abraham Emmo . His Beehive store dominated business in busy Vulcan Street in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

You can explore this district’s local history in their Research Library which holds an extensive collec on of books, photographs and resources for general and genealogy research. Their knowledgeable volunteers are on hand to assist you with your queries.

There’s a lot of interes ng informa on on our blog at including an online Moruya Heritage Walk which you can download.

Opening hours: Museum: Wed/Fri/Sat 10 am – 12 noon

Research Library: Mon/Wed/Fri 10.00 am – 2.00 pm

Social Bridge/Refresher Lessons at Moruya Bridge Club

Played Bridge a while ago? Or had some lessons?

Would like some refresher lessons or social play? Moruya Bridge Club is offering both

Every Monday, 11 am – 12.30 pm at Moruya Golf Club

Star ng Monday, January 9, 2023, Cost: free Lessons from an experienced teacher

Social Bridge supervised by experienced players Bridge is a fantas c card game for all, regardless of age For more informa on, contact:

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Changed traffic condi ons on Kings Highway, north of Nelligen

Motorists are advised of changed traffic condi ons from next week on the Kings Highway north of Nelligen for ongoing repair work.

Pavement repair work will be carried out at various loca ons along a 22-kilometre sec on of the highway between Nelligen and River Forest Road.

Work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm on weekdays from Tuesday 10 January un l Friday 20 January, weather permi ng.

Single lane closures, stop/slow traffic condi ons and a reduced speed of 40 km/h will be in place during work mes.

Motorists are advised to drive to condi ons, follow the direc ons of signs and traffic control, and allow up to an addi onal 10 minutes travel me.

Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their pa ence during this me. For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW app, visit or call 132 701.

Expressionss of Interest

are now open to join the Southern New South Wales Local Health District (SNSW LHD)

Eurobodalla Health Service Community Representa ve Commi ee (EHSCRC)

The EHSCRC was established in 2012 and is the only official Eurobodalla Health Service community and consumer commi ee directly linked with the SNSW LHD Board, the Execu ve and the Chief Execu ve

If you or you know someone who would like more details, then contact, Renata Sheehan, Community Engagement Manager SNSW LHD via

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Teensafe is planning the next safe-driver course in the school holidays on Thursday 19 January 2023 at Moruya Speedway (weather and Covid permi ng).

Teensafe specialises in prac cal behind-the-wheel safe driver instruc on for L and P licenced drivers. To book a place and access a registra on form, email or go to for more info.

The Teensafe team is considering a driver course for seniors who feel the need to refresh their driving ability and skills using your own vehicle with an instructor alongside at Moruya Speedway.

Any enquiries or support for this road safety ini a ve welcome.

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Community—Tuross Head

Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary's first fundraiser for 2023 our "Tuross Summer Stall" will be held on Saturday 14 January 8am to 1pm in the Presbyterian Church Hall Cnr Drake St & Craddock Rd Tuross Head.

All the favourite items will be on sale, home made cakes, cra items, books, plants and great quality brica-brac.

The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn. Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.0012.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre)

Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm.

For informa on contact or

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New Chair And Members Appointed To Southern NSW Local Health District Board

Beth Hoskins has been appointed as the Chair of the Southern NSW Local Health District Board. Ms Hoskins joined the Board in 2017 and has served as Deputy Board Chair since 2019 and as Interim Chair since mid-2022.

Ms Hoskins today also welcomed three new members of the District’s Board.

“I am delighted that Ms Jennie Gordon, Dr Megan Keaney and Dr Vennassa Wong will be joining our Board,” Ms Hoskins said.

Ms Gordon has had extensive involvement in health administra on as a leader and manager in mul ple se ngs. Ms Gordon’s experience in the Aboriginal community sector, community services, aged care, correc onal health, and the non-government sector brings a broad range of experience to the board.. Ms Gordon is a proud Ngunnawal woman raised in and around Goulburn, on Gundungurra/Ngunnawal Country.

Dr Keaney is a medical prac oner, formerly employed in a senior policy and program management role in the Commonwealth Department of Health. Dr Keaney has a sound understanding of the Australian health care system, policy, regula on, and funding with exper se in the opera on of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and related programs.

Dr Keaney has an ongoing commitment to value-based health care and the policy, funding and health delivery se ngs that help deliver this. Dr Keaney’s previous board experience includes me as chair of the Na onal Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (now Cancer Australia).

Dr Wong has a unique skillset, being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and is one of only 500 Indigenous medical prac oners in Australia. Dr Wong works as a clinician providing health services in GP se ngs including Aboriginal Medical Services and in hospital se ngs as a GP Anaesthe st/Emergency Visi ng Medical Officer and Forensic Sexual Assault Examiner.

Dr Wong’s involvement in the Charles Sturt University School of Rural Medicine includes a responsibility for the oversight and delivery of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health curriculum. Dr Wong’s passion is rural medicine, with a focus on improving the quality, access, con nuity, and context of medical care to her people, par cularly women and children.

Ms Gordon, Dr Keaney and Dr Wong commenced on 1 January 2023 and join exis ng Board members Deputy Chair Terry Clout, Geoff Ke le, Ken Cro s, Margaret Lyons, Narelle Davis, Leanne Barnes and Duncan MacKinnon at an exci ng me for Southern, with many posi ve developments underway.

“Together with my Board colleagues, we are looking forward to con nuing our journey towards Southern becoming the leading regional LHD in NSW,” Ms Hoskins said.

“I would like to congratulate our new Board members on their appointment and thank them for their commitment to contribute to the Board’s oversight of health services for our local communi es now and into the future.”

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Jan 6th - Gedupndans at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Jan 6th - Kara Coen – Harrington Motel, Narooma (1pm)

Jan 6th - Richard Cooke – Harrington Motel, Narooma (4.30pm)

Jan 6th - Flock of Haircuts at The Patch, Tomakin

Jan 7th - Gedupndans at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Jan 7th - Missi J at Moruya Golf Club 5:30pm

Jan 7th - Alan Wa s Blues Band at One Tree Inn, Tuross

Jan 7th - Vinyl Rain – Club Catalina (7.30pm)

Jan 7th - Steve Benic – Club Tuross (7.30pm)

Jan 7th - Rick Bamford – Harrington Motel, Narooma (noon)

Jan 7th - Tim Pringle at The Patch, Tomakin 7:30pm

Jan 8th - Pla num Duo at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Jan 8th - Roddy Reason – Harrington Motel, Narooma (noon)

Jan 8th - Jamie Parkinson – Harrington Motel, Narooma (3.30pm)

Jan 8th - Tim Pringle at The Patch, Tomakin 25pm

Jan 12th - Joe Driscoll – Club Narooma (5.30pm)

Jan 14th - Vince Jones and Friends + Out Of Abingon @ John The Po ers, ery

Jan 14th - Roddy Reason – Club Tuross (7.30pm)

Jan 15th -Ma hew Lloyd – Club Tuross (4pm)

Jan 15th - Eurobodalla Live Music at Moruya Golf Club 12:30pm

Jan 21st - Never Ending 80s Party -Moruya Waterfront Hotel

Jan 27th - @agirlar st will be at Moruya Golf Club

Mar 24th to 26th 2023 - Moruya Blues and Roots Fes val at the Moruya Waterfront Hotel

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What’s on
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What’s on—coming up
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What’s on the horizon
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One endeavour above all others will be obsessing me in 2023 – a book full of surprises for Canberrans and, I hope, for a wider readership – on the real story of the men (and one woman) who laid the foundations for our National Capital.

The biggest surprise, I suspect, will be the extraordinary contribution of someone who barely figures in Canberra’s official history. The working title sets the scene. We’ve dubbed it, CHARLES WESTON’S DREAM CITY –‘poet, artist and tree planter’ after the phrasing in his obituary by the Sydney Morning Herald’s Horticultural Editor, John Gilmore Lockley.

I say ‘we’ because I am working with Dr John Gray who in his retirement from the NCDC, completed his Doctor of Environmental Design thesis in 1999, a massive research effort on Weston’s life and work. And while it will be a central element of the narrative, the book will also bring his extraordinary achievement into the wider context of the British Imperial era – and the young Australian Federation in which it took place.

Already, at this early research stage, it includes a cast of extraordinary characters from the worlds of science, religion, politics, architecture, officialdom, treasure hunters, royalty and even an appalling mountebank. (And the woman, is of course Marion Mahony Griffin whose brilliant work with her husband Walter might well have been the key to the winning Griffin design.)

Weston, an international arboreal and horticultural virtuoso, according to former NCDC Commissioner, Malcolm Latham was ‘the man who breathed life into Griffin’s design for Canberra.’ John Lockley, went further: ‘It was Mr Weston who made Canberra the dream city she is today. His message to the nation, his melodies, his pictures, he pieced together with limb and leaf. Others did the planning and building leaving their finished work for time to discolour and perhaps to spoil. But Mr Weston set the growing beauty of Australian and exotic trees in places where old Mother Earth would guard and guide them.

‘This is not the place,’ he wrote, ‘to tell of how the magnificent work was done. That story can be told another day.’ With a bit of luck – and lots of late nights – that day will come in 2023.

Weston’s remarkable contribution – the experimentation, selection and planting of many millions of trees and shrubs - is virtually missing from Canberra’s public chronicle. Many think the suburb and district of Weston and Weston Creek respectively were named in his honour. Not so. Even some of the official government publications wrongly identify the ‘other’ Weston who, it turns out, was a NSW Corps soldier and amateur illustrator, said to have published the first rendering of a didgeridoo. That might account for the oddity of the suburb’s streets being named after Australian artists.

Weston Park is Charles’s only separate memorial. Walter and Marion Griffin provided the framework brilliantly, but it was upon their latticed canvas that Weston drew foliage from all the continents but Antarctica to give life to the Griffin concept. And though he was no futurist, the astonishing range of species he experimented and selected in his millions of plantings, provided a ‘fortress of foliage’ for Canberra in the struggle against climate change. While Sydney and Melbourne face the loss of up to 90 percent of their limited range of protective trees, Weston’s ‘green draperies’ will survive the coming arboreal pandemic.

If for no other, that’s reason aplenty to tell the amazing inside story of a humble, but dedicated hero of our beauteous National Capital.

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Reading—A beer with Baz

Bazza landed the schooners.

“Well that’s 2022 done and dusted, Mick. What a year eh? From lockdowns to freedom, a change of government and even Novax Djokovic is now Comeback Djokovic…… Cheers!”

They both took generous sips but Mick returned to his open laptop.

“Now Bazza, the boys in Canberra have asked a select few to come up with ideas to win back government. Now…..I don’t want any smart arse comments.”

Bazza rubbed his chin.

“Fair enough, Mick. I’m all for an effective opposition to keep the government on its toes. First up, I think you need to do something about the number of boys in the opposition.”

Mick raised both eyebrows.

“In the new parliament women make up forty three percent on the government side in the lower house. That compares to twenty one percent in the Liberal Party and only two female MPs in the National Party. Now…… our population is just over fifty percent women so it’s not rocket science.”

Mick took a sip and scratched his head.

“More women means less blokes, Bazza and that’s a hard one to sell…. but you might have a point.”

Bazza half smiled as Mick typed.

“Mick, it’s happening without the Liberal Party showing some leadership on female representation. Female Teal independents won six seats previously seen as Liberal heartland. The parliament should look like the population.”

“Ok….ok, Bazza…… now this never ending honeymoon of Albo’s?”

“Tough one, Mick. You see ScoMo was a gift that just keeps giving. I reckon on every major decision Albo asks himself ‘What would ScoMo do?’ and then does the opposite. He is letting his ministers do their jobs as opposed to your old mate doing everybody’s jobs. Consequently, there seems to be numerous faces to this government but I am flat out naming anyone apart from Peter Dutton in the opposition.”

Bazza took a sip and Mick typed.

“Yeah…..yeah…’re a bit harsh Bazza. I do need to come up with some ideas about his image…… you know…..soften it a bit.”

“Another tough one, Mick. You can’t have him rolling croissants, welding, operating heavy machinery, hairdressing or playing a musical instrument. If you put him in a fluoro or a football jumper people will cringe. Coming up with a nickname might be a goer….that seems to work for Albo.”

Mick’s eyes widened.

“Yeah….that’s what I need, Bazza. How about Dutto?”

Bazza grinned.

“Nah, Mick……sounds too much like….. Ditto.”

Have a beer with Bazza at

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100 Years Ago 6th January 1923

MR. McCreadie, of McCreadie Bros., the famous building contractors, was in Moruya for the past week examining the granite quarries on the Moruya River with a view to obtaining stone for enlarging the G.P.O. Sydney.

A NUMBER of motor car accidents have taken place in the district during the holidays, but without serious results, the worst being a collision on the Bateman’s Bay road when Mrs. Leeder, wife of Mr. R. A. Leeder, den st, of Yass, received severe cuts and bruises. The cars in all cases were owned by tourists.

A LADY visitor to the district at Christmas me by some means fell out of the window of the top storey of the Club House Hotel, but fortunately the force of the fall was broken through striking the corner of the back verandah and gasometer. The vic m is now in the local hospital suffering from severe concussion and fracture of the skull.

DURING the past few weeks the district has been encircled by smoke. On Saturday last a terrific wind storm from the west struck the town and as a result the iron telegraph poles on the Moruya bridge are not only bowing, but are making a complete obeisance to the rising sun.

OUR li le community was greatly shocked on Wednesday a ernoon when the sad intelligence was flashed round of a fatality at Kiora, the vic m being Mrs. Eliza Colle , widow of the late Mr. Benjamin Colle and one of the oldest and most respected residents of the district. … The deceased lady, who was 79 years of age was a sister of the late Messrs. G., J. and C. du Ross, and by her loving and charitable disposi on made hosts of friends.

MAGSITERIAL INQUIRY. – The Coroner, Mr. R. J. Anderson, held an inquiry at Moruya Hospital on Thursday. Margaret Colle being duly sworn stated: I was driving with my mother, Eliza Rebecca Colle , about four o’clock in the a ernoon, driving a flighty horse in a sulky. Just as we came over the Western end of the Kiora bridge we met a man riding a motor bicycle coming towards us. Owing to some small oak scrub and a bend in the road we did not see the bicycle un l about forty yards away. … the horse backed us over the steep bank which had about ten feet of a drop into the river. The next thing I remember was that we were under water. Both my mother and I were rescued by Allen Innes the rider of the motor bicycle. Allen Innes did all he possibly could to restore life. …

THE FINDING. - …..on the third day of January, 1923, Eliza Rebecca Colle died from shock caused through a horse backing a sulky into the Moruya River at Kiora and immersing the deceased in the water. Death being accidental. Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

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Local author adds to his 'Owerd the Briton' Chronicles

James Gault describes himself as a simple ex-mariner who spent much of his life at sea mucking around in ships and boats. That was the rela vely adventurous part, encompassing a good slice of the world and its ever-changing challenges and joys, from violent wars and cyclones to glorious sunrises and oceans of tranquillity.

These days the semi-re red ex-Navy Captain is a resident in Sunshine Bay where the stability of reading and wri ng seem more preferable. Jim's works are mainly fic on but o en based around real-world events where the reader is le to make their own mind up as to what could be real and what not.

Jim's most recent publica on, Sea Lord, is the second in the series,“Owerd the Briton”, that has just been released on Amazon [h ps:// ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0 ] and con nues the historical saga that began in the lead-up to the Norman invasion of Britain. The Owerd series is cap va ng historical fic on about Saxon England in the 1060s and grim prospectsfor a man called Owerd, a Briton, the son of a miller, and the looks of a Dane.

For Owerd the Church beckons, as does a warrior life but he must first learn his ‘sta on’ with frequent humilia on. Fate lends a hand in rewarding his courage but as his lot improves the Normans invade. Does he fight them or aid them?

His loyal es are tested by events involving violence, loss, love and fate as he tries to manage the balance between security and oppression.

Step back in time to late 11th century England, where the Normans have invaded and are pursuing total domination. Owerd the Briton, a lowly rural knight, is trying to find his way.

Can he do what he believes to be right amidst ongoing oppression and under the watchful eyes of a potentially merciless king? Enemies build round him even as he gains the king’s favour and he is given a task well beyond his expectation or experience. Both he and his lady love live under constant threat.

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Here is the problem: Now where is the solu on. All we can hear is silence

The Beagle Editor,

I’ve dreamt of leaving my abusive rela onship for a li le while now, actually years. But something was always stopping me from leaving. I just couldn’t. But now that I am trying to, it feels like everything is pulling me back there. Back to what? Easier. Back to all that I know. Back to the abuse. So where do my children and I go now we have fled the violence? We have fled the state, but what now?

Ge ng approved for a rental in the current housing crisis in Australia is hard. I am a damn good tenant but I can’t secure a house to save my damn life. I remember star ng the year off thinking “this is going to be my year” and what a laugh, it’s now December 2022 and I could not have been more wrong if I tried! I had my daughter in May, and that’s when my life spiralled out of control in a blink of an eye. Everything I worked so hard for was gone. It started the moment I received my no ce to vacate le er in the mail from the realestate le ng me know the landlord wants to occupy the property in 60 days me. I had been given 60 days to pack my house, my business, my kids, our en re lives up and find a rental all whilst s ll being a mother to a breas ed newborn, a 6 year old in kindy and a grumpy teenager. On top of that I had my kids father who, is more demanding, needy, and sooky than a toddler & I was at the me s ll a business owner, dealing with everything that comes with running a business.

The pressure, too much. With the stress followed physical abuse. What more could I take? Now not only was it up to me to do everything from breakfast to school pick up, I had to also walk on eggshells, make and pack customers orders, deal with Australia Post and issues like damaged or lost orders my customers were complaining about. I had to hand over my money whenever he felt like he had to go have a break because he was just so hard done by. He enjoyed gambling my hard earned savings down the drain, he was unemployed and not evening receiving a payment from Centrelink. He had $0 and contribu ng 0% to the household. My rental was $715 per week, alone. Ah, the pressure. At least I can breathe somewhat at the moment. Whilst he is in prison. If I didn’t pull all nighters in a cold shed in my backyard making stock and doing postal lodgements. I couldn’t pay rent. I couldn’t rely on anyone but me.

Fast forward- 6 months. December 2022. A week before Christmas. I am si ng on a ma ress in a cold damp garage below my “ex”in-laws. I’ve managed to fit our fridge, some shelving for my business, a bed, tv and some milk crates I’ve transformed into storage nooks for clothes and toys.

I have had to remove my kids from their school in Victoria and return to my hometown in NSW because we have no where else to go. We le behind our friends, family, rou ne, and I personally even le behind the woman I worked so hard becoming. All my furniture, sold. Savings blown. Just ge ng us to NSW cost an arm and a leg, far out. I le Batemans Bay 10 years ago. I was 22, heartbroken, poor, unemployed. And have returned 10 years later the exact same person I was when I le , just with more trauma. More pain, more kids, more stress. More scars.

I’m si ng here, and inside my head I’m screaming. Screaming at the world and at myself for failing. I’ve failed. My business and its reputa on is basically unrepairable, my kids have not had a solid rou ne since I would say at best 2021 and I have not had one single day to actually just switch off and enjoy being a mother to my first li le baby girl. She’s crawling. And I have no been present enough to enjoy watching her grow. That regret will honestly stay with me for the rest of my life.

I'm present, physically but mentally I’m in the depths of worry and stress inside my head I can’t be present. My thoughts don’t sleep un l I do, when I try to sleep I lay in the dark for hours, doing head miles.

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Con nues…..

Reading—le er

Con nues…

I have no money in my bank, and haven’t purchased one single Christmas present for my kids and I have less than a week un l Christmas. I’ve already explained to my kids that Christmas is cancelled this year. Sorry kids.

I dream over and over that my kids and I would be have our first proper family Christmas together in a cute li le rental, sadly that isn’t going to happen, not for a long me. If ever now.

I’m playing with fire by staying here, I knew this, but I have no where to go. I don’t have any other op on. The caravan parks can’t have us, the women’s refuge won’t take us as they are not only at capacity with women and children in similar situa ons, but my eldest is 14 and they don’t accommodate families with teenage boys.

February, I have un l then to get out of this garage and be somewhere safe away from the control and abuse my ex will eventually inflict if I fail to secure a rental in me and escape his grasp. Now, I understand that there is just yet another damn reason why women stay. It’s easier some mes to wear the bruises, or the black eyes. Come to think of it, I would actually prefer to be physically beaten than deal with the pressure and constant rejec ons I am copping. It’s harder walking away knowing we are walking into the dark unknown with nothing but the clothes on our backs facing nothing but rejec on a er rejec on, whilst carrying all the baggage alone. Waking up every morning knowing today is just another uphill ba le, of scouring the rental market, and trying to find services in the area that may be able to help with a food voucher of some sort. All you want is your life back. I want what I created. I want me back. It’s true what they say, you don’t know what you’ve got un l it’s gone. What I would do to have my life back, I was happy, my kids were happy, I was running a successful company alone that I absolutely loved, we were living in a massive rental house on acreage on the Surf Coast in Victoria. We were content. I had made something out of nothing. Me, the girl from Batemans Bay, the feral teenager to successful business owner, right back to nothing. Reflec ng back on what I worked hard to create for myself and my kids is too upse ng to think about most days because it seems like a faded interrupted dream now. What I’d do to have it all back. Oh gosh, maybe it will happen one day if I can muster the strength to con nue.

Unless you’re in it, I don’t think people are really aware of just how damn hard it is with the current rental market. It’s outrageous, the prices alone are hard for anyone to afford, too bad if you’re only receiving Centrelink, you haven’t got a chance in hell, basically. The standard cost for a 3 bedroom house in Batemans Bay is minimum $500 a week. I get roughly $800 per week from Centrelink whilst I’m not working. Yet, Our government say people can afford and can pay up to 50% of their weekly income on rent. Isn’t that just insane? What’s le over once the rent is paid?

You know with the current cost of living and all that jazz, if something doesn’t shi NOW, we are going to see more and more people living on the street. No kidding. Take a drive out to North Heads at Moruya. Go see the locals that are living in swags and tents. Some have been there since the fires destroyed their homes. They’ve been there throughout the pandemic, and I haven’t seen one men on, one ounce of support from our leaders. These are the true blue Aussie ba lers

The general rental shortage and coming up against 15 other families, couples and singles, who have the ability to offer 3 or more months rent in advance or those that simply appear be er on paper compared to others, or just that they don’t have as much baggage as I do.

Whilst there are thousands of empty homes along the coast, especially in Batemans Bay, there are families like myself who are in these situa ons, which are dangerous, but have no other op on.

What the hell is our government doing?

What is our local MP doing?

What are we all doing to help our own?

beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 25 Page 25
Con nues…..

Reading—le er

Con nues….

What have you done this year for someone else? Have you paid it forward this year?

Like really paid it forward? I’ll be the first to say, I have not actually been able to pay it forward. I can’t even repay my father or sister who lent me money a er I spent all my savings reloca ng.

I have been regularly mee ng a support worker through Anglicare Moruya- the closest and best op on I have for a refuge is in QLD. A whole state away. This refuge will accept my teenage son and my dog. That’s all I’ve got. What the hell is our government doing? Why do I vote? Why do I bother? What is the point? And the classic… why me? Why is it so damn hard?

The children’s father assaulted me twice that the police are aware of in the months a er I had given birth in May, whilst I was fran cally house hun ng. Both mes have ended up with him doing a sentence in prison, which is a relief. But I’ve been le bruised, and more broken than before and I s ll had to wake up and breas eed and pack-up our lives into boxes. But how do I avoid it happening again? We have no where to live now, my only op on that I have is to stay in a ny garage with 3 kids, 1 dog and my business and personal belongings all crammed into one space, one single garage. I have less than two months to find a rental, otherwise the situa on I am in can, and will, become very dangerous once he is released from prison. We will be back under his control, his abuse and I know, I won’t survive it next me. If I fail not only will I lose my children to the system, I will lose the person I spent the last 10 years becoming. I won’t be back. I will not return. I have no doubt.

Please if you take anything from this, it’s to appreciate what you’ve got, the warm clean bedding you wrap yourself in at night, or the simple things like the morning sun rays shining through the window hi ng the kitchen bench illumina ng all the dirty dishes from the last two days. Oh goodness, what I would do to have a sink full of dirty dishes again or even just a home cooked meal, all we have is a ke le, air fryer and a toaster. But hey, be er than nothing isn’t that right? Count my blessings? Enjoy the li le things?! Please appreciate what you have because you have no idea when your life will be turned upside down. Never in a million years did I think this me last year I would be rock bo om, si ng on a ma ress on a cold cement garage floor, snot all over my face crying. Stressing about how the hell I’m going to afford to get to Victoria to a end my cousins funeral next week on top of the extreme pressure Christmas puts on parents whilst being Alone. Scared. Broken.

This summer please be kind, the person in line next to you, could be having a rough me, maybe their biggest achievement today was literally just ge ng out of bed. We will never know how much pressure someone next to us under. Maybe they may just need a smile from a stranger or $5. If you can pay it forward, to someone in your community. Please do so.

This year, all I ask for is a safe place for my children, and I. That we can call ours. That we can create memories in. I ask that this current situa on will be soon nothing but a stepping stone. I will write in again this me next year, because.. 2023 is my year to shine. I can feel it. All I’ve got le is hope.

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Name supplied

Tomb of Sand is a 2018 Hindi-language novel by Indian author Geetanjali Shree. It was translated into English by U.S. translator Daisy Rockwell.

An eighty year old woman slips into a deep depression at the death of her husband, then resurfaces to gain a new lease on life. Her determina on to fly in the face of conven on including striking up a friendship with a hijra (trans) woman confuses her bohemian daughter, who is used to thinking of herself as the more modern of the two.

At the older woman’s insistence they travel back to Pakistan, simultaneously confron ng the unresolved trauma of her teenage experiences of Par on, and re-evalua ng what it means to be a mother, a daughter, a woman, a feminist.

Rather than respond to tragedy with seriousness, Geetanjali Shree’s playful tone and exuberant wordplay results in a book that is engaging, funny, and u erly original, at the same me as being an urgent and mely protest against the destruc ve impact of borders and boundaries, whether between religions, countries, or genders.

beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 27 Page 27 Reading

The South Coast Pastel Society 2022 Summer Exhibi

on and Sale

returns this January with a diverse range of pain ngs in pastel, oils, acrylics and watercolour.

The art works reflect the diversity of New South Wales' South Coast and adjoining regions and showcase the talent and crea vity of the region's ar sts.

The exhibi on features spectacular landscapes and seascapes, beau ful studies of flora and fauna as well as well as wonderfully calming s ll life studies. Visitors to previous events have commented on the depth and vibrancy achieved by each ar st as well as the breadth of subject ma er exhibited across the exhibi on.

Visitors to the exhibi on also have the opportunity to meet with members of the Pastel Society who are all prac cing ar sts and happy to discuss their work and the pain ngs on exhibit.

A er many years exhibi ng at the Surf Club in Malua Bay, this year the society's exhibi on moves to the Sunshine Bay Public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay.

The school's hall is a great venue for exhibi ng art, with plenty of space to view the pain ngs and ideal ligh ng that allows visitors to see the colour and detail of each work. Entry is by gold coin dona on with the proceeds going to the School.

The exhibi on will be open from 1:30pm to 4pm on Saturday 14 January and from 10am to 4pm each day therea er un l Sunday 23 January at the Sunshine Bay Public School, Beach Road, Sunshine Bay.

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Jus n Pearson's outstanding collec on of landscapes "A Cluster of Green" commences next week at Gallery Bodalla from Thursday 5 January 2023 to Sunday 5 February.

Expressive and invi ng, Jus n's rich oils are full of movement and nuance, brought together skilfully with the most beau ful use of colour.

Please join for opening drinks on the side deck with Jus n on Saturday 7 January at 3pm. "Pear"Richard Lawson on guitar with Elizabeth Walton on piano & percussion - will play jazz improvisa on inspired by Jus n's work.

Gallery Bodalla is open Thursday to Sunday 11am4pm and by appointment, post office 66a Princes Hwy, Bodalla ph 0421 238 174. Visit the exhibi on at

The 38th Annual Art and Cra Exhibi on will be on at the Batemans Bay High School Auditorium from December 23rd to January 8th, except for Christmas Day.

Open from 10am to 4pm daily, over 100 pieces of art, plus sculpture and cra to admire and also for sale.

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Narooma Men’s Bowls

Social Bowls Winners’ Circle

On Wednesday we had a good turnout of bowlers eager to win their last game of the year. Winners were decided by Lowest Winning Margin and this week the winners were Allan Chisholm, Rod Holman and Peter Jones (skip) who were six all a er 10 ends and all square at 15 all a er 20 ends before they won the last end to win their match 16 to 15, 11 ends to 10, against John McNamara, Russell Smith and Terry Lewis (skip). Second place went to the inform team of Don Caldwell, Greg Riley and Andy Thompson (skip) who were leading 16 to six a er 11 ends before they relaxed and let their opponents catch up with the score 21 all a er 20 ends but Andy’s team rallied to take the last end and the match 22 to 21, 11 ends to 10, against Sco Kennedy, John Cobcro and Tony Cobcro (skip). Thank you to Rapley and Son, Narooma Plaza, for their con nued support.

On Sunday we had three rink of triples and a rink of pairs and everyone was out there trying to start the New Year with a win.. Winners, decided by Highest Winning Margin, were Mandy Prichard, Sue Bender and Barry Lymbery (skip) who were in front 14 to five a er 11 ends and con nued their fine form to take their match 19 to eight against Lisa Lymbery, Sue Wales and Peter Jones (skip). Second place went to Marie Wood, Peter Hiscox and Cindy Newell (skip) who led 16 to 12 a er 11 ends and they maintained their lead for a 23 to 17 win against Sue Waldock, Kathy South and Graham Wood (skip).

We hope all our bowlers, had a very happy Christmas and we wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2023.

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Above: Dennis Maggs points out his top bowl in the last end of his pairs match

Close Finish At Tuross Vets Golf

For the first event of the year Tuross Head Veteran golfers played a 4BBB Stableford game on 4 January. In a close finish the winning team were husband and wife Ray and Margaret Downey on 23 points, bea ng home Jane and John Egli s with the same score.

Finishing close behind were Paul Coffey and Neil Mather together with David Williams and Allen Lee, both teams with 21.

Minor prizes went to Sandra and Ron Hanlon with 20, Rick Brake and Richard Kelly, 20, and finally Peter Coffey teaming with his son John on 18.

The Bradman award was taken out by Steve Johnston and Bruce Mar n whilst nearest the pins went to Frank Pomfret on the 4th, Peter Coffey on the 6th, and to Jane Egli s and Ian Miller on the 7th.

Julie Barningham won the Accuracy drive.


4 JANUARY 2023

The largest number of compe tors for the new course started in this evening’s run. There was ideal running weather and as a result there were 4 new course records and 14 personal best mes.

Tess Aungles set a new course record in the 4 kilometres taking 4 seconds from Audrey Wards me.

Will Trevaskis reduced Samson Kennedy me in the 2 kilometres by 31 seconds. Tino Lopres reduced Samson Kennedy me in the 3 kilometres by 20 seconds and finally John Maguire reduced Thomas Menzies

in the 4 kilometres by 11 seconds.

In the 2-kilometres personal best mes were recorded by Will Travaskis, Samson Kennedy, Lewis Gunn, Emma Holland, Abbie Johnson, Emma Kennedy, and Genevieve Holland. In the 4-kilometres personal best mes were recorded by Tess Aungles, Vincent Aungles, Zara Menzies Stegbauer, Robyn Smith, Sanda Halpin, Steve Phipps, Aislinn Scahill and John Scahill.

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Winners Ray and Margaret Downey with Vets President Ian Manton Stegbauer

Tackle World Moruya Fishing report Jan 6th 2023

Moruya River. With warmer ocean currents finally taking over from the rela vely cooler waters we have been experiencing this last month, the river is kicking up a notch with the fish becoming more ac ve. The airport flats have been holding good numbers of flathead and bream, while across the river, Preddy’s wharf con nues to produce tailor, flathead, bream and Trevally. The back of the hole in the wall, has its usual suspects of flathead and bream, plus the occasional Luderick over the weed beds. Hopefully the warmer waters will bring a few whi ng in also. Upstream around Ryan’s creek and the quarry wharf, flathead, bream and Trevally have been encountered. While the town bridge, has seen estuary perch over the weed beds and flathead on the flats. The whole Moruya river is fishing very nicely at the moment on both baits and lures. On the lure front, 2.5” grub style plas cs and crank style hard bodies are working nicely. While on the bait front, prawns, mullet fillet and live nippers are all working a treat. If you want a fun ac vity for the whole family, then collec ng nippers on the flats is a lot of fun. A bait pump and a bucket are you need. Have a look at the flats at Garlandtown for Moruya rivers best nipper beds. We have bait pumps, sieves and buckets in store to get you started, and the advice you will need on what to look for, and how to catch them.

Tuross River. The flathead again con nue to keep smiles on anglers faces this week, with areas from the main boat ramp all the way up past the Bodalla bridge offering fish for everyone. Four ways has been producing very nicely, with good numbers of flathead and bream coming from this area. Up towards the Bodalla bridge, good numbers of bream and estuary perch have been located in the snags that line the banks, while further upstream good numbers of flathead have been caught in Bumbo lake. As with Moruya, all manners of presenta ons are working, with lures and baits all accoun ng for their fair share of fish.

Rock and beach. While the southerly winds have made the exposed beaches a li le hard to fish, there have s ll been good numbers of salmon for those willing to put the effort in. Drummer from the rocks are every present, but I would keep an eye on the swells, as 4m is forecast for this morning dropping as the weekend con nues. Moruya breakwall con nues to be a seasonal favourite with visi ng anglers, and many of them have landed and lost a few good salmon this week. Baits and lures work on this hard figh ng and fun species to catch. While not overly prized for its ea ng quali es, Aust Salmon, if bled and looked a er can be an easy feed for the family. Good old fish cakes are one of my families favourites. Trevally, flathead and bream, are all regulars that can also be caught from the wall, so your op ons are not just limited to salmon.

Offshore. Snapper and flathead con nue to be the main stay for boa es looking to cross the bar and head out for a fish. Look to the magic 30-40m mark for the snapper, while in shallower, the flathead have been in good numbers and size. Keep an eye on the swell and condi ons, especially at low de, as Moruya bar can catch inexperienced skippers out! We have a really good bar cam now, and it is a resource that is easily accessed with todays smart phones.

We are star ng to restock a er a very busy December, so keep an eye on the shelves if there is something you are a er, that we have sold out of. More kings product will be arriving next week, with a few new items arriving also, and a restock of some items we have already sold out of. More dive gear is also on its way, as well as the ever popular aqua shoes.

For those who have expired flares, Mari me are doing a collec on this Saturday at Preddy’s wharf at 10am.

Happy New Year to everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all this summer holiday season. Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle world Moruya.

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beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 35 Page 35 real estate


OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide

The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors.

The beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas

The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week.

You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE

The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts.

CLICK HERE: h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 36 Page 36 real

Hallmark Real Estate at Tuross Head

are a highly regarded Real Estate

Agency seeking a proac ve person to join our dynamic friendly Property Management Team. This posi on is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for the perfect work/life balance in the beau ful coastal village of Tuross Head.

As a member of our Real Estate Management Team you will play a pivotal role in assis ng with the management of our permanent & holiday rent roll. Be a part of our dedicated team to assist with the day to day management of property, enabling efficient, harmonious and close working rela onships with clients.

The ideal candidate will be passionate about helping clients, have a strong work ethic and a keen interest in Real Estate. If this sounds like you, we would love to hear from you.

• Excep onal customer service skills.

• Excellent communica on skills.

• High levels of professionalism.

• Previous Real Estate experience preferred.

• Real Estate licence, or cer ficate of registra on working towards your Real Estate Licence.

• The ability to manage and priori se your me.

• A valid driver's licence and a reliable motor vehicle.

In addi on you’ll...

• Enjoy working with others and relish the opportunity to be a team player opera ng within a great team culture.

• Be mo vated by the opportunity to present your ideas and sugges ons.

• Respond well to demands on your me and generally work at a brisk pace.

• Be effec ve without direct management, yet welcome structure and supervision as needed.

• Demonstrate a posi ve a tude.

In return you will receive...

• An a rac ve remunera on package.

• Excellent employee benefits.

• A fun, professional and suppor ve team environment.

How to apply...

Please include a cover le er and your resume, giving us a brief overview of your previous relevant experience and what interests you in this role.

Please forward your applica on to the Office Manager, Heidi Kilborn

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beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 38 Page 38 no ces
beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 39 Page 39 Jobs and no ces
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beagle weekly : Vol 292 January 6th 2023 41 Page 41 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine. Vol 50 May 11th 2018 Accounting Air Conditioning Bathrooms Automotive
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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z
Cleaners Computers/ IT
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Excavation Framers The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z
Concretors Dogs Electrical
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Home Maintenance
and Gardening The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z
Massage Mowing
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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z

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Late entries

The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lis ng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and con nue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communi es. Adver sing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lis ngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we o en turn over these lis ngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at h ps://

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