Beagle Weekender Vol 263 June 10th 2022

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Vol 263 June 10th 2022

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.

Photo: Southbound Escapes Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 28 to 32 Cinema ……………….. 21 Community ………………3 to 16 Reading ……………………..22 to 27 Food………………………… 0 Sport and Fishing ………. 33 to 40 Editorial …………………..2 What’s On …………….... 16 to 20


beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, When we are small we are told wonderous stories of Tooth Fairies, Easter rabbits that poo chocolate eggs, and best of all large ho-ho types that drive sleighs and bring gi4s every year. We are fed deligh5ul tales that are backed up with parents doing their best to make it all seem real. They hid money under pillows, Easter egg hunts are well planned and stockings are filled in the dead of night by parents perpetua7ng the myth. Alas it turns out that none of these characters are real, that there is no standard rate for a fallen tooth, no possibility of an egg from a rabbit and that Santa is a total fic7on. But do we learn and swear not to perpetuate the mistruths with the next genera7on? No. I remember being awoken a4er midnight on Christmas Eve to a crashing and thumping coming from the lounge room. On inves7ga7on it turned out to be my parents, well sodden, entwined in a pushbike frame and cables for my “Santa” bike. There had been much coercion (along with veiled threats) about Santa, my behaviour and the prospect of “him” bringing me a bike “if I was good”. I think it was that moment that I decided not to believe adults anymore. I had already worked out there was no tooth fairy because Kenny Scully used to get a shilling and I got nothing. If there was a fairy then it only worked the posh side of town. As for the Easter Bunny the fact was that Papua New Guinea had no rabbits and any chocolate it had was usually a disgus7ng white moDle from being frozen against the tropical heat that threatened it within minutes of coming out of the fridge. So now I could add to the fabrica7ons with Santa. I turned, le4 them to their giggles, and went back to bed. When you boil it all down humans are preDy well deceived one way or another from the day they are born. In order to stop me venturing out at night as a young boy I was told that Sanguma lurked in the shadows ready to rip my head off and devour me. I suppose the equivalent is The Bogeyman in the west, but across the planet there seems to be the universal deliver of untruths. As we grow older the untruths change in their messaging. At each crossroad we are delivered a range of urban myths. At school we are told that we must con7nue through to university if we expect to have a safe, secure and rewarding career. I clearly remember those who were choosing to leave early and take up a trade as being considered “failures”. My career advisor warned of my marks “you don’t want to be like them do you”. The divide was already apparent. In TPNG you went to Moresby High if your parents didn’t have a Government contract that paid for their children to go to boarding school. By the 7me year 12 came about nearly everyone was des7ned for university among those who could afford it. For those who couldn't the default was always there to take up a trade. I now wonder if those who responsible for crea7ng “the Clever Country” were as clever as they thought. A quality tradie is now a rare beast indeed. We abound in nebulous degrees and baristas but are thin on the ground for plumbers, builders, sparkies, nurses, aged carers, mechanics, chefs, emergency workers, teachers, doctors, den7sts and farmers. Basically anyone who is trained to aDending to the essen7al jobs that support the fabric of a na7on. It is 7me we had a good look at the myths star7ng with not everyone lives happily ever a4er. Lets then look at the fact that the great Australian dream of half an acre behind a white picket fence is out of reach to most and that the prospect of having a gold-watch career isn’t on the cards anymore as we swap and change jobs like we change cars and addresses. Maybe, just maybe, if we support our upcoming genera7on by telling them a few key truths they might be beDer prepared for what awaits. And if a few more of them became essen7al workers, happy in their service and paid accordingly there might just be hope that the future Australia is jus7fiable called the “Clever Country” because we overcame the false percep7ons, empty promises, inevitable disappointments and myth making that a “successful child” must be a brain surgeon or rocket scien7st or have Masters degree. Maybe it is 7me to pull down the myths and begin to let some light in to the fancies we have that needlessly bind us to a percep7on of who we are rather than the reality of what we are. The future will need all the truth and the prac7cality we can muster. I vote we start with the Tooth Fairy and work our way up. Un7l next—lei beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Gilmore: s1ll coun1ng

as at Fri, 10 Jun 2022 4:11:38 PM AEST While Labor have called the electorate for Fiona Phillips the AEC has not declared a winner and Andrew Constance has not conceded. An Australian Electoral Commission spokesman told ACM: "We of course need to follow the required legal processes to ensure beyond doubt what a result will be. It is a big, manual task and 'right, not rushed' is our key principle, a principle that upholds the strength of Australian elec7ons." AEC says a result could be known as "early as early-mid next week" however the AEC has un7l June 28 to return a result. source: hDps://

Changed traffic condi1ons on the Kings Highway at McCardys Creek Motorists are advised of changed traffic condi7ons from next week on the Kings Highway, near McCardys Creek, west of Nelligen, for safety improvement work to be carried out. One lane will be closed under a stop/slow arrangement for road lane/shoulder widening and the installa7on of safety barrier, storm water drains and asphalt to provide a safer road condi7on for motorists. Work will be carried out between 7am to 6pm on weekdays and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays from Tuesday 14 June for two months, weather permiSng. Traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 40 km/h will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists. Motorists are advised to drive to the condi7ons and follow the direc7ons of signs and traffic control.

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



NSW Police are urging the community to have a plan and stay ‘Snow Safe’ as the 2022 ski season commences this long weekend. The official NSW snow season begins tomorrow (Saturday 11 June 2022), with ski resorts expec7ng large crowds due to early heavy snowfalls. Addi7onal police will be deployed to the Snowy Mountains region from across the state as part of the high-visibility police opera7on. Visitors can expect to see officers from General Du7es, Traffic and Highway Patrol Command, Southern Region Enforcement Squad, licensing police and other specialist officers – including trained Alpine Operators – throughout the season. Southern Region Commander, Assistant Commissioner Peter CoDer APM, said police will be out and about throughout the season targe7ng road safety, an7-social behaviour and personal safety. “Our priority is to keep people safe – on the slopes, roads, licensed venues and out and about in the alpine region,” Assistant Commissioner CoDer said. “Those heading to the snow should drive to the condi7ons and exercise appropriate cau7on. “Snowfield condi7ons can be more difficult to navigate so we’d like to remind everyone to priori7se safety on your journey – pay close aDen7on to the roads, don’t get distracted and slow down. “Our officers will do all they can to keep you safe to and from the snowfields, and regardless of whether you’re driving, riding, a passenger or a pedestrian, we urge you to help us achieve this.” Monaro Police District Commander, Superintendent John Klepczarek APM, said local police efforts will be bolstered by addi7onal resources. “The popula7on of our snowfields and surrounding towns increases exponen7ally during winter, and for local police, community safety is always the number one priority,” Superintendent Klepczarek said. “We will have addi7onal staff seconded to Jindabyne from other police districts who will support the work of our local police; expect to see them out and about on patrol. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



The 'Max Castle Je=y' at Tuross Head is ready for ac1on Max Castle, a long 7me advocate for improved fishing facili7es in the Eurobodalla, sees his name unofficially added to the new pontoon at Tuross Head that is now ready for service. The jeDy has been one of the many projects that Max has lobbied for over the past decade as he has hounded Eurobodalla Council to recognise the tourism value of providing quality marine facili7es to the region. For over a decade Council has sat on its hands, reluctant to apply for funding made available via beDer Boa7ng and fishing licences which has seen the grant monies go elsewhere to areas such as Bega to enhance their visitor facili7es. In absolute frustra7on Max was able to secure a pledge from Liberal candidate Warren Mundine in the 2019 elec7on for the funding required for the Tuross Head pontoon and jeDy improvements. In addi7on to the con7nued efforts around recrea7onal fishing facility improvements Max has been instrumental in overseeing the provision of the many Angel Rings that are now found across the region. A4er years of fist thumping of tables and highligh7ng that Eurobodalla was missing out due on projects that would have come at liDle to no cost for local fishers paid for from their own fishing licences the 7de is turning as the new term of council recognises the importance of Max's advocacy and his proac7ve pursuit of State and Federal funding to bring the shire on a par with the quality of infrastructure offered up and down the east coast. Max said of the pontoon comple7on "As most in Tuross know this has been a project that I was determined to deliver for the community even though council would not support seeking a grant to fund the project. A4er 5 years the project has been delivered for future Tuross residents and visitors, long a4er the river being declared a recrea7onal fishing haven because of the vision of previous community members some 22 years ago. "To all the community I hope you now have easier assess to your boats, par7cular those with restricted access, I hope we have included the community who have disability issues and I hope an example has been provided to fight to improve our village, irrespec7ve of how long it takes, enjoy. Thank you to the Tuross Head Progress Associa7on and the community for your support!"

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Winter Night Markets Fes1val Launches Program A line-up of outstanding performers and ac7vi7es has been announced for the inaugural Narooma Winter Night Markets Fes7val to be held on Saturday, 2 July. Fes7val Director, Sally Bouckley, says the program has something for everyone. ‘This new event for Narooma and the South Coast will showcase Yuin First Na7ons Culture through a fes7val of Koori dance, music, stories, food, art and cra4s. A Welcome to Country Ceremony will open the event followed by a tradi7onal Smoking Ceremony to thank the Ancestors, along with a performance by the acclaimed Djaadjawan and Mudadha Gamara Dancers. Later in the evening in the Elders Tent, Yuin knowledge holders will be sharing stories that have been told around campfires for thousands of years,’ she said. ‘We expect our community will dance the night away to live music from MaDy Walker, Richard Luland, Gabbadu and rock band The fReds with DJ Another Luke spinning the decks. ‘As well as music and cultural ac7vi7es, we’ll have communal fire pits to keep everyone warm, plenty of street food and seasonal goodies to try including local cra4 beers and gins, and stallholders selling local art, cra4s, jewelry and more. Dog lovers may want to enter their pooches in what we think will be a highly contested Dog Fashion Show.’ Tickets for the event cost $25 for general entry, or $95 for VIP entry which includes a welcome drink, roving canapes, sea7ng and a DJ in the VIP Tipi Bar. Children under 16 will enjoy the event for free. Tickets are available now online at What: Winter Night Markets Fes7val When: 2 July, 4.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Where: Nata Oval, Narooma

Looking for the perfect home for Bobbi, a gorgeous 19 month old Australian Stumpy Tail Ca=le Dog.

This lovely girl is ac7ve, loyal, house trained, walks well on a lead, travels well and is an all round sweetheart. Typical of the breed, Bobbi is super ac7ve and bonds quickly with her human family. Bobbi's ideal home will be where she has company most of the 7me. Bobbi enjoys playing with other dogs, but in the home she wants her human all to herself, to soak up all the aDen7on. Anyone interested in knowing more about Bobbi should ring RSPCA on 0424 228 425. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Mayor calls for ac1on on homelessness Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher says ac7on is needed by all levels of government to ease the shire’s housing crisis, and he’s star7ng locally. The Mayor will ask the Council to look at whether halls can be opened up so that people living rough can shelter there. Longer-term solu7ons that would see the Council providing land for 7ny homes in a pilot project funded by the Federal government, or building a homeless shelter to be run by a local service will also be explored. “This is a crisis,” Mayor Hatcher said. “The shire’s homelessness services are providing all the right supports to people, but there’s simply no housing. That’s the issue none of us can address.” He said he was hearing loud and clear the community’s cries to support people living in tents, par7cularly at the Council-owned North Head campground at Moruya where around 50 families are currently living. “Case workers are already suppor7ng people at the campground. I understand the good inten7ons of people calling on Council to open up halls for shelter, but before that can happen we need to examine prac7cali7es like personal safety, privacy, the available facili7es, and whether local agencies are resourced to manage them.” The Mayor said opening up halls was one thing, but more permanent medium-term solu7ons were needed to help solve homelessness in the Eurobodalla. “I want to explore the feasibility of a pilot project funded by the Federal government to build 7ny homes on Council or Crown land. Council could also consider taking a loan to build a facility to be run by one of our local homelessness services.” The Mayor said he understood these ac7ons were outside the usual local government responsibili7es, but these were extraordinary 7mes. “We need to think differently about this and explore new ways to help our residents, and we need the NSW and Federal governments to do the same. NSW Government regula7ons prevent people staying in campgrounds for longer than 50 days in one year. Obviously we’re overlooking that at the moment so families have somewhere to be in the midst of this crisis.” “We’ve also this month wriDen to the NSW Government calling on them to provide worker housing ahead of the Moruya bypass and regional hospital construc7on. That housing could be used by locals once the projects are complete. “Council staff have also worked with local agencies to pilot a program providing free hot showers and laundry services for people experiencing homelessness, and through my own contacts I’ve arranged for 500 blankets to be donated and distributed locally to those in need. We’re doing our bit, and we’re now asking the NSW and federal government to do theirs.” Mayor Hatcher says he’s confident he’ll find support with local MPs Kristy McBain, Fiona Phillips and Michael Holland, and intends to reach out to them over the weekend. Discussions with Council staff and local agencies are underway, and the Mayor an7cipates a report to Council on 28 June that will seek a budget alloca7on to con7nue this work. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Mogo Pedestrian Safety Feedback report released New traffic light loca7ons and parking are among some of the op7ons discussed in the feedback report that has been released following community consulta7on to address pedestrian safety on the Princes Highway at Mogo. A Transport for NSW spokesperson said a total of 101 submissions and 156 comments were received during the two month consulta7on period from 29 November 2021 to 31 January 2022. “All of the feedback received is now available in the Mogo Pedestrian Safety Feedback Report, which will help inform the next stage of pedestrian safety considera7ons,” the spokesperson said. “The feedback showed general support for traffic light installa7on at the AnneD Street intersec7on, while concerns were raised about traffic lights being installed at the Tomakin Road intersec7on. The concerns related to the proximity of the intersec7on to the bridge over Mogo Creek and Mogo Public School.” The Transport for NSW spokesperson said it was clear both on and off-street parking is valuable to the Mogo community and should be considered when further developing op7ons. “Another takeaway message was that the community felt the proposed new loca7ons of northbound and southbound bus stops were unnecessary and may cause addi7onal conges7on in the village,” the spokesperson said. “There was also support for addi7onal vegeta7on such as trees and planter boxes to enhance the village aesthe7c and provide well needed shade in the village centre. “We would like to thank all community members and stakeholders who provided feedback about poten7al op7ons to improve pedestrian safety on the Princes Highway in Mogo.” Transport for NSW will iden7fy ways to improve pedestrian safety at Mogo based on the community feedback and further analysis and con7nue to engage with community and key stakeholders as the project progresses. The Mogo Pedestrian Safety Feedback Report can now be downloaded from

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



South Coast Community Colleges is partnering again with Telstra to provide you with Tech Savvy for Seniors. Tech Savvy Seniors NSW is partnership between the NSW Government and Telstra. It is a key ini7a7ve of the NSW Ageing Strategy, helping bridge the gap between those seniors who can use technology and those who cannot. This course delivers seniors with real health, social and community benefits, especially for those in rural and remote areas. The topics outlined in this session are: - Internet Searching - Email- Online Banking - Social Media - Cyber Safety - Online Shopping This course is funded by the NSW Government if eligibility criteria is met. To find out more about this course visit our website , phone 1300 722 223, email admin@southcoastcolleges

CWA Moruya news The Moruya CWA shop and tearooms will be reopening on Thursday the 9th of June 2022.

Moruya District Hospital Auxiliary is back a?er 12 months off due to COVID

We are all stocked up for winter with our crochet hot water boDle covers, tea cosies, granny square rugs, socks, beanies, miDens and scarves.

The last 3 days of selling Winter raffle 7ckets were Thursday 9th and Friday 10th June at Woolworths Moruya between 9 and 12, with great sales.

Everything to keep you warm and cosy! And why not top off your visit to the rooms with a cuppa, a delicious sandwich and a mouth watering slice from the tearooms.

Our first Street Stall in 12 months outside Harris Scarfe Moruya Saturday 11th June 8.30 to 12noon. The Street Stall is always well supported by the local community. We will have our popular cakes & slices, cra4 items including woollen items, rugs, beanies and gloves as well as jams, relishes, sauces and chutney made with loving care by our members. There will also be good quality bric-a-brac on offer.

Hope to see you there on Thursday from 10am to 2pm

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


Community EuroSCUG (Eurobodalla Seniors Computer Users Group) has partnered with Tec Exec to help community members learn more about using tablets and smart phones safely. The Tec Exec company is locally owned and operated by Trish Pye, who has been teaching/training people to use electronic devices for a long 7me. Tec Exec is a Be Connected Network Partner. They are part of a network of over 3,500 community organisa7ons across the country who are suppor7ng their communi7es to learn digital skills. The Be Connected programs are funded by the Federal Government and delivered locally by community specialists, and is aimed at increasing the confidence, skills and online safety of older Australians when they use the internet. Tec Exec are delivering these programs across the Eurobodalla Shire. Currently, Moruya Golf Club is hos7ng a weekly session on Friday mornings from 9.30 to 11.30am. It is planned that these sessions will run every Friday un7l the end of July. They may also con7nue past that 7me. The aim of the program is to support older members of our community to learn about these electronic devices and how to use them safely. Also to understand how the systems work and to understand a bit more of ques7ons to ask when purchasing a new device and the plans that support them. There is also a program running in Tuross as part of the EuroSCUG Local Area Group. Last year they worked very successfully with the NBN Hub in Batemans Bay. They are planning other sessions in Narooma following a very success session there recently. For more informa7on, contact Tec Exec on 1300366802 or email or you can have a look at their website at or visit our website at, or phone 0491 608 077.

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Celebrate our diversity this Na1onal Pride Month Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher is calling on the community to show support for the LGBTQIA+ community for Pride Month. Every June, Pride Month celebrates the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual community. It’s 7me to reflect on how far civil rights have progressed in half a century, while also acknowledging there is more to do. Businesses and organisa7ons can show their support by signing on to the Welcome Here Above Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher is suppor ng Project, which recognises environments that the push for more inclusivity during Pride Month. He is are visibly welcoming and inclusive of pictured with Bloss McClelland, owner of Mami’s Bar, which LGBTQIA+ communi7es. Members receive is a safe and inclusive space for the LGBTQIA+ community. Welcome Here rainbow s7ckers and a charter to display in a prominent place to let everyone know that LGBTIQA+ diversity is welcomed and celebrated within their business. Mayor Hatcher said the Welcome Here Project was about crea7ng a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for all members of community. He praised local businesses already on board, including Batemans Bay’s Mami’s Bar, which has a strong focus on providing an inclusive space for all. “We’ve been through some preDy trauma7c experiences as a community. The more we can come together to support one another, the beDer off we’ll all be,” he said. Council’s youth development officer Michaela Burtenshaw said there remained misconcep7ons in the community regarding LGBTQIA+ issues. “Although it might be assumed that there’s inclusivity in the community, it means a lot to people who iden7fy within the LGBTQIA+ community to know that they are welcome in public spaces. The Welcome Here Project is about helping everyone feel safe, included and not discriminated against, because unfortunately, that’s s7ll happening in our society.” Ms Burtenshaw encouraged local businesses and organisa7ons to access Pride training for themselves and their teams to increase their skills and knowledge on inclusivity. “As a whole shire we’re trying to promote the idea everyone is welcome, and celebrate the diversity of our residents and visitors,” Ms Burtenshaw said. Businesses and organisa7ons can sign on to the Welcome Here Project for free during Pride Month by contac7ng Council’s community development team on 4474 1302. Pride training is available at while resources for, and to support, LGBTQIA+ young people can be found at beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Dedicated pothole team on the job Eurobodalla Council is urging pa7ence as it makes its way through the backlog of potholes on the shire’s local roads. The Council established a dedicated work crew who have filled 2,530 potholes over the past three months, patched 3,370 square metres of road, and used a whopping 180 tonnes of premix since heavy rain in March wreaked havoc on roads across the state. The shire’s busiest roads, like George Bass Drive and Beach Road, take priority. Highway repairs are the responsibility of Transport for NSW, not the Council. Works manager Tony Swallow said the crew was working through the backlog as fast as they could. He said 10 natural disasters, combined with a 30 per cent increase in traffic on some local roads in the past five years, had added significant strain to Eurobodalla’s transport network. “We understand potholes are a big issue for the community right now, and we are working as fast as we can to get our roads back to their usual standard,” Mr Swallow said. “We know where the potholes are, but we can only do so much – further rain quite o4en undoes some of our work, but also makes it difficult to do more permanent repairs.” Comprehensive road resurfacing is required in some areas however these works are dependent on the availability of contractors, machinery, funds, and of course the weather.

Eurobodalla Council crews have patched 3,370 square metres of road and filled more than 2,500 potholes in the past three months.

“The best thing drivers can do is to slow down and take it easy,” Mr Swallow said. “Potholes on Princes Highway are the responsibility of Transport for NSW, not Council. We’ve been in regular contact with them to priori7se repairs in our shire, acknowledging the whole east coast is struggling with the same issue a4er two years of fires and floods.”

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Official unveiling of Terrance Plowright sculptures by Mr Basil Sellers AM Council today hosted Mr Basil Sellers, patron of the Basil Sellers exhibi7on centre in Moruya, unveiling the two Terrance Plowright sculptures adorning the front and back lawns of Council's main office and library. The five and a half metre steel sculpture Duraya dhuduga barra barra (River touching sea) sits near the corner of Vulcan and Campbell Streets, in front of Council’s administra7on building. Council’s director of community, arts and recrea7on Kathy Arthur said the $100,000 sculpture was gi4ed to the shire. “A well-considered piece of public art, this impressive work will also serve as a wayfinding marker for visitors to the Basil Sellers Exhibi7on Centre,” Ms Arthur said, explaining the ar7st had visited Eurobodalla to understand the significance of place and people before star7ng work on the sculpture. “The companion sculpture Moruya – donated by Basil Sellers AM – was installed adjacent to the sensory garden in the grounds of a special, purpose-build exhibi7on space. “To be endowed with works of the quality of these two Plowright sculptures speaks highly for the Bas’ reputa7on within the arts community.” Terrance Plowright has been crea7ng sculptures for 35 years. In 2019 Mr Plowright was endowed with an Order of Australia Medal for his contribu7on to the arts, notably in sculpture. His work can be found across Australia and overseas: from a larger than life bronze Elvis in Parkes and the Life from a Suitcase sculpture at Pyrmont, Sydney, to the Dancing Brolgas water feature at Darling Harbour and Life Teeming-Life Teaming, a contemporary stainless steel sculpture at Bondi, to name only a few.

Photo courtesy of Moruya Mail

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



South Coast bushfire recovery funding boost a boon for local wildlife Wildlife and communi7es on the NSW South Coast will benefit from more than half a million dollars of funding over the next three years for projects to heal and regenerate the region following the devasta7ng 2019-2020 bushfires. Local Eurobodalla environment group, Coastwatchers, will be leading the effort through a new partnership with largescale conserva7on ini7a7ve, the Great Eastern Ranges (GER).

Members of an EcoCrew plan ng trees and shrubs at one of several proper es on the NSW South Coast where habitat is being restored and reconnected for local wildlife. Photo © WWF -Australia / Sii Studio

Funding is being provided through GER’s grant from the Australian and NSW government’s Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund and a partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia. “With the focus mainly on northern NSW and Queensland where the bushfires first started, the South Coast got largely overlooked, yet it was one of the areas that was the most severely impacted,” says Keith Joliffe from Coastwatchers. “So the funding that is coming through the Great Eastern Ranges is par7cularly valuable, because it means we can roll out a number of ac7vi7es to help our region recover from the bushfires, and build the resilience of our wildlife and bush.” Projects have been specially cra4ed to complement and build-on exis7ng conserva7on efforts in the region. These include: Restora7on of habitat on burnt and unburnt private proper7es such as the plan7ng of trees and shrubs, tradi7onal burning to manage weeds, and the installa7on of nest boxes to replace lost trees hollows. The crea7on of wildlife corridors to help local animals to recover and reestablish themselves in the region. This includes the South Coast’s dwindling koala popula7on which is sliding towards local ex7nc7on. Engaging landholders to record the animals and plants that share their land to help inform conserva7on priori7es and needs. Surveys of spoDed-tailed quolls and Congo’s threatened greater glider popula7on. Encouraging landholders to get involved in Land for Wildlife to help protect important habitat. A project officer has been employed to oversee the work with addi7onal employment opportuni7es being created through the engagement of locals in bushfire recovery efforts, including Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Lands Council rangers and EcoCrews – a social enterprise of Campbell Page funded by the Australian and NSW government’s Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund which provides eco-friendly jobs and training for young locals. Con7nues………………... beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


community Con7nues… Gary Howling, CEO of the Great Eastern Ranges, says that the South Coast was iden7fied as a priority due to the significant impact of the bushfires and the excep7onal natural values of the region. “The work that Coastwatchers is leading on the South Coast alongside many other local groups will support the recovery of local wildlife, restore and reconnect vital habitat and build the resilience of WWF-Australia’s Tim Cronin and CEO of Great Eastern Ranges Gary Howling with this priority landscape Vanessa Finlay on her property near Moruya. Photo © WWF-Australia / Sii Studio in the face of future climate disasters.” “By bringing lots of smaller efforts together in this coordinated and strategic way, it has a ripple effect that creates impact at the whole-of-landscape scale,” says Gary. Other local groups working with Coastwatchers include the Eurobodalla Shire Council, South East Local Land Services and Wollongong University’s ‘Team Quoll’.

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What’s on

Nelligen Village Markets - This Saturday 11 June It’s Market 7me again, this Saturday at the Nelligen Mechanics Ins7tute Hall. Lots of interes7ng goodies for everyone, so come along and enjoy the day.

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


What’s on Jun 10th - Chris and Mick McGrath at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jun 11th - Chris and Mick McGrath at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club June 11th - Mick on Wheels at Club Catalina Jun 11th - Joe Driscoll – Tuross Club (7.30pm) Jun 11th - Flock of Haircuts at Tomakin Social Club Jun 11th - Usual Suspects at Moruya Waterfront Jun 17th - Intensity Duo at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jun 18th - Intensity Duo at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club June 18th - Chris McGrath at Club Catalina Jun 18th - Archie at Smokey Dans Jun 18th - Richard Lawson at Tomakin Social Club Jun 18th - Whitlams at The Pav Jun 18th - Rick Bamford – Tuross Club (7.30pm) Jun 19th - Eurobodalla Live Music at the Moruya Golfy 12:30pm Jun 24th - Simpson and Sampson at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Jun 25th - Simpson and Sampson at Batemans Bay Soldiers Club June 25th - Jacii Leigh at Club Catalina Jun 25th - Joe Driscoll at Tomakin Social Club

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Reviving The Clyde : June 14th OzFish Invites The Community To Enjoy A Drink And Learn How They Can Make A Real Contribu7on To Reviving The Clyde. Join from 630pm on June 14th at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club for the “Revive the Clyde” evening! Join leading scien7sts, fisheries, habitat experts and media personali7es to get the latest info on what’s being done and find out how the community can take the lead. Canapés will be provided, and drinks can be purchased from the bar. Cheers to that! Please RSVP using the link below to aDend and to help with catering and capacity. Click the link to find out more or register to aDend! hDps://

Marine Rescue Batemans Bay Open Day Come on down to Hanging Rock this Saturday between 9am and 2pm to support the wonderful team at Marine Rescue Batemans Bay. We will have vessels on display, as well as informa7on available from both Marine Rescue NSW and NSW Mari7me to help keep you safe on the water. There will also be compe77ons and games for the kids with lots of prizes to be won. Other emergency services, including the RFS and NSW police will also be in aDendance. There will be a BBQ and raffle running for the whole long weekend. So come on down and meet the volunteers to ask any ques7ons you have, grab a sausage sandwich and some raffle 7ckets to help support your local Marine Rescue unit.

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


What’s on

TILBA WOODWORK SHOW @ Bate St, Central Tilba Halls June Long weekend – June 11 & 12 Love hand-made? Love the look of beau7fully cra4ed 7mber? Then the annual Tilba Woodwork Show is for you. The Central Halls on the main street of Central Tilba hosts the 26th exhibi7on of fine woodwork cra4ed by ar7sans from north of Batemans Bay to south of Bega. Exquisite handcra4ed items will be both on display and for sale, ranging from small toys to cuSng boards and serving plaDers, from fine jewelry boxes to pens, bowls - both func7onal and decora7ve, and much more. Come and watch the magic of wood turners at work on the lathes, and stroll through the Exhibi7on Hall and vote for your favorite piece on display. In addi7on, this year the Dalmeny Quilters are our special guests and will have a display of their intricately designed quilts and other handmade items, most of which will be for sale. Enter the raffle for the opportunity to win a variety of great prizes. The entry fee is $2.00 (cash) per adult and for children under the age of 16 entry is free.

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


What’s on For More info on the events below visit: h=ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


What’s on—cinema

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


Reading Gadfly 234 By Robert Macklin The declaration by the Prime Minister-elect at the start of his victory speech: ‘I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full’, was electrifying to many Australians. It certainly sent a bolt of lightning through your columnist, in the midst of writing the biography of the scientist, journalist, adventurer and war hero, Donald Thomson who fought like no other of his era for the Aboriginal cause.

Born in 1901, he was our first home grown Anthropologist after

graduating B.Sc. from Melbourne University and collecting the Diploma of Anthropology from the new department at Sydney Uni in 1927. By then, the 1788 Aboriginal population of about 800,000 had been halved and halved again. Only a percentage of those in the far north of Australia still lived the traditional life, but over the next 40 years he spent much of his time living with them in Far North Queensland, Arnhem Land and the Central Deserts. In doing so, he was able to appreciate like no other the engaging humanity and cultural sophistication of a truly remarkable people. Invited to address the Cabinet of the Lyons Government of 1938, he bared his soul. ‘I am speaking not from hearsay, nor from any personal motive,’ he told the seventeen Ministers around the table, ‘but from the hard experience of living with these people. And not just among them, but as no white man is ever known to have their camps, travelling with them, hunting with them, eating their food, attending their ceremonies, talking their language. ‘I say this only to give force to my plea – to impress upon this government that I am speaking not so much as a white man, but rather as a friend and advocate of these people for whom I have great regard…and an infinite pity.’ In the great movement we are now embarked upon to embrace and honour the First Nations who had occupied the continent for at least 65,000 years, Thomson’s role has been largely overlooked. Yet it was he who contributed in so many ways to the foundation from which the delegates to Uluru produced their historic Statement from the Heart. It is Thomson, a whitefella whom the Aboriginal people said, ‘thought Black’, who suffered from his own people the blows of hatred and prejudice that they knew so well. And while he died in 1970, as I have discovered in three years of research, he filled that life to the brim with more positive achievements than a dozen of his critics and antagonists… and to a triumphant climax. Thomson’s insights and his tireless advocacy won him extraordinary international recognition, and all the glittering academic prizes of his profession. As recently as November 2021, the Federal Court returned more than 2000 square kms to the Aboriginal people based on his work on Queensland’s Cape York. Indeed, 50 years before Eddie Mabo took his case to the High Court, Thomson was pleading with government to recognise the Aboriginal people’s land rights. The pandemic has been tough on those of us who write Australian history and other non-fiction works. Readers and publishers have turned to escapist fiction to ease the stress of life’s Covid limitations. This was especially so under a government that scoffed at the simple reality that only by incorporating our unique Aboriginal past will we make Australia whole. It is said that biographers must take care not to ‘fall in love’ with their subjects. But when Anthony Albanese finished that stunning commitment, I must admit, while outwardly I was nodding sagely, inside I was shedding a shower of tears. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022 22

Reading—A beer with Baz Along with the other old blokes around the open fire in the pub, Bazza shuffled ever so slightly to make room for young Simon. “By gee……you old blokes must be feeling the cold.” There was the odd bone creak in the silent and passive compe77on for heat from the open fire. Mick, feigning nonchalance to the cold in shorts and thongs, steadied his shaking schooner with both hands and turned to Simon. “Not really, young Simon…….You need to toughen up a bit. It’s nowhere near as cold as it used to get.” There were nods of agreement and old Bill cleared his throat. “When I was your age, Simon we used to gather like this around the fridge with the door open to keep warm. Now that was cold.” There were a couple of chuckles and Mick’s bald head was apparently trembling in agreement. Old Bill sucked in a deep breath. “That doesn’t even rate with the cold down Gundagai way. You see, there was this dog down there that used to piss on his owner’s tuckerbox……..” Simon’s jaw dropped. “Hang on, Bill that’s a tale about a dog being loyal and guarding his master’s food. There’s a statue and a song…..” Old Bill cut him off with a shake of his head. “No mate……. The real story is this bloody dog decided to piss on his owner’s tuckerbox one night in mid winter and a cold snap froze it in the act. It was so cold the dog remained frozen like that all winter. Well…… every dog owner in the district brought their muD to witness it as a lesson. The arts community thought it was a mystery ice sculpture by some kind of 19th Century ‘Banksy’ type ar7st so it became a tourist aDrac7on. Of course, come summer they had to build a statue, change the story and make up a song to keep the tourists coming and save the good name of Gundagai…… but the point is……that’s how cold it used to get.” ‘Timeless Tom’s’ long sigh broke the pause. “Ahhhhh….. you are all a bit so4. Crikey, Simon….. when I was your age we would call this weather spring. In ‘59 I was fencing for this bloke up the Clyde Mountain in the middle of winter. It got so cold his wife used to grow ice flowers. Anyhow, this bloke forgot all about me working one day and I had to spend the whole night in the far paddock. It was so cold the moon even balked at coming out. By nine o’clock there were stalac7tes of ice on the barb wire fence I was trying to sleep under and that was before the real cold set in around midnight. By then, you needed an ice pick to blow your nose.” Mick’s knees knocked together and Simon let out a long “Bloody…….hell. How did you survive the night?” ‘Timeless Tom’ took a long sip and relished the short silence. “Well luckily, I had a spare cigareDe paper I could use for a blanket.” Have a beer with Bazza at

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Eurobodalla Mayor's column - June 2022 Mayor's column - June 2022 Lately I've been asked to lay out my vision for the shire at different local events. Being lucky enough to speak with large groups of residents at these events reminds me how unique the Eurobodalla is. Residents of each town and village want different things and it's clear to me there is no cookie-cuDer op7on for where we go as a community. So what do I see? Respec5ul and genuine engagement between our Council and community is key. We will lead by example and we are trialling different approaches to that now. I would like to retain our unique and relaxed coastal character. We all love the environment around us and we want to protect the unspoilt aspect while balancing the need to house our community. I want to facilitate more job opportuni7es, whether that be through con7nued traineeships at council, pilot programs, or encouraging new industry. I want to see more cohesive communi7es that turn within during disasters to support themselves - we need to be more resilient. I want to see a more strategic shi4 in tourism towards sustainable eco-tourism and arts/culture tourism that will bring visitors outside of the tradi7onal 7mes. A more robust events schedule supported by Council will help to bring tourists when we need them most, but also provide opportuni7es for residents to get out and enjoy what we have to offer. Above all else I want to see open and transparent dialogue between Council and community. I’m excited to have an amazing group of councillors who support this. It’s also very encouraging to get support on ini7a7ves from the staff who want the same goal. The feedback so far has been great but what’s important is we all realise, as do I, that we can always do beDer. We must con7nue to look at new ways to engage and get the best outcome. Ul7mately my vision is your vision as I will be guided by you. We won't all see the same goal but we will work together on the journey to try to bring as many as we can along for the ride. Mayor Mathew Hatcher June 2022

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The Triangle - June 2022 is OUT NOW

h>ps:// June-2022-web.pdf

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



!00 Years Ago June 10th 1922 MR. H. J. Thomson informs us that the 300-ton silo erected by him at Ninderra last year, was opened last week and the contents found to be in a perfect state of preserva7on – a boon for the winter months. ON Tuesday night, or early Wednesday morning, some one effected an entrance, through a window, into EmmoD’s Beehive Store, and got away with a suit case, clothing and boots to the value of about £20. Mr. P. MyloD’s shop was visited the same night and about nine loaves of bread stolen. No doubt some poor traveller accidentally arrived in Moruya and finding it in darkness (a perpetual state) and asleep, sought to make a s7r and arouse the inhabitants. ON Tuesday the three-months old daughter of Constable and Mrs. E. Turnbull, of the Criterion Hotel, Mullenderree, died at Captain’s Flat. Mr. Len Turner, late of Mr. A. H. Preddy’s garage, and Mr. Hapgood, formerly chauffeur for Mr. A. H. Weatherby, have opened a business at Tilba Tilba, and are prepared to undertake work in connec7on with motors, engines or machinery of any kind. In connec7on with the firm’s enterprise, Mr. H. J. Bate intends erec7ng an up-to-date motor garage with every facility and a complete stock of motor requirements. A party of friends from Bodalla and Eurobodalla, with their tennis racquets journeyed to Narooma on the King’s Birthday. The morning, as will be remembered, gave no indica7ons whatever of the elements being in adverse mood. On arrival at Narooma, however, steady rain set in and con7nued throughout the day. Tennis, of course, was out of the ques7on and the party had to return thoroughly drenched. It was, however, very kind of Miss Cos7n to place her home at the disposal of the visitors; this kind ac7on helped to make the situa7on as comfortable as it could be made under the circumstances. THE “Sunbeam” aeroplane arrived here on Thursday a4ernoon, but owing to slight damage to the plane tail during the night, through caDle poking their horns through it, the machine will not fly this weekend. MR. W. SEBBENS, one of Moruya’s highly esteemed residents, passed peacefully away at North Sydney Hospital on Tuesday, a4er a painful and trying illness extending over a few months. … Mr. Sebbens, who was 66 years of age, occupied the posi7on of benchman at Mr. Mitchell’s Moggendoura Sawmill. He was a man of strong and upright character, straigh5orward and trustworthy, and was beloved by all who knew him. As well as his aged mother, Mrs. Rose, of Gundary, he leaves a grown-up family. …Mrs. A. Thomson (Gundary) and Mr. J. Sebbens (Bateman’s Bay) are sister and brother respec7vely of the deceased. The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred in the R.C. por7on of the Braidwood cemetery. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



River of Art : Call for Proposals The River of Art Fes7val is now invi7ng proposals from ar7sts, the community and business to par7cipate in this year’s fes7val. The annual Fes7val will be back bigger than ever in 2022 with an exci7ng program of events from 16-25 September. The River of Art Fes7val will host a diverse range of arts shows, music, and performances, concluding with a spectacular laser and light show called Luminous: Art A4er Dark on 24th September. ‘We invite ideas from ar7sts, performers, galleries, venues, and business on how best to be part of the Fes7val. We’re looking for ar7sts to open up their studios or have an exhibi7on, suggest workshops, musical or theatrical performances, and murals,’ said Leanne Joyce, Chair of the Fes7val. ‘ Equally, we invite hospitality venues or galleries to host an ar7st, exhibi7on or performance. The River of Art Fes7val is in its 17th year and is commiDed to showcasing talented ar7sts across the Eurobodalla. Whilst the Fes7val was cancelled last year due to COVID-19 lockdowns, in the past the Fes7val has held over 120 individual events. ‘We want to see galleries, clubs, hotels, shopfronts, cafes and restaurants burs7ng with art, ideas and entertainment. ‘We believe a4er the bushfires, COVID-19 lockdowns, the community is ready to celebrate and visitors are keen to enjoy the arts and culture, as well as natural beauty of our region,’ Leanne said. The deadline for proposals is Saturday 18 June. Inclusion in the program is free and entries are now open. Program entry forms are on our website at or email inquiries to

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Entries open for na1onal Basil Sellers Arts Prize The region’s flourishing arts scene is in the na7onal spotlight with entries now open for the pres7gious Basil Sellers Art Prize. Open to ar7sts Australia-wide for the first 7me, the Eurobodalla Council-run prize offers a combined pool of $30,000; $25,000 for the winning entry thanks to businessman and philanthropist Basil Sellers AM, and a $5,000 Eurobodalla Award, sponsored by Eurobodalla Council, which safeguards the con7nued importance of local ar7sts. With its net for entries now cast wider, the focus of the biennial prize has narrowed. Only pain7ngs, drawings and unique state printmaking will be accepted. Eurobodalla Council’s crea7ve arts coordinator Indi Carmichael said the prize was open category in the past, however Mr Sellers had requested a more tradi7onal focus. “The winning work is acquired by Mr Sellers and placed in his extensive private collec7on – he wanted to narrow it down to works he was more comfortable living with,” she said. Ms Carmichael said na7onal expansion had been in the pipeline for more than a decade.

Above: Peter Ma>hew Yates won the Basil Sellers Art Prize in 2020 with his beau fully executed small oil pain ng Connec ons. Entries are now open for the biennial prize.

“We took the idea of going na7onal as a long-term goal to Mr Sellers back in 2006,” she said. “We also saw the poten7al to link the prize to a regional arts centre in in Moruya. We’ve been able to achieve all that and more with the opening of the Basil Sellers Exhibi7on Centre in 2019.” Ms Carmichael encouraged all ar7sts to enter no maDer where they came from. “The prize is about providing more opportuni7es for ar7sts to be recognised for their work and expanding their audience reach,” she said. “It’s a great way for prac77oners to get their work seen beyond their usual sphere.” Entries to the 2022 Basil Sellers Art Prize opened are now open and close Friday 29 July. The 2022 Basil Sellers Art Prize finalists exhibi7on will be held at the Bas (Basil Sellers Exhibi7on Centre) opening Friday 7 October, with the exhibi7on con7nuing un7l Sunday 20 November. To view the terms and condi7ons – or to enter – head to beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Feature Ar1st: David John|ERBG Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden's feature ar7st is David John. John began woodturning in 1990 while living in the Lower Blue Mountains, culmina7ng in exhibi7ons and awards throughout the Blue Mountains, Sydney, Mogo, Batemans Bay and most recently Tasmania. In addi7on to carving, John also uses burning and piercing techniques and has extended into working with steel, Hebel and stone. Cost: Free Where: Visitor Centre, Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden, Deep Creek Dam Road, Batemans Bay Exhibi1on dates: current to Saturday 30 June Opening hours: 9am-4pm, Wednesday to Sunday

Saturday Sessions at the Bas | Moruya Seaweed art workshop | Sarah Gorst There are s7ll places available on this fascina7ng workshop. Dive in and book your spot today. Join co-founder of South Coast Seaweed, Sarah Gorst to discover the many uses of seaweed, for food, ceremonies, medicinal purposes and acquire knowledge around tradi7onal prac7ces. Par7cipants will have the opportunity to explore their crea7ve side using seaweed to create a unique work of art to take home. Cost: $120 Where: The Bas, corner of Vulcan and Campbell Streets, Moruya. When: Saturday 11 June 2022, 12.30-3.30pm. Book through Eventbrite More info: T: 4474 7355

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Bas about town | Mechanics Ins1tute The Refugee Ac7on Collec7ve Eurobodalla and Asylum Arts present this powerful exhibi7on themed 'Hope Rising'. The exhibi7on includes works created by ar7sts who have been living in refugee deten7on in Indonesia for up to 10 years, as well as local ar7sts whose crea7ve prac7ce draws from refugee issues. All sale proceeds from the ar7sts' work will go directly to the ar7sts in Indonesia. Digital image by Mahdi Graphist 7tled Ever On. Cost: Free Where: Mechanics Ins7tute, 13 Page Street, Moruya Exhibi1on dates: Friday 17 June to Saturday 2 July 2022 Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 2pm Exhibi1on opening: Saturday 18 June, 3pm

Ngaranggal Djinama at the Bas Ngaranggal and Djinama is Dhurga for women/s and make/create. Don't miss this stunning Bas-curated exhibi7on of artworks by female Aboriginal ar7sts from across Australia. This mixed media exhibi7on celebrates the Artwork by Cheryl Davison titled Guardians of the Forest strength and diversity of Aboriginal expression and culture and includes prominent Eurobodalla ar7st, Cheryl Davison. The Bas would like to thank Chris7na Kennedy of Eurobodalla’s Horse Island, for her generosity in making this exhibi7on possible. Cost: Free Where: The Bas, corner of Vulcan and Campbell Streets, Moruya. Opening hours: Every day, 10am to 4pm Exhibi1on open: Saturday 25 June to Sunday 31 July 2022 Opening night: Friday 24 June, 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Book through Eventbrite. More info: T: 4474 7355 beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



The Bay Theatre Players next major produc1on, Compass, directed by Lyn Sterling, opens to audiences on Friday 24 June for an eight-show season. This produc7on introduces us to a cast of 10 talented young actors, several of whom are first 7me actors on the stage. The young cast, ranging in age from 12 to 15, are excited to bring Jessica Bellamy’s play to audiences on the Playhouse Stage in Batemans Bay, and have fully embraced the world of the play and the characters they are playing. The Bay Theatre Players also welcome first-7me actor, Chris BlewiD, who is the only adult in the show and plays Mr Finchley, the school teacher. Assistant director of Compass, Michaela Burtenshaw, welcomes Chris to the stage, saying “He has been so willing to learn and have fun, it’s been such a delight watching his character grow. I love watching people of all ages realise the magic of the theatre”. Compass, by Jessica Bellamy, explores themes of social status and injus7ce and challenges the young characters to consider how their decisions are guided by their moral compass. It does this in the seSng of a school camp, following a group of school students who are le4 to fend for themselves a4er their school teacher goes missing. The Bay Theatre Players produc7on of Compass by Jessica Bellamy, will be onstage Friday 24 June to Sunday 3 July. Ma7nee and evening performances are available. There will be a short Q&A a4er each of the 4 ma7nee performances which will provide a great opportunity to get to know the cast. Tickets are on sale now at Play Explora1ons The Bay Theatre Players will be holding their next play explora7on on Tuesday 14 June at 7pm, at the Theatre. This month, the players are excited to explore “Mamma Mia”. A poten7al contender for a produc7on in 2023, the players welcome everyone along to check out the script and learn more about this fun story about love, friendship and fun in the sun. For further info, send an email to, and also join the Facebook and Instagram pages for the most up to date info on Bay Theatre Players events.

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Narooma Ladies Golf results. By Chris7ne Hendra On Monday 6th June, 26 entrants competed in a Medley 2 person Stableford Mul7plier. A lot of fun was had trying not to wipe a hole. The overall winners were Chris Hendra and Kay Lawrence with a score of 60. Close behind were Margaret Brown and Maddie Robinson with 57 points. Balls went to 52. On Wednesday 8th June, a field of 26 ladies competed in the June Medal and PuSng compe77on. The overall winner and winner of division one was Diane Knoll with a neD score of 71 off handicap of 21. Di Wilkes was runner up with a neD score of 72 off handicap of 20. Tracey Mitchell celebra ng with Diane Knoll

Chris Hendra was the winner of division two with a neD score of on her monthly medal win. 74 off handicap of 31. Jennifer Walker was the runner up with a neD score of 75 C/B off handicap of 26. Bec Smart was the winner of the puSng compe77on with 28 puDs. Nearest to pin. 14th hole. Jennifer Walker, Div 2 17th hole. Janice Eardley, Div 3 Balls to 78 C/B.

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Malua Bay hosted the Ladies Two Bowls Open Triples on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June. Condi7ons were perfect for the Preliminary rounds on Saturday with beau7ful Winter sunshine and very liDle wind. There was a full complement of 28 teams from 10 different clubs compe7ng for a total prize prize pool of $4950. Sunday’s condi7ons were much more challenging with bowlers struggling against the strong gusty icy winds to keep the bowls on track. However, for7fied by a very welcome morning tea the bowlers headed out to do their best for the three rounds of fi4een ends in the Gold and Silver Divisions. The winners of the Gold Division with 3 wins and plus 43 margin were S Grimmins, J Winter and C Bruce from MiltonUlladulla, second were K James, J Hogan and M Starkovski from Tomakin, third were S Harmer, S Steele and D Marquet from Weston Creek. The Silver Division winners with 3 wins and plus 53 were C Fitzgerald, K Rudd and W Nielsen from Bomaderry, second were G Page-Davies, R Downing and S Malone, third were M S7D, L Buckley, S Warren from Queanbeyan. Many thanks go to Lou Butcher who was kept very busy umpiring for the whole weekend. Michael Ibbotson was down From CabramaDa Bowling Club again to expertly run the weekend’s event which is certainly appreciated. David Thomas (Malua Bay Bowls Organiser) and Jay Breust were off to South Tamworth Bowling Club to compete in the Covid delayed 2021 NSW Open Champion of Club Champions Pairs. The field was very strong but Dave and Jay made it to the finals against last years formidable team from Engadine. A4er a gripping tussle both teams were even on the last end so had to play an extra end to determine the winners. A4er a nail bi7ng finish Dave and Jay came out on top. Congratula7ons for a job well done! Malua Bay Club will display the trophy with pride. Tuesday women’s Social Bowls winners were Connie Anderson, June Williams, and Barbara Vickers, 24-11 against Joan Fitzgerald, Colleen Ashby, and Jan Shalders, runners up were Wendy Geary, Helen Rees and Lyn Hardy19-18 against Bev McKague, Joan Rimmer and Allison Innes. Other winners were the teams of Sue Palmer, Jean Beeley, Karen Signor, and JeaneDe Roberts, Sonia Frey and Gwen Ware. The Consistency Semi Final winners were Paula Hancock 154 to Sue Morgan 117; and Yvonne Huddleston 154 to Noleen Taylor 118. The money club $50 went to Dot Stewart. Paula Hancock and Gloria Harper were presented with their cer7ficates for winning the Drawn Pairs. We are looking forward to a good tussle in the Consistency finals between Paula Hancock and Yvonnne Huddleston Right: Silver Division winners from Bomaderry, C Fitzgerald, K Rudd, and W Nielsen beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


Above: Gold Division winners from MiltonUlladulla, S Grimmins, J Winter and C Bruce


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IRB championships coming to Broulee It may be a long weekend but there’ll be no 7me for relaxa7on for the state’s best Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) racers, with Broulee on the NSW Far South Coast playing host to Round 3 of the 2022 Sharkskin NSW IRB Premiership. Around 400 compe7tors and 60 officials converge on Broulee Beach this Saturday and Sunday for round three of the championships. The event will bring some of the state's best lifesavers in a thrilling high speed motor sport who will compete in about 80 different races over the weekend. The Broulee Surf Club has special event approval with Eurobodalla Shire Council, which means the car park and access road at Heath Street will be closed to the general public and used only for the event. The two hoDest teams in the state will put it all on the line in the fight for first place, with both Kiama Downs and Caves Beach hoping to head home with a leg up on the opposi7on heading into the final race round in a fortnight. Nothing separates the Hunter and South Coast clubs a4er tense baDles at both Terrigal and Bulli over the last month, with each having picked up an overall round win and a second place. As things stand, the pair have earned 18 points and with a further 10 up for grabs for the round winner, an7cipa7on is building for a blockbuster weekend of racing. Bringing the pressure from behind will be Terrigal and Newport, who sit seven and eight points adri4 respec7vely and will be hoping for a slip up from the big teams to keep things interes7ng heading into the final round. While the prospect of a final regular season round with two teams duking it out at Ocean Beach in a fortnight is tantalising, Terrigal SLSC’s Bronte Bagala says the royal blue caps have their sights set on turning the compe77on on its head. “Everyone has been training really hard because we want to come into this round and keep placing first in the events we do well, like our female team who is tying first with North Cronulla,” she said. “We’d love to place first overall with the female team, it’s the first 7me ever we’ve been doing that, but we’re hoping to get a second this weekend in the overall points, obviously first as well would be nice, but we’d love to test them.” Having fallen outside the top three in their home race at Terrigal, the team found themselves in more familiar water in the Illawarra where their strong performances saw them leapfrog Newport and kept them within shou7ng distance of an overall victory. “We’ve been really focussing on our starts and our turns,” Bronte con7nued. “I think the first round was challenging for everyone with the swell but we overcame that, the main thing we’re worried about this weekend is the cold. “We haven’t been to Broulee – the furthest we’ve been is Batemans Bay a few years ago. It’s a six-hour drive and we’ve hired a bus which will be fun.” Driving the team towards success is their camaraderie, which has developed quickly over a short 7me. “The team is really well gelled, the way they’re ac7ng as a team and working together has been so strong this year,” Bronte said. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Jane Egli1s Returns To Form To Win At Tuross Vets Golf With the Tuross Head golf course reopening for play, a field of 37 players registered for the Single Stableford event at Tuross Vets on Wednesday 8 June 2022. On what turned out to be Winner Jane Egli7s being congratulated by the Tuross Head Vets Captain a fine but somewhat chilly morning, players generally found the course tough going. Winner on the day was Jane Egli7s returning to form with a fine score of 21 points for the 9 holes played. Runner up was Bruce Ware on 18, bea7ng Greg Bush with the same score on count back. Ian WraDen rounded out the major prize winners with an excellent score of 16.

Minor prizes were awarded to Frank Pomfret, Rob Nash and JeaneDe Miller with 15, and then Ron Hanlon, Robert McKirdy and Dorothy Madden all on 14. Tony Crook took out the infamous Bradman award whilst nearest the pins went to Paul Pereira on the 4th, Bruce Mar7n on the 6th, and to Chris WraDen and Derek Hoare on the 7th. Greg Smith won the Accuracy drive compe77on.

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BROULEE RUNNER’S RESULTS WEDNESDAY 8 JUNE 2022 This evening we had 15 actual runners brave the cold weather to test themselves over the 3 distances. Emerson Carver improved in the 2kilometres. Janelle Morgan and Julie AmphleD ran Personal Best 7me in the 3 Kilometres. We were pleased to have Carissa Morgan and her dad Steve back a4er a long absence. Keira Atkin competed in the NSW State Cross Country championships in Sydney and came 14th out of 57 compe7tors. Her impressive 7me of 13.40 would have smashed her 3-kilometres 7me at Broulee and would have set the record for the fastest female over this distance. Lily McIntosh will represent Moruya High School at the Regional Cross Country championships at Cambewarra (Nowra) on Friday. She is an impressive athlete and should do her school proud. Above: Lilly McIntosh represen ng Moruya High School.

Moruya Women’s Golf Results Wednesday, 8th June A reduced field of 15 player’s baDled the cold and windy condi7ons to play a Stableford round. Jan Lumsden won the day with an impressive score of 35 neD. Marie Muriwai was runner-up with 32 neD C/B. Balls went to V Moore, M Douglas, A McMillan, J Hosking, B Roberts. NTP’s: 5th Hole Division 1 - Barbara Kennedy 5th Hole Division 2 – Val Moore

Photo: Jan Lumsden beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



Your Tackle World Moruya Fishing Report .Moruya River. As air temps con7nue to keep us shivering, the river con7nues to keep anglers happy. The tailor con7nue to bite in the river. With fish to 60cm s7ll bi7ng from quarry wharf down to the breakwall on the top of the 7de. The airport flats have flathead, bream, trevally and luderick available to anglers at the moment. Under the town bridge, flathead and bream can both be found on the top of the 7de. Further upstream, around the hospital bream and trevally can also be found. As the water temp starts to drop, start prospec7ng the deeper holes as the fish will start to look for deeper holes to hide out in. Fishing bladed style lures is a great technique as winter con7nues. Tuross River. Flathead, bream, tailor and trevally all con7nue to be caught in good numbers this week. The beauty with Tuross at the moment, is the en7re system is producing fish. All the way from the lower boat ramp to above the metal Bodalla bridge there are fish to be found. Being such a big system, no maDer the direc7on of the winds at the moment, a sheltered spot can easily be found. Rock and Beach. Good numbers of salmon and Tailor have been working the en7re coastline this week. Cast metals and pillies on paternoster rigs have both been working this week. There are s7ll a few bream and whi7ng also on offer in the broken ground at the ends of the beaches working into rocky headlands. Keep an eye on the swell to climb on Sunday though. The forecast will approach 4m, good for the surfers, but it does make beach fishing challenging and the rocks dangerous. Offshore. Good snapper and flathead con7nue to provide a feed for most boaters heading out this week. Start in the magic 30-40m mark. Keep an eye out for the sea state to deteriorate on Sunday though. We are s7ll looking for staff member to join the Tackle World Moruya team. Ideally we are looking for a more senior member to join the team as solo weekend work will be required. If this sounds like something you might like, please shoot us an resume via email, or in person at the shop. Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle World Moruya beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1100: Real Estate – State of the Nation Firstly …… Have you noticed this is Franzen Tips number 1,100? Even if we do say so ourselves, this is an amazing number for our humble weekly real estate update to our local community. Thank you to everyone out there who has given us positive feedback about our “tips” over the years. Sometimes it has been difficult to justify having them, particularly regarding the cost of printed media, however we have steadfastly kept the faith and published a “weekly tip” that we hope is of interest to our readers. We hope you enjoy number 1,100. The Real Estate Institute of Australia has just released its Housing Affordability Report for the March 2022 quarter and in that report outlined some very interesting statistics on the “State of the Nation” and “State of the States” as it relates to the real estate industry. Brace yourselves as this is not a very pretty set of numbers: State of the Nation 

Housing and rental affordability declined over the March quarter of 2022

The proportion of income required to meet loan repayments increased to 37.3%: an annual increase of 4.2 percentage points

The proportion of income required to meet rent payments is 23.5%

The number of first home buyers decreased 22.5% over the quarter and 33.9% over the past year

The average loan size increased 19.2% to $603,395 over the past year

State of the States: 

Housing affordability improved marginally over the quarter in both New South Wales (0.1%) and the Northern Territory (0.5%)

South Australia had the largest quarterly decline in housing affordability of 1.4%

Housing affordability remained steady in the Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales recorded the highest annual average loan increase at 21.6% at $772,837

The Northern Territory recorded the largest decline in the number of first home buyers at 40.2%

Rental affordability improved only in the Northern Territory, where the proportion of income required to meet median rent decreased from 25.9% to 24.8%

Tasmania was once more the least affordable state or territory to rent in with the proportion of income required to meet median rent increased to 30.8%

Victoria has the most affordable rent, where the proportion of income required to meet median rent was 20%

Queensland's first home buyers made up 29.4% of the state's owner-occupier market

The decline in both rental and housing affordability once again demonstrates the need for a national housing plan for housing supply and affordability and REIA will be working with the new Federal Minister for Housing, the Hon Julie Collins MP on this plan beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


real estate

OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors. The beagle abode is the new addi7on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper7es on the market each week. You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lis7ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts. CLICK HERE: hDps://

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


real estate

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


Jobs and no1ces Friendly Grocer Tuross Head Posi1on: Store Manager Full Time Salary Package: 65K to 75K plus Superannua1on To be successful in this role, you must: -Be passionate about providing our customers with a posi7ve shopping experience. -Be a strong leader and handle day to day opera7ons autonomously -Have exper7se in retail supermarket industry -Have food handling experience and maintain a safe and hygienic work environment -Have excellent interpersonal and communica7on skills to build strong and professional rela7onships with staff and customers. Successful candidates will be required but not limited to: -Overseeing customer service standards. -Planning and managing staff rosters under a set budget -Ordering and managing stock level while minimizing overall wastage. -Preparing and presen7ng weekly sales with comparison and discussing with management to find areas to improve and grow. Complete weekly reconcilia7on of all invoices from suppliers and passed on to Accounts. -Manage new staff recruitments and interviews. -Ensure store is compliant with Health and safety regula7ons and food safety standards. -Set product pricing and promo7on to stay compe77ve whilst providing value to customers. Applica7ons to be forwarded to

beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022



beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


Vol 50 May 11th 2018

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.


Air Conditioning



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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Builders


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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Concretors





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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Garden Landscaping

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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Solar Electrical


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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Vets

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Late entries

The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lis7ng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and con7nue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communi7es. Adver7sing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lis7ngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we o4en turn over these lis7ngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at hDps:// beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


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