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Serving New Zip Codes

2 locations to serve you!

At Rocky Mountain PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly), we offer coordinated and holistic services to meet seniors’ health care needs.

Our goal is to help older adults live better and maintain the highest level of independence possible.

From medical and wellness needs to social and other support services, our team is here to keep you or your loved one’s health on the right track.

Who We Serve

Residents of El Paso County who live in the following zip codes:

80132, 80133, 80817, 80829, 80903, 80904, 80905, 80906, 80907, 80908, 80909, 80910, 80911, 80914, 80915, 80916, 80917, 80918, 80919, 80920, 80921, 80922, 80923, 80924, 80925, 80927, 80939, 80951

Your FREE Guide to Aging Well in Colorado Springs

Be happy in your own skin

6 Treatments To Minimize Scars

Scars can be beautiful because they tell a story about a chapter in our life. They’re part of our journey. But what if you don’t want that story to be told so boldly?

There are treatments to minimize scars. Always ask your doctor before applying topical treatments to a wound because it depends on how it has healed.

Here are the six best ways to minimize scarring:

■ Carrot seed essential oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties and contains incredibly powerful antioxidants. This oil can be applied topically to help with scarring and dark spots.

■ Frankincense oil minimizes inflammation. Using it while a wound is relatively new may potentially prevent any scarring at all. If using this oil with an existing or healing scar, you’ll likely notice the scar fade some.

C, however supplements are better since you get a higher consistent dose.

■ Bromelain is a supplement derived from pineapples. It is a digestive enzyme that acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It will help reduce pain and swelling if taken orally after a surgical procedure. Bromelain breaks down fibrins, which prevents clotting and improves circulation. Its enzymes essentially dissolve the fibrin, thereby reducing the hard tissue surrounding a scar, allowing it to heal and repair itself.

• RELEVANT: An extensive resource directory with articles and contact information for clubs, programs and businesses geared to helping local seniors

• RELIABLE: We call to verify every listing for accuracy

• REPUTABLE: BEACON Senior News (formerly Life After 50) is the trusted voice of Colorado Springs seniors

■ Massaging improves blood flow, which in turn promotes pliability and reduces inflammation. After my husband’s knee replacement, I gently massaged around the area and the back of his knee to reduce his risk of arthrofibrosis. Do not massage around the scar too soon as the pressure and kneading could reopen the wound!

■ Vitamin C helps minimize raised scar formations and acts as a brightening agent. In a matter of months, you might notice some fading. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin

■ Silicone scar bandages are great to put on a spot that needs to remain flexible like your neck, knee or finger. The silicone sheet bandages protect the vulnerable tissue from getting scratched or nicked, and it reduces itching. These silicone gel sheets might even affect a well-healed scar that’s a year or older.

Not all scars are the same, but it doesn’t hurt to give these options a try. If you feel happier in your own skin, it’s worth it! ■


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