1 minute read

Month Question

Of The

By Rhonda Wray

Are you satisfied with your educational journey?

Lelia Gibson-Green

“Absolutely! I studied nursing while still in high school, completed a double major in elementary ed and sociology, then got an MBA as a first-generation college student. My grandmother didn’t even get to finish fourth grade. Because I valued education, my boys followed suit, and it led them to a better life.”

Michelle Young

“I survived the deaths of my parents and husband, a hurricane and a stint in a wheelchair, then went back to school in my 50s. I’ve had to accept visual challenges and high-frequency hearing loss, with constant ringing in my ears. The professors at UCCS have been accommodating and helpful. I have a 4.0, and I’m three classes away from my geology degree.”

Barbara Downs

“I enrolled in college as a single parent in my 40s. Then I met my husband and dropped out. But I had a 45-year career in public health, starting with the Florida State Immunization Program and continuing through promotions and moving to Colorado—all with a high school education and onthe-job training.”

Rotary Club meets weekly for lunch and a speaker at the DoubleTree Hotel. Visit website for Zoom link and to RSVP.

Fridays | 12:15 p.m. | 719-338-3239 | portal.clubrunner.ca/3250

1st Tuesday | 10:30 a.m. | 719-687-9281

Yarnia! Knitting & Crochet Club meets at Florissant Library.

2nd Thursday | 10 a.m. | 719-748-3939 ■

Lucy Radcliffe

“I would like to learn more, especially about reading and math. I was trying to go back to school and hoping to get a grant. I dropped out of high school after 10th grade because my parents passed away.”