Familylife 2018 fnl

Page 33

SOME TIPS: A GREAT WAY TO MAKE GOOD NUTRITION MORE APPEALING IS TO INVITE CHILDREN INTO THE KITCHEN. People who cook often cite the pride they feel when they prepare meals that they and their families enjoy. Kids feel the same sense of pride and accomplishment and that may increase the likelihood that they will eat the entire meal, including vegetables.



Experiment with vegetables to make them more attractive. For example, rather than serving carrots without sauce or seasoning, serve them with a bowl of hummus that kids can dip their carrots into to add some flavor. If hummus does not do the trick, parents can look for other healthy dips, such as those with a Greek yogurt base.

KIDS MAY BE MORE LIKELY TO EMBRACE HEALTHY DIETS WHEN THEIR PARENTS SOLICIT THEIR INPUT. If kids ask for unhealthy fare like hamburgers or macaroni and cheese, compromise by offering healthier alternatives, like turkey burgers or whole grain pasta with parmesan cheese. Also, don’t be afraid to veer off course every so often and let kids choose a meal that’s not as nutritious as you would like. Straying from healthy fare is only problematic if it becomes routine.

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