Annual Report 2018
‘Ever to Excel’ The Strategic Plan
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‘Ever to Excel’ The Strategic Plan boston college annual report 2018
From the President William P. Leahy, S.J. 5
The Strategic Plan 18
From the Chair 19
Year in Review 30
Financial Report 32
Statistical and Financial Highlights 34
Board of Trustees
boston college spires featured in this report Cover, Gasson Hall. Page 4, Bapst Library. Page 29, Burns Library. Inside back cover, Lyons Hall.
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from the president
My vision and hope for Boston College over the next decade builds on three words: University, Catholic, and Jesuit. First, essential for me is that Boston College be a university and a community of scholars and learners, an institution where teaching, research, inquiry, and debate flourish, and which prizes undergraduate education as well as the preparation of future scholars and practitioners in selected graduate and professional programs. I want Boston College to excel in the discovery and transmission of knowledge in ways appropriate to its mission and resources. We should seek to be a beacon, providing light and inspiration; a bridge connecting people, traditions, and beliefs; and a crossroads where individuals and ideas meet and lives are transformed. It is also critical that we continue to deepen understanding and appreciation of our Catholic religious and educational heritage. This includes priority for the liberal arts and the integration of intellectual excellence, religious commitment, and personal formation. For centuries, Catholic institutions of higher education have focused on the liberal arts, which by definition help people become more liberal, more human, and more free—more able to recognize their gifts, God’s call to them, and ways their talents can be used for the good of others. I hope that Boston College increasingly provides an educational experience that leads students to consider questions about self, God, and neighbor and that promotes inquiry into the human condition. We must enhance our ability to offer quality education in an atmosphere of caring and faith that reflects Catholic intellectual and moral traditions. I think Boston College has a special call to be a meeting place between faith and culture, especially between the Catholic Church and modern society. In particular, I hope that Boston College excels in assisting Catholics, especially its students, to develop mature understandings of their faith and to live in accord with Catholic beliefs and values. I believe Boston College should work to help not only the Catholic Church better understand contemporary society but also assist our world to grow in knowledge and appreciation of Catholic traditions,
beliefs, and values. For these goals to be achieved, Boston College must provide faculty, students, and staff with opportunities to engage in religious inquiry and growth through worship, retreats, conversation, and personal exploration. Finally, Boston College should deepen its understanding of, and commitment to, the history, spirituality, and educational tradition of the Society of Jesus. From their founding, Jesuit schools have stressed the importance of a rigorous, methodical approach to learning, a core curriculum emphasizing the liberal arts, and care for the individual. The genius of St. Ignatius was to combine the best of humanistic education of his day with character formation, and that “way of proceeding” should be both a guide and inspiration for Boston College. I believe that being a vital, strong Jesuit, Catholic university requires that Boston College be involved in the life of the community, nation, and world around it. St. Ignatius once instructed a Jesuit assigned to establish a new school to “take special care that you obtain a good and sufficiently large site, and if possible not far removed from the conversation of the city.” We should be engaged in that conversation today, not only locally but also nationally and internationally. As this report on our new Strategic Plan demonstrates, Boston College is a fortunate institution, rooted in a longstanding educational and religious heritage; blessed with talented and committed students, faculty, parents, and benefactors; and ranked in the top tier of institutions of higher education in the United States. May we remain animated by our aspiration to be a great university that is faithful to its Jesuit and Catholic traditions, and a community willing to continue working together for the greater glory of God.
William P. Leahy, S.J. President
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spire photo
The strategic plan
“Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’s Mission” was initiated via an ambitious self-study begun in January 2016, not long after Boston College completed its record-breaking $1.6 billion “Light the World” campaign that supported a strategic plan developed a decade earlier. The aim of the new study, said University President William P. Leahy, S.J., would be to develop “aspirational and inspirational” goals for the following decade. What was required, he said, was “a candid assessment of our strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities as a major university with a distinctive heritage.” Guided by a 14-member Steering Committee co-chaired by Executive Vice President Michael Lochhead and Provost David Quigley, the study enlisted hundreds of faculty, staff, alumni, and students in serving on committees that examined the University’s circumstances, promise, responsibilities, and hopes, with special focus on a score of selected academic and administrative areas. Campus-based town hall meetings for faculty and students, alumni leadership conversations around the nation, and Trustee meetings also engaged with planning issues. At the University Convocation in the fall of 2017, Boston College was able to announce a new 10-year plan that would keep the institution “true to its intellectual and religious roots” and capable of driving efforts “to be the world’s leading Jesuit, Catholic university.” Details on “Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’s Mission” will be found on the pages that follow. For more information, please visit
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strategic direction i
Liberal Arts Re-envision liberal arts education at Boston College by sustained attention to the Core Curriculum, enhancing faculty quality and engagement, and leveraging the strengths of undergraduate programs IN 2015, BOSTON COLLEGE began a three-year Core Renewal pilot program, the first major development of the Core Curriculum since 1991. Designed to “better reflect and better prepare students for the 21st-century world,” says Institute for the Liberal Arts Director Mary Crane, these new Core classes examine either contemporary social problems (e.g., “Planet in Peril: The History and Future of Human Impacts on the Planet”) or lasting questions about the human condition (“Revolutionary Media: How Reading Changes Us”). Since the fall of 2015, 126 faculty within all four of the University’s undergraduate programs have introduced 94 new Core courses for freshmen. More than 1,700 students have enrolled to date. To meet growing demand, however, another 1,000 Core opportunities for students will be made available in the 2018–19 academic year. “At a time when other universities are backing away from the liberal arts, we are revitalizing our liberal arts foundation,” says Julian Bourg, associate professor of history and associate dean of the Core. Among new Core offerings during the spring 2018 semester were paired courses taught by Associate Professor of History Dana Sajdi and Political Science Professor Jonathan Laurence. On Mondays and Wednesdays, 14 freshmen took Laurence’s “Religion in a Secular World: Separating Church, Mosque, and State,” which investigates, “through readings, artifacts at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, and presentations—how the modern state in Europe and the Middle East has led to changes within Christianity and Islam.” On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the same students met for Sajdi’s “Religious Diversity in a Muslim World,” which explored the Ottoman Empire’s manage-
selected goals of the liberal arts direction »» Foster understanding of the Core Curriculum as the foundation of the Boston College experience »» Strengthen the student experience by recruiting
ment of religious pluralism. Readings, film, and debate were at the center of the course, and each student was required to develop an essay focused on a historical site destroyed in the ongoing Syrian civil war. Once a month, Sajdi, Laurence, and
and retaining gifted faculty members dedicated to
students in both classes gathered to reflect on what
teaching, research, and mentorship
they were learning in each course.
»» Leverage strengths and resources of Boston College’s four undergraduate units, especially to develop new curricular options
Together, the two courses addressed “healthy, scholarly research habits,” the merits and limits of history and political science scholarship, and “preconceived notions students may have had about the relationship between church and state,” says
Jonathan Laurence and Dana Sajdi talk with Emma McGowenHenderson ’21 and Jared Goodfriend ’21 in a Stokes Hall classroom.
Sajdi. Adds Laurence, “We both aim for students to stop and think critically about fundamental
Anna Brickhouse in Devlin Hall. An English professor at the University of Virginia, she lectured and led a faculty seminar in March as part of a distinguished visitor series sponsored by the Institute for the Liberal Arts.
questions: What is empire? What is religion? How did this place—Syria, for example—get here? What else in the world is like it? Ultimately, we intended for them to gain a better sense of the world they’ve inherited, and their place in it.” Sankari Nadanapathan ’21, an applied psychology and human development major from New Jersey, says, “Analyzing shared readings through the lenses of both history and political science was a rare and rewarding experience [that has] taught me to be skeptical, increased my attention to detail, and improved my writing skills.” “In the past,” says Crane, “students sometimes viewed Core courses as something to get out of the way before starting their major.” By contrast, surveyed students who have taken the new “Complex Problems” and “Enduring Questions” courses reported being “much more engaged, challenged, and even transformed” by the joining of variant approaches to issues that students are likely to confront as participants in society. Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., dean of the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, says the Core Renewal is “steeped in the Jesuit tradition of integrating intellectual rigor and character formation.” He adds, “We want to graduate students who are well prepared to live meaningful lives and tackle pressing issues, and a liberal arts education provides the best preparation for that.”
Mary Crane
Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.
Julian Bourg
strategic direction ii
Formation Enhance the University’s commitment to formation among students, faculty, and staff to further Boston College’s mission and strengthen its institutional culture EACH JUNE SINCE 2013, some 35 faculty from nearly every department at the University have secluded themselves for a week at the Union Bluff Hotel on the Maine coast. Modeled after the Jesuit tradition of gathering for annual reflection, the Villa Faculty Writing Retreat provides Boston College’s faculty an opportunity to spend a week focused on their scholarship and creative work and to build friendships with colleagues. “It’s an experience that celebrates the faculty’s writing and research as integral to the mission of Boston College,” says Burt Howell, executive director of University Mission and Ministry’s Intersections program, which runs the retreat. The week is structured to provide time for writing, with a prescribed schedule that includes only meals, an evening social hour, daily Masses, and group reflections on the first and last day. Associate Professor of History Arissa Oh calls the retreat “an incredible luxury. I didn’t have to cook for my children, or even myself. All I had to do was write.” Over five days in her balconied room overlooking the Atlantic, Oh “viciously” edited a draft of her first book, To Save the Children of Korea: The Cold War Origins of International Adaption (Stanford, 2015). She also discussed academic life with colleagues. “On campus we’re often so siloed and caught up in our own work. [The retreat] gives us a rare opportunity to talk about the crafts of writing and teaching, and to shake ideas loose.” More than 50 faculty members apply for a
selected goals of the formation direction »» Deepen understanding and commitment of faculty and staff to Boston College’s mission and heritage »» Enhance the University’s culture of care and
place on the retreat each year, and Howell selects participants from a wide range of disciplines or research interests to “simulate a kind of wholeness that’s difficult to find on campus,” he says. This year’s participants included an educational
welcome for all, including support for socio-
neuroscientist, a molecular parasitologist, and
economic and racial diversity within the campus
scholars of black feminism, Pauline ethics, art law,
and Cesarean delivery rates.
»» Increase the number and quality of formal and informal spaces dedicated to formation within distinct campus neighborhoods »» Establish new formation opportunities for graduate and professional students »» Sustain and promote Boston College’s Jesuit heritage
John Butler, S.J., vice president for University Mission and Ministry, says, “Knowledge has become so specialized, but knowledge should be in the service of becoming fully human and fully alive. To do that, we’re creating venues that allow faculty, staff, and students to understand who they are and to maximize their potential.” In addition to the Villa, the University also offers faculty a week-long Teaching Retreat on Cape Cod, and
Above: The Center for Student Formation’s Halftime retreat, a three-day “vocational discernment” program for undergraduates, at the Connors Family Retreat and Conference Center in Dover, Massachusetts. Facing Page: The Villa Faculty Writing Retreat in York, Maine. From left are Jorge Huete-Perez, a biochemistry professor at Nicaragua’s Universidad Centroamericana; Professor of History Conevery Bolton Valencius; Associate Professor of History Zachary Matus; and Associate Professor of Political Science Jennie Purnell.
a semester-long Pilgrimage Seminar that culminates with a journey that retraces Ignatius’s early progress through Spain and Italy. Faculty programs are a small part of formation activities at Boston College. Dozens of retreats are offered each year for students. These touch on such areas as spirituality and faith, race, sexual orientation, transition to college, vocational discernment, and pilgrimage. (“Self Knowledge and Discernment,” a philosophy course, concludes with a 215-mile, 13-day walk along Spain’s Camino de Santiago pilgrim route). Michael Sacco, director of the Center for Student Formation, says each retreat aims to “help students learn about themselves through reflection and through mentoring from peers and faculty.” “Formation can have a connotation of indoctrination,” says Howell, “but from the Jesuit perspective, and the Boston College perspective, formation is an attempt to find freedom, to be your best and fullest self.”
Michael Sacco
John Butler, S.J.
Burt Howell
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strategic direction iii
Scholarship and Research Expand support for scholarship and research in keeping with Boston College’s mission to help address complex societal problems and contribute to the common good, with a particular focus on the sciences IN THE SPRING OF 2019, construction will begin on the 160,000-square-foot building on the Middle Campus that will house the $150 million Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society. Named in honor of donors Phil Schiller ’82, senior vice president of worldwide marketing at Apple Inc., and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, the institute will transform the University’s ability to conduct collaborative research that addresses pressing issues in health, energy, and the environment. “Finding solutions to complex societal problems requires both an integrated science approach and transdisciplinary input from the humanities and social sciences,” says Thomas Chiles, vice provost for research and DeLuca Professor of Biology. The institute will also respond to shifting demands in student enrollment. In 2017–18, 23 percent of undergraduates majored in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) field, up from 14 percent in 2007. Over the same period, the number of biology majors alone climbed 34 percent, to 927. “For every undergraduate research position available in my lab, there are about 30 applicants,” says Assistant Professor of Biology Laura Anne Lowery, who investigates the cellular mechanisms that direct the nervous system’s development. The Schiller Institute will “expand our ability to properly support our students with research opportunities,” says Lowery, “and those opportunities will bring us to the cutting edge of science: disciplinary integration.” To spur collaboration, the facility will house, along with Institute faculty, the computer science department and the Edmund H. Shea Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship. The building will
selected goals of the scholarship and research direction »» Establish an Institute for Integrated Science
also include state-of-the-art research and teaching laboratories, a “clean room,” robotics and data visualization facilities, a collaboration commons, and “maker spaces,” where students and faculty
and Society, and explore other interdisciplinary
can build materials and prototypes of devices.
“Knowledge remains theoretical unless we can
»» Review existing graduate and professional programs and selectively invest in those with the greatest potential for quality, impact, and contribution to institutional mission
transfer it into a device in people’s hands,” says Professor of Chemistry Dunwei Wang, whose laboratory develops low-cost materials that can harvest and store renewable energy. The Schiller Institute, he says, will “create a convergence of minds and resources where we can more readily
From left: Dunwei Wang; Gautam Yadama, dean of the School of Social Work; Laura Anne Lowery; and Thomas Chiles review plans for the Schiller Institute.
apply knowledge and have a greater impact on the world.”
Phil Schiller and students at a gathering in the Heights Room.
English Professor Amy Boesky, citing the Harvard anthropologist and medical doctor Paul Farmer, H’05, who spoke at the fall 2017 introduction of the Institute, adds, “We segregate science from society at our peril.” Boesky directs an interdisciplinary minor in medical humanities, health, and culture, which was founded in 2013, and now enrolls 130 students. “Students have been drawn to the minor precisely because it demands considerations of health, healthcare, and disability in the context of larger issues. With new programs burgeoning in the Schiller Institute, we look forward to deeper and richer collaborations among the humanities, and the social and natural sciences.” “There’s a great need today to remind and demonstrate that science tremendously increases the country’s well-being and economic viability,” says Biology Professor Philip Landrigan ’63. A medical doctor and public health expert who spent a distinguished career at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City before returning to Boston College, Landrigan notes: “The Schiller Institute pulls together the resources that will allow scientists to translate their findings to the public.” The Institute will develop undergraduate majors in engineering and in integrated and applied science, which, says Chiles, will “shape the next generation of scientists in the art of collaboration across science disciplines. But the Schiller Institute will be major-blind,” he adds. “Regardless of your skill set, you will be able to contribute to the scholarship and learning going on inside.”
Amy Boesky
Philip Landrigan
strategic direction iv
Impact Increase the University’s presence and impact in the City of Boston, the United States, and around the globe IN 2001, Mary Walsh, the Lynch School of Education’s Kearns Professor of Urban Education and Innovative Leadership, designed City Connects, a program to bolster academic, social, and health outcomes for underprivileged elementary schoolchildren through personalized support and intervention. What began with a pilot partnership in seven elementary schools in Boston today serves 101 schools in six states—Massachusetts, Connecticut, Indiana, New York, Ohio, and Minnesota— and more than 30,000 students. And it’s an effective and efficient program. “If City Connects were a company, Warren Buffet would snatch it up,” the New York Times wrote in 2016. City Connects protocols require that a coordinator at each school meets with teachers and parents to create a plan tailored to every child (the plan is frequently reviewed and adjusted as needed). “Children grow when we capitalize on their talents, so we spend as much time addressing students’ needs as we do their strengths,” says Walsh. In addition to linking students with tutors and mentors, City Connects takes a “whole child” approach, securing after-school interventions that include dental appointments and food delivery to the student’s home. Research shows that compared to peers, students aided by City Connects have half the dropout rate and significantly less absenteeism. Academically, they are able to make up two-thirds of achievement gaps in math and half their gaps in English skills. In turn, the program has “had a tremendous impact on our
selected goals of the impact direction »» Increase global aspects of the curriculum at Boston College »» Provide targeted financial aid for Jesuit high school graduates to fulfill institutional goals regarding mission, excellence, and service »» Dedicate resources necessary to achieve institutional goals and competitive success in intercollegiate athletics »» Establish or strengthen partnerships that could assist
teaching at the Lynch School,” says Walsh. The five faculty (along with 14 graduate and doctoral students on the research team) bring City Connects’s findings to the school’s teachers in training and through them to classrooms. City Connects is only one of many programs the University’s eight schools and colleges have developed to make knowledge work for communities at home and abroad. Boston College is “incredibly fortunate to be in a growing city, in a growing state, in a growing region,” says Neil McCullagh ’91, executive director of the Carroll School of
Boston-area communities and enhance curricula and
Management’s Joseph E. Corcoran Center for Real
research at Boston College
Estate and Urban Action. Founded in 2015, the
»» Promote service to the local and global Catholic Church
Corcoran Center offers courses and volunteer and
»» Develop a more effective structure for promoting and
engage with Boston’s nonprofits, schools, and com-
integrating the University’s international initiatives
munities, and grapple with “the challenges to creat-
service learning programs that allow students to
ing equitable and sustainable societies.” McCullagh
Right: Diane Quinones, MS’18 (right), examines a mother and her child at the Nueva Vida Clinic during the Connell School of Nursing’s service immersion trip to Nicaragua in March 2018. Facing Page: Mary Walsh (center), at the Collins Middle School in Salem, Massachusetts, with City Connects program manager Ellen Wingard (left) and Salem schools superintendent Margarita Ruiz.
adds, “We have an enormous opportunity to help students practice meeting the demands of the future, and in some ways model the best practices for our country and for the world.” At the Connell School of Nursing, the last decade has seen a surge of clinical immersion programs in Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Haiti, and Nicaragua. “More and more, our graduates will be working globally,” says Dean Susan Gennaro. “But even if you only practice in the U.S., you can’t be an excellent medical practitioner without being a global citizen, without knowing how birth and disease and death vary from country to country, without seeing yourself as working within a larger perspective.” Boston College Law School’s international offerings range from an immigration clinic in Boston to semesters in practice programs across Europe and exchange programs with partnership universities in Dublin, Hamburg, and Paris. “In every area, from public interest to high commerce, global engagement is becoming increasingly necessary for our students,” says Law School Dean Vincent D. Rougeau. “Today’s boundaries are permeable,” says Theresa Betancourt, the School of Social Work’s Salem Professor in Global Practice, who for the last 15 years has studied the effects of war on Sierra Leone’s youth. “In an age of global trade, climate change, and mass immigration flow, we have to take a global view to continue to be relevant and to make the most meaningful contributions possible.”
Theresa Betancourt
Susan Gennaro
Vincent D. Rougeau
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from the chair
I am pleased to share with you Boston College’s 2018 Annual Report, “Ever to Excel: The Strategic Plan.” Recently approved by the Board of Trustees, the plan sets four Strategic Directions for the University over the next decade that reflect the distinctive Jesuit tradition of educating the whole person, fostering strong intellect along with integrity, and developing men and women who possess a commitment to the common good. The plan aims at the formation of students with the knowledge, perspective, humanity, and faith that will allow them to be leaders in our complex and challenging world. This report includes a review of FY2018’s outstanding achievements by faculty and students in academics, research, the arts, and athletics. It also contains a financial report reflecting the solid foundation that will support the pursuit and achievement of our visionary plans. Having completed my first year as chair of the Boston College Board of Trustees, I feel grateful for the opportunity to serve the University at this exciting time. I’m proud to have enjoyed an association with the faculty, staff, alumni, and students of this great institution. I also want to acknowledge the dedication and support of the extraordinary group of people who serve with me as University trustees.
Chair, Boston College Board of Trustees
year in review
Academic Affairs The University conferred 2,377 undergraduate and 1,817 graduate degrees, including 162 doctorates, 237 law degrees, and 21 canonical degrees, at Boston College’s 142nd annual Commencement exercises on May 21. University President William P. Leahy, S.J., presented an honorary doctor of laws degree to Commencement speaker and Archbishop of Atlanta Wilton D. Gregory. Former University secretary and rector of the Jesuit community Joseph P. Duffy, S.J., ’50, MA’51, STL’58; outgoing Harvard University president Drew Gilpin Faust; documentary film producer Kendall B. Reid ’79; and Alberto Vasallo III ’89, the president and CEO of El Mundo Boston, also received honorary degrees. Former U.S. Attorney Debra Yang ’85, a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, spoke at the Law School Commencement on May 25. At Commencement, Fr. Leahy presented the inaugural Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J., Award to Mary Crane, Thomas F. Rattigan Professor of English and director of the Institute for the Liberal Arts. The award was established to honor a faculty member who exemplifies the Jesuit, Catholic ideal of integrating teaching, scholarship, and service to society. Sixteen members of the class of 2018 received Fulbright scholarships to pursue a year of post-baccalaureate research or English teaching abroad, placing Boston College among the top 20 U.S. research institutions producing Fulbright scholars. Natalee Deaette ’19, a student in the Lynch School of Education, became the 11th Boston College student in the last 20 years to receive a prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship, which supports the graduate education of outstanding students committed to public service leadership. Boston College ranked 32nd among national universities in the 2018 U.S. News & World Report survey. The University placed 34th in the survey’s Best Value Schools rankings, and was 18th among private universities in Kiplinger’s “Best College Values, 2018.” The Carroll School of Management rose to 24th in the “Best in Undergraduate Business” category. In the U.S. News & World Report graduate school rankings, the Lynch School of Education rose two spots to 21st in the nation, the School of Social Work placed 11th among social work programs, and the Connell School of Nursing was ranked 32nd. The Carroll School placed 48th among full-time graduate business programs, while its finance program ranked 23rd in the country, and the parttime MBA program rose 21 places to 25th. Boston College Law School placed 27th in the U.S. News survey, 22nd on National Law Journal’s list, and 16th on the Above the Law survey of the nation’s top 50 law schools.
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In the London-based QS World University Rankings, Boston College placed sixth—and first among Catholic institutions—in theology, divinity, and religious studies. A Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education review placed the University third among U.S. Catholic colleges and universities. Boston College was one of 11 institutions chosen to receive three years of funding for undergraduate research from the Beckman Scholars Program. The U.S. Department of Education awarded a five-year, $1.15 million grant to the University’s Learning to Learn office to support the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, which prepares first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students to pursue postgraduate degrees. The Connell School of Nursing announced plans to begin accepting students into a new Doctor of Nursing Practice program in fall 2019. Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., announced that the Class of 2021 would include the last cohort of the college’s honors program, which was founded in 1958. The Carroll School of Management is discontinuing its honors program as well. The Carroll School is launching a new minor in management, open to all Boston College undergraduates, in fall 2018. The University will also pilot an interdisciplinary journalism minor beginning in the same fall semester.
Boston College Vice Presidents (standing, from left): Beth E. McDermott, Vice President for Development; David P. Trainor, Vice President for Human Resources; John D. Burke, Financial Vice President and Treasurer; Kevin J. Shea, Vice President and Executive Assistant to the President; Daniel F. Bourque, Vice President for Facilities Management; Barbara Jones, Vice President for Student Affairs; Michael J. Bourque, Vice President for Information Technology; Thomas J. Keady, Vice President for Governmental and Community Affairs; Casey Beaumier, S.J., Vice President and University Secretary; James J. Husson, Senior Vice President for University Advancement. (Seated): John T. Butler, S.J., Vice President for University Mission and Ministry; David Quigley, Provost and Dean of Faculties; Michael J. Lochhead, Executive Vice President; Kelli J. Armstrong, Vice President for Planning and Assessment
Boston College announced plans in November for the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, a multidisciplinary, collaborative research center that addresses critical societal issues of energy, health, and the environment. Named in recognition of a $25 million gift from Boston College Trustee Phil Schiller ’82 and his wife, Kim Gassett-Schiller, the Schiller Institute will be the centerpiece of a planned 160,000-square-foot facility that will represent the University’s largest investment in the sciences to date. Construction is slated to begin in spring 2019. The Lynch School of Education showcased its “whole child” approach to education and student development during three fall colloquia that drew education professionals, scholars, and policymakers to campus. Lynch faculty Mary E. Walsh, the Daniel E. Kearns Professor of Urban Education and Innovative Leadership; Thomas More Brennan Chair in Education Andrew Hargreaves; Professor Dennis Shirley; and Henry Braun, Boisi Professor of Education and Public Policy, led conferences in the series. The Woods College of Advancing Studies expanded its offerings to include certificate programs in sustainability, data analytics, and project management, furthering its aim of providing flexible programs in expanding fields. Alfred Hamilton, a veteran healthcare administrator, joined Woods as director of its online Master of Healthcare Administration program. FBI director Christopher Wray gave the keynote address at the second annual Boston Conference on Cybersecurity, cohosted by the Woods College’s Cybersecurity Policy & Governance program and the FBI. Ingu Hwang, a scholar of modern Korean history and Cold War diplomacy, is the inaugural holder of the Korean Foundation Visiting Assistant Professorship in Asian Studies. New Testament scholar Pheme Perkins was named the inaugural Joseph Professor of Catholic Spirituality in the theology department. The School of Social work named Theresa Betancourt, an authority on the effects of war on children and families, its inaugural Salem Professor in Global Practice. After a year as interim leader of the Center for Irish Programs, James H. Murphy, C.M., a scholar of 19th-century Ireland, was appointed program director. Historian Jason Knirck served as the Burns Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies during the 2018 spring semester. The Winston Center for Leadership and Ethics celebrated its 10th anniversary with a Clough Colloquium lecture by historian David McCullough, H’08. Kenneth Hackett ’68, H’06, former U.S. ambassador to the Holy See and president of Catholic Relief Services, gave the keynote speech at the University’s annual Advancing Research and Scholarship Day, which focused on “research and the common good.” The Office of Undergraduate Admission received 31,098 applications for the Class of 2022— a 9 percent increase over last year—and accepted 27 percent of applicants. The University also saw a 15 percent increase in early action applicants. International enrollment grew 9 percent for 2017–18, with a University record 1,751 foreign undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. The largest cohorts were from China (793) and South Korea (180).
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For the sixth straight year, economics was the most popular concentration among undergraduates, with a record 1,296 majors. It was followed by finance (1,042), biology (927), political science (893), and communication (751).
Faculty Research and Awards Vice Provost for Research and DeLuca Chair of Biology Thomas Chiles and School of Social Work Dean Gautam N. Yadama were among global experts and investigators who took part in the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health. Their findings, published in the British medical journal the Lancet in October, showed that pollution was connected to one in six deaths worldwide. More than 150 of the world’s leading scientists and policymakers in the field of space weather convened at Boston College in July 2017 for the United Nations/United States of America Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative, a forum organized by the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs, NASA, and Boston College’s Institute for Scientific Research. Connell School of Nursing Dean Susan Gennaro received a $3.3 million grant from the National Institute for Minority Health and Health Disparities at the NIH to study the effectiveness of a prenatal care intervention for minority women experiencing emotional distress. Assistant Professor of Physics Ilija Zeljkovic received early-career grants from the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Army Research Office to support his work on superconductors and topological insulators. Associate Professor Jane Flanagan, who directs the Connell School’s Adult Gerontology Graduate Program, was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing. Professor of Physics Ziqiang Wang was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society.
Jesuit Catholic Mission The Catholic Theological Society of America bestowed its highest honor, the John Courtney Murray Award, on Professor of Theology M. Shawn Copeland. Copeland is the first African-American to receive the award from the organization, the world’s largest professional society of theologians. Clergy and theologians gathered at Boston College on October 5–6 for “Amoris Laetitia: A New Momentum for Moral Formation and Pastoral Practice,” a two-day symposium hosted by the Jesuit Institute and led by Canisius Professor of Theology and institute director James F. Keenan, S.J. The participants met to consider Pope Francis’s March 2016 apostolic exhortation on family life. On February 19, Fr. Leahy welcomed 15 U.S. Catholic bishops to Boston College for a daylong seminar on the same subject.
boston college deans (standing, from left): James P. Burns, I.V.D., Woods College of Advancing Studies; Susan Gennaro, Connell School of Nursing; Gautam N. Yadama, School of Social Work; Thomas B. Wall, University Librarian; Andrew C. Boynton, Carroll School of Management; Thomas D. Stegman, S.J., School of Theology and Ministry. (Seated): Stanton Wortham, Lynch School of Education; Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J., Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences; Vincent D. Rougeau, Law School
On October 11, seven Catholic university presidents were among featured participants in “Land O’Lakes at 50: The State of Catholic Higher Education,” an all-day conference convened to reflect on the legacy of a landmark 1967 report on the state of Catholic higher education and relationships between Catholic universities and the Church in the post-Vatican II era. Produced by leaders of major U.S. Catholic universities, superiors of religious communities, and Catholic scholars gathered at a retreat center in Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin, the five-page Land O’Lakes Statement called for Catholic institutions to be universities “in the full modern sense of the word.” President Leahy appointed Church in the 21st Century Center associate director Karen Kelly Kiefer ’82 as center director. She succeeds School of Theology and Ministry (STM) Professor Thomas Groome, who had served as director since 2015. Seventeen STM faculty members contributed essays to The Holy Spirit: Setting the World on Fire, a new book edited by Associate Professor Nancy Pineda-Madrid and Professor Rev. Richard Lennan.
Athletics Five students and alumni played on the U.S. women’s ice hockey team that won gold at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea. Cayla Barnes ’22, Kali Flanagan ’19, Megan Keller ’19, Emily Pfalzer ’15, and Haley Skarupa ’16 were on the 23-player roster. Brian Gionta ’01 captained the U.S. men’s ice hockey team.
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In February, the Boston College women’s ice hockey team won its third consecutive Beanpot tournament. Darryl Watts ’21, who tallied 42 goals and 40 assists, received the Patty Kazmaier Award, becoming the first freshman ever to be named national player of the year. The women’s lacrosse team played in the national championship game, losing to James Madison, 16–15, and finishing the year 20–2. With a University record of 88 goals during the season, Samantha Apuzzo ’19 was named winner of the 2018 Honda Sport Award, given to the nation’s top female lacrosse player. In May, the women’s sailing team won its third national championship, in Norfolk, Virginia. The Eagles football team finished 7–6, after losing to the University of Iowa in the New Era Pinstripe Bowl at Yankee Stadium. An 89–84 upset over #1-ranked Duke in December marked the high point of the men’s basketball team’s 19–16 season, the team’s first winning season in seven years. In April, the University dedicated the Harrington Athletics Village at Brighton Fields on the Brighton Campus. The new sports complex, which includes a 1,000-seat baseball stadium, a turf softball field, and a natural grass recreation field, was named in honor of University trustee and former Red Sox CEO John Harrington ’57, MBA’66, H’10. On Shea Field, former home of the baseball and softball teams, construction was underway on a 115,700-square-foot athletics field house scheduled to open in August 2018.
executive committee of the board of trustees (standing, from left): Steven M. Barry, Leo J. Corcoran, Susan Martinelli Shea, John M. Connors Jr., Michaela Murphy Hoag, Joseph L. Hooley III, John F. Fish, Charles I. Clough Jr. (seated): Patrick T. Stokes, Peter K. Markell, William P. Leahy, S.J.
Arts John Finney celebrated his 25th anniversary as director of the University Chorale with a concert at Boston’s Symphony Hall on April 7. The Boston College Symphony Orchestra, which Finney has conducted since 1999, and the University’s 114-member Chorale performed works by Mendelssohn and Handel, among others. One year after the McMullen Museum of Art opened in its new quarters at 2101 Commonwealth Avenue, the Boston Preservation Alliance hailed the museum’s “transformational” renovation and restoration of the 1927 Renaissance Revival mansion that is now its home. The alliance presented the museum with a 2017 Preservation Achievement Award. The McMullen mounted three concurrent fall exhibitions in its newly expanded space—Nature’s Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape, curated by Professor of Art History Jeffery Howe; The Abstract Cabinet, a collection of works by pioneering Spanish-Argentine abstract painter Esteban Lisa; and New England Sky, which showcased the collages of Associate Professor of the Practice of Art Alston Conley. During a three-day residency at Boston College in March, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and 2017 MacArthur fellow Viet Thanh Nguyen met with faculty and students, delivered a Lowell Humanities Series lecture, and participated in a panel discussion with Professor of English Min Song, the director of the Asian American Studies program. In April, the Boston College Arts Festival marked its 20th year with a three-day showcase of student performance groups. The lineup included 15 dance groups, seven a cappella groups, a presentation of the musical Peter and the Starcatcher, a wide variety of instrumental groups, and 56 visual artists. Natalia Majluf ’88, director of the National Gallery of Peru, was the 2018 Arts Festival special guest and alumni honoree.
Student Life Jorge Mejía ’19 was the 2018 recipient of the Archbishop Oscar A. Romero Scholarship, in recognition of his academic achievement and leadership in the Latino community. Anthony Smith ’19 received the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship, and Kanwal Ojha ’19 was awarded the Benigno and Corazon Aquino Scholarship. Gabelli Presidential Scholar Christopher Reynolds ’18 received the Edward H. Finnegan, S.J., Award, given annually at Commencement to a graduating senior who exemplifies Boston College’s motto “Ever to Excel.” In November, two dozen groups of Boston College students and faculty spoke with Iraqi, Kurdish, and Syrian refugees in camps in Berlin, Iraq, and Jordan, communicating from inside the Refugee Portal—a shipping container installed temporarily on O’Neill Plaza that was turned into a makeshift studio with video-conferencing screens that connected to other “portals” worldwide. For four hours on three consecutive mornings, students from Boston College spoke with refugees about education, migration, religion, music, and soccer.
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International studies major Reed Piercey ’19 and Ignacio Fletcher ’20, a political science and economics major, were elected president and executive vice president of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College, respectively. After 10 years as a semi-weekly, the Heights student newspaper returned to a once-a-week print schedule. Approximately 4,000 students took part in one or more of the Division of Mission and Ministry’s retreats, service programs, and international service trips. Kairos, 48Hours, Halftime, and other retreats drew 1,757 attendees; groups such as 4Boston, Appalachia Volunteers, and Eagle Volunteers attracted 2,108 volunteers; and 185 students participated in 11 international service trips. BusWays, an app developed by Pedro de Almeida ’20 and Fernando Nazario ’20 that lets parents track their children’s locations and sends notifications when a child gets on and off a bus, was featured at the ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival in Washington, D.C. At Boston College’s 10th annual Relay for Life, participants from 83 student teams circled the track for 12 consecutive hours, raising more than $135,000 for the American Cancer Society. Bike BC, the group that led the successful effort to allow students to check out bicycles from campus libraries for free, expanded its operation to include the Newton Campus. Responding to the defacement of two “Black Lives Matter” signs on campus and a racially charged Snapchat post, some 2,000 students, faculty, and staff marched from McElroy Commons to Corcoran Plaza. In the wake of the incidents, President Leahy appointed a group of administrators to draft and send a letter to students in late November, outlining a University plan of action to address diversity and inclusion. Measures include development of DiversityEdu, an online training module designed to promote self-awareness, diversity, and inclusion on campus.
University Advancement Boston College received $126.4 million in cash gifts and grants from donors who contributed to the University’s highest priorities, including the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society, financial aid, athletics, faculty expansion, student formation programs, academic program development, and major capital projects. The Boston College Board of Regents, which was formed to advise and support the University president and Board of Trustees on strategic priorities and institutional decisions, met for the first time in November, and will convene during that month each year. The 82-member board provides opportunities for alumni, current and former Boston College parents, and friends to serve as University ambassadors and thought leaders.
In October, a gift from University Trustee Susan Martinelli Shea ’76 formally endowed the position of dean of the Lynch School of Education. It is named for Charles F. Donovan, S.J., founding dean of the school. A $1 million gift from the Hong Kong-based Victor and William Fung Foundation established the Fung Scholars Program, which will support Boston College students studying in Asia. A gift from Navyn ’94, H’12, and Paul Salem created the Salem Professorship in Global Practice at the School of Social Work. The open spaces surrounding Conte Forum have been named Gabelli Plaza in recognition of a gift from the foundation of longtime Boston College benefactor, parent, and University Trustee Mario Gabelli. The 25th annual Pops on the Heights Barbara and Jim Cleary Scholarship Gala raised a recordbreaking total of more than $14 million for the University’s scholarship endowment on September 29. Featured vocalist Jennifer Hudson performed with the Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra under the direction of Keith Lockhart. Laureate Pops conductor John Williams was presented with the President’s Medal for Excellence by film, television, and stage actor Chris O’Donnell ’92, H’17. David P. O’Connor ’86 and Maureen O’Connor, and Phil Schiller ’82 and Kim Gassett-Schiller cochaired the event. University President William P. Leahy, S.J., presented former U.S. Senator George J. Mitchell with the President’s Medal for Excellence at the 30th Annual Wall Street Council Tribute Dinner on April 29 in Manhattan. The event raised $1.8 million in financial aid for the University’s Gabelli Presidential Scholars program. Seven outstanding alumni were recognized at the April 6 Distinguished Volunteer Awards Dinner at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. The Alumni Association presented the James F. Cleary ’50, H’93, Masters Award to David P. O’Connor ’86, and the William V. McKenney Award to Margaret “Peggy” F. Strakosch ’85. Joseph V. Popolo Jr. ’89, received the John P. Curley 1913 Award. Wynndell G. Bishop ’00, MBA’07, was this year’s John J. Griffin Sr. ’35, H’72, Alumni Association Award winner. The Philip J. Callan Sr. ’25 Young Alumni Award was presented to Elizabeth J. Donahue ’05, MS’10, at the dinner, and Anders C. Bill ’17 and Katherine F. McNally ’17 received the James F. Stanton ’42 Senior Class Gift Award.
Management The Board of Trustees approved a 3.6 percent increase in undergraduate tuition, fees, and room and board for the 2018–19 academic year, bringing total annual costs to $69,942. Trustees also
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approved an 8.9 percent increase in need-based financial aid for undergraduates, which will rise to $131.3 million. The average aid package for 2018–19 is expected to exceed $45,000. At University Convocation in August, President Leahy unveiled a new 10-year strategic plan. Based on student, faculty, staff, and alumni evaluation, “Ever to Excel: Advancing Boston College’s Mission” sets four strategic directions: re-envisioning liberal arts education; enhancing the University’s commitment to Jesuit formation; expanding research and scholarship that contributes to the common good; and increasing Boston College’s presence and impact at home and abroad. Casey Beaumier, S.J., STL’05, Ph.D.’13, director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies and Loyola House, was named vice president and University secretary. Associate Vice President for Alumni Relations Joy Haywood Moore ’81, H’10, assumed Beaumier’s oversight of University Commencement. The University’s award-winning Supported Employment Program, which provides jobs to adults with developmental disabilities, marked its 30th anniversary in November with a celebration at the Yawkey Athletics Center. The Board of Trustees named Peter K. Markell ’77, executive vice president of administration and finance, CFO, and treasurer of Partners HealthCare, its new chair. The board also announced five new Trustees: D. Scott Brown ’79, retired president, CEO, and vice chairman of Sage Products LLC; William C. Connell ’94, cofounder of High Road Capital Partners; Douglas W. Marcouiller, S.J., M.Div.’86, general counselor to the Jesuits and the Superior General’s assistant for North America; Denise M. Morrison ’75, president and CEO of Campbell Soup; and Robert F. Morrissey ’95, JD’02, partner at the Boston-based law firm Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch.
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financial report
Fiscal 2018 was a very successful year at Boston College thanks to strong investment performance, generous donor support, and high student demand. Sound investment management provided a return on endowment of 10.7 percent. During the year, S&P Global Ratings performed a review of the University’s credit rating and financial position and affirmed its rating of AA-. The S&P rating acknowledged BC’s stable enrollment trends, solid demand with high quality students and selective admissions, strong fundraising history, and professional management team with a demonstrated history of successful execution.
fiscal 2018 financial results Boston College’s net assets in fiscal 2018 grew by $169 million, to nearly $3.5 billion—a 5.1 percent increase over the previous year. As indicated above, strong market performance and fundraising were key drivers of this rise. The University’s endowment fund grew by $167 million to nearly $2.6 billion. This increase included investment gains of $249 million and contributions of $28 million, offset by net endowment support for operations of $110 million. The portfolio return on the endowment fund was 10.7 percent. The Boston College endowment has consistently generated competitive returns over time. The endowment portfolio remains well diversified, with 54 percent in domestic and international equities, 8 percent in fixed–income securities, and 38 percent invested in alternative strategies including absolute return funds, private equity funds, and real asset funds. Gross plant assets increased over $188 million in fiscal 2018. In March 2018, the University opened the Harrington Athletics Village at Brighton Fields consisting of state-of-the-art, all-season baseball and softball stadiums. Each stadium has lighting to allow night games, as well as large scoreboards, video replay capabilities, and expanded press boxes. In addition, the University completed a new 115,700 square-foot athletic field house on the former Shea Field. The field house opened in August 2018 and features a full regulation football field with an AstroTurf playing surface and a 12,000-square-foot strength and conditioning center. The facility will provide indoor practice space for football and other varsity sports. Construction continues on the Connell Recreation Center located off St. Thomas More Road. The Connell Recreation Center, set to open in summer 2019, is a 244,000square-foot, four-story complex which will include individual and group training areas, basketball and tennis courts, an aquatics center, gymnasium, indoor jogging track, and other multipurpose rooms.
While undertaking these and other major projects, the University also invested more than $20 million to renew, renovate, and enhance its existing infrastructure in fiscal 2018. The generosity of our donors, coupled with funding from a previous debt issuance, were instrumental in moving these projects forward. The University’s approach to fiscal planning and expense control has consistently resulted in positive operating results. Fiscal 2018 finished the year with strongerthan-expected undergraduate enrollments leading overall revenue growth of 5 percent. In addition, the University experienced favorable operating budget variances, most notably in the self-insured medical benefit expense, utilities, and other general expenses.
conclusion In June 2017, the Trustees of Boston College endorsed the University’s Strategic Plan—“Ever to Excel: Advancing the Mission.” Its four Strategic Directions focus on re-envisioning liberal arts education with an emphasis on the University’s core curriculum; enhancing Boston College’s commitment to formation among students, faculty, and staff; expanding support for scholarship and research; and increasing the University’s presence and impact in Boston, the United States, and around the globe. The University’s Strategic Directions will guide the future deployment of resources across the University. As discussed above, the University’s financial position is very strong, however, the resources to fund new initiatives proposed in the strategic plan will require significantly more assets than presently available. Increased fundraising, continued strong investment performance, and prudent management of expenses are critical to our future success. The continued support of our students, alumni, and trustees and the dedication of the University’s faculty and staff are important to the attainment of our ambitious goals and for Boston College to become the world’s leading Jesuit, Catholic University.
JOHN D. BURKE Financial Vice President and Treasurer
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statistical and financial highlights Statistics
2015 2016 2017 2018
Full-time Equivalent Enrollment Undergraduate Graduate/professional
Total full-time employees
Chestnut Hill campus
Newton campus/other
Total gross square feet
Total full-time equivalent enrollment
13,420 13,521
Full-time Employees Faculty
Campus Facilities (gross square feet)
Financial (fiscal years ending May 31) In thousands of dollars Statement of Financial Position Total assets Total liabilities Total net assets
$4,693,723 $4,851,518
$3,290,328 $3,459,389
(1,403,395) (1,392,129)
$2,400,474 $2,567,407
Endowment and Similar Funds Net assets Investment income, gross Realized and unrealized investment gains and (losses), net
Physical Plant Land and improvements
Buildings (including capital lease and purchase option)
218,615 229,853 237,260 246,883 237,548
Library books/rare book and art collections
Plant under construction Physical plant, gross Accumulated depreciation and amortization Physical plant, net
Statement of Activities Total operating revenues, net
Total operating expenses
Total non-operating activity
Student Aid University scholarships, fellowships, and prizes Federal/state programs (including Pell grants) Student loans granted by the University Total student aid
Operating and Nonoperating Revenues*
OTHER 1.6%
realized and unrealized investment gains, net
contributions 6.9% .9%
INVESTMENT INCOME, net sponsored programs and government FINANCIAL AID
* Excludes Other Gains/(losses)
instruction 31.1%
public service
AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES 18.2% student AID † 19.2%
academic support
student services
general administration 12.6%
† Includes federal portion of College Work Study expenses and excludes Pell
growth in net assets
expendable resources and debt
2,200 2,000 4,000
millions $
millions $
2,000 1,500
1,000 800 600
0 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016
FY2017 FY2018
FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
spendable cash & investments
bonds and mortgages payable at par
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Board of Trustees officers 2017–2018 CHAIR
Peter K. Markell VICE CHAIR
Joseph L. Hooley III SECRETARY
Susan Martinelli Shea PRESIDENT
William P. Leahy, S.J.
Partner Cooney & Conway Chicago, Illinois
Founder and Chair Part the Cloud Atherton, California
President Autumn Development Company, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer State Street Corporation Boston, Massachusetts
President and Chairman Ardagh Group London, United Kingdom
Wellesley, Massachusetts
trustees 2017–2018 STEVEN M. BARRY
Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer of Fundamental Equity Goldman Sachs Asset Management New York, New York PATRICIA LYNOTT BONAN
Managing Director (Ret.) JPMorgan Chase & Co. Potomac, Maryland KAREN IZZI BRISTING
Owner Equinox Equestrian Center Sun Valley, California D. SCOTT BROWN
President and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Sage Products, LLC Cary, Illinois PATRICK CARNEY
Chairman Emeritus Claremont Companies Bridgewater, Massachusetts DARCEL D. CLARK
District Attorney Bronx County District Attorney’s Office Bronx, New York CHARLES I. CLOUGH JR.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Clough Capital Partners, LP Boston, Massachusetts WILLIAM C. CONNELL
Co-Founder and Partner High Road Capital Partners New York, New York JOHN M. CONNORS JR.
Chairman The Connors Family Office Boston, Massachusetts
Past Chair Centro Mater Foundation Key Biscayne, Florida MICHAEL H. DEVLIN II
Managing Director Curragh Capital Partners New York, New York MICHAEL E. ENGH, S.J.
President Santa Clara University Santa Clara, California JOHN F. FISH
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Suffolk Construction Company Boston, Massachusetts MARIO J. GABELLI
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer GAMCO Investors, Inc. Rye, New York WILLIAM J. GEARY
General Partner Flare Capital Partners Boston, Massachusetts JANICE GIPSON
Beverly Hills, California DAVID T. GRIFFITH
President and Chief Executive Officer M. Griffith Investment Services, Inc. New Hartford, New York KATHLEEN POWERS HALEY
Manager Snows Hill Management LLC Wellesley, Massachusetts CHRISTIAN W. E. HAUB
President and Chairman Emil Capital Partners, LLC Greenwich, Connecticut DANIEL S. HENDRICKSON, S.J.
President Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska
Rector Boston College Jesuit Community Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts ALFRED F. KELLY JR.
Chief Executive Officer Visa New York, New York WILLIAM P. LEAHY, S.J.
President Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts PETER S. LYNCH
Vice Chairman Fidelity Management & Research Company Boston, Massachusetts MATTHEW F. MALONE, S.J.
President and Editor in Chief America Media New York, New York DOUGLAS W. MARCOUILLER, S.J.
General Counselor, Society of Jesus Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesù Rome, Italy PETER K. MARKELL
Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer Partners HealthCare Somerville, Massachusetts CARMINE A. MARTIGNETTI
President, Co-Owner Martignetti Companies Taunton, Massachusetts DAVID M. Mc AULIFFE
Managing Director of Investment Banking (Ret.) J.P. Morgan Jupiter, Florida KATHLEEN M. Mc GILLYCUDDY
Executive Vice President (Ret.) FleetBoston Financial West Newton, Massachusetts
President WSM Capital, LLC Los Gatos, California
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Maryland Heights, Missouri
Director of Policy and Human Resources Compliance MassDOT/MBTA Boston, Massachusetts
President and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Wired Digital, Inc. New York, New York
Chair and Member of the Advisory Board Connell Limited Partnership Boston, Massachusetts
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) DIRECTV Osterville, Massachusetts
Founder and Principal Cross Ridge Capital, LLC New Canaan, Connecticut
President and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Campbell Soup Company Harwich Port, Massachusetts JOHN C. MORRISSEY III
Managing Director Shea Ventures Walnut, California ROBERT F. MORRISSEY
Partner Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch Boston, Massachusetts DAVID P. O’CONNOR
trustee associates
Senior Managing Partner High Rise Capital Partners, LLC New York, New York
Greenwich, Connecticut
Chief Human Resources Officer Globoforce Framingham, Massachusetts FRANK E. PREVITE
Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer EBI Consulting Burlington, Massachusetts NAVYN DATOO SALEM
Founder and Chief Executive Officer Edesia North Kingstown, Rhode Island REV. NICHOLAS A. SANNELLA
Pastor Immaculate Conception Parish Lowell, Massachusetts PHILIP W. SCHILLER
Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Apple Computer, Inc. Cupertino, California SUSAN MARTINELLI SHEA
Founder and President Dancing with the Students Philadelphia, Pennsylvania MARIANNE D. SHORT
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer UnitedHealth Group Minnetonka, Minnesota RALPH C. STAYER
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Johnsonville Sausage LLC Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
President and Chief Executive Officer Marwick Associates Lexington, Massachusetts PETER W. BELL
General Partner Amity Ventures San Francisco, California ERICK BERRELLEZA, S.J.
Ph.D. Candidate Boston University Boston, Massachusetts GEOFFREY T. BOISI
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Roundtable Investment Partners LLC New York, New York MATTHEW J. BOTICA
Partner Winston & Strawn LLP Chicago, Illinois CATHY M. BRIENZA
Partner (Ret.) WallerSutton 2000, LP and Waller-Sutton Media Partners, LP New York, New York
Chairman Corcoran Jennison Companies Boston, Massachusetts ROBERT F. COTTER
President (Ret.) Kerzner International Hollywood Beach, Florida BRIAN E. DALEY, S.J.
Huisking Professor of Theology University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana ROBERT M. DEVLIN
Chairman Curragh Capital Partners, LLC New York, New York FRANCIS A. DOYLE
President and Chief Executive Officer Connell Limited Partnership Boston, Massachusetts CYNTHIA LEE EGAN
President of Retirement Plan Services (Ret.) T. Rowe Price Baltimore, Maryland JOHN R. EGAN
Managing Partner Carruth Management, LLC Westborough, Massachusetts EMILIA M. FANJUL
Boston College Parent Palm Beach, Florida JOHN F. FARRELL JR.
Greenwich, Connecticut
Senior Counsel Goodwin Procter LLP Boston, Massachusetts
Roy E. Larsen Librarian (Ret.) Harvard College Lexington, Massachusetts
Senior Advisor (Ret.) Ares Management LLC Mill Valley, California
Chairman Publicis North America New York, New York
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Chairman MG Advisors, Inc. Norwalk, Connecticut
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) New England Business Service, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts
Private Investor (Ret.) Boston, Massachusetts
Chairman of the Board Yawkey Foundation Dedham, Massachusetts
Chief Executive Officer Bouquet Multimedia, LLC Oxnard, California
Chief Executive Officer Revenue Acceleration, Top Talent Recruiting Wellesley, Massachusetts
President (Ret.) Hughes Oil Company, Inc. Newton, Massachusetts
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Port Capital, LLC Chicago, Illinois
President and Chief Executive Officer TPx Communications Los Angeles, California
Chief Executive Officer O’Neill and Associates Boston, Massachusetts
Chief Operating Officer (Ret.) PBS Chevy Chase, Maryland
Provincial of the Chicago-Detroit Province The Society of Jesus Chicago, Illinois
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Liberty Mutual Group Boston, Massachusetts
Director and Vice Chairman Engelhard Hanovia, Inc. Washington, DC
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Kraft Group Foxborough, Massachusetts
Client Strategy Officer and Group Managing Director UBS Wealth Management Americas Weehawken, New Jersey
Senior Partner PureTech Ventures Boston, Massachusetts T.J. MALONEY
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lincolnshire Management, Inc. New York, New York JOHN A. MCNEICE JR.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) The Colonial Group, Inc. Canton, Massachusetts ROBERT J. MORRISSEY
Senior Partner Morrissey, Hawkins & Lynch Boston, Massachusetts JOHN V. MURPHY
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer (Ret.) Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts R. MICHAEL MURRAY JR.
Director Emeritus McKinsey & Company, Inc. Chicago, Illinois
Chairman and President Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC Boston, Massachusetts JOHN J. POWERS
Managing Director Goldman Sachs & Company New York, New York RICHARD F. POWERS III
Advisory Director (Ret.) Morgan Stanley Boston, Massachusetts PIERRE-RICHARD PROSPER
Counsel Arent Fox LLP Los Angeles, California NICHOLAS S. RASHFORD, S.J.
Professor St. Joseph’s University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania THOMAS J. RATTIGAN
Sarasota, Florida
St. Peter Faber Jesuit Community Boston, Massachusetts JOHN J. SHEA, S.J.
University Staff Chaplain Fordham University Bronx, New York JOSEPH E. SIMMONS, S.J.
Canisius House Evanston, Illinois SYLVIA Q. SIMMONS
President (Ret.) American Student Assistance Corp. Roslindale, Massachusetts ROBERT L. SULLIVAN
International Practice Director (Ret.) Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Nantucket, Massachusetts RICHARD F. SYRON
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts JEFFREY P. VON ARX, S.J.
Superior LaFarge Jesuit Community Cambridge, Massachusetts VINCENT A. WASIK
Co-Founder and Principal MCG Global, LLC Stratford, Connecticut DAVID C. WEINSTEIN
Chief of Administration (Ret.) Fidelity Investments Newton, Massachusetts BENAREE P. WILEY
President and Chief Executive Officer (Emeritus) The Partnership, Inc. Brookline, Massachusetts JEREMY K. ZIPPLE, S.J.
Executive Editor America Media New York, New York
produced by the office of university communications editor Ben Birnbaum managing editor Dan Soyer art director Diana Parziale writer Zachary Jason ’11 contributors Maureen Dezell, Amanda Crowley ’19 photography Paul Dagnello, Gary Wayne Gilbert, Lee Pellegrini, John Walsh ’17 printing Flagship Press North Andover, Massachusetts 9/18
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chestnut hill, massachusetts 02467