July 2020 Badger Common'Tater

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WPVGA Navigates Uncharted Waters An update on a few highlights for the potato and vegetable industry By Tamas Houlihan, Executive Director, WPVGA When the Wisconsin Department of Health Services issued the Safer at Home Order, on March 25, the Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association (WPVGA), along with millions of others, was forced to navigate uncharted waters for the next three months. As I write to you today, we are still discovering this changing new world. Amidst this vast sea of change, a lot has happened, and I would like to provide an update on a few of the highlights for the potato and vegetable industry. Potato Planting Season Successful While working remotely became

the norm for millions of Americans, farmers and the agricultural industry continued to conduct business as usual, going about their essential duties of feeding the world.

was not two weeks behind schedule as has been the recent norm.

Seed potatoes were still being shipped in March and Wisconsin growers hit the fields in April and continued to plant through the month of May. Most of the crop went into the ground in favorable conditions.

High Capacity Well Permitting Process Changes Again In early June, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) revived its Lake Beulah high capacity well permit review procedures. In a nutshell, we believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court in effect ratified the Schimel Attorney General opinion in Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm.

This was a change from the previous two years that were extremely cold and wet in April and May. And while this year’s May temperatures were cooler than normal, at least the crop

Time will tell how the growing season progresses, but all indications are we’re off to a great start.

That is, the DNR has no authority to impose permit review criteria that are not explicitly set forth in the high capacity well statute. The action by DNR was anticipated as a response to Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul’s May 1 withdrawal of the Schimel opinion. The WPVGA, represented by the Great Lakes Legal Foundation (GLLF), went on record opposing Kaul’s withdrawal. This precise issue is currently before the Wisconsin Supreme Court in Clean Wisconsin Left: Cut seed potatoes are ready to plant on Mortenson Bros. Farms, Inc., in the spring of 2020. Seed potatoes were still being shipped in March and Wisconsin growers hit the fields in April and continued to plant through the month of May. Most of the crop went into the ground in favorable conditions.

16 BC�T July

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