Engaging Short Stories of the Bizarre

Page 51

She looked into the sun as if she were reflecting on something. Then she continued on…”Yeah, he said it‟s like going anywhere you wanted to go but through a computer.” I was thinking this was why I hadn‟t seen them around lately. Chuck had told her a secret but she didn‟t quite understand what it was and she needed someone to help her figure it out. “What does it do?” I asked her. She said, “Well, Chuck says he got smart because of this machine… because it can take you around the world and you can learn different cultures and languages. It somehow plugs you, your physical body into the computer somehow. He said there are things you could do to get you in trouble but he stays away from those kinds of things. He said he went into his bank account and deposited money into his checking account without anyone knowing it. He said virus programs couldn‟t stop him because there are no virus definitions for this thing. He said it‟s like entering a virtual world where you can go anywhere you want to without leaving home. The possibilities are endless according to him” Wow, I said to myself. She actually remembers everything he told her. That‟s a miracle. “Have you seen this…whatever it is? I asked her. “No,” she said looking to the ground reflectively. “Why did Chuck tell you this?” I asked inquisitively. “I don‟t know. I think he likes me,” She started to laugh. “He reminds me of my younger brother who passed away. Maybe that‟s why 51

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