Green Trajectories

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2. INTERNAL RHETORIC Refers to the level of rhetoric used by the city to describe its own greening activities. 5=HIGH: Rhetoric rises to extremes and has been as such since 1990 A. The primary (easily identified) internal rhetoric used in city plans, policies, press releases, etc. predominantly describes the city goal in extremes, such as “becoming the greenest”, “most sustainable” or “leader in green infrastructure” AND B. This high level of “leader, most, greenest” rhetoric has sustained since 1990 4=MEDIUM HIGH: Rhetoric rises to extremes but only in more recent years (10 or less) A above is TRUE but B above is NOT TRUE 3=MEDIUM: Rhetoric does not rise to extremes, but greening has been a component of the city’s identity since 1990 C. Rhetoric in city plans, policy, press releases does not rise to the level of being the best, most, or a leader (rather, there is talk of greening as a component in the way the city describes itself, but it does not raise to the extreme) AND D. This average level of rhetoric has sustained since 1990 2=MEDIUM LOW: Rhetoric does not rise to extremes, and greening has only been a component of the city’s identity in more recent years (10 or less) C above is TRUE but D above is NOT TRUE 1=LOW: Greening plays a small or no role in way the city identifies itself E. Greening appears very little in the way the city describes its plans, policies, and identity

3. PHYSICAL IMPLEMENTATION Refers to the extent to which greening and sustainability initiatives are expressed through spatially explicit projects. 5=HIGH: A high number and at least one large scale green project has been built since 1990 A. There are lots of greening projects (qualitatively assessed or as a percent of all public initiatives) AND B. There is at least one high impact greening initiative (large scale, lots of money invested, very visible) 4=MEDIUM HIGH: Either a high number or at least one large scale green project has been built since 1990, but not both A or B above is TRUE but not both 3=MEDIUM: While some greening projects have been built since 1990, the amount seems relatively low and there are no large scale green projects built since 1990 B above is NOT TRUE AND

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