Annual report 2020 - BCN PID Foundation

Page 26

3. Activities 2020


Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus We're working to make the Health Care Park at the Vall d'Hebron Children's Hospital a reality. And it will be thanks to big sponsors like the Joan Ribas Araquistain Foundation, Jeffrey Modell Foundation, Ribas & Ribas architecture firm and other collaborators like HP, ACADIP, RCD Espanyol Foundation and the Keraben Group, among others. Soon the new Paediatric Day Care Hospital will be finished, thanks to all of you! 1



In February, the PID department at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus was certified as a Clinical Expertise Unit (CEU) in immune diseases. It is the first time the Catalan Health Service (the body that grants these certifications) has opened a call for this type of pathologies. Vall d'Hebron is the benchmark centre in Catalonia for this sort of diseases and is also the only hospital that treats both paediatric and adult patients. 2 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic we have all be immersed in, healthcare professionals have had to treat patients in a different way. To make sure PID patients continue to get good healthcare, at the Barcelona PID Foundation we have worked to put new equipment (cordless phones, webcams and headphones) in the Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus. This makes their job easier and ensures our paediatric patients and their families still get the care they need. 3



Barcelona PID Foundation

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