1 minute read

Spring into Fall


The BC Notary Association’s Spring Conference has been postponed to Fall 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are planning to hold—what we are now calling our Fall Conference—at the very same venue . . . the River Rock Hotel in Richmond.

The education events featured at the Conference will be presented September 12 and 13.

This pandemic is of critical concern to the Association. BC Notaries are taking extreme precautions and carefully following Government rules and guidelines to help keep staff, clients, and themselves safe from this terrible virus.

Many staff members are working from home to allow them to stay away from others at transit sites, on buses, and trains.

All Association meetings are being held via video and/or teleconference sessions.

On the page to the right, we are showcasing the logos of all the sponsors who were going to be at our Spring Conference in April. We will see them all at our Fall Conference in September at the River Rock in Richmond.

Here are sites (constantly updated) that you may find helpful . . . with great information about how to protect yourself, your family, and your clients.

https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/ documents/ncov/factsheet-covid-19-environmentalcleaning.pdf?la=en




Best wishes, Wayne Braid, Interim CEO BC Notaries Association gwb@bcnotaryassociation.ca
