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Leadership Vignettes

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Leadership Vignettes

Over these decades, I have always maintained the method of having the courage to park my emotions at the door and demonstrate a positive attitude to my teams, always walking in the office with a smile. Not allowing my problems to be their problems and keeping to myself to make decisions for a positive resolution.

That said, my door is always open to listening to staff and their input and ideas (and yes, sometimes their problems) and I appreciate reading their weekly reports. I have always valued my employees and the expertise they bring to the company, regardless of the positions they hold.

I strive to get 7 out of 10 decisions right; I just tell the truth and if a wrong decision is made, admit it and correct it . . . and I encourage my team to do the same.

I have never asked anyone to perform a task that I wouldn’t do myself and I don’t ever show favouritism.

Leadership is often lonely, but when working through decisionmaking, I have always rewarded myself on a daily, monthly, and annual basis to keep up my motivation to lead. s Rudy Nielsen, RI, FRI President and Founder,

Rudy Nielsen Private leadership is the key to my management practices for 55+ years.

Landcor Data Corporation

I strive to get 7 out of 10 decisions right; I just tell the truth and if a wrong decision is made, admit it and correct it . . . and I encourage my team to do the same.

Jeff Tisdale In my career experience, leadership is about a duty to pay it forward.

I have benefitted from opportunities provided to me to learn, fail, and succeed. In turn, it’s my responsibility to spot those opportunities in and for others, to help them as I was helped.

One of my first managers gave me inspirational quotes when he felt I needed one. One that stuck with me is by John Maxwell: Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. s Jeff Tisdale Chief Executive Officer, Landcor Data Corporation