SA Agenda Minutes Jan 8th, 2007
08/01/2007 5:07:00 PM
BCIT Student Association Monday, January 8, 2007 AGENDA (Councillors Present: 19) 9.1.
Meeting called to order
Meeting Called to order at 5:45 9.2.
Acceptance of the Agenda
It was moved that the agenda be accepted as presented Passed by Thomas, Seconded by Sukh 22,0,0
9.3.1. Council, December 4, 2006 Acceptance of the Minutes •
It was moved that the agenda be accepted as presented
Moved by Matt, Seconded by Rick 22,0,0 9.4.
Guest Speakers:
No Guest Speakers 9.5.
General Reports: •
Jen mentioned the imagines poster sales – asked for hiring students go to u-connect.
Progress Reports: Executive •
Jason- Change to poster regulations – clubs can only post on postering boards.
Matt- Smoking Cessation Week Looking for 4-6 volunteers
Matt- Valentines Day Burlesque Show – looking for councillors to sell tickets.
Jen- Admin Meeting mentioned that Upass is an important SA issue and wants to present accurate info at a later date.
Question Period •
Todd asked why postering rules have changed
Jason responded by saying it is a decision from the SA staff – thinks it is a problem for the clubs
Jason doesn’t feel it is appropriate to talk about business at council
Amanda asked about the 24/7 room
Jen responded that BCIT is looking to form a committee to handle this issue
Nick asking it about juice bar
Todd responded about the chartwells contract
Emily Ho asked about if the students had a say in the Chartwells agreements
Unfinished Business
9.8.1. 9.8.2. 9.8.3.
New Business • •
o “Be it resolved that AIBC is sanctioned as a SA club and $500 of the clubs budget will be allocated to reimburse the club for expenses incurred in holding a speakers night. o
Jason motivates
Sukh asked what the prerequisites are for joining.
Rob from AIBC explained about the organization and mentioned they are currently looking for a plan to fundraise.
Key interest is to promote industry contacts and social events to bring in industry.
Motion passes! •
“Be it resolved that SA will sell tickets to club events in the SE-2 + NE1 convenience stores”
Jason Motivates and explains the motion
Rick’s concern is that tickets get left over and end up not being sold.
Marlina considers the issue of people buying tickets on the last day
Jason mentioned that there is no obligation from the club to sell at the stores.
Motion Carries!
Service Committee
Jason explains the purpose of the Service committee
Time commitment for a general committee is a few hours a month.
Council appoints Emily, Thomas, Bryson
“The services committee be formed as per the SA bylaws. Council appoints Emily, Thomas & Bryson to the committee for the 2006/2007 term”
Put forth by Jason, Seconded by Sukh
Motion Passes!
9.9.3 Student Cards •
Thomas brought up that he wants photocopy money to be added on to the student cards.
Jason suggested that photocopier price is lowered
Motion is tabled
Todd suggests that it should be brought up in the business committee
Thomas: Be it resolved that the issue of the photocopiers, student cards and price be looked at by the business committee and report back to council in a timely manner.
Put forth by Thomas, Seconded by Todd
Motion Passes!
9.10. Next Meeting – January 22, 2007 9.11. Meeting adjourned
Passed by Matt, Seconded by Rick
08/01/2007 5:07:00 PM
08/01/2007 5:07:00 PM