How to spot Bed Bug infestation at home and exterminate them

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How to spot Bed Bug infestation at home and exterminate them Bed bugs can be a nuisance because they crawl all over your bed and suck your blood while you sleep. These are small, brownish and oval shaped insects that feed on human and animal blood and are an apple seed sized. They don’t fly but are nimble and move fast over surfaces like your mattress, floors, walls and ceilings and generally are hard to catch. They can multiply pretty quickly because female bug can lay hundreds of eggs, the size of a speck of dust in its lifespan. Though they are not known to spread diseases they can bite and feed on your blood and waking you up in the middle of your sleep. Get it checked by experienced Pest Control North York like BBPP, the best pest control service in the town and confirm the infestation How to spot bedbug infestation? The first non-visual identification is the itchy feeling you experience on your skin which you did not feel before you hit the bed. This happens especially when you have a old bed or mattress and other furniture that have seen good times. Other signs that are telltale will include:    

Bed sheets and pillow cases with blood stain Dark excrement stains of bedbug on mattresses, sheets, bed cloths and walls Bedbug egg shells, fecal spots and skins shed by bugs on places where they take refuge Must and offence odor emanating from bedbug’s scent glands

If you suspect that your house is infested with bedbugs, remove beddings entirely and check for the above signs. You will have to look in to the bed springs and the seams of the wood framing to make sure. Other areas you should will include books, telephone, electrical outlets, carpet and even clothing that are unused for a long time. If you are undecided, you should call BBPP, the best pest control North York and get it confirmed. Once it is confirmed you should start the steps of prevention so they don’t return any sooner How to prevent bedbug infestation? You can start by cleaning the places where bedbugs infest and they would include: 

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Wash Beddings, linen, clothing and curtains in hot water and set the dryer setting on the highest. Items like shoes, stuffed animals cannot be washed so they must be placed in the dryer and run for about 30 minutes on high Frequently vacuum your bedding and surround areas. After cleaning remove the dirt bag and dump it in the garbage can outdoors You can remove bedbugs and their eggs from mattress’ seams by scrubbing it with a rigid brush Encasing mattresses with tightly knit and zippered cover will keep them away and you will do the same to the box springs. Bed bugs can live up to a year without feeding so keep the mattress covered for a year or so.

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Seal hiding places like peeling plaster, and repair cracks on the walls, where they are likely to hide. Do not keep clutter around the bed

If bedbug infestation in your mattress is high, you should get rid of it and get new one. But ensure that there is no bug infestation in your home before you install the new mattress. Call professionals to exterminate bugs Bed bug infestation can be controlled by prevention methods, but you cannot get rid of them or exterminate them altogether. Extermination will require use of insecticide or pesticide and that will be harmful to your bedroom and other places that you inhabit regularly. The treatment must be carried out by experienced pest control North York such as BBPP, the best bugs and pest control services in the town and nearby districts.

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