Kodo Millet : A Nourishing And Healthy Food Substance

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Kodo Millet : A Nourishing And Healthy Food Substance

Scrolling google for Millets in Canada? Then you can find your product easily at the best Indian store grocery like Buddy Basket. They are one of the best online Indian grocery stores that offers different brands in kodo millet like Aachi, Manna, 24 mantra, and many more. Kodo millet is an indigenous Indian crop that is currently farmed in Uttar Pradesh in the north, Kerala in the south, and Tamil Nadu in the north. It’s a classic dish that’s similar to rice and aids in weight loss. It is easily digestible and high in phytochemicals and antioxidants, both of which aid in the prevention of a variety of lifestyle disorders.

Millets Health Benefits 

Daily having Kodo Millet’s means can help in curing various health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, controlling blood pressure, etc.

Millets can help in weight management and lose extra kilos easily. The best alternative to rice and wheat serves the purpose of increasing metabolic activity and reducing fats counts in your body. So, what are you waiting for? Buy millets from the best online grocery store now. Relieving joints and knee pain and supports in normalizing the menstruation cycle in a woman.

Nutritional Value Of Kodo Millet Kodo Millet is the best source of iron, calcium, and protein. It also has a little quantity of Vitamin B, which are important for your nervous system. 100 grams of kodo millet delivers the following amount of nutrients*:          

Calories: 353 kcal Dietary Fiber: 5.2 grams Protein: 9.8 grams Carbohydrate: 66.6 grams Fat: 3.6 grams Iron: 1.7 mg Vitamin B-6: 0.15 mg Calcium: 35 mg Vitamin B2: 0.09 mg Vitamin B3: 2 mg

Is Kodo Millet A Better Option Than Rice? Rice and Kodo millet have the same amount of nutrients but treat them differently for a healthy life. White rice delivers fast energy, carbs, calcium, iron, Vitamin E, etc. Kodo millets are high in protein, dietary fiber, healthy fats, calcium, and iron. While rice is effortlessly digestible, Kodo millets contain a low glycemic index, making them ideal for people having diabetes. Both are equally healthful and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Make it a point to have the correct amount of rice and Kodo millets in your diet to reap the most health benefits.

Recipes: Kodo Millet (Varagu) Pulao Ingredients

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Varagu/ Kodo millet – 1 cup Water – 1 & 1/2 cups Diced beans, Carrot & green peas – 1 cup Onion – 1 Ginger garlic paste – 1 teaspoon Green chili – 2 Mint leaves – 12 Salt – As needed Ghee/ oil – 3 tablespoon Cinnamon – 1-inch piece Fennel seeds – 1 teaspoon Bay leaf – 1

Instruction 1. Using oil or ghee, heat a small pressure cooker. Add cinnamon, fennel, and bay leaf to a medium flame. 2. Add onion with garlic paste and stir well for a minute at medium flame. 3. After that add chopped veggies and mint leaves, and cook for 2 minutes on medium flame. Then add salt. 4. Mix in the washed and drained millet thoroughly. Allow time for it to dry on medium flame. 5. Bring the water and salt to a boil. Mix well and cook for a whistle on medium or low heat, or for 12 minutes on low heat if feasible. *Nutrients values of kodo millets are referred from : https://healthyday.net/kodo-millet-varagu-health-benefits-and-nutrition-fact Buddy Basket is Canada based Indian store offering all types of products like Indian Spices, Millets, Pulses, snacks, etc. Enjoy delicious meals and take benefit of this Indian grocery store !!!

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