Giving Guide: A Thriving Bay Area

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A Thriving Bay Area

Giving Guide

Serving Michigan’s Bay and Arenac Counties




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The Power of Endowment page 5

Getting Started with Giving page 6

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How to Tell Family about Planned Giving Wishes page 10

Helping the Bay Area Thrive page 11

How Your Endowed Gift Grows page 26

What is the Bay Area Community Foundation? As the central hub for charitable giving in Bay and Arenac Counties, Bay Area Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization built to meet the current and future needs of our community forever. We continuously gather information and track the many local agencies and programs working to enhance our community. Based on this information and the intentions of our donors, we award scholarships, make grants, and direct resources to the most appropriate areas.

Our Mission: The mission of the Bay Area Community Foundation is to fulfill a wide array of donors’ charitable wishes throughout Bay and Arenac Counties by building permanent endowment funds and serving as a leader for community improvement through effective grantmaking and collaboration.

Our Vision: The Bay Area Community Foundation will be the Bay Area’s leading philanthropic resource to improve the overall quality of life throughout the community.

Visit, or call Bay Area Community Foundation,

2 | 989-893-4438, Giving Guide to get connected with the causes that matter to you.

Many Conversations, One Community This community thrives. But communities don’t just thrive on their own. We thrive because of people like you—people who want to see this community at its best and contribute to its success, whether that’s by volunteering at local nonprofits, participating in community-wide dialogue, making an effort to shop and dine locally, providing opportunities for others to get involved, or donating your time, energy, and financial resources. We know that as someone who is reading this, you are one of these people who wants to see the Bay Area thrive. At Bay Area Community Foundation (BACF), we challenge ourselves and our donors to strive for more. We share the belief that philanthropy in Bay and Arenac Counties becomes greater when we work together. Bay Area Community Foundation plays an active part in listening to the current needs of the community while also looking forward for new opportunities. When allocating resources, we communicate with our donors about community priorities, and we draw upon the knowledge of our local entrusted committee members. We ensure the gifts the community gives are used in the most impactful manner. Donors work with us to pay it forward, knowing they may never experience how their generosity shapes the future. And that dedication does not go unnoticed. We celebrate success, both large and small. Without you, none of this would be possible. Together, we can make sure the Bay Area thrives For good. For ever.

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION History of Bay Area Community Foundation ....................................... 4 The Power of Endowment ............... 5 GET STARTED WITH BACF Giving is Easy .................................... 6 Starting a Fund ................................. 7 Honoring a Loved One ..................... 7 Ways to Give ..................................... 8 Planning Today to Give Tomorrow .. 9 Tax-Free Charitable IRA .................... 9 Communicating with Family.......... 10 A THRIVING BAY AREA: BACF’S IMPACT AREAS Introduction ................................... 11 Arts & Culture.................................. 12 Community Initiatives.................... 14 Education & Youth .......................... 16 Environment ................................... 18 Health & Wellness........................... 20 Human Services ............................. 22 Recreation ...................................... 24 NEXT STEPS How Your Endowed Gift Grows ...... 26 10 Reasons to Donate to Bay Area Community Foundation................. 27 A Thriving Bay Area Giving Guide, Volume 3 is published in 2017 by Bay Area Community Foundation, Bay City, MI 48708. Thanks to Anne E. Trahan Photography for supplying some of the photos.

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For additional copies, call 989-893-4438, or email

To date, more than $34. 5 million has been distributed into the community through grants and scholarships. Assets now exceed $36 million, and donors number in the thousands. For more than 35 years, Bay Area Community Foundation has been the trusted steward for charitable gifts that impact our community. For good. For ever. It’s much more than a tagline. It’s the fundamental driving force behind Bay Area Community Foundation. For good. The word “good” has a lot of definitions, and Bay Area Community Foundation exists for them all: virtuous, satisfactory in quality, kindness, beneficent, substantive, permanent, forever. Founded, nurtured, and sustained by forward-thinking community members and their monetary gifts, Bay Area Community Foundation plays a crucial role in supporting the immediate and long-term needs of the area. For ever. As the trusted steward of charitable gifts, the Foundation works with individuals, families, businesses, and organizations to create permanent endowment funds that both award grants and last forever. This allows Bay Area Community Foundation to always be here to respond to pressing needs and promising opportunities.

The work of the Foundation is visible in the landscapes of our parks, the hallways of our schools, and the gratitude of our most disadvantaged residents. Examples of BACF’s impact include: • the construction and maintenance of the 17.5 mile Riverwalk/Railtrail loop • increased access to the Saginaw Bay • the creation of positive opportunities for young people through Youth Advisory Committee • nearly $2 million in scholarships to first-generation college students Bay Area Community Foundation is a leader in identifying current and emerging issues, stimulating local resources to address those needs, and helping the region prepare for the future. It is this forward-thinking philosophy that brings peace of mind to many donors who know their dollars are being wisely invested into the community where they are most needed.

Endowment [en-dou-muh nt]: a fund in which the principle is kept intact and only a portion of earnings is granted out to ensure the fund lasts forever

Bay Area Community Foundation through the Years A Kantzler Foundation grant of $56,000 provides the first operational funding for BACF

Kellogg Foundation Challenge begins and a Youth Initiative Advisory Committee is formed.

Walter & Helen Thorsberg Scholarship is the first scholarship fund established.

The Thomas R. and Sally Hiss Tabor Fund to support BACF operations is established.




Bay Area Community Foundation incorporates.


First phase of Riverwalk/Railtrail construction begins. Northern Bay Fund established.

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Legacy Society (giving club of donors leaving a planned gift) is created.


Assets reach $17 million, representing thousands of donors. The 9.5 mile Riverwalk/Railtrail loop is completed.

The first Faces of Philanthropy event honors those who improve our community through selfless contributions of time, energy, and financial resources.



BACF celebrates 25th anniversary.

Introduction to BACF

The Power of Endowment

BACF creates endowment funds so there will always be dollars available to respond to current and future community needs and opportunities.

Twenty-five years ago, Bay Area youth were empowered with an endowment fund they could call their own. The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) started from a match challenge by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, who contributed a total of more than $770,000 by the end of 1992. Because it was endowed, the fund immediately began growing and distributing grants to causes that were important to the youth in our community. A quarter of a century later, the fund has grown to nearly $1.6 million and has granted out more than $1.5 million to support a wide range of exciting new opportunities and community needs. The giving amount has doubled the impact it would have made by giving the original gift to charity all at once, and the fund continues to impact youth. Recent grants have: Current members of the Youth Advisory Committee

• provided clothing and food to low-income families, • started a writing center at the Wirt Public Library through SVSU that is open to the entire community, • brought holiday cheer to children in the community who might not otherwise receive gifts, and • expanded opportunities for youth in physical fitness through local schools and organizations. “No other place gives this opportunity to youth,” said Grace Kendziorski, current YAC chair. “It’s a great way to get involved in the community and make a difference.” Now, the youth are typically able to grant out approximately $80,000 a year, and Grace said this is a big draw for youth wanting to get involved. They are empowered and entrusted as leaders in the community.

YAC awarded a grant to help fund public art under Veteran’s Bridge that was designed by a peer.

BACF is confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations. The Robert J. Carrier Fund to support BACF operations is established. Railtrail expansion north of Bay City in the State Park area is completed.





Youth are welcomed to join. To learn more, call 989-893-4438.

Bay Commitment First Generation Scholarship becomes available to students attending any of Bay County’s high schools. The College and Career Resource Center opens. With a gift of $100,000, the Arenac County Scholarship Fund is established.


Pilot program of the Bay Commitment First Generation Scholarship begins. One hundred $2,000 scholarships are awarded to students attending Delta College or SVSU. BACF moves to the newly restored Pere Marquette Depot. The Krantz Family Fund to support Bay Commitment First Generation Scholarship is established.

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The Youth Advisory Committee fund will continue to grow, grant, and empower youth to seek improvements in our community For good. For ever.


Women’s Philanthropy Circle formed. WPC Donor Advised Endowment Fund established.

Bay Area Community Foundation awards largest single grant to-date. Newell & Elizabeth Eddy Grant awards $100,000 to Outdoor Urban Recreation (O.U.R.) Program Men’s Philanthropy Group formed. MPG Donor Advised Endowment Fund established. 2016

Gift from the estate of Catherine and John Maser establishes four funds for the benefit of Arenac County residents.


Bay Area Community Foundation celebrates 35th anniversary.

Giving is Easy How would you tell the story of you? Your values. Your hopes. Your desires. When you make a charitable gift to your community foundation through valuesbased giving, your life’s work and what you care about most live on. You are creating your own legacy‌your story that will be told for generations to come.


Define your passion What causes are close to your heart? Do you want to respond to a need in the community, support a charity, provide access to higher education, or honor the memory of a loved one?

2 Create a fund or give to an existing one

We will work with you to create a fund that aligns your interests with your charitable and financial goals. Your fund can be either broad or benefit a specific impact area.


Decide what and when to give You can donate a wide variety of assets to build your fund or give to an existing one. You can give now with liquid assets or make plans to give into the future through planned giving.

4 Entrust the details to BACF

We can easily start a fund for you and will keep track of all the administrative burden so that you can focus on your passions! You can coordinate gift planning with your professional advisors.

5 Make adjustments when needed

If your situation or interests change, we can help adjust your giving strategy. If a nonprofit organization that you fund ever closes or changes its mission, you can rest assured that even after your lifetime, BACF will preserve your original intent.

6 See impact For good. For ever.

Your gifts are turned into grants to nonprofit organizations or scholarships to local students pursuing higher education. Establishing an endowed fund ensures that your work will continue on forever.

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Getting Started with BACF

Starting a Fund

You can choose which fund will best match your charitable goals and determine how long you want your fund to last: throughout your lifetime, over a fixed period of years, or forever.

Unrestricted Funds

Gifts to unrestricted funds allow BACF to respond to our community’s most pressing charitable needs and promising opportunities. BACF’s board of trustees are community leaders who are entrusted to oversee how these funds are used.

Field of Interest Funds

These funds support particular interest areas, program initiatives, causes, or geographic areas. At the donor’s request, funds can be restricted to a specified area of interest, but flexibility remains to meet changing situations.

Donor Advised Funds

If you wish to actively participate in the grant-making process, you may set up your own Donor Advised Fund so that you can recommend charitable projects or organizations you want to support. You have the flexibility to give to multiple nonprofits while leaving the legal responsibility of awarding grants to Bay Area Community Foundation.

Designated Funds

If you want to support a specific agency/nonprofit or cause, you can establish a designated fund or donate to an existing one to help build their sustainable future. These endowments ensure money will be available each year to help the organizations continue to operate.

Scholarship Funds

If you have a passion for educational opportunity, you can set up a scholarship fund to benefit students in the community. You can stay involved through an advisory relationship or have advisory committees to assist in recipient selection. Either way, Bay Area Community Foundation handles the necessary paperwork and will ensure scholarships are distributed to fulfill students’ educational dreams.

Honoring a Loved One with a Fund in Their Name When Michael and Carol Dwan’s grandchildren visit “Spray by the Bay” at the Bay City State Recreation Area, they always insist on visiting “their bench”—the one with the family name on it, purchased with a donation to the spray park project from the Dwan Family Donor Advised Fund held at the Bay Area Community Foundation. Established with memorial contributions when Michael Dwan passed away in 2007, the family created the fund to honor his commitment to his community. Since that time, the family has directed charitable disbursements to a variety of projects— including that welcoming bench at the spray park.

The Dwan family started a Donor Advised Fund to honor the memory of

By starting a donor advised fund, the family planted a their husband and father H. Michael Dwan and give back to the community. framework for giving, one that is both sustainable and flexible to accommodate their family’s evolving interests and the changing needs of the Bay Area. “We have seen the impact of the Bay Area Community Foundation throughout our community and fully embrace their model of working for the long term,” explained Michael and Carol’s son Dr. Andrew Dwan, who was a part of creating the fund alongside his mother and three siblings. “It is so exciting to think about this investment benefitting our community for generations to come! We are committed to growing this fund to honor the legacy of my father—and our whole family.” 7 | Giving Guide

Getting Started with BACF

Ways to Give Gifts come in all shapes and sizes and are not limited by the resources you have available during your lifetime.

Gifts of During Your Lifetime To make a difference in the community right away, you can make a gift of cash or stock to an existing fund or start one of your own.

Gifts Through Bequest Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to your community. When you make this gift through us, we can establish a special fund in your honor that benefits the community forever.

Retirements Plans and IRAs

Local groups of youth volunteer in the community to earn a Dow

communityGives grant through BACF for their organization. Retirement assets—including individual retirement accounts, 401(k) plans, and pension plans—that have grown tax-deferred are eventually heavily taxed for the individual beneficiary. You may achieve significant income and estate tax savings by naming the Bay Area Community Foundation as the beneficiary of the retirement plan.

Life Income Gifts You can make a gift that benefits the community while also taking care of yourself and loved ones during your/their lifetime by receiving an income from the gift. You may receive a tax benefit as well.

Charitable Lead Trust is a trust arrangement that pays current annual income to the community Foundation for a specified period of years, with the trust principal reverting to you or your family when the trust ends. Charitable Remainder Trust Giving through a charitable remainder trust allows you to receive income for the rest of your life, knowing that whatever amount remains will benefit the Bay Area community. Charitable Gift Annuity is a simple contract between you and the Foundation, whereby you make an irrevocable transfer of cash or property to us. In return for the contributed property, we agree to pay you a fixed amount of money each year for your lifetime.

Gifts Come in All Shapes & Sizes (what to give):

Cash, Check, Credit Card

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Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds

Closely Held Stock

Real Estate

401k and IRA accounts

Life Insurance Policies


Getting Started with BACF

Planning Today to Give Tomorrow One way of giving is to include a charitable gift in your will or trust. When you combine your charitable goals with your estate planning, you can minimize your tax burden, provide for your family, honor loved ones, leave a legacy in your name, and reinforce your personal values. You can even make contributions to your favorite causes that you may not have the financial resources to accomplish while alive. Sometimes, you can even receive income during your life in exchange for a charitable gift. Do you want to: • Give charitably from your estate while still leaving some for family? Distribute your estate into percentages, giving a share of it to Bay Area Community Foundation, which can be distributed to a number of causes. • Make a significant gift at little cost to you? Name Bay Area Community Foundation as a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy. • Avoid tax on retirement plan assets? Retirement plan assets are the most heavily taxed. Make BACF a beneficiary and leave other assets to your family. • Wait to give until you know you will no longer need the resources? Consider a bequest in your will or trust. • Supplement income for life and make a charitable gift at the same time? Establish a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust.

How to Say It... It’s easy to make a gift by insurance policy, IRA beneficiary designation, or other asset. The following wording in your will can get you started: “I give, devise, and bequeath to Bay Area Community Foundation the sum of (or a specific asset or percentage of estate).”

• Reduce gift and estate tax when passing assets on to family? Consider a charitable lead trust.

Distributing your estate’s charitable gifts

Bay Area Community Foundation offers you flexible options to make distributing the charitable portion of your estate simple for your estate executor and easy for nonprofit recipients. Leave your estate, or a portion of your estate, to BACF and specify how much you want each organization’s endowment fund to receive. We handle the rest. By investing in their endowment funds, you help ensure the organizations will continue to thrive for years to come. Partnering with us saves you money now and time later when giving through your estate plan.

Give the Gift of a Lifetime: Tax-free Charitable IRA We can make your charitable IRA transfer easy, flexible, and effective, helping you achieve your personal charitable and financial goals. You can transfer excess retirement assets directly to the Bay Area Community Foundation, which means the transaction incurs no federal income tax, and the asset is no longer part of your estate for tax purposes. You can choose to give during your lifetime so that you (and your community) can see results sooner than if your gift had been made through the plan.

Larger estates face confiscatory tax rates that significantly reduce the amount left to heirs (other than a spouse). Any amounts left in an IRA when an individual dies may be taxed as income to the beneficiary and are considered assets when calculating that person’s estate tax liability. When you give from your IRA directly to BACF, your heirs are not burdened by the taxes associated with receiving your IRA upon your death. Instead, you can leave them other assets that have a more favorable tax treatment.

How it works: • You make a gift of up to $100,000 by transferring IRA assets to Bay Area Community Foundation. You must be 70 1/2 years old. If married, each spouse can transfer up to $100,000 from his or her IRA. • Your gift can be placed into a charitable fund in your name, the name of your family, or in honor of any person or organization you choose. We handle all administrative details. • Your gift can be placed into an endowment fund that is invested to grow over time. Grants addressing community needs will be made forever.

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Getting Started with BACF

How Do I Communicate My Planned Giving Wishes to my Family? • Be forthright about your desires and your limitations. Openly share your charitable wishes to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. In some families, charitable giving is a way of life, seamlessly interwoven into the core fabric of the family dynamic. However, for many others, sharing financial and estate planning decisions with those closest to them can be difficult. Sharing your plans now may avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings later. Here are a few tips to clearly communicate your wishes to your loved ones:

You may feel more comfortable and communicate more effectively if a trusted advocate—such as your attorney, financial advisor, or minister—is present and can objectively support what you say.

• Share what you intend to accomplish through your financial plans. Common objectives include preserving wealth, avoiding excessive taxes, passing wealth to the next generation, sustaining a family business, or continuing philanthropic work after you’re gone.

• Decide who is to be considered “family.” Carefully determine the family members who may need to be involved.

• Express its importance to you. Explain again how planned giving is an extension of your life’s work and how it meets your charitable or financial objectives.

• Schedule your discussion around an occasion that celebrates your life and your family, such as an anniversary or birthday, when it’s natural for you to talk about life’s milestones and what’s important to you.

You may find that what you presumed to be a family hesitant to embrace your wishes is actually a circle of loved ones that supports you—and one another—in the important life decisions you’ve made.

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A Thriving Bay Area .

Together, We Can Ensure a Thriving Bay Area Philanthropy is at the Heart of a Thriving Bay Area

Thriving communities have a strong sense of place, outstanding talent, a strong and diverse economy, and the ability to meet basic needs. And philanthropy—individuals and groups working together toward shared community goals—is at the heart of it all, inspiring long-lasting, meaningful change. At Bay Area Community Foundation, we understand county-wide change works only when we can build on the strengths of local people, many of whom are already engaged in the development and maintenance of the community. Our role as a foundation is to focus donors, organizations, and community resources toward these seven common areas so essential to our quality of life. Our goal is to help residents learn about our entire community and feel inspired to improve it—not only for themselves, but for everyone. And just as important, we aim to inspire people to invest in these areas, physically, socially, and financially. On the next few pages, you’ll find highlights of our seven community impact areas: arts and culture, community initiatives, education and youth, environment, health and wellness, human services, and recreation. What inspires you? Where do you feel you can make a difference? Join with us in creating a thriving Bay Area.

Bay Area Community Foundation’s Impact Areas Recreation 14% Human Services 9%

Arts & Culture 11%

Community Initiatives 9%

Here’s what it takes for the Bay Area to Thrive • Provide diverse arts, cultural, and entertainment opportunities that celebrate our similarities and differences. • Create opportunities for community activities and economic development by bringing diverse people together to work toward a common goal. • Value and support education for our youngest to our most-experienced learners. • Safeguard the abundant natural resources and beauty of the Bay Area and expand access to enjoy it. • Promote and support resources for healthy living and increase access to health care services. • Meet basic needs and preserve the safety and security within local communities. • Maintain recreational spaces that allow each of us to connect with nature.

For a complete list of funds, visit:

Health & Wellness 4% Environment 14%

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Education & Youth 39%

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Arts & Culture in a Thriving Bay Area Perhaps nowhere is our thriving Bay Area more visible than in the rich traditions of our arts, the diversity of our cultural opportunities, and our endless stream of spirited entertainment. Residents and tourists alike can enjoy all the area has to offer such as the numerous performance and film theaters, festivals and events, free movies and music in the park, hands-on classes and exhibits, historical museums, public art displays, and so much more. Together, these offerings advance our economic growth by generating jobs, increasing traffic at local businesses, and driving tourism—all while enriching our overall quality of life. Since its inception, Bay Area Community Foundation has worked to strengthen the community’s arts and culture scene by partnering with local organizations. Grants and other funding have been awarded to support Bay City Players, State Theatre, Historical Society, Bay Arts Council, and Studio 23/The Arts Center, among others. Through the community’s generous donations, the Foundation is able to fund new arts opportunities and initiatives through grants to local nonprofit organizations such as these in order to provide arts education to our children, ensure artists and cultural groups have a secure space to live and work, and maintain public entertainment facilities our entire community and visitors can enjoy. The Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance Arts and Entertainment Council was created to encourage the development of a thriving and rich environment for arts and entertainment throughout the entire region. By pooling our resources, we can attract more visitors, promote a broader array of experiences, and sustain more organizations through difficult times.

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Arts & Culture The Arts Cultivate Diversity Arts and culture opportunities connect people of all ages and backgrounds to create a vibrant community. Leeds Bird doesn’t have much patience for people who say there’s nothing to do in the Bay Area. “If you are an observer and want to participate in the arts, you should just come on down and do it! You can start out limited and find your place to develop,” he exclaims. He and wife, Margaret, are well-known, longtime volunteers with an assortment of local arts organizations including the Bay City Players, Studio 23, the Bay Arts Council. They know first-hand of the many opportunities available here at home to get involved with cultural pursuits. The Birds are grateful to the Bay Area Community Foundation, not only for the grant support these vital organizations receive, but also because BACF oversees endowed designated funds for so many of them. These funds provide a lasting legacy to help sustain nonprofits in perpetuity. “It is marvelous to have the community foundation supporting the arts,” Leeds said. “It allows local groups to step outside the comfort zones and try some things we wouldn’t be able to unless we knew someone had our back.” The couple lists a range of ways to get involved with these organizations—from selling tickets and running lights to helping with publicity and cleaning the building—all kinds of help is needed, and all roles are important. “The arts offer a diversity that so many other things do not,” Margaret explains. “Theatre and art are welcoming; they offer little judgment and great acceptance.” As they sat surveying the lobby at the Bay City Players, Leeds reflected, “We credit what we have been able to do here to the generosity of our community. With the Bay Area Community Foundation, there is that knowledge that no matter what you contribute, your money will be put to good use.”

Funds dedicated to supporting Arts & Culture in a Thriving Bay Area • BACF Arts and Culture Enrichment Endowment Fund • Bay Arts Council Designated Fund • Bay City Players Designated Fund • Bay Music Foundation Designated Fund • Catherine and John Maser Historic Preservation Fund • Friends of the Arenac Heritage Route Authority • Society for the Restoration and Preservation of the Historic Masonic Temple of Bay City • Flood Family Historic Preservation Fund • Friends of the Pere Marquette Depot • George Brookins Viele Ye Olde Courthouse Masonic Hall Designated Fund • Historical Society of Bay County Designated Fund • Pinconning Bandshell Endowment Fund • Robert & Mary Nimergood Memorial Arts Fund • Saginaw Valley Ship Museum Endowment Fund • State Theatre Bay City/Bay County Endowment Fund • Studio 23 Designated Endowment Fund • Studio 23 Mural Preservation Fund For a complete list of funds, visit: Margaret and Leeds Bird are ardent supporters of arts and culture 13 | Giving Guide in the Bay Area.

Community Initiatives in a Thriving Bay Area Thriving communities give people a sense of connection to the place where they belong. These communities showcase social and economic vitality. They need services, community activities, and economic development that bring diverse people together working toward common goals. Funds at the Bay Area Community Foundation allow for grants that help address areas fundamental to creating an outstanding quality of life in our community: affordable housing, vibrant and successful downtown areas, a safe and secure community, quality preschool through postsecondary educational opportunities, the preservation of our area’s rich history and buildings, and ample opportunities for volunteers to become involved in local organizations and issues. Although Bay Area Community Foundation may not be the driving force behind economic development initiatives, by working with our partners and networks, we have a substantial impact on and serve as a voice for underrepresented stakeholders and community residents. The Foundation serves as a coalition builder, convener, and knowledge resource to provide information or lead collaborative efforts that enhance the quality of life in Bay and Arenac Counties. By sustaining funds available to support community initiatives, funds are granted, community organizations are supported, and jobs are created so community partners can offer their services. As needs in Bay and Arenac Counties change and evolve, the Foundation is able to asses the challenges that face our community. The flexibility of unrestricted dollars allows us to respond. We serve as a bridge between donors, businesses, and nonprofit organizations working to create a Thriving Bay Area.

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Community Initiatives Supporting New Ideas in the Community The Community Initiative Fund allows BACF to respond to pressing needs and promising opportunities to enhance the community, For good. For ever. BACF’s Community Initiative Fund encourages nonprofits to be creative, collaborate, and promote new ideas to benefit our community. Entrusted community leaders participate in a committee that makes decisions about which projects to fund. “Having a focus that favors new ideas and grants that show new initiative helps move our community forward,” said Jeff Yantz, board trustee and chair of the committee. Recent grants include: • A community-wide writing center in the Wirt Public Library that will benefit people of all ages looking to grow their writing skills or receive assistance in developing specific pieces of writing. • Increased access to the Saginaw Bay so that residents and visitors alike can enjoy the natural attractions of this area. • Beautification of the Saginaw riverfront with student-designed murals. • Restoration and preservation of important historical buildings. Jeff said that a funded project specifically exciting for him to see is the Imagination Library, which mails free books to Bay and Arenac County children from birth to age five. “My daughter is a voracious reader,” Jeff said. “I believe that the BACF seeds that were planted decades ago have helped not only my family but thousands of families in our region.” Because the Community Initiative fund is endowed, gifts will be used for years to come so that new initiatives can continue to be created no matter what the future brings. “What better gift can a person give a community,” Jeff says, “than a gift that can, with good stewardship, last forever?”

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Board Truste es Jeff Yantz, Jeff Mayes, an Rev. Andreas d Teich particip ate in Give Lo an annual fu cal Bay, ndraiser host ed by BACF to help nonprofits bu ild their endo wment funds.

Funds dedicated to supporting Community Initiatives in a Thriving Bay Area • Bay Area Community Foundation Community Initiative Fund • Animal Welfare Designated Fund • Arenac Community Fund • Arenac County Historical Society Omer Courthouse Designated Fund • Bay Area Chamber Beautification Fund • Bay City City Hall Maintenance and Restoration Fund • Bay City Parks Fund • Bay County Vietnam Veterans Monument Fund • Carroll Park Designated Endowment Fund • First Presbyterian Church - Bay City Designated Fund • Friends of the Foundation • George W. Romney Fund for VAC of Bay County • Humane Society of Bay County Designated Fund • James Clements Memorial Airport Fund • Leadership Bay County Fund • Northern Bay County Fund • Ronald K. & Greta A. McGillivray Saginaw River Improvement Fund • Veterans Monument Perpetual Care Fund • Western Bay County Enrichment Fund • Westminster Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund • Yellow Ribbon Guard Designated Fund

For a complete list of funds, visit:

Education & Youth in a Thriving Bay Area Education is a cornerstone of a thriving community. To provide every child with an excellent education, we need to increase support for our schools, involve families and communities in student achievement, and give children the skills they need to succeed in school and life. Bay Area Community Foundation is responding to the need in a number of ways: • Growing scholarships funds for Bay and Arenac County students: Through donor-sponsored scholarships, we can help off-set costs for students seeking post-secondary education. Since the first $350 scholarship awarded in 1985, the Foundation has now awarded more than $5.1 million in donor-sponsored scholarships to local students. • Bay Commitment Scholarship: The Bay Commitment Scholarship was created in 2008 to increase the number of first-generation students (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree) attaining degrees. To date, nearly $2 million has been awarded to these students attending either Delta College or Saginaw Valley State University. • Great Lakes Bay College & Career Resource Center: We help students of all ages and walks of life to navigate their educational journey with assistance applying for financial aid and college, preparing for a GED test, exploring career paths, and more. The vision is to develop a more effective workforce and prepare students to be life-long learners and leaders in our community. •

Youth Advisory Council: The YAC is made up of middle school and high school students interested in making a difference in their community. We build strong leaders and empower and entrust youth to respond to the community’s pressing needs and promising opportunities.

We are joining the Michigan College Access Network’s goal to increase the percentage of Bay Area residents with degrees or post-secondary certificates to 60% by the year 2025. As of June 2017, 33% of Bay County residents have obtained an associates, bachelor’s, or graduate degree. We have much still to accomplish, but we know that if we work together, we can uplift these students and encourage them to reach their full potential.

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Education & Youth Carrying on a Legacy A Bay City couple ensured that their love for the University of Michigan would carry on past their lifetimes. Jean and Donald Massnick met one fall day at a University of Michigan football game where they were attending school. At the time, they had no idea that many years and football games later they would have a family together and ultimately help other students to attend the alma mater they grew to love so much. Through their estate plan, Donald set up the Jean V. and Donald J. Massnick Scholarship fund. This would ensure that after their lifetimes, the Bay Area Community Foundation would award scholarships to Bay County students pursuing an education at the University of Michigan. Throughout their lives, they Massnick gave back by contributing their time Jean and Donald and financial resources. Now, that philanthropic mission will continue on in their absence and will be remembered not just by their children and grandchildren but also by the students who receive a scholarship through their generous gift. In 2016, after her parents had passed away, their daughter Cathy Massnick LaTulip was able to join in their legacy by being a part of the scholarship selection process. “I had no idea that this journey would continue on in this manner,” she said. “I had to think like my parents but also include my own ideas when reviewing applicants.” At the Spring 2017 scholarship reception, she was able to meet the first recipient of her parents’ scholarship. Vasili Ioannidis, who plans to study International Studies or Financial Mathematics, said that it will greatly assist him financially while he focuses on his classes. “I appreciate your faith and support in me to reach my goals,” he wrote to Cathy. Next year, and each year hereafter, the fund will continue to provide scholarships to help students achieve their dreams. “I love that my parents’ legacy will go on year after year,” Cathy said. 17 | Giving Guide

Funds dedicated to supporting Education & Youth in a Thriving Bay Area • Bay City Public Schools Co-op of the Year Education Fund • Bay Commitment College Access Network Endowment Fund • Bay County 4-H Designated Endowment Fund • Bay County Library Designated Fund • Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Bay County Designated Fund • Bob & Ann Brobst Memorial Educational Fund • Boy’s & Girl’s Club Designated Fund • Donald C. Nichols Designated Fund • Helen Mackey Memorial Fund • Imagination Library Designated Fund • Junior Achievement of NE MI- Bay County Designated Fund • Literacy Council of Bay County Designated Fund • Lutheran Child & Family Service Designated Fund • Nathan Weidner Children’s Advocacy Center Designated Fund • The Keith and Brenda Rowley Family Faith Based Resident Camp Fund • Walter R. Vaughn Memorial Library Designated Fund • Catherine and John Maser Au Gres Library Fund • Youth Advisory Endowment Fund • Vision For Education • Plus more than 125 additional donor sponsored scholarships

For a complete list of funds, visit: Recipient Vasili Ioannidis and Cathy Massnick LaTulip at the scholarship reception.

Environment in a Thriving Bay Area As home to the largest contiguous freshwater coastal wetland system in the United States, the Saginaw Bay watershed is at the foundation of a thriving Bay Area. The watershed’s rich resources support agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, outdoor recreation, and a vast array of wildlife. Because a variety of sources continue to contribute pollutants to our river and bay, several public and private organizations (including Bay Area Community Foundation) are working to restore and protect the Saginaw Bay watershed for current and future generations. One of the goals of the Bay Area Community Foundation is to increase access to the Saginaw Bay so that we may all enjoy the natural resources and land that is in our own backyard. We are accomplishing this by awarding grants to local organizations with the same goal and by participating in a leadership role for conversations about how to build a thriving community on the Bay. Projects funded include a limestone rock shoreline for Pinconning Park to reduce erosion, plans for

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“rustic parking” at Bay City State Park to increase access to the water without taking away from the scenery, and programming for local schools to learn more about the natural resources that surround them. While great strides have been made in this area, much work remains to be done. With continued funding, Bay Area Community Foundation can promote recycling programs, enhance green-energy initiatives, and fund research on environmental issues by students in our local universities. In turn, the results can be used to guide future contribution decisions. We all share the same blue skies, picturesque bay, meandering rivers, and fertile fields of this beautiful region. Bay Area Community Foundation will continue to collaborate, convene, and serve as an environmental leader for the greater good of generations to come.

Environment Funds Dedicated to Supporting the Environment in a Thriving Bay Area

Reawakening an Interest in Nature Northern Bay County Fund strives to reconnect locals with the incredible land around them.

A few years ago, Northern Bay area community members such as Mike Stoner started noticing that local people, especially younger generations, were disconnected from the beautiful land that surrounds them. Mike commented that when he was a child, he spent a lot of time playing outside, but times are different now with emerging technologies. More people of all ages are spending more time viewing screens than being outdoors.

• Bay Area Community Foundation Environmental Endowment Fund • BaySail Designated Endowment Fund • Northern Bay Nature Trail Endowment Fund • Saginaw Basin Land Conservancy Fund • Saginaw Bay Watershed Restoration Fund For a complete list of funds, visit:

Mike Stoner

“Our goal was to provide opportunities for people to participate in the Saginaw Bay Area that they might not have on their own,” Mike said. Mike serves on the Northern Bay Community Fund committee, is an active part of the annual Nature Festival, and writes the weekly “Birding Bits” article in the Pinconning Journal. He believes that people have an interest in nature but just need to be reawakened to it. “As we suspected, the interest was always there,” he said. The Northern Bay Fund has recently played an important role in revitalizing the Bay County Pinconning Park to allow more access to enjoy the bay. The funds helped get the project going, but it was truly the community that made it successful. “It’s all a part of a bigger picture,” Mike said. “Lots of organizations and individuals work together to show how important our land is and how fortunate it is that we live in an area that has these opportunities.” Through a collaboration of students, community members, organizations, and local businesses, Pinconning Park is a place where you can truly see the Bay Area thrive. It is this community effort that we need to help protect these natural resources for future generations to enjoy forever.

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A grant from the Bay Area Community Foundation provided a viewing scope at Pinconning Park.

Health & Wellness in a Thriving Bay Area For our Bay Area to thrive, the overall health and well-being of our residents is an often overlooked—yet critically important— component. Studies show a link between poor health status, persistent poverty, and a lack of economic growth. Improving the health and wellness of residents within the Bay Area means not only increasing access to health care services, but also supporting and promoting healthy lifestyles and being proactive in making changes. Major health concerns in the Bay Area include rising problems associated with: • diabetes • hypertension • depression • cardiovascular disease • hearing and vision problems • substance abuse • availability of quality health care To address these concerns, and to ward off increasing trends in obesity, depression, and other mental illnesses, Bay Area Community Foundation partners with other organizations in the Health & Wellness sector to address the underlying causes of these health issues.

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In recent years, Health & Wellness has only represented 4 percent of Bay Area Community Foundation’s total grant awards. Fortunately, this includes two general health endowment funds: one dedicated to youth and seniors in Arenac County and another in Bay County. However, opportunities to further support health and wellness are plentiful. Several agencies and organizations exist in the Bay Area to help our at-risk residents, but the increased demands on their services are straining their limited resources. Additional funding to this impact area can greatly support these organizations and help address rising health care costs for individuals (particularly our student and mature resident populations).

Health & Wellness Assessing Health in Arenac County Resources are available to improve health and wellness—it will take early intervention. Arenac County is a beautiful place with many recreational opportunities. It also faces many health challenges. “There are resources available, but they need to be used,” says Bobbe Burke, member of the Arenac Community Funds Committee and Arenac County Board of Commissioners. the members of Some of the s Committee nd Fu munity Arenac Com

She has noticed that obesity, poverty, and smoking are some of the bigger health issues in the area.

“You have to get early intervention,” she says, explaining that the habits of the families need to change, and that they need to start early by educating children and youth about how to make healthy decisions.

Funds Dedicated to Supporting Health &Wellness in a Thriving Bay Area • Alzheimer’s Fund • Arenac County Health Improvement Endowment Fund • Arenac County Healthy Youth/ Healthy Seniors Fund • Bay Area Family Y Designated Fund • Bay County Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Fund • Riverwalk Railtrail Endowment Fund

For a complete list of funds, visit:

Luckily, here at the Bay Area Community Foundation, there is a fund specifically set up to grant to health programs in Arenac County. The Arenac County Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Fund has recently supported programs to help educate about safety with the use of 911, healthy eating habits, and exercise; heart rate monitors to Standish Sterling Schools; physical education equipment; and the Girls on the Run program. “We try to be a resource for early intervention or to help seniors in need,” Bobbe says. All of these grants help to educate the young people of the community, get them more active, and allow them to grow up to become healthier adults. Certainly much more can be done to strengthen the Health and Wellness sector, but it will take a community effort. As Bobbe says, “We’re standing at the ready to help people.”

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Arenac Community Funds Committee helped young girls in Arenac County to build confidence and healthy habits with a grant to the Girls on the Run program.

Human Services in a Thriving Bay Area For our Bay Area to thrive, we need to support all of the members of our community. According to the United Way ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Report, 14% of Bay County falls below the Federal Poverty Level, and another 23% of households still struggle to meet basic needs. They earn wages above the poverty level, but not enough for meet the costs of living in our area. Together, we can support our neighbors with job training, transportation, and services to make securing and maintaining jobs possible. The absence of living wage jobs leads to a host of interrelated concerns including sub-standard housing, crime, domestic violence, child abuse, and more. The human services sector is a network of organizations designed to help individuals and families meet their financial, social, medical, and basic survival needs. Bay Area Community Foundation is working to reduce poverty by supporting these organizations, many of which are facing reduced funding and increased demands on services. Currently, 9 percent of Foundation funding is directed to human services. The Foundation helps with early intervention and emergency response by granting to organizations such as Big Brothers/Big Sisters, which provides one-on-one mentoring for children facing adversity; the Literacy Council of Bay County, which offers tutoring help to people of all ages; the Bay Area Women’s Center, which assists individuals and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault; Do-All, Inc., which provides employment opportunities and support to those with disabilities; and the Bay County Emergency Food Pantry Network, which supplies food to families who find themselves in a tough spot. Tremendous opportunities await donors who are interested in helping meet these basic—and essential—needs in our community. With creative strategies and the dollars to back them, ensuring that our Bay Area can meet the residents’ basic needs is an attainable goal.

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Human Services A New Way to Give In a philanthropy circle, the donations of many come together for a big impact. Being a part of the Women’s Philanthropy Circle or the Men’s Philanthropy Group is an incredible way to get involved in giving back for someone who is “communityminded and wants to go about giving in a slightly different way,” says Lee Miller, financial advisor. Barb Engelhardt, an insurance agent/owner, adds that the Women’s Circle is great for women who “have a philanthropic heart but not a lot of time.” Four times a year, the groups gather for food, fun, and friendship—with a side of philanthropy. Each member contributes $1,000 a year, half of which is granted annually and the other half of which is placed into the corresponding endowment fund to help grow the impact potential for years to come. “It’s fun to get different perspectives and consider angles I wouldn’t have thought about before,” said Lee. Each member brings their own ideas for needs in the community, and the group decides which nonprofits to grant to. “It’s instant gratification. You know you’re helping someone immediately that could use your lift,” says Barb, who has been a part of the Women’s Philanthropy Circle since its beginnings. “It’s amazing to see all we’ve accomplished so far.” Recently, the groups have granted to provide clothing for women and children in need, holiday food baskets, furniture for the local women’s shelter, support for the Youth Leadership Academy, and coats for kids, among other projects. Although the donations are sometimes small, they make an immediate impact on the lives of the recipients.

Barb Engelhardt and Lee Miller volunteered at a “Coats for Kids” program that both Women’s Philanthropy Circle and Men’s Philanthropy Group gave a grant to.

Funds Dedicated to Supporting the Human Services in a Thriving Bay Area • 211 of Northeast Michigan Designated Fund • American Red Cross Designated Fund • Bay Area Community Foundation Human Services Fund • Bay Area Women’s Center Designated Fund • Bay County Habitat for Humanity Designated Fund • Bay County Make-A-Wish Fund • Camp Fish Tales Designated Fund • Carol C. Noeske Arenac County Disability Fund • Disability Services Resource Center Endowment Fund • Do-All Designated Endowment Fund • Elizabeth J. Husband Fund • Good Samaritan Rescue Mission Designated Fund • John and Clinton Maser Au Gres Fire Department Fund • Nathalie Awrey Memorial Fund • Public Safety Technology Designated Fund • United Way of Bay County Designated Fund • Wings of Mercy East Michigan Endowment Fund • YWCA Great Lakes Bay Region Designated Fund

“When we combine our resources, we can make a bigger impact,” says Barb. Both groups are always accepting new members. Contact the Bay Area Community Foundation to learn how to get involved.

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For a complete list of funds, visit:

Recreation in a Thriving Bay Area Recreation is reaching new heights in the Bay Area. Through the combined efforts of local governments, Bay Area Community Foundation, businesses, and other nonprofit organizations, residents have access to diverse recreational opportunities that wisely use our community’s amenities and resources.

Offering great outdoor recreational opportunities not only builds healthy, active communities, it helps attract people and businesses to our region. That is why nearly 14 percent of Bay Area Community Foundation financial resources are dedicated to recreation.

Bay County is home to one of the largest remaining freshwater, coastal wetlands on the Great Lakes. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy fishing, boating, and sailing on the Saginaw Bay. Other recreational amenities include a dog park, golf courses, spray park, fairgrounds, skatepark, trail system, and more than 3,000 acres of parks and playground areas.

Successful projects include the 17.5 mile Bay County Riverwalk/Railtrail which is being expanded to connect to others in the Great Lakes Bay Region and the “Spray by the Bay” spray park located inside Bay City State Recreation Area. To help maintain these important community assets for years of enjoyment, each project has an endowment fund held at BACF.

Given the location and natural amenities of Arenac County, several types of outdoor recreational activities, including cross-country skiing (rated by many as the Midwest’s best), snowmobiling, fishing, boating, hiking, horseback riding, camping, color tours, swimming, and winter sports activities, are readily available.

The Foundation hopes to increase access to recreational amenities, creating even more opportunities for families and residents of all ages to enjoy all the Bay Area has to offer. And, by involving young people in the development of recreational programs, competitions, and joint efforts to clean and build parks, we can advance our commitment to youth as well.

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Recreation Preserving Our Resources Endowments secure the future of our community assets The Riverwalk/Railtrail has been a shining example of what can be achieved when many people work together for the good of the community since the 1980s. Early donors bought “shares” for $25 each to help get the project off the ground and the leaders who brought us this project placed a portion of every dollar raised into an endowment fund for long-term maintenance. Today, the Riverwalk/Railtrail has grown to encompass over 17.5 miles of trails, with plans to connect to regional trail systems in the works. Sita Compton has been an active member of our Riverwalk/Railtrail committee for over 20 years and recalls one of her fondest memories of working with the group. “While watching the completion of the Portsmouth Township section, which completed the loop, I saw people following right behind the paving equipment as they made their final pass—there was such excitement,” she recounted. With the expansion and growth of the trail system, upkeep needs have also grown and placed new demands on the original endowment. The volunteer Riverwalk/ Railtrail committee is working to address these needs and continue to grow the maintenance fund in order to preserve this exceptional local resource. “It is so important to take care of what we already have. This trail has so much value; it stretches through the entire community and attracts people from all over to use it in many wonderful ways,” she continued. “We want our community to enjoy this trail for generations to come and with the help of a strong maintenance endowment, that is exactly what will happen.”

Funds Dedicated to Supporting Recreation in a Thriving Bay Area • Bay Community Tennis Association Endowment Fund • Bay County Civic Arena Endowment Fund • Birney Park Designated Fund • Carroll Park Designated Endowment Fund • Come Play by the Bay Playscape Fund • Nate & Mary Ida Doan Santa House Designated Endowment Fund • Nate Doan Park Fund • Northern Bay Nature Trail Endowment Fund • Riverview Discovery Park Endowment Fund • Riverwalk Railtrail Endowment Fund • Rowing Endowment Fund • Saginaw Bay Community Sailing Association Designated Fund • Skatepark Endowment Fund • Spray Park Designated Endowment Fund • Wenonah Park Maintenance and Operations Designated Fund

For a complete list of funds, visit: Sita Compton and her dog Dusty regularly enjoy walks on the Riverwalk/Railtrail.

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How Your Endowed Gift Grows in Impact

Endowment funds managed at Bay Area Community Foundation grow and continue to help the Thriving Bay Area forever. We never spend your gift, but carefully invest it. As the income builds, we only distribute interest created by the fund. So your endowed gift at BACF is giving back year after year and increasing impact, no matter the size of your donation.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” — Warren Buffett


Establish your endowed fund


$15,400 in cumulative dollars granted to community

$10,000 gift

$12,400 balance

With good stewardship, your fund and impact can grow:

3 times as much as your initial gift


$31,500 in cumulative dollars granted $23,800 balance

5 times as much as your initial gift

Note: This is an example; it uses a consistent rate of return of 7% per year; actual future rates of return are unknown.

No Matter the Size, Your Gift Matters

Together, we can do so much more. Whether you invest in this area’s arts and culture, community initiatives, education and youth, environment, health and wellness, human services, or recreation (or maybe a combination of several!), know that you are an important part of making the Bay Area thrive!

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10 Reasons to Donate to Bay Area Community Foundation 1. We build endowment funds that benefit

the community forever and help create personal legacies.

2. We are a local organization with deep

roots in the community.

3. Our funds help people invest in the

causes they care about most.

4. We are a community leader, convening

8. We accept a wide variety of assets,

and can facilitate even the most complex forms of giving.

9. We partner with professional advisors

to create highly effective approaches to charitable giving.

10. We offer maximum tax advantage for most gifts under federal law.

agencies and coordinating resources to create positive change.

5. We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling them with other gifts and grants.

6. Our professional program staff has broad expertise regarding community issues and needs.

7. We provide highly personalized service

tailored to individual charitable and financial interests.

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Get in Touch! You can give in a number of ways. Make a gift online, send in a check, call us to make a donation over the phone, or set up an appointment to learn more. Bay Area Community Foundation 1000 Adams St, Suite 200 Bay City, MI 48708 989-893-4438

Become a

Philanthropist Arts & Culture

page 12

Community Initiatives

page 14

Education & Youth

page 16


page 18

Health & Wellness

page 20

Human Services

page 22


page 24

Serving Michigan’s Bay and Arenac Counties 1000 Adams Street, Suite 200 | Bay City, MI 48708 989-893-4438 |

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