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Behavioral Intervention Group

What We Offer

Behavioral Integration Group (BIG) creates environments where therapists, learners and families can thrive. We’re a CABAS® accredited learning center with a team of dedicated therapists focused on providing the skills, personalized teaching environments and learning opportunities necessary to improve the quality of life for children with autism.

Our Expertise

Our multi-prong approach to caring for children and the systems that support those children set us apart and help them glow! We’re focused on: providing effective autism intervention; fostering collaborative relationships between families and staff; and unlocking the full potential of learners with room for play and discovery.

Good Advice

We believe that each child has their own unique learning history, and that tailored environments and techniques will lead to the best outcome. Our core philosophy aims to help learners and families feel more empowered. We treat each child based on their abilities, needs, and personalized goals.


BIG is recruiting new Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Line Technicians. If you love working with kids and you have experience (camp counselor, babysitter), you can grow your career with us. From a child’s frst words to their frst initiations of play, you’ll witness some incredible milestones in the child’s life.

A Closer Look

8180 Siegen Lane • Baton Rouge, LA 70810 225.757.8002 • big-br.com •