Garden Village - Vision Statement

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The Bassetlaw Plan

Garden Village Vision Statement

Bassetlaw Garden Village A New Village for Bassetlaw

Bassetlaw Garden Village will have a unique identity, becoming a destination in its own right, distinctive from surrounding towns and villages. Over time this site will transform into a self-sustaining, healthy, active and green new community representing a lifestyle choice for those who wish to live or work there. By doing so, Bassetlaw Garden Village will provide a legacy to the benefit of future generations. Designed to be inclusive of all the community, secure environmental gains, deliver sustainable, active travel and a transportation modal shift whilst providing quality homes and places of work Bassetlaw Garden Village will be more than just a new settlement. It will be underpinned by the core values of the Garden City principles and Sport England’s Active Design principles utilising the best and latest design guidance and driven by sustainability to create a sense of community.

Why Do We Need a Vision Statement?

GOVERNANCE The collective vision is guided by a formal governance structure. Facilitated by the Council this key delivery mechanism will ensure landowner, wide ranging stakeholder and community buy-in and support from the outset, ensuring the Garden City principles are realised at a local level and the Village is a destination of which Bassetlaw can be proud of,

The Council are in the process of preparing a new Local Plan that will guide development in the District up to 2037. An important part of this is Bassetlaw Garden Village. See for more details.

in generations to come.

The design of the Bassetlaw Garden Village will be guided by the Bassetlaw Local Plan policy

• Consultative Group: comprising key stakeholder and landowner representatives

framework, with the detailed development and design principles informed by this draft Vision

• Project Group: comprising specialist officers from the same organisations who

Statement and its supporting concept plan.

The governance includes:

This draft Vision Statement sets out the framework for the future of the Bassetlaw Garden

Village and how it will be delivered. Being designed to Garden City principles, a Garden

Village is different to a typical housing development - this draft Vision Statement clearly establishes the broad development and design parameters that should be addressed in any future masterplan and subsequent planning applications. This will ensure that the vision for the Garden Village can become a reality.

and has responsibility for ensuring the approach taken is appropriate to place provide the technical understanding to aid delivery

• Parish Council Group: including representatives from affected Parish Councils who provide local commentary and guidance

Both landowners are committed to exploring the opportunities presented by the development of a new settlement and are working with the Council and key stakeholders with an aim to present the proposal as a credible location for a new settlement.

This draft Vison Statement is not a detailed masterplan, but is the first step in providing certainty and confidence to the landowners and our stakeholders, by identifying the strategic infrastructure and uses alongside the indicative density of different parts of the development.


This shapes a design that is flexible enough to provide guidance on the development of the

Active Notts

National Trust

Sport England

Anglian Water

Natural England

Stagecoach East Midlands

Bassetlaw District Council

Network Rail

Sustrans Bassetlaw

The concept plan shows the general uses of land within the site and the proposed structure


NHS Bassetlaw

Western Power Distribution

of the development. A density plan and form based design codes are also provided to enable detailed discussions relating to the design of the site in future.

Environment Agency

Nottingham Trent University

The Woodland Trust

This is not the Council’s vision, it is the collective vision of the landowners and our

Highways England

Notts County Council

Agents for both landowners

stakeholders. Collective support and buy-in to the principles of development from an early

Historic England


stage are essential to facilitate future delivery at the right time, a key requirement in national

Homes England

Sheffield City Region

planning policy.

Midlands Regional Energy Board

Severn Trent

area whilst providing specific enough guidance to ensure the area is designed appropriately in future.



Why Deliver a New Settlement in Bassetlaw? The delivery of a new settlement provides the opportunity to deliver a step change in the District’s economy in a sustainable location. The settlement will create a dynamic new place, focused around exemplar housing and businesses, with well-paid, skilled jobs and housing capable of adapting to meet local needs, where technological advances and climate resilience is built in to provide flexibility in the future.

There are many benefits of a new freestanding Garden Village including:

• The ability of a new Garden Village to maximise community benefit in the form of

infrastructure rather than the infrastructure being prejudiced by artificially high land values

• The ability of a new Garden Village to deliver rather than being subject to

competition from sequential sites

• The ability of a new Garden Village to deliver to a planned schedule, providing

services as and when they are required rather than relying on the existing services of a settlement

• A choice of location for home owners/business occupiers

Bassetlaw Garden Village Planning Policy Context

To be successful the Garden Village relies on enhanced accessibility and active, sustainable travel. Designing a new settlement ensures enhanced pedestrian and cycle use can be prioritised, particularly for local journeys, supported by bus and rail for longer journeys. By virtue of being located near the strategic A1/A57 corridor and adjacent to the SheffieldLincoln railway line its location provides opportunities for great sustainable connectivity

The Bassetlaw Garden Village is identified as a site for a new settlement in the draft Bassetlaw Local Plan 2020. It is available for consultation alongside this draft Vision Statement. The spatial planning information can be found in that document.

within the local area but also regionally and nationally. Long term delivery enables a truly green agenda to be integrated helping the District make a step change towards a zero carbon economy and climate change resilience in the long term, fulfilling the requirements of national legislation and policy.

Bassetlaw Garden Village would help meet the long term future needs of the District. The


scale of development will mean that this will provide a long-term sustainable growth plan for

The Town and County Planning Association (TCPA) locally-led Garden City principles provide

Bassetlaw, up to 2037 and beyond.

a framework for good place-making, delivery and management at a Garden Village level.

The National Planning Policy Framework identifies that the supply of new homes can

These are not rules for creating the Garden Village rather should be the basis for innovative,

sometimes best be achieved through planning for larger scale development, such as new

imaginative and locally specific use to ensure the Bassetlaw Garden Village is unique and

settlements, provided they are well located and designed and supported by the necessary

appropriate to place. It is the first two principles that make a Garden Village distinctive from

infrastructure and facilities. Matters that need to be considered include: the area’s economic

other housing allocations. This will be reflected in this draft Vison Statement and the delivery

potential, the scope for new environmental gains, opportunities presented by planned

of the Garden Village.

infrastructure investment; that the new community will have good access to services and

• Land value capture for the benefit of the community

employment and that clear quality standards are identified such as the Garden City principles. All are addressed by the Bassetlaw Garden Village. The Garden Communities Prospectus (MHCLG August 2018) defines new Garden Villages as (1,500-10,000 homes). Bassetlaw Garden Village is large enough to accommodate a new Garden Village and is compatible with national policy. The scale and complexity of this new settlement warrants it to be considered a new garden village. National planning policy expects new settlements to accommodate a range of new homes to meet local needs. Additionally, the Garden Village supports economic growth and diversification,

• Strong vision, leadership and community engagement • Community ownership of land and long-term stewardship of assets • Mixed-tenure homes and housing types that are genuinely affordable • A wide range of local jobs in the Garden Village within easy commuting of homes • Beautifully and imaginatively designed homes with gardens, combining the best of town

and country to create healthy communities, and including opportunities to grow food

• Development that enhances the natural environment, providing a comprehensive green

innovation and improved productivity in the District, a key priority for a new settlement in the District.

The site is also able to deliver the other key national policy principles of sustainable

• Strong cultural, recreational and shopping facilities in walkable, vibrant, sociable

development. The site and its characteristics offer great opportunities for creating meaningful green infrastructure that would link with, and enhance the existing landscape framework. Access to this network will support strong, healthy and vibrant communities.

infrastructure network and net biodiversity gains, and uses zero-carbon and energy- positive technology to ensure climate resilience


• Integrated and accessible transport systems, with walking, cycling and public transport

designed to be the most attractive forms of local transport

ACTIVE DESIGN GUIDANCE Sport England’s Active Design principles below provide a framework to encourage and promote sport and physical activity through the design and layout of the built environment to support a step change towards healthier and more active lifestyles. These will be used as the basis for healthy place-making and at a local level translate well to ensure Bassetlaw Garden Village promotes healthy, active lifestyles.

• Activity for all • Walkable communities • Connected walking & cycling routes • Co-location of community facilities • Network of multifunctional open space • High quality streets and spaces • Appropriate infrastructure • Active buildings • Management, maintenance, monitoring & evaluation • Activity promotion & local champions Translating the Garden City and Active Design principles to a local level will ensure the Garden Village comes forward as an exemplar form of development, appropriate to Bassetlaw, its local character and distinctiveness. Design, development and delivery will epitomise the highest standard of place-making and place-keeping across all aspects of planning and delivery.

MASTERPLANNING The Vision Statement sets out the fundamental development and design principles to help shape and inform the next stage: the development of a masterplan. A detailed masterplan framework to be undertaken by a developer partner(s) will be required, accompanied by an agreed suite of supporting strategies, design codes, parameter plans and infrastructure requirements. These will jointly form a framework for informing planning applications and the phased delivery of the Village. Development is anticipated to start after 2032. To make sure that necessary infrastructure can be in place work on the masterplan framework should be completed by 2025, to inform implementation. This is anticipated to tie in with funding bids to Government and other organisations.

A Vision for Bassetlaw Garden Village

whilst providing ‘grow on’ and incubator space to help local businesses develop and thrive. Movement and accessibility within, to and from the Garden Village will be a fundamental part of its design. Connections for sustainable and healthy active travel will be maximised: a new rail station, bus services, and a network for

Bassetlaw Garden Village will be a new high quality, characterful development,

pedestrians, cyclists and electric vehicles will provide sustainable access to

highly accessible and sustainable sitting within a rural, wooded setting.

nearby Worksop, Retford, surrounding villages and Clumber Park. Easy access

Encompassing the Garden City Principles, this new settlement will provide extensive





to rail will enable ease of movement to the wider sub region.


Quality will be retained to ensure the Garden Village remains a place where

infrastructure, providing for food production, recreation, sport, play and active

people choose to live, work or visit long into the future. From the outset, long term

travel. Reinforcing healthy, active place-making will also connect a robust

stewardship of green/blue and community assets will be a truly collaborative

network of community hubs and public spaces ensuring that all the community

approach with the new community and local people to ensure Bassetlaw Garden

is easily able to walk/cycle to a range of local shops, services, community

Village maintains its quality, local distinctiveness and thrives in perpetuity.

facilities, employment and reach public transport, whilst everyone regardless of age and ability can enjoy the exercise, recreation, play, social and well-being benefits of locally accessible green/blue infrastructure.

This vision and the following key principles will inform the future planning and delivery of

Climate resilience will be built in from the outset. Sustainable construction

the Garden Village.

methods and materials will ensure new development and spaces deliver the

highest standards in terms of energy and water efficiency and sustainable

• A sustainable place

drainage, whilst significant net gains in biodiversity and woodland planting will

• Innovation is built in

minimise impacts, ensuring development and the environment is adaptable to

• Community ownership and participation

change over time. Opportunities to capture the benefits of innovation will be

• Quality of place and place-keeping

• A healthy, active place

embedded so that the Garden Village is well placed to incorporate zero-carbon and energy-positive technologies, and emerging digital and fuel technologies

Together the key principles provide the essential link between the vision for the Garden Village

over its lifetime.

and the Local Plan’s development strategy. The Draft Vision Statement is accompanied by:

The Garden Village will support a truly diverse community with a wide variety of housing types and sizes available to meet the needs of all, irrespective of age and time of life, adding diversity to the local housing market. Highly accessible employment opportunities will attract new business and investment adding significant value to the local and regional economy, providing opportunities to diversify the type of jobs available and supporting the upskilling of local residents,

• Appendix 1: A Concept plan: identifies the main land uses, infrastructure, public

realm, greenspaces, Hubs, connectivity

• Appendix 2: density of each development parcel • Appendix 3: A high-level form-based design code to guide the next stages of the design process

This draft Vision Statement and its concept plan has been developed in response to the site, its context, the opportunities and constraints presented, an aspiration to protect and enhance the key natural and built heritage assets and secure meaningful green and social infrastructure. These elements should be considered the starting point for the future planning, design and delivery of the Bassetlaw Garden Village.

STEWARDSHIP AND LEGACY Essential to the successful delivery of the Garden Village is ensuring the principles are reaffirmed through the lifetime of the development, and that the quality of green infrastructure and community assets is maintained in perpetuity. Successful stewardship requires a partnership approach. This will be locally-led from early scheme development involving the landowners, the existing local community, the Council and over time new residents and developer partners. The aim is for the masterplan to identify opportunities for community participation and interest, such as through the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and benefit alongside the creation of local green jobs and training opportunities to the benefit of local residents.

Bassetlaw Garden Village Site Context

is a well-established woodland of conifers with broad leaved trees around the edge. The hedges in this part of the site contain hedgerow trees. Morton Hill Farm is well screened by trees. Two small areas of woodland screen Upper Morton Farm. The woodlands, hedgerows and trees could be effectively retained and accommodated within the new settlement and would form part of the green infrastructure network to link into the

Bassetlaw Garden Village presents an excellent opportunity to create a sustainable development set within a strong landscape framework which is well connected to the strategic road network: the A1 and A57. Situated equidistant between Worksop and Retford the site is genuinely accessible: the A1 bounds the site to the west; the Sheffield-Lincoln railway line runs along the northern edge; Mansfield Road bisects the site east-west providing access to Retford, the A57, A1 and Worksop. The Garden Village benefits from direct access to the A1/A57 junction, linking with the A1 (M) and South Yorkshire to the north, Newark and the East Midlands to the south, and indirectly connecting to the M1 to the west. Sheffield-Doncaster Airport is within a 10 mile drive. The Sheffield-Lincoln railway line adjoins the site which also has indirect links to the East Coast Main Line at Retford. Clumber Park is situated to the south west of the A1. This is a nationally protected SSSI and heritage asset.


wider surrounding landscape. Three lines of pylons cross the site. One line runs parallel to the north west side of the B6420 for part of its length site, then crosses the road to the east and runs parallel to a second line on a north-south alignment. The third line crosses the site from east to west just south of the railway line. Green infrastructure could be used to integrate these features sensitively into the landscape.

TOPOGRAPHY The site gradually rises from the lowest point in the south east (approximately 35 m) up in a north westerly direction to Morton Hill Farm and up in a westerly direction to the A1 to approximately 40m. South and east of the B6420 feels almost flat with the most discernible slope up being north of the byway leading up to Morton Hill Farm at approximately 47m. Large parts of the site are clearly visible from the A1 which forms the west and south western boundary to the site. The A1 is slightly elevated above adjacent ground levels and views into the site are wide and long. Views from the B6420 are more restricted as for much of its length it is enclosed by substantial hedges. There are clear views across parts of the site to the west

The site is located within the countryside and is currently in agricultural use. There are two

of the B6420 from the byway and views south across the eastern part of the site from the

farmholdings associated with the site: Morton Hill Farm in the northern part of the site and

bridleway leading to Ordsall, Retford.

Upper Morton Farm adjacent to the south western boundary. Generally, the site is an area of largely rectilinear medium size arable fields, although there

The concept plan and the design codes can ensure the uses and development structure is appropriate to place, maintaining important views and a sense of openness within the built form.

are two larger fields to the south and east of the B6420. A byway crosses the site east-west. To the north-west and north of the byway fields are enclosed by substantial and continuous hedges. Lower and thinner hedges are found to the east of the B6420, whilst close to the A1/A57 junction new hedge planting and post and rail fencing bounds the site to the Upper Morton Farm access. Hedges dominate along the rest of the B6420. The byway is prominent, lined with a large number of oak trees, hawthorn and blackthorn and hedges. Large hedges also go north to Morton Hill Farm. Close to Upper Morton Farm

PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY A byway is a public right of way crossing the site east-west from the A1/A57 junction passing through Apleyhead Wood. This continues beyond the end of the site east towards Ordsall, Retford. Across the A1 to the west the public right of way network continues through Clumber Park.

landscape. The existing Public Rights of Way could be effectively assimilated into the green

• Providing a scheme that is responsive to the existing topography and landform of the site, as appropriate

infrastructure of the new settlement. It is apparent that much of the site is fairly level with

• Preserving the visual setting of Clumber Park by ensuring mass is appropriate on the

Beyond the site there is a comprehensive network of rights of way across the surrounding

gentle gradient which would allow good access and circulation of both pedestrians and cyclists alike.

LANDSCAPE OPPORTUNITIES The design and siting of the proposed development has taken advantage of the landscape and visual opportunities present within the site and its locality. The proposed new settlement can provide opportunities to create a multi-functional, holistic green environment informed by the existing landscape character and features.

Opportunities identified for Bassetlaw Garden Village include: • Ensuring the new settlement would be designed to respect and complement the character of the site and its locality via: the use of local building materials; the enhancement and retention of the existing landscape structure; retaining important public views and; local skylines

• Emphasis could be placed on creating a sense of place and distinctiveness whilst

retaining and restoring landscape features such as hedgerows, hedgerow trees and woodland through new green infrastructure and restoration of existing landscape features to reinforce character and a sense of place

south western edge of the site

• Providing climate resilience and carbon sequestration benefits which could include identifying a large part of the site area for green infrastructure including additional tree planting. This could enable a further 50 hectares of woodland: 26,000 tonnes of CO2 could be sequestered over a 100 year period.

• Focusing new woodland along the A1 could have landscape and amenity related benefits, including: acting as an acoustic/visual barrier to the new development; mirroring the presence of the extensive Clumber Park and Dukeries related woodlands to the west of the road and maintaining separation from existing uses on neighbouring land

ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY As a new settlement Bassetlaw Garden Village has the potential to integrate energy efficiency and renewable and low carbon technologies from early design stage. This is more cost effective and straightforward to implement than retrofitting at a later stage. The design offers opportunities to orientate buildings to maximise solar gain benefits whilst accommodating appropriate shade to aid cooling. Future plans should be future proofed to be capable of adapting to meet higher building standards in future.

• Retained woodlands, hedgerows and trees enhance landscape and ecological interest

The site offers the potential for a range of renewable and low carbon technologies. These

• Ensuring surface water run-off is carefully and imaginatively integrated into the \

could deliver significant benefits, but each technology must be appropriate to the end use.

green/blue network. This could include sustainable drainage

A site wide approach should be taken: Embedding these technologies from the outset can

• Ensuring biodiversity, habitat protection and enhancement measures along wildlife

allow heat and power networks to be established to residents and businesses on site.

• The tree and hedge edged byway is an important landscape feature, and

Given its location, infrastructure to support electric and alternative fuel vehicles charging

corridors could be integrated as part of the strategy. Including:

for habitat and recreational connectivity could be integrated into the design. The area of woodland to the north of the byway presents an opportunity for habitat creation and areas of open space

would work well at both a commercial and individual scale. A positive, innovative and adaptable approach would ensure that Bassetlaw Garden Village

• The presence of the A1, the railway line, the B6420 and the power lines impede habitat connectivity. The design can address these constraints positively, identifying opportunities to provide significant enhancement along these routes

would be a leading exemplar in minimising its carbon footprint and the impacts of climate

• The scale of the site provides opportunities to create and integrate a variety of green

inform the final concept plan and approach taken to design.

infrastructure to include formal sports, play areas, allotments, trim trails, amenity space, enhanced ecological habitats, semi-natural open space, woodland and additional areas designated for sustainable urban drainage

change. This would ensure that the village would be highly sustainable in terms of energy generation and consumption. Further investigation through a green energy assessment will



Morton Hill Farm is a non designated heritage asset. There is an opportunity to recognise

Bassetlaw Garden Village is located in North Nottinghamshire, situated adjacent to the A1/

its value and ensure that its local distinctiveness is reflected in the design. The site is also

A57 strategic road network junction equidistant between the towns of Worksop and Retford.

within an area of archaeological interest. This warrants further investigation and will inform

The A1 is a strategic route continuing northwards to Newcastle upon Tyne and south to

the final concept plan and approach taken to design.

London whilst the A57 crosses west to Sheffield and east to Lincoln.


A new community will include a mix of housing, employment, education and retail facilities which in turn provides an opportunity to contain a large proportion of movements within

The new settlement comprises a series of habitat types including: arable farmland;

the development rather than travelling to the broader highway network. The movement

broadleaved woodland; conifer woodland; improved grassland; neutral grassland, scrub and

within the site should encourage residents and visitors to the site to use alternative modes

hard standing tracks

of transport to the private car. The topography of the site is suitable to ensure pedestrian and

Within the site there are several areas of trees/woodland worthy of retention and improvement: • The young maturing lime trees lining the approach to Upper Morton provide an opportunity for enhancement with additional planting of limes to create an avenue of large shade bearing trees when mature

• The tree lined byway lined could be integrated into the design • Approximately halfway along the byway a broad grassy track is lined with large

hedges leads to Morton Hill Farm. This could provide a natural green corridor and could form part of the wider green infrastructure network

• The woodlands to the south west of Morton Hill Farm and to the north east could be

retained and enhanced, whilst the mature trees surrounding Morton Hill Farm could be carefully managed and integrated in to the hub expected to be provided in that location. This could provide a distinctive gateway by bus and train to the village

• The woodlands to the west of Upper Morton Farm would provide screening for its

occupants from the new village. Strengthening would enhance connectivity north/south

• Numerous mature hedgerows and trees cross the site. Their careful reuse could

maintain the distinctive feel of the Garden Village

cycle access, so the design and layout should maximise opportunities, supported by good connections to public transport. Home working is an alternative to travel itself: existing levels of home working are expected to rise in the future. The Garden Village should ensure that appropriate infrastructure, including digital connectivity and services are available within the new settlement to ensure that residents have the opportunity to work from home, reducing the need to travel outside of the settlement during the course of their working day.

ACCESS The primary access to the site will be from the B6420 Mansfield Road. Opportunities exist to improve the alignment of the road with added benefits of slowing traffic moving along its route, improving conditions for pedestrians and cyclists. The agricultural land to the east will remain in use. Access through the development to the farmholding must be maintained. The wider road network including the A1 are expected to require investment to accommodate

The hedgerow network, woodland and trees would reinforce local distinctiveness and could

traffic from this settlement. Such improvements provide an opportunity to aid traffic flow and

provide the basis of the ecological network for the site. Additional green infrastructure

movement in the local area.

including areas of open space throughout the site as part of any development proposals should be complementary but add value and variety. Opportunities exist for new areas of


species-rich grassland, new native hedgerow planting, new native woodland, wood pasture,

The topography of the site and surrounding area is favourable for cycling with a relatively

tree planting, and wetlands to create new opportunities for a range of wildlife.

flat landscape. The design of the Garden Village should encourage the use of bikes locally

Given the site were to be taken forward as Bassetlaw Garden Village, detailed ecological surveys would be carried out in line with best practice guidance.

within the settlement and make provision for cycling to other destinations. Cycle storage at properties and all local facilities (shops, schools and employment areas), including the central bus stops, will encourage cycling particularly for local journeys.

Opportunities exist to improve cycling links across the A1 to nearby Worksop. Access to Retford could also be achieved on road or in the long term off road via public rights of way to Ordsall South. Opportunities for enhanced connectivity should be explored.


TRAIN The site lies to the south of the Sheffield-Lincoln railway line. A new railway station on site is part of the integrated transport solution for the new settlement. It would make travelling to Worksop, Retford and the wider region easy and convenient. Sheffield will be within 35 minutes, Lincoln 45 minutes and Worksop/Retford would be a short 10 minute commute for

In the same way as cycling, the topography of the site can also encourage walking trips

work/education/leisure/shopping during the day, evening and weekends. The direct link to

within the development. The design and layout of the development should ensure that

Retford mainline station will enable good access to London.

walking routes are provided at a suitable gradient for all to use and that all dwellings are easily accessible to the local bus services.

The new passenger railway station would be the anchor for the transport interchange on site and could generate up to a significant 150,000 trips a year from the completed development

Recreational routes can provide opportunities for healthy active lifestyles. The design could

- potentially saving over a million miles in car journeys per year, with over 200,000 kg of C02

provide for these within and around the settlement providing residents with the opportunity

less per year going into the atmosphere. The station should be located just to the north of the

to enjoy the local environment as well as linking with the existing Public Right of Ways that

existing Morton Hill Farm. All necessary infrastructure to support its safe, efficient operation

are within or close to the edge of the settlement. Multi-use routes should be explored to

should be provided to the south of the railway line, with only a platform to the north. Easy

allow pedestrians and cyclists as well as the less able bodied to use the new network.

access by bus, walking and cycling should be provided to encourage sustainable use. As a

BUS TRAVEL The approach to the street hierarchy and design of the internal road network should be

gateway to the Garden Village opportunities should be taken to maximise its attractiveness for residents and visitors.

capable of supporting new bus services. These could potentially benefit not only the new


settlement but also existing residents who currently have limited access to public transport

With the potential to accommodate 4000 dwellings, the opportunity exists to promote car

facilities. Bus routes are likely to focus on links to Worksop, Retford both of which include

sharing and shared mobility schemes within the settlement. This should be developed as

railway stations and other employment opportunities. This local service could connect the

part of the Travel Planning process and could include a site based web site allowing local

site to the existing local villages as well as.

residents to share transport with others.

The bus services should be identified early on within the phasing of development to ensure residents make full use of the facilities at an early stage. This could include subsidised bus


travel for a set period of time.

Travel and urban infrastructure should be developed to facilitate carbon free living including

The route of the bus service on the local road network is important to its success. The potential for bus priority measures which can reduce the journey times of bus users can increase patronage, by making it more attractive to using the private car. Opportunities to introduce a bus hopper service between the railway station and Clumber Park should be explored. This could bring significant benefits in terms of the visitor economy but also minimise car trips and the environmental impacts on Clumber Park.

transport. The trend towards electric vehicles could be encouraged through the provision of comprehensive charging infrastructure as well as encouraging non-car modes such as walking, cycling, scooting and skating, and public transport through the travel plan and design of the settlement. In addition the developer should work with bus operators to encourage cleaner buses that will serve the site.

Bassetlaw Garden Village Design Principles Bassetlaw Garden Village will be planned and delivered in a comprehensive and integrated manner through the appropriate phasing of development along with timely provision of supporting infrastructure. The new place will be designed by the following principles: • A Healthy, Active Place – where physical activity and mental wellbeing is embraced and designed in

• A Sustainable Place – that meets the needs of the present whilst not compromising

those in the future

• Innovation Built In – an adaptable approach to meet the challenges and opportunities

of the future

• Community Ownership and Participation – where people can shape their

environment and make new bonds

• Quality of Place and Place-keeping – where all elements of the built and natural

environment are the best that they can be.

A HEALTHY ACTIVE PLACE The Bassetlaw Garden Village will be an aspirational place to live where all life stages and abilities can be supported and celebrated. An excellent provision of greenspace, sport, recreation and community facilities will be well-connected and accessible by healthy, active transport choices such as walking and cycling, wheelchairs, skating and scooting as well as public transport. Designed to reflect Active Design principles, complementary everyday services and specialist activities will be co-located at each of the three hubs to support linked trips, ensuring no one will be more than 10 minutes’ walk from basic services, with great connectivity and wayfinding between these. The three Hubs are described below:

Hub 1 – Transport and Business Hub

Design of non residential building should encourage active use. Orientation should ensure

• The positive re-use of the historic farmstead, creating a heritage legacy for the hub,

entrances are close to cycling parking, whilst changing and shower facilities should be

connecting the new place to the past and creatively re-using the existing outbuildings

• Mixed-use development in the business and commercial buildings, with a range of

incorporated to promote active travel.

small-scale retail, commercial and community uses along ground floor frontages and a mix of uses on upper floors including residential and small-scale employment

Healthcare facilities, including primary care and complementary services, will be associated

• Localised opportunities for employment with a variety of workspaces, including flexible

embedding healthy lifestyles by being associated with key assets such as the Linear Park

incubator, co-working, innovation hubs and affordable spaces that are complementary to district-level service centre uses

• A new railway station designed to meet industry standard technical and safety

specifications, co-located with a bus interchange, electric vehicle charging hub and cycling hub, accompanied by all necessary supporting infrastructure

• A visitor orientation and information point Hub 2 – Community Health and Wellbeing

• A mixed-use Local Centre with a convenience goods store of an appropriate size,

with community and educational uses, achieving the economies of co-location, whilst also and the 4 miles of pedestrian and cycle friendly circular route and other paths within the Garden Village. Wayfinding will be supported by signage, landmarks and a clear hierarchy of routes and paths to ensure that everyone can confidently navigate the Garden Village, meeting the needs of all. Supporting infrastructure such a water fountains, resting places and surfacing will be required to promote positive use of public spaces and the public realm. This will be supported by public art that reflects the history of the landscape and its

commensurate to the settlement’s size at ground floor level with residential on the upper floors

agricultural past, archaeology and the emerging cultural life and experience of the residents.

• Health care facilities of an appropriate size to meet the needs of the settlement’s

Open space will meet local residents needs for recreation, play and access to nature. Spaces

population, associated with the Linear Park, allotments and social infrastructure

should cater for different age groups and abilities, this should include children, young people

• The provision of specialist housing for the elderly, including extra care and dementia

and older residents and those with disabilities.

• A built community facility including changing accommodation and indoor and outside

Formal indoor and outdoor sports facilities will meet the community’s needs for informal and

friendly accommodation

space for sports facilities

• A co-located primary school, early years and childcare nurseries

formal sport and recreation, designed to reflect the latest advice of Sport England including ‘Planning for Sport’ and successor publications. Provision will be agreed with Sport England based on evidenced needs and expected mix of residents and will inform the final concept

Hub 3 – Visitor Centre

• A café, restaurant and farm shop and supporting infrastructure • Visitor information point • Cycle hub • Small scale retail and other commercial businesses, such as space for local artists of an

appropriate size to complement the visitor focus and serve local day to day needs

All of the hubs will have cycle hire points where a bicycle can be picked up and dropped off alongside electric bicycle charging points and covered secure storage. Inclusive cycling will be available to encourage activity by all ages and abilities. Storage for mobility scooters and pushchairs will encourage use by all the community.

plan and approach taken to design. Public and green spaces will provide important settings for community events and informal gatherings, essential to promote community cohesion in a new settlement. Public realm should be designed to encourage interaction and appropriate social activities close to home.

A SUSTAINABLE PLACE The Bassetlaw Garden Village will be designed to reduce reliance on the private car and the uses and densities within the settlement will ensure that people are close to work, public transport and employment. Where motorised vehicles are to be accommodated, they will benefit from electric charging points at specific locations and be provided for homes and businesses. This provision will be complemented by the establishment of a ‘green’ service station adjacent the A1 dedicated to ‘green’ development in terms of buildings with green

Green infrastructure will be required to be multifunctional with the following hierarchy observed in term of priorities:

a) Habitats and Ecology

b) Flood and Water Management, and Air Quality

c) Access Recreation and Movement

d) Play and Education

e) Amenity and Landscaping

roofs, walls, renewable technologies and electric vehicle charging featuring prominently.

The Bassetlaw Garden Village will take every opportunity to provide habitats and ecology on

This facility will serve local produce and provide an element of local employment within the

and in new developments, the public realm and within the extensive green infrastructure

Garden Village and be a ‘shop window’ for the settlement also providing opportunities for

network. Recognising the importance of woodland habitats, these will be created alongside

recreation and exploration on site.

the recreation of wood pasture environments and the establishment of new grasslands,

The route of Mansfield Road is to be modified, bringing access for buses directly into the site and serving both of the main Hubs whilst passing close to most of the proposed residential development and employment sites within the Garden Village. This modified road network will take the form of tree lined boulevards with segregated cycle lanes and traffic calming measures to ensure that traffic is an ‘invited guest’ into the public realm promoting sustainable travel. A 20 mph speed limit will be imposed from the entrance of the Garden Village, until the road re-joins Mansfield Road. The new housing on site will be of the highest standards, meeting the upcoming Future Homes Standard in the first phase, ensuring that each subsequent phase is designed to meet relevant standards for high energy efficiency through their orientation, landscaping, shading and windows. Businesses will meet suitably high efficiency BREEAM standards. Sustainable materials with a low embodied energy will be required and green roofs and walls will be required.

meadows, wetlands and orchards. Whilst it is accepted that locally there are few wetlands, historically these were common, and through their creation on site as part of the sustainable drainage system or as stand-alone assets, these will support a variety of priority habitats. Existing habitats will be preserved and enhanced and a net gain for biodiversity of 20% is considered a minimum standard. This allied to 40% green infrastructure provision, and 30% tree canopy cover within the Garden Village will support nature and people through ecosystems services. In order to support walking, cycling, wheelchairs, skating and scooting and the movement of wildlife a ‘green bridge’ will cross the A1 south of the junction with the A57 linking the Garden Village to Clumber Park and beyond. This will allow access to this key asset from the Garden Village without the use of the private car, minimising air quality impacts upon the biodiversity and heritage of the Park. For more day to day journeys to work and education there are a number of proposed improvements to the existing road network, including dedicated cycle infrastructure in the direction of Worksop. In the short term, a crossing

The densities and uses at the three hubs will support the establishment of district heating and

under the A1 is feasible utilising spare space alongside the railway to the north of the site,

co-generation where appropriate. This will allow heat and power networks to be established

creating access to employment to the west. Using the existing public rights of way network

within the Garden Village providing a source of low carbon heat to a significant proportion of

it is possible to connect to Retford and where possible these will be surfaced to allow year-

the residents and businesses on site. Where densities are lower, heat pumps will be sought,

round use for pedestrians and cyclists.

ground sourced wherever possible, to serve residential and commercial properties. Solar PV will be required on roofs that can accommodate this technology.

Surface water within the Bassetlaw Garden Village will be managed as part of a sustainable urban drainage system, alongside rainwater harvesting and re-use and irrigation. Water

At a local level, it is envisaged that private wires will be employed linking key consumers with

efficiency will be designed into the new buildings and drought resilient planting will be

sources of electricity generation whilst localised battery storage and electric car charging

required in formal planting schemes. Green roofs and walls will be employed to intercept

and discharging will be employed to manage grid demand.

rainwater, alongside the use of raingardens and bioswales in the public realm.

INNOVATION BUILT IN The development and build-out of the Bassetlaw Garden Village will be over 30 years or so; using innovative construction methods and utilising new technologies is vital to keep the

In order to attract and engage potential future residents it will be possible to join some activities and groups with a view to a long-term relationship with the place. This could include innovation and design workshops and recruitment fairs for employers on site.

Garden Village at the forefront of design. The Garden Village will pioneer new ways of place

It is envisaged that the management of the Garden Village will include the engagement of

making, whilst respecting the core Garden City Principles, local priorities and achieving

Rangers who will be the day-to-day point of contact for residents and businesses in term of

great urban design.

maintenance, events, volunteering and inspections.

The proposed employment uses on the site are intended to be based on innovation, green


energy and low carbon technologies, modern methods of construction, active design, research, design for manufacture, collaborative working and meeting spaces. Close to

The design of the Bassetlaw Garden Village will be guided by the Bassetlaw Local Plan,

the railway station there will be facilities and services to attract conferences and events

with the detailed development and design principles informed by this draft Vision Statement

complementary to these activities. At an accessible and strategically central location served

and its supporting concept plan. To provide certainty the developer will have to provide the

by public transport the Garden Village will be a hub for high value employment and supporting

detailed parameters and quality measures for the new settlement, at a level of detail to

and supply chain businesses.

support a Supplementary Planning Document.

In order to fully capitalise on learning from the experience of the building and establishing

A comprehensive masterplan, design codes, parameter plans and accompanying strategies

the Garden Village the project will be reflective and opportunities for collaboration with local

should be developed, in partnership with the Bassetlaw Garden Village Consultative Group to

universities to record and disseminate the process will support the concept of a green living

guide the consistent quality, delivery of development and determine the complex infrastructure

laboratory and genuine community engagement.

requirements to 2037 and beyond to reflect the principles of this Vision Statement.

The vision for the Bassetlaw Garden Village is to be an exemplar of sustainable development,

To provide certainty, the concept plan in Appendix 2 identifies the main infrastructure and

creating a self-contained and connected place that is of regional significance.

uses alongside the indicative density of each part of the site in Appendix 3. In addition to this a high-level form-based design code in Appendix 4 has been developed to guide the next

COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION The Bassetlaw Garden Village will deliver social infrastructure at the earliest stage to ensure community cohesion can be developed. The green infrastructure, public realm and community facilities will be managed via a community interest company or similar stewardship mechanism to ensure that the new and existing communities can become a part of the decision making, day to day care and access potential employment and training opportunities that will arise through the care of the assets. Community involvement will be required to inform the design and delivery requirements from the outset. The approach should be outlined in a supporting Community Engagement Strategy. Over time, the residents and businesses within the Garden Village will be able to influence the later phases of development through active participation, whilst maintaining the core concepts. This could include opportunities for physical activity programmes and delivery.

stages of the design process.

APPENDIX 2 - A Concept plan: Identifies the main land uses, infrastructure, public realm, greenspaces, Hubs, connectivity


Key Hub 1 Hub 1 Hub 2 Hub 2 Hub 3 Hub 3 Green Green ServiceService StationStation Linear Linear Park Park Green Green Bridge Bridge Allotments Allotments PlayingPlaying PitchesPitches Existing Green Green Infrastructure Existing Infrastructure Wood Pasture Wood Pasture InternalInternal Path Path External Pedestrian / Cycle/ Route External Pedestrian Cycle Route New Pedestrian / Cycle/ Underpass New Pedestrian Cycle Underpass Car Parking Car Parking Bus Gate Bus Gate

APPENDIX 3 - A Density plan:


Key Hubs 1 and 2 - Mixed Use Hubs 1 and 2 - Mixed Use Inner Core - Mixed Use Inner Core - Mixed Use Outer Core - Residential Outer Core - Residential Edge - Residential and Hub 3 Edge - Residential and Hub 3 Employment Employment



Hubs 1 and 2 <1 m

Distributor Road 1. 4 storey maximum (Hub 2: 3 storey maximum). 2. The full width of the plot must be built out. 3. Set backs are limited to 1m with a suitable __boundary (except civic and community uses). 4. Roofs less than 30% pitch must be green. 5. Car Parking is to be accommodated off site or in a __basement (no forecourt parking). 6. Ground floors must be flexible to allow for commercial __uses now and in the future.

Street / Access Road

Inner Core <1 m


1. 3 storey maximum. 2. The full width of the plot must be built out. 3. Set backs are limited to 1m with a suitable __boundary (except civic and community uses). 4. Roofs less than 30% pitch must be green. 5. Car Parking is to be accommodated off site, on street or in __a basement (no forecourt parking). 6. Ground floors must be flexible to allow for commercial __uses now and in the future on boulevard frontages and __adjacent to squares.

Linear Park

Outer Core Public Square <3 m


MATERIALS 1. 3 storey maximum. 2. The full width of the plot may be built out, the minimum __separation distance from building to plot edge is 2m in __other cases. 3. Set backs are limited to 3m with a suitable __boundary. 4. Roofs less than 30% pitch must be green. 5. Car Parking is to be accommodated off site, on street, on __plot or in a basement.



Living Wall

Lime Render

Eco Bricks / Earth

Living Roof

Roof Garden

Solar Roof Tiles




Bonded Gravel


Edge 3 m+


Ground 1. 2 storey maximum. 2. The full width of the plot may be built out, the minimum __separation distance from building to plot edge is 2m in __other cases. 3. Set backs are to be greater than 3m with a suitable __boundary (except retail and community uses and adjacent __to public squares). 4. Roofs less than 30% pitch must be green. 5. Car Parking is to be accommodated off site, on street, on __plot or in a basement.


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