How Solar Energy Help the Environment

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How Solar Energy Help the Environment

An Overview

Solar energy is quite essential for an environment as it keeps it away from devastating effect of GHGs that also deteriorates an air quality. Solar energy is emissions-free and could significantly reduce air pollution caused by greenhouse gases. Battery storage reserves solar energy for when you need it most, which ensures that the gains from renewable energy don’t go to waste.

How Solar Energy is Beneficial

1. Conserve Our Water

Water is an essential part of extracting, refining and harnessing energy from fossil fuels. Coal and nuclear power plants draw 20 to 60 gallons of water for every kilowatt-hour of electricity they produce. Solar panels need very little water, preserving clean water sources and preventing contamination.

2. Lower Carbon Emissions

Every year, the burning of fossil fuels emits 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, 1.38 billion.The electric power sector is one of the biggest contributors to carbon dioxide in the country.The manufacturing process to create solar panels produces less than 15% of the carbon dioxide from burning coal. Once built, solar energy produces zero carbon emissions.

3. Purify OurAir

● Acid rain disturbs entire ecosystems by reducing the pH of lakes and streams, killing fish and other aquatic life. It also poisons the soil with aluminum and removes essential minerals, thus weakening trees and other plants.

● Solar panels provide an alternative way to produce renewable energy that does not create massive amounts of dangerous air pollution.

● Widespread use of solar energy would replace the need for power plants that emit dangerous pollutants into the air.

4. Help Solve Climate Change

● Global warming and climate change are two major consequences of burning natural gas, coal and petroleum for energy.

● The environmental impact of solar energy is much lower than fossil fuels and will be fundamental to fighting climate change.

● Solar power minimizes the demand for fossil fuels, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions in our effort against climate change.

5. Preserve Our Land

● The less land we use towards power plants and electricity production, the more land we can spare for other uses.

● We can replace polluting resources like fossil fuels with clean energy from sunlight and reduce land usage all at the same time.

● Solar energy requires less land and places less strain on the surrounding environment.

● Replacing our current power sources with solar would free up land and reduce the impact of energy production on our planet.

6. Reduces Resource Stress

● It is easy to forget that there is a finite amount of fossil fuels available, and once they are gone, we can't get them back.

● This means that making the switch to renewable energy isn't just better for the environment, it is necessary to continue powering our world for future generations.

● While the production of solar panels does use some water (especially in the extraction and processing of minerals), the process still uses significantly less water than traditional electricity sources.

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