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This series on the theme of Purim concludes with an in-depth analysis of Haman It sums up the vital role Esther played & where we fit in.

There is much more to many bible stories than we realize are timeless. They can often relate directly to us as does this account. Many people are involved in this event and each person played various parts, all intertwined in some way. The central figures are of course Esther, Mordecai, Ahasuerus and Haman who is the villian. We concentrate much on him because there are principles involved that we may associate with “end time events”, so they affect us all today. At the end of the message, we shall see that Esther’s role was complex and represents what every one of us can and should do today. She was not as involved in the public arena as we may suppose—in the limelight as we often see happening in churches, but being God’s person, doing what God wanted and doing it in His timeframe. History repeats itself and we are being positioned in similar manner today. Haman was the scheming prime minister who convinced Ahasuerus to allow the annihilation of all Jews in his sprawling empire of Persia and Medea, but he can represent many other people around the world who live in our time. We could easily consider him as a type of antichrist, but I do not waste my time in searching for the identity of the antichrist for two reasons:

The Lord told me to stop it because it is a distraction, causing us to chase shadows and according to John many antichrists are already here. The Lord explained that, whilst we need to keep abreast of the times and seasons that occur, He wants us is to learn how to follow Him and learn how to live in a manner pleasing to Him in everyday life in a darkening world.

We can learn about all the conspracy theories and other things that may or may not be true and still not live right before God.

This picture is my reproduction of the painting “Haman” by Rembrandt

aman’s downfall—and the stunning unraveling of his plot—is celebrated annually on the holiday of Purim. It is interesting that unlike other festivals such as Shavuot, God did not command Jews to celebrate Purim—Mordecai did that, but it would not surprize me if he had not been motivated by the Lord to do so. Purim is party time, when Jews everywhere really celebrate. They dress in costumes, have feasts, dance in the streets and boo and hiss at effigies of Haman. We need to pay particular attention to this man, because there is much symbolism involved and because “Haman” still exists today, not literally, but figuratively. I speak of spiritual forces like Jezebel, that still exist and are often found in the midst of spiritual religious activity. What better place could this be than in a church where the Holy Spirit is not present, or where things are not as they should be. As an example, on Friday, 10 March, a front bench politician in Canberra (our equivalent of Washington in the USA) called for yet another investigation into the Hillsong church and I quote from the report:

A senior government frontbencher has called for an investigation into allegations made in parliament that Hillsong church misused the donations of its members. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has used parliamentary privilege to accuse Hillsong church of breaking financial laws in Australia and around the world relating to “fraud, money laundering and tax evasion”. You can read the account yourself. Here is the link... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-10/federal-mp-accuses-hillsong-moneylaundering-tax-evasion/102077080

This is not the first time this and many other churches like this one have come under scrutiny and whilst I know that we shall always face oposition and criticism, it does not negate the fact that things are not what they should be. I personally knew many such pastors including the founder of Hillsong and his father (now deceased) and have been exposed to demands and subesquent mishandling of money in the past. Let’s be honest about this—it is prevalent. We must always ensure that we are squeaky clean and totally truthful and transparent in such matters, but in many cases we are not and the world watches us—but so does God.

Real born-again believers in such churches are a small percentage of the number of attendees and this is why I spoke of that spiritual religious activity earlier. I like evangelism and have been on many a platform other than my own and loved tent crusades and conventions etcetera. Like many others, I had “altar calls” and asked people to say the “sinner’s prayer” and shall most likely continue to do so, but I must qualify this. Often times pressure is exerted on the people in the meeting to respond. Much hype exists and people can be stirred emotionally and repeat a prayer just to get out of the heat so to speak but there is no heart change! That is the difference. Under the emotion of the moment, anyone can repeat a few words, but not have the personal encounter with the Lord that results in the change process of the new birth.

I’m not embarking on any negative smear campaigns, but telling truth. A prophet’s job as Jeremiah was told, was to to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down and then... and then... to build and to plant. To faciltate construction of any building project, the former parts are done first, to clear the way for the finished product. On many occasions temporary scaffolding and framework is erected as part of the process, but once the building is compelted, those temporay measure are no longer required and should be used on the next project. What often happens in many churches is that those temporary aids become the final and ultimate goal and the people stay at that position. People then have church for the sake of having church and have little real impact in the world.

We must remember at all times that it is supposed to be His Church, but the church has been infiltrated and is no longer His, but the organization and/or the minister! That is the truth. It is a spiritual principle revealed throughout scripture and Jesus did warn us of falsehood, deception and betrayal first, before mentioning other “end time prophecies”. Both David and the Lord experienced it and that...is why I share such things as I do—not to be negative and gossip mongering but to hopefully instill a desire to seek truth. Test the spirits! Don’t always believe everything you hear from a pulpit, but do your own research and apply the principles of Acts 18:11.

We are rapidly coming into the era that is ripe for the approaching return of the Lord and must be prepared for that, not playing church games. All we need to do is look around us and see for ourselves what is happening to our society. It behooves us to investigate such matters and ensure that we are prepared, because Haman and the entity motivating him hated the Jews and still hates them and the real believer.

When God issues commands they are not just a religious exercise, but are often very practical. He told Adam not to partake of the fruit of one tree in the garden, but it was one tree only amongst an innumerable number of plants in that garden. Scriptures teach us that because of one man’s disobedience, sin came into the world. Eve was deceived, but Adam rebelled. There are principles involved that we ignore to our peril. Do not touch means just that. Do not go there means do not go there. Do not meet that person means that we should never get involved with that person.

All my “negativity” just shared is for a reason. God had told Saul to eradicate all evil from Israel to avoid contamination and whilst that sounds harsh, it is very practical. Removing a bad piece of fruit from from a barrel of fruit can save the entire barrel. Leaving it there often causes loss of all the good fruit due to contamination. According to 1 Corinthians 5:6 and Galatians 5:9, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump”, so the answer is to remove the bad piece.

The Israelites wanted to be like the other nations around them and wanted a king and most of the church is doing that today. God told Samuel to find Saul and anoint him as king, warning them of the consequences. They had rejected God’s way of doing things and this is a principle that still applies today, even in churches. We see it in Romans chapter one especially where God “gave them up” to their own ways. God presents the truth to us and we make a decision to act on it or ignore what He offers. If we reject it, He honors our decision and stands aside, allows things to run their own course and the seed we sow will reap its harvest.


One such seed harvest goes back to Exodus 17 that gives the account of Israel’s journey when the Amalekites attacked them. One of the descendants of Amalek was Agag. The meaning of the name is uncertain, but it could mean fiery one or I will overtop. This represents a struggle for supremacy that still exists today and such struggles can set fire to the emotions. Later in time, God instructed Saul to rid the nation of all association with Amalek and his descendants and if we substitute the word nation with church, we can see the implications.

Saul disobeyed and spared Agag the king and he kept the best of the spoils in direct contravention of God’s specific command. History has a habit of repeating itself.

Such “laws” are there for our good and ignoring them may have an adverse affect on generations to follow and this is seen in Purim. Haman was a descendant of Agag, a descendant of Amalek, a nation known for its hatred of the Jewish people. This is why I keep affirming we must look closely into the Lord’s directives to us and do all we can to comply. The outcome may not be immediately evident and might surface long after we are gone and can affect others, even rendering a ministry unworkable.

Haman may once have been a barber in the city of Kfar Kartzom and he may have used the name of Memuchan. The plot thickens. He was a misogynist and that may explain his very quick advice to Ahasuerus to issue the decree that every woman must obey her husband and speak only his language at home. He made himself to be a demi-god after Ahasuerus promoted him to prime minister and passed a law requiring everyone to bow to him. One account says that he “engraded an idol of himself upon his heart”.

Some of these traits may be eventually seen in the antichrist. It is all about pride, control and worship. Manipulation, domination and control are common traits exercised by Jezebel and such spirits who still exist today. They still motivate unwary people today. Who or what we worship, how we worship and who receives the attention is the key.

Haman’s strategy was like that of an accuser of the brethren and this is a ploy that the enemy keeps using. When Nero burned Rome, he wanted to burn the old wooden houses to make way for a new palace he wanted to build for himself and he schemed and plotted to get his way. He managed to cast the blame on Christians and what he said and did beggars the imagination. It ranged from saying christians had orgies, but he did that. He said that Christians were cannibals because they ate flesh and drank blood, referring of course to communion. He was a sexual deviant, a homosexual and encouraged the debaucheries becoming more prevalent today. They included the gender issues we now see emerging—or I should say re-emerging because nothing is new!

What we see coming into the open now, such as the recent Sydney LGBTI event in which our Prime Minister marched, happened before and will keep happening. Sadly the bulk of “the church” cannot see what’s happening, or ignores these things and debate the issues, despite the fact that Gods word clearly spells out His views on such matters. He also blamed Christians for lighting the fire and that gave him a “legal” reason to act. According to Roman law, punishment matched the crime, such as cutting the hands off a thief. He blamed Christians for lighting the fires, so using such “laws”, soaked Christians in tar, tied them to stakes and set them alight—but he did not know the power of God. He expected to hear their screams, but the glory of God came and they sang worship songs. Whilst their physical bodies were being burned, their spirits could not be touched and it appears as if they experienced no pain! That’s impossible in the natural, but we deal with a God who is supernatural!

Persecution of The Church is happening today. You can conduct a check on places like North Korea and Iran to verify my statement, but we cannot assume it will not happen in our own country. In fact, it is already here and that can be proved by checking on the laws that have been and are being introduced in our seats of government. We are not immune to opposition and so Paul’s admomnition in Ephesians chapter six is very real.

Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you. Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!

Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms.For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious. Ephesians 6:10-13

Satan works according to a script and he does not deviate from it. According to Paul we are not ignorant of his devices and as that armor is designed to never be removed, we should not be taken unawares and are able to handle things. Thankfully we have scriptural precedents to help us.

You will agree that Haman and Mordecai were in direct opposition to each other and I shall digress a little here to illustrate that there is nothing new under the sun and that scriptural precedents are like history that repeats itself. Let me tell you a story:

A Jewish man is taken in captivity to a foreign land where he rises to power. Through deep insight, wisdom, and personal devotion to God, he comes to the aid of the foreign government. Eventually, the very same ruling house turns on the Jews and tries to wipe them out. But a Jew, operating from inside the royal house, manages to secure the salvation of the Jews in this foreign land.

I was talking about Joseph, but the same description also fits the story of Mordecai.

The relationship to power in each story is described by the same action and the the kings in each account, Pharaoh and Ahasuerus, designate honor in an identical fashion:

And removing his signet ring from his hand, Pharaoh put it on Yosef‘s hand; and he had him dressed in robes of fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck. He had him ride in the chariot of his second-in-command, and they cried before him, “Abrek!” Thus he placed him over all the land of Egypt. Genesis 41:42-43

The king slipped off his ring, which he had taken back from Haman, and gave it to Mordechai; and Esther put Mordechai in charge of Haman’s property. Esther 8:2

I missed a good part leading up to that. Mordecai discovered the plot to assassinate Ahasuerus and saved his life, but he was not immediately rewarded for it. Ahasuerus had a restless night and called for the court records, to discover that the reward had not been given. As it “so happened” Haman had just arrived to ask permission to kill Mordecai! Ahasuerus asked him how the man who saved him should be rewarded and the fool of a man thought of himself when giving his reply. Bring him in,” the king ordered. So Haman came in, and the king said, “What should I do to honor a man who truly pleases me?” Haman thought to himself, “Whom would the king wish to honor more than me?” So he replied, “If the king wishes to honor someone, he should bring out one of the king’s own royal robes, as well as a horse that the king himself has ridden—one with a royal emblem on its head. Let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king’s most noble officials. And let him see that the man whom the king wishes to honor is dressed in the king’s robes and led through the city square on the king’s horse. Have the official shout as they go, ‘This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!’ ” “Excellent!” the king said to Haman.“Quick! Take the robes and my horse, and do just as you have said for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the gate of the palace. Leave out nothing you have suggested!”

So Haman took the robes and put them on Mordecai, placed him on the king’s own horse, and led him through the city square, shouting, “This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!” Afterward Mordecai returned to the palace gate, but Haman hurried home dejected and completely humiliated. Esther 6:5-12

God has a way of preserving us and turning things around. He has a way of rewarding us, if we do what we should do and not try to force issues or seek preferential treatment. He puts up kings and takes down kings and when God acts according to His perfect plan, the enemy is frustrated and is put to shame. What I am trying to do is to illustrate that these bible stories are not just stories—they reveal truths that are as valid today as they were then. The promises made in Genesis 12:2-3 are real!

I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt. All the families on earth will be blessed through you.

There is a recurring theme in Jewish history that relates to Christians. Throughout the exile, Jews have always succeeded economically and been lifted to positions close to power, but as we saw in Egypt, the blessings and deeds of the Jews are quickly forgotten and the Jews once more become the focus of hatred. For almost 500 years, Poland and Ukraine both hosted large and successful Jewish communities in Europe which led to their national prosperity, but when the two countries began to experience difficulties in the mid 1600s, vicious pogroms broke out. This continued sporadically, culminating in the Holocaust which all but wiped out what was still at the time the largest Jewish community in Europe.

This is the backdrop of the Purim story. The history of the Jews in Persia goes back 2,700 years, since the first Jewish diaspora when the Assyrian king Shalmaneser V conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel 722 BCE and took some of the Israelites into captivity at Khuzestan. Persian king Cyrus gained considerable merit when he allowed the Jews to return to their homes to rebuild the Temple. Many chose to stay in their new homes in Persia, so there were still many Jews living there at the time of Ahasuerus and Haman.

While the Jews of Persia suffered occasional oppression under the various Muslim rules, this seemed to end with the Pahlavi Dynasty in 1925. Jews became an integral element in the royal court and the wealthy class. Restrictions on Jews and other religious minorities were abolished. Iran once had warm relations with the newly established Israel and after the Six-Day War, supplied Israel with a significant portion of its oil needs and Iranian oil was shipped to European markets via the joint Israeli-Iranian Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline. This changed overnight in 1979 with the Iranian revolution. Iran has now cut off relations with Israel and like Haman the Agagite in Ahasuerus’ court 2,500 years ago, Iran is now openly dedicated to the destruction of Israel. The regime has stated that they want total extermination of Israel.

This also has implications to The Real Church. Jesus said that the devil’s objectives are to steal, to kill and to destroy—everyone, especially those who are faithful to God. He does not care if anyone reads a bible, providing they do not receive truth and revelation that emancipates them—and apply it. He can quote bible verses also! He does not care if anyone says that they believe in God, because he does according to James 2:19.

He does not care if anyone attends church, provided that the people do not worhsip God in Spirit and in Truth and become as truly effective as Jesus and the early church was. He will leave the sleeping people alone, but vehemently hates those of us who are alert and attuned to the voice of the Lord.

God is in the business of liberating people and is raising up another “Joseph generation” whose tasks will be identical to the Joseph of the bible.

Time and time again, history has shown that the deeds of the “Josephs” who save their non-Jewish host nations are too quickly forgotten, as regimes change. And too often, Jewish kindness is repaid with outright evil. While Jewish history is replete with examples of rising to power and prosperity in foreign lands, only to face persecution and violence, there is one place where Jews can truly feel safe and secure and it is the Land of Israel. Throughout the centuries, the Land of Israel has served as the eternal home of the Jewish people. With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the Jewish people were finally able to return to their homeland and build a thriving, democratic society, but the opposition still exists.

I can now return to our central figure, Haman. He is part of this endless plotting to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. The day will come however when this is extended to everyone who desires to worship the one true God and I did not include all “churches” in that group because Revelation 3:20 reveals that Jesus is not in some churches.

Haman was a very wealthy man and offered a bribe of 10,000 silver talents to Ahasuerus, but I am not certain if it was accepted. Money is still a powerful weapon today when in the wrong hands. We are not sure how he obtained such wealth, but it may have been pillaged from the Temple.

One night, after enjoying a private party with Ahasuerus and Queen Esther, he resolved to hang Mordecai. One source uses the word impale. The pole on which he was to be impaled was apparently 75 feet tall and erected in Haman’s own courtyard. His anger towards Mordecai was unbelievable. When Haman tried to establish himself as a demi-god, he issued a command that everyone bowed to him, but Mordecai rightly refused. He would not compromise his belief, trust and faith in God alone. Bowing to Haman was demanded. He wanted obeisance or worship. The meanings of obeisance, include homage, worship, adoration, reverence, veneration, respectfulness, honour, submission and deference, but this is nothing new. It happened in the garden. It happened in Daniel and is happening today. The three boys in Daniel refused to bow and were thrown in to the furnace. All that happened was that the ropes that bound them were burned and the Fourth Man, who I believe was Jesus, was standing in the middle of the fire with them. They were having a great old time time together, walking around unharmed—and the enemy could see them! We are being observed. People watch us, but try to ignore the religious churches. Who and what they see is important. The message was, “If you do not bow, you will burn”, but the truth is that if you do bow you will burn. If you are concerned about the tribulation—whether we go through it, or part of it or not at all, be assured that we are in a covenant with the same Fourth Man. On a personal note, I believe we shall be gone!

As we know from Haman’s own demise, that those who plot against us are plotting aginst themselves. Nevertheless, similar pressures that they experienced are being put on the church today. The Real Church does not bow—but the other churches do. The government is dictating terms to the church, telling them who they can or can not employ, thinking of the “gender equality” and other issues that are being foistered upon us. They are telling Christians schools that it is OK for boys and girls to use the same toilets. They are telling churches that they must meet their criteria if they want to keep receiving tax exemption status as many do. If we depend on a government handout, we are submitting to their authority. It would be better to forget it and make God our source!

Perhaps it is time that we practiced what we preach and stand up for truth, but you will be hated for it however.

Haman got so mad at Mordecai because he refused to submit that he lost all sense of reason and that’s the same sort of thing that is happening today. There is no loyalty in the world system where people are deceived and deceiving others. Remember that the first “sign” Jesus gave us about end time events is His warning about deception and powerful preaching on that is rare. We don’t like that. We prefer the bless me messages; the overcomer messages; the prosperity messages and other “nice messages” that flatter us, but avoid down-to-earth practical basic truth.

Haman’s problem was pride. Lucifer’s problem was pride. That thing exists everywhere including in the church. This is why we have church splits, jealousy and envy between ministers, oneupmanship in churches, superiority attitudes by church leaders whereby the larger and more successful the ministry becomes the more important the minister becomes in his own mind and that is easily proved by trying to establish contact with them. In many places, employees and not permitted to establish personal contact with the senior minister. I know that we need to spend time with the Lord as seen in Acts 6, but we are not to become too big, too busy and too important in pastoral ministry to get to know the sheep in the way Jesus does and wants us to do. I’m being harsh and critical, but this is the truth and I’ve seen it in operation. Things are going to change.

Haman did not hide his attitudes, especially towards Mordecai, because the man stood up to him and that is a blow to anyone’s pride. When Haman saw that Mordecai would not bow down or show him respect, he was filled with rage. He had learned of Mordecai’s nationality, so he decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai alone. Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews throughout the entire empire of Xerxes.

So in the month of April, during the twelfth year of King Xerxes’ reign, lots were cast in Haman’s presence (the lots were called purim) to determine the best day and month to take action. And the day selected was March 7, nearly a year later. Esther 3:5-7

One man’s actions determined the fate of a nation. Mordecai refused to bow and that stance threatend the entire Jewish nation. One man’s pride and attitudes threatened an entire nation. One person’s behaviour today can influence others for generations to come.

Once he discovered that he was Jewish, his hatred exploded even more—and his own wife added fuel to the fire. A man’s foes can be in his own family circle.

Mordecai warned Esther and of her response. Prophets warn. God is looking for watchmen who are awake and alert, looking for signs of the Lord’s return. This is a principle often seen in scripture. We can go back to Moses when different trumpet blasts were used to indicate different things. A certain blast called the people to Moses. Other blasts assembeled then for wars. When the cloud started to move another signal was given so that the people could move with God. Gideon blew a trumpet. A special trumpet call will sound soon and that is one I long to hear:

...I tell you this, brethren, flesh and blood cannot [become partakers of eternal salvation and] inherit or share in the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable (that which is decaying) inherit or share in the imperishable (the immortal). Take notice! I tell you a mystery (a secret truth, an event decreed by the hidden purpose or counsel of God). We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed (transformed)

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the [sound of the] last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [in Christ] will be raised imperishable (free and immune from decay), and we shall be changed (transformed). For this perishable [part of us] must put on the imperishable [nature], and this mortal [part of us, this nature that is capable of dying] must put on immortality (freedom from death). 1 Corinthains 15:50-53

Several years ago as I was driving in a southerly direction to a meeting at the Gold Coast in Australia, I suddenly saw a vision of an immense angel straddling the region. He was facing northward, with one foot on the mountain and the other in the sea. He was dressed in a military uniform much like a Roman Centurion , but it was not made of natural material. He was standing to attention with hands held in a unique posture near his hips and extended his right arm as a single silver trumpet appeared in his hand. He drew it towards his mouth to sound a blast and I head him suck in his breath and the scene faded. I honestly thought this was the rapture, but the Lord corrected me saying that it was the call to assembly. He explained that He wants His people to be ready and assembled, for if they are not, they will not hear that trumpet call and miss out! When the Lord spoke about the ten virgins, all ten of them were sound asleep when the groom arrived and the only one who knew he had arrived was the watchman!

This is a serious matter. If Mordecai had not warned Esther, I dare not imagine what might have happened. If Esther ignored his warning, we can only guess the outcome. God’s principles have not changed and He is raising watchmen today who are starting to sound the alarm! They are not always well received in the church however and many pay a dear price for their faithfuless. Esther wa prepared to pay a dear price also.

She called for a three-day fast and at the end of the fast and put her own life at risk by going before the king uninvited. He granted her a request and it was simple. “Please come to a feast today with Haman”. It took him and Haman by surprize.

As I pondered over this, it seemed to me that we often”telegraph” our plans to the enemy by talking too much. Many people make “faith declarations” but they are often self-centered and selfish and often not really accurately balanced scripturally. We may quote a scripture passage on the things we like, such as finance and we all need funds of course—provided that they are for God’s purpose, but Jesus told us to go into our prayer closet and pray in secret! God has a way to take care of His people without the need for human coercion.

Espionage plays a key role at wartime. By finding out what the enemy is planning, we can make our own plans and avoid theirs. The Allies did not tell Hitler to keep his army away from Normandy on D-day, but conducted several mock invasions elsewhere. Mock airfields were made on which wooden and canvas mock aircraft were erected to pretend that the Allies had a much bigger air force than they really had. Wooden framed models covered with painted canvas were erected to look like troops.

The RAF flew special missions in Lancaster bombers dropping alumium foil called “window” that was detected by the German radar. The bombers had to fly at precise heights at set speeds and turn at exact times to precise compass headings. That way it simulated a naval fleet, heading towards a totally different place other than Normandy. If they made a mistake by turning too soon, or by not holding at the prescribed height the Germans would know it was false. If we follow the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit by such precision, we will reach our objective and achieve Gods desired outcome at precisely the right moment.

There was a story called “The man who never was” in which a man who had drowned was dressed in a naval officer’s uniform, was put overboard from a submarine off the coast in Spain and allowed to drift ashore naturally by the wind and waves after sending a fake distress call of a sinking ship. They filled his pockets with personal items like real train tickets, letters from his wife and a photpgraph of her, real receipts from a tailor for the purchase of a suit and handcuffed an attache case that contained “secret documents” to his wrist and that plan worked. The Germans sent troops to a supposed invasion site elsewhere. Such things required precise Discipline (that we dislike), Training (that never ceases), Accuracy (that is essential)and Silence as appropriate! Paul did not confer with anyone after his encounter with the Lord! Christians need to learn those things and I shall sum it up in one word—discipleship.

Esther was working to a plan and did not reveal it to the enemy.

...Esther replied, “If it please the king, let the king and Haman come today to a banquet I have prepared for the king.”

The king turned to his attendants and said, “Tell Haman to come quickly to a banquet, as Esther has requested.” So the king and Haman went to Esther’s banquet.

And while they were drinking wine, the king said to Esther, “Now tell me what you really want. What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom!”

Esther replied, “This is my request and deepest wish. If I have found favor with the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my request and do what I ask, please come with Haman tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for you. Then I will explain what this is all about.” Esther 5:4-8

At the banquet, she made her real request. She kept the best part until last and this is something that the Lord often does. Think of that for a while. We may think that things are not looking good in the world and whilst there is an element of truth in that, God has a plan that is being executed as we speak. The best wine as Jesus spoke of in that wedding is about to be poured out. The glory of God is about to be revealed in way that has not happened before and many real prophets, not false prophets are tuning in to that. Perhaps I shall elaborate on that in due course.

Haman’s pride of course led him to brag and boast that he had dined with the king and the queen and that he was invited once more to another private banquet.

Haman was a happy man as he left the banquet! But when he saw Mordecai sitting at the palace gate, not standing up or trembling nervously before him, Haman became furious. However, he restrained himself and went on home.

Then Haman gathered together his friends and Zeresh, his wife, and boasted to them about his great wealth and his many children. He bragged about the honors the king had given him and how he had been promoted over all the other nobles and officials.

Then Haman added, “And that’s not all! Queen Esther invited only me and the king himself to the banquet she prepared for us. And she has invited me to dine with her and the king again tomorrow!” Then he added, “But this is all worth nothing as long as I see Mordecai the Jew just sitting there at the palace gate.”

So Haman’s wife, Zeresh, and all his friends suggested, “Set up a sharpened pole that stands seventy-five feet tall, and in the morning ask the king to impale Mordecai on it. When this is done, you can go on your merry way to the banquet with the king.” This pleased Haman, and he ordered the pole set up. Esther 5:9-14

At that second banquet, Esther revealed her real identity.

So the king and Haman went to Queen Esther’s banquet. On this second occasion, while they were drinking wine, the king again said to Esther, “Tell me what you want, Queen Esther. What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom!”

Queen Esther replied, “If I have found favor with the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my request, I ask that my life and the lives of my people will be spared. For my people and I have been sold to those who would kill, slaughter, and annihilate us. If we had merely been sold as slaves, I could remain quiet, for that would be too trivial a matter to warrant disturbing the king.”

Esther 7:1-4

Sometimes we talk too much or talk prematurely and the good thing we want to happen can’t happen. Timing factors need to be considered. We may not see the full picture at the time, or if we do, we may not know what to do about it. Wait! Stop and pray! Get the mind of the Lord on the matter. Sometimes He will tell us to do a certain thing, or he may say to do nothing.

We do not alway have to do something! There is no need to perform. If the Holy Spirit speaks we can speak, but if He remains silent we need to learn to say nothing. Jesus minsitered like that. He said only what He heard the Father say! David learned about that in his battles. On one occasion he asked the Lord if he should attack and the Lord told him to go up and he won. On another occasion, he was instructed to wait until he heard the sound of the beeeze blowing through the mulberry trees. Paul wanted to go to Asia to preach, but the Holy Spirit forbade him. The cause was right and the need was there, but the time factor was wrong!

If we put this into a church concept, we need to check if the Lord really wants the things we do. Jesus told us that many people will try telling Him that they planted churches, conducted conferences and conventions, appeared on the media, “prophesied in His name” and all kinds of other things we quickly associate with “success in ministry” and His reply would be that He never asked them to do that! I saw preachers in Hell during a 45-minute visit there and I shall never forget that. This is one reason why I dare to be different and such an aproach is not always popular. John the baptist was not popular with the religious folk and he came with a simple message to God’s people—not the heathen, to repent and prepare themselves for the coming Messiah. The Lord is raising up similar ministries today to herald His return!

It seems that this message is not being fully received or understood however as most folk want to continue with business as usual but the “usual” is no more. COVID, the war in Ukraine, the conflicts in the Middle East, Iran’s centrifuges are spinning furiously to develop a nuclear arsenal, North Korea’s continual testing of missiles and China’s increasing belligerance are examples. But, let us look closer to home. Stroll down supermarket shelves; check the spiralling costs and increased shortages and political unrest everywhere. This stuff is real and has to be leading to something! Despite what you may think is an alarmist report, it is not. I am merely trying to reveal that we are in a time when we need to be ready for anything and think outside the box. The first thing to do I suppose is to stop everything and ask the Lord for answers. All you need to do is ask Him, “What’s going on? What is really happening?” Ask Him then what He wants you to do—you, not anyone else, not the church, not the pastor, not the local politician—you.

I wonder if Mordecai was led by the Spirit to advise Esther at the time to remain silent about her real identity!

All kinds of things had to be put into motion to bring this matter to its utimate conclusion and what I find intriguing is that Haman was a pawn in the hands of God to achieve His purpose. His greed, personal ambitions and pride were the tools God used. Jesus chose Judas, knowing what the man was like. Judas preached and saw the same miracles as the others, including his own ministry at the time!

I have not yet spoken of Esther, but shall not go into great detail, other than reveal what she did—the very first thing she did when hearing the news. This is the kind of thing we should all do.

When Mordecai first heard of what was being planned, he did not do a protest marsh. He did not write to his local politician. He did not go on social media or do the things we are prone to do. We are to be like the children of Issachar, who in 1 Chronicles 12:32, (a) understood the times and recognized the season and (b) knew what to do. Sometimes the latter is nothing. It is one thing to obtain information, but a totally different matter in knowing how to handle it correctly. Sometimes we can see a perceived need or problem and try to fix it, but the Lord might be somewhere behind the scenes working on His plan and does not want our interference. Many well meaning people spend vast amounts of time searching for information and we should be well informed— but do not ask the Lord what has to be done! If we see something developing, ask the Lord about it and read His word! If you are Spirit filled, pray in tongues, , pray in tongues, , pray in tongues, , pray in tongues, and ask the Lord for understanding and direction.

Mordecai went straight into his own personal prayer closet and humbled himself! He did not make faith affirmations and declarations, or try binding the devil as we are prone to do. He did not call for a church prayer meeting! He shared nothing with anyone else but poured his heart out in private to the only one who had the answer and the ability to do something. This is what I recommend you do.

Esther was advised of what he was doing, she tried to “comfort him” and in possibly dissuade him from his correct course of action. When Queen Esther’s maids and eunuchs came and told her about Mordecai, she was deeply distressed. She sent clothing to him to replace the burlap, but he refused it. Then Esther sent for Hathach, one of the king’s eunuchs who had been appointed as her attendant. She ordered him to go to Mordecai and find out what was troubling him and why he was in mourning. Esther 4:4-5

Esther did the best she could have done, by sending someone direct to the source, not anyone else, to find the truth as we should do. When she knew that, she also immediately went to prayer and that included asking for backup and support and humbling of herself by fasting. Acting immediately on the spur of the moment as many of us are prone to do can lead to the making of a big mistake. After three days, she chose her plan of action that placed her own life at risk and stayed with that plan without compromise or deviation and you know the outcome. The evil that was plotted against God’s people was turned around and the perpetrator and his entire family paid the price.

There is so much more that I could share on this account but I must bring this to a close. What I hope to have accomplished is to reveal that such bible stories are real-to-life today. Things are happening that are indications that the end of this age is close and I am not being pessisimistic about this. On the contrary, I am excited, because the Lord told us that such things are going to happen, regardless of what we think. I know that they are all going to happen and fall into place eventually, but am confident all is going according to God’s plan for us.

When I was invited to attend parliament recently and was taken into the member’s chambers, I witnessed things I’d never dreamed of before concerning policy making and some of them can be scary. In my secular career I had to have an ASIO security clearance (the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization not unlike the FBI or the US secret service) and was able to go behind the scenes in places most citizens do not know exist, even to this day.

Australia has just signed a deal to obtain Nuclear Submarines with the USA and the UK and apparently many will built here in my hometown of Adelaide. Whether this is a good thing or not is not the issue. History is being made and we are a part of it. Many of the things I learned and was exposed to are now starting to make sense.

My wife and I are practicing what we preach and are seeking the Lord on what He wants us to do. He has absolutlely forbidden us to start a new church and I wanted to. I loved planting churches. He told us to stop traveling for a season and at the time, I did not understand why and then COVID struck. He told us to avoid going to a certain place and we listened to Him. Terrorists struck that place! The world is supposedly “opening up again”. Only today, I received an email that said El Al, the Israeli flag carrier is planning its first direct flight from Australia to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv soon. This means that my long term desire to visit Israel is now a non-stop flight from home. I could share more illustrations, but hopefully painted the picture.

EEsther’s story is real. It is as valid now as it was then. You may want to serve the Lord and are wondering why things seem to be happening that make no sense. Pehaps you have been betrayed or have received direct opposition from all kinds of places, including from those you expected to be supportive—including from members of your own family or local church. Like many others you may assume that you have to stand behind a pulpit or do something like that and miss the mark, little realizing that there is a much bigger picture. Perhaps God wants you to be like Esther, or Mordecai and all He wants you to do is to stand up for the truth and let your light shine (don’t try to make it shine). Our presentations are designed to get people thinking and get out of the rut. Marjorie and I hope we have been a blessing and that you have learned something.

Bashan Ministries | PO Box 109 Stirling, South Austalia, 5152 | bashanministries@mac.com

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