Basalt Regional Library July 2024: Adventure

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Magazine & Program Brochure



Captivate the Crowd P.7 Strategic Planning Community Meeting

Aspen Film Teen Festival

End of Summer Reading Scholastic Book Fair

Summer Performer: Foam Party with Ann Lincoln P.4 Altered Books Workshop


JULY 29-AUG. 4


Did you spend your summer reading and submitting Reading Logs? Spend your hard earned Book Bucks at the Scholastic Book Fair!

If your wish list is more than what you earned, have no fear! You can shop the book fair with cash or card as well.

Can't make it in, but still want to shop the fair? Shop online! Note: Book Bucks must be exchanged for an eGift card. Contact for more info on exchanging your Book Bucks.


Adult Programs


Altered Books Workshop

Calling all bibliophiles and artists! Join us at the library for an altered books workshop. An altered book is a mixed-media art form which encourages the artist to repurpose and redesign a book that would otherwise be discarded. This is not about defacing books, but rather about using a book as the canvas for your creativity to run wild. You will have the opportunity to display your altered book in the library's lobby during the month of September in celebration of Banned Books Week (September 22-28). All materials provided. ¡Llamando a tod@s los bibliófil@s y artistas! Acompáñanos en la biblioteca para un taller de libros modificados. Un libro modificado es una forma de arte que incorpora diversos medios de expresión, lo cual permite al artista reutilizar y rediseñar un libro que de otra manera habría sido descartado. El propósito de este taller no es la desfiguración de libros, sino más bien la utilización de libros a manera de lienzos para dar rienda suelta a la creatividad. Tendrás la oportunidad de exhibir tu libro modificado en la recepción de la biblioteca durante el mes de septiembre para celebrar la semana de los libros prohibidos (del 22 al 28 de septiembre). Todos los materiales serán provistos.

Mon, July 8, 4:30-6:30PM

Michael Albert: Artist Talk & Free Poster Giveaway & Signing

In this presentation, you will get to hear from American pop artist and author, Michael Albert. He will talk about his work and give away free signed posters. Albert is the author of an artist autobiography titled, “An Artist’s America” (Henry Holt, 2008) and is nationally known for making collage artworks from Cereal boxes & other printed cardboard consumer brand packages. His work has been described as a cross between Pop Art, Cubism & Recycling with a wide range of subjects he explores including many text-based works. En esta presentación tendrás la oportunidad de escuchar a un artista del género de arte pop estadounidense, además de autor: Michael Albert, quien hablará sobre su trabajo y obsequiará pósters autografiados. Albert es el autor de la autobiografía titulada “An Artist’s America” (“El América de un artista”; Henry Holt, 2008) y es conocido por realizar obras de arte estilo collage utilizando cajas de cereal y otros envoltorios de cartón impresos de diversas marcas de consumo. Su trabajo ha sido descrito como una combinación de arte pop, cubismo y reciclaje, y en él explora una amplia variedad de temas, incluyendo muchas obras basadas en textos literarios.

Wed, July 17, 12-1:30PM


Basalt Regional Library Book Club

We'll look at highlights of our favorite new releases and books in the news, and also have an informal round-table discussion of books you've been reading that you'd like to share.

Echaremos un vistazo a los puntos más destacados en las noticias sobre los nuevos lanzamientos y publicaciones literarias, además de tener una discusión informal a manera de mesa redonda sobre los libros que has estado leyendo y que te gustaría compartir.

Wed, July 3, 12-2PM

Why Adventures Are Good For You

The potential for adventure is all around us: across the world, across the country, and even in your own backyard. Near or far, adventures are an opportunity for you to interact with your surroundings in a curious, exciting way. On the surface, adventuring often leads to awesome Instagram pictures that will give you the travel bug, but adventures also offer so much more. Here are some reasons why we believe adventures are good for you, which will change the way you think about your past and upcoming travels!


You From Getting Stuck in a Rut

In a world that is super chaotic and full of responsibilities, it can be difficult to find time to explore your adventurous side. Incorporating some exciting activities into your schedule is key to achieving an ideal worklife balance. Taking time out of your life to go on adventures mixes up the daily routine that can sometimes be boring or tiring. Even if you are just reexploring your local area, getting a change of scenery rejuvenates you and is a source of inspiration. Sometimes, exploring is all you need to get out of a rut and find

some motivation. If you’re having a bad day or week, planning an adventure may just be the mood booster you’re needing right now. The fun you experience while adventuring is more than just a momentary escape from life’s responsibilities, it gives you a zest for life that sticks with you!

Expand Your Mind

While it may sound cliche, going on an adventure really does expand your mind. Once you decide to let the adventures begin, you become more adaptable and open in new environments. Whether it’s tasting a funky new dish or going zip lining through a jungle, small and large adventurous acts lead to personal growth. You’ll become eager to try new things, without letting fear or doubt hold you back. Adventuring not only expands your mind by building up your bravery, but is also an opportunity to grow and learn. New environments and cultures are packed full of meaningful life lessons that you might not be exposed to in your everyday life. Adventures expand the way we see and interact with the world. Not to mention you gain the added bonus of

collecting different perspectives on life like you would souvenirs! Experiencing the world through a new adventure is like getting a new lens for your camera, or if you’re not a camera enthusiast, it’s like getting a brand new pair of glasses. Your perspectives will broaden and shift, which is one of the greatest gifts of adventuring!

Allow You to Connect with Others

When you take the leap and start exploring, you’re bound to encounter fellow adventurers along the way. Being a part of a community that values the joy in adventuring is inspiring and incredibly uplifting. Itching to try out bungee jumping, but feeling a little apprehensive? Wanting to tackle hiking a large peak, but not keen on doing it alone? Having other adventurous friends means you’re never alone, there will always be people motivating you to reach your travel goals. Having companions along for the ride while tackling your bucket list can make your adventures even more meaningful. Friends who are up for adventure are beneficial for fueling a curious mind and keep you inspired to get outside!

Give Your Life Some Color

While bittersweet, one of the best parts about completing an adventure is reminiscing on the rich memories you made during your travels. Memories of your adventures characterize your life and give it some color. Even after the experience is over, it will come back to you through conversations, storytelling, and even inside jokes with your travel partners! You will also have pictures you took adventuring and living your best life, that you will look back on. These pictures will bring back all the good times you had and you’ll be soaking up the nostalgia, which will motivate you to call up your friends and plan another adventure. Having that constant excitement for adventure present in your life means there’s never a dull moment. You’ll always have something around the corner to look forward to!

Adventures come in so many shapes and sizes. Your type of adventure may be trying out a new coffee shop and walking along a local beach, or it may be something as daring as going skydiving! Either way, there’s always something beneficial to glean from exploring and venturing out to try new things. So explore the endless possibilities, near or far, and carpe diem! And if you feel you’re lacking some muchneeded adventure in your life, why not check out one of our Have Fun Do Good experiences? You’ll be guaranteed to get in touch with your inner adventurer.

Reprinted from https://havefundogood.


Captivate the Crowd: Unlock the Secret to Dynamic Public Speaking

Ready to elevate your public speaking game? Join our FREE workshop for an ultimate transformation. Learn to harness your nerves and exude confidence. Dive into techniques for connecting authentically with your audience, telling captivating stories, and leaving a lasting impact. Never dread the spotlight again, reserve your spot now!

¿Estás list@ para elevar tu nivel de oratoria en público?

Acompáñanos en este taller GRATUITO para una transformación definitiva. Aprende a controlar tus nervios e irradiar confianza en ti mism@. Explora técnicas para conectar de manera auténtica con tu audiencia, contar historias cautivadoras y tener un impacto duradero. No temas ser el centro de atención nunca más.

¡Reserva tu espacio ahora!

Tues, July 9, 5:30-6:30PM

BRLD Strategic Planning Community Meeting

Throughout May and June we met with members of the community to find out what some of the needs are for our community members. Now we want to invite everyone to hear what we leaned! We will present what we heard, listen to the community if we missed anything, and discuss our next steps. Alo largo de mayo y junio nos reunimos con miembros de la comunidad para conocer algunas de las necesidades existentes en la comunidad. ¡Ahora deseamos invitarl@s a tod@s a conocer lo que hemos aprendido! Presentaremos la información adquirida, escucharemos a la comunidad para agregar lo que haya hecho falta y discutiremos los pasos a seguir.

Wed, July 10, 5:30-7PM

Mocktails Mix-off on the Lawn

Learn to make literary-inspired libations, mix your own mocktails, and try others' creations during this fun contest and tasting event. In partnership with A Way Out, this is a sober event open to everyone, including those in recovery. Light appetizers and all mocktail ingredients will be provided. The event will conclude in a mocktail tasting, where you can rate everyone's creations. The winner gets a $50 gift card to Mezzaluna!

Aprende a preparar bebidas inspiradas en obras literarias, mezcla tus propios cócteles sin alcohol y prueba las creaciones de otras personas durante este divertido concurso y evento de degustación. En colaboración con A Way Out, este es un evento de sobriedad abierto al público, incluyendo a aquellos en recuperación. Ofreceremos entremeses ligeros y todos los ingredientes para los cócteles sin alcohol serán provistos. El evento culminará con una degustación de los cócteles, en la que podrás calificar todas las creaciones. ¡El ganador recibirá una tarjeta con $50 de crédito para el restaurante Mezzaluna! Tues, July 16, 6-7:30PM

From Adversity to Strength: Keys to Cultivating Resilience / De la Adversidad a la Fortaleza: Claves para Cultivar Resiliencia

We will explore the powerful concept of resilience within the Latino community, focusing on how to transform adversity into strength. Through inspiring stories and practical strategies, we will discuss ways to develop coping skills, build emotional resilience, and maintain cultural identity in challenging times. This talk offers valuable insights to help you and those around you thrive despite difficulties. Presented bilingually in English and Spanish.

Exploraremos el poderoso concepto de resiliencia dentro de la comunidad latina, centrándonos en cómo transformar la adversidad en fortaleza. A través de historias inspiradoras y estrategias prácticas, discutiremos formas de desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento, construir resiliencia emocional y mantener la identidad cultural en tiempos desafiantes. Esta charla ofrece valiosas ideas para ayudarte a ti y a quienes te rodean a prosperar a pesar de las dificultades. Presentación bilingüe, en inglés y español.

Wed, July 17, 5:30-6:30PM

Dementia Education Series

This three-part series will help you better understand Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and memory loss, how to more effectively communicate with people with Dementia, and tips for reducing anxiety and agitation in people with Dementia. This education series is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required. Education series sponsored by Roaring Fork Senior Living.

• Wednesday, July 24: Communicating with People with Dementia

• Wednesday, August 14: Reducing Anxiety and Agitation in People with Dementia. Esta serie de talleres de tres partes te ayudará a entender mejor la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la demencia y la pérdida de la memoria. Te informará sobre cómo comunicarte efectivamente con personas que padecen demencia, y te brindará consejos para reducir la ansiedad y el sentimiento de agitación en personas con demencia. Esta serie educativa es gratuita y está abierta al público, pero requiere una inscripción previa. Esta serie educativa es patrocinada por Roaring Fork Senior Living.

• Miércoles 24 de julio: Comunicándonos con personas que padecen demencia.

• Miércoles 14 de agosto: Reduciendo la ansiedad y la agitación en personas con demencia.

Wed, July 24, 4-5PM


End of Summer Reading Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the Tree House, with tons of books and prizes just waiting for you. Did you spend your summer reading and submitting Reading Logs? Spend your hard earned Book Bucks at the Scholastic Book Fair! If your wish list is more than what you earned, have no fear! You can shop the book fair with cash or card as well. Can't make it in, but still want to shop the fair? Shop online! Note: Book Bucks must be exchanged for an eGift card. Contact for more info on exchanging your Book Bucks.

La feria de libros de Scholastic se montará en la sala Tree House y te espera con montones de libros y premios. ¿Has pasado el verano leyendo y entregando tarjetas con el registro de tu lectura? ¡Ahora puedes gastar los “Book Bucks” que con tanto esfuerzo te ganaste en la feria de libros de Scholastic! Si los artículos en tu lista de deseos sobrepasa tus ganancias, ¡no te preocupes! También podrás hacer compras en la feria de libros con dinero en efectivo o con tarjeta. ¿No puedes venir a la biblioteca, pero deseas hacer compras en la feria? ¡Haz tus compras de manera electrónica! Nota: los Book Bucks deberán canjearse por una tarjeta electrónica de regalo. Envía un correo electrónico a para obtener más información sobre cómo canjear tus Book Bucks. Mon, July 29-Sun, Aug. 4, during Library Hours

En Español

El placer de leer con Angélica Breña / The pleasure of reading with Angélica Breña

This summer join Angelica Breña to practice your Spanish at the Basalt Regional Library. All you need is to be able to read (at least a little) Spanish. Sessions will be conducted in Spanish and English. We are going to read:

a) Solito, by Javier Zamora (English and Spanish).

b) El silbido del arquero, by Irene Vallejo (English and Spanish).

c) Perras de Reserva, by Dahlia de Cerda (1 or 2 stories).

Come and enjoy!

Este verano acompaña a Angélica Breña para practicar tu español en la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt. Lo único que necesitas es poder leer (al menos un poco) español. Las sesiones serán conducidas en español e inglés. Vamos a leer:

a) Solito, de Javier Zamora (inglés y español).

b) El silbido del arquero, de Irene Vallejo (inglés y español).

c) Perras de Reserva, de Dahlia de Cerda (1 o 2 relatos).

¡Ven y disfruta!

Mondays through Aug. 12, 5-6:30PM

From Adversity to Strength:

Keys to Cultivating Resilience / De la Adversidad a la Fortaleza: Claves para Cultivar Resiliencia

We will explore the powerful concept of resilience within the Latino community, focusing on how to transform adversity into strength. Through inspiring stories and practical strategies, we will discuss ways to develop coping skills, build emotional resilience, and maintain cultural identity in challenging times. This talk offers valuable insights to help you and those around you thrive despite difficulties. Presented bilingually in English and Spanish.

Exploraremos el poderoso concepto de resiliencia dentro de la comunidad latina, centrándonos en cómo transformar la adversidad en fortaleza. A través de historias inspiradoras y estrategias prácticas, discutiremos formas de desarrollar habilidades de afrontamiento, construir resiliencia emocional y mantener la identidad cultural en tiempos desafiantes. Esta charla ofrece valiosas ideas para ayudarte a ti y a quienes te rodean a prosperar a pesar de las dificultades. Presentación bilingüe, en inglés y español.

Wed, July 17, 5:30-6:30PM


Yarn Group

Knitters and crocheters (and any other yarn workers) come together to work on and discuss projects, yarn, and techniques. Tod@s l@s tejedor@s, con agujas y ganchos (y much@s otr@s trabajador@s del estambre) se reúnen para trabajar y conversar sobre proyectos, estambre y técnicas. Tod@s son bienvenid@s. Tuesdays, 5-7PM

Library Business

Facilities Committee Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Library’s Facilities Committee. Open to the public.

Ésta es una reunión del Comité de Instalaciones de la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt. Abierta al público en general.

Wed, July 3, 4-5PM

Finance Committee Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Library’s Finance Committee. Open to the public.

Ésta es una reunión del Comité de Finanzas de la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt. Abierta al público en general.

Tues, July 9, 5:15-7PM

Board of Trustees Meeting

Monthly meeting of the Library’s Board of Trustees. Open to the public.

Ésta es la reunión de la Junta Directiva de la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt y está abierta al público.

Mon, July 15, 5:15-7PM


Saturday Summer Movie at the Library

Come and enjoy movies for all ages on the first Saturday of the month, with popcorn and snacks. This summer we will have the movie: Encanto. Free and open to the public.

Ven y disfruta del cine para todas las edades el primer sábado del mes, con palomitas de maíz y botanas. Este verano tendremos la película: Encanto. Gratuito y abierto al público.

Sat, July 6, 11AM-1PM

Aspen Film Shorts: Basalt Library

Aspen Film's Shortsfest is recognized as one of the premier short film festivals in North America. Join the library for a summer-time screening of a selection of shorts from the festival's archive. This event is bilingual and will feature films in English and Spanish, as well as animated films without words, and a short created by teens during a library workshop the week prior. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Free and open to the public.

Aspen Film's Shortsfest está reconocido como uno de los principales festivales de cortometrajes de Norteamérica. Únase a la biblioteca este verano para la proyección de una selección de cortometrajes de nuestro archivo. El evento es bilingüe y contará con películas en inglés, español, animación sin palabras, y un cortometraje creado por adolescentes durante un taller en la biblioteca la semana anterior. Habrá palomitas y bebidas. Gratuito y abierto al público. Tues, July 23, 5-7PM


Adults, every time you use your library card this summer, you can enter a weekly drawing for gift cards!


Music at the Library: Aspen Music Festival & School Chamber Music Concerts

Hear the inspiring freshness and joy of tomorrow's stars perform chamber music in the intimate atmosphere of Basalt Library Community Room. Each week different talented students from the Aspen Music Festival and School will perform. Escucha la inspiradora frescura y la alegría de la música de las estrellas del mañana, quienes interpretarán música de cámara en la íntima atmósfera de la Sala Comunitaria en la Biblioteca de Basalt. Cada semana se presentarán diferentes alumnas talentosas del Aspen Music Festival and School. Thursdays, July 18-Aug. 15, 5:15-6:45PM

Technology Classes

Looking for tech help? Sign-up for a half hour appointment to walk through your questions at

Microsoft Windows Basics

New to Windows? Learn how to work with files, find installed programs and more. Some of the new handy features introduced with Windows 11 will also be covered.

¿El programa Windows es nuevo para ti? Aprende a trabajar con archivos, a encontrar programas instalados, ¡y más! Algunas de las nuevas y útiles funciones que aparecieron con Windows 11 también serán explicadas. Tues, July 9, 1:30-2:30PM



Borrow a kit for free with your library card. Each kit contains:

• A 3-4 Person

Instant Pop Up Tent

• 4 Sleeping Pads

• 4 Chairs

• 1 Table

• Camp Stove

• Cookware & Utensils

Teen Programs

Around the World in 8 Snacks

Let's go on a snack adventure! Every Wednesday during Basalt Regional Library's Summer Reading Program we will have Grab & Go Snack Kits available for kids & teens. Each week's kit will feature a snack from a different country, fun facts about that country, and a snack review sheet you can fill out and leave at the library to display. Each pack is unique, so feel free to grab some friends and share different snacks with one another each week. Available while supplies last.

¡Viajemos en una aventura de golosinas! Cada miércoles, durante el Programa de Lectura en el Verano de la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt, tendremos kits de golosinas para llevar, ¡disponibles para niñ@s y adolescentes! El kit de cada semana incluirá una golosina de un país diferente, información divertida sobre ese país y una hoja de evaluación que puedes llenar y dejar en la biblioteca para que sea exhibida. Cada paquete es único, así que siéntete en la libertad de venir con amig@s para que entre tod@s compartan golosinas cada semana. Disponibles hasta agotar existencias. Wednesdays through July 24, 10AM-7PM (While supplies last)

Songwriting with Dr Noize Musicians and songwriters, get ready to make some noise with Dr. Noize! Middle school students will get to learn the formula of making music and create their own song. Students are welcome to bring their own instruments or just their creative brains! We’ll follow up our songwriting workshop with a concert from Dr. Noize, where the students will get to share their original song with an audience! Registration is required for this program. Músic@s y compositor@s: ¡Prepárense para hacer ruido con Dr. Noize! L@s alumn@s de la escuela media (middle school) aprenderán la fórmula para hacer música y crear sus propias canciones. ¡Invitamos a l@s alumn@s a traer sus propios instrumentos o sólamente sus mentes creativas! Después del taller de composición, tendremos un concierto con Dr. Noize, en el cual l@s alumn@s tendrán la oportunidad de compartir sus temas originales con una audiencia. Se requiere una inscripción para participar en este programa. Thurs, July 11, 1-2:30PM


Every time you use your library card, you can enter a weekly drawing for a FREE slice of Timbos pizza!

Banned Book Club: Sold

Designed exclusively for the daring and curious, Banned Book Club is a safe and inclusive space for readers to explore literature that has challenged norms, defied censorship, and sparked important conversations throughout history. This book club is intergenerational; adults and high schoolers (Grade 9+) are invited to join. This month we will be reading Sold by Patricia McCormick, which tells the story of a girl from Nepal named Lakshmi, who is sold into sexual slavery in India.

Diseñado exclusivamente para l@s audaces y curios@s, el Club de Libros Prohibidos es un espacio seguro e incluyente para que l@s lector@s exploren literatura que ha desafiado las normas, provocado la censura, y dado luz a conversaciones importantes a lo largo de la historia. Este club de lectura es intergeneracional, y tanto adolescentes (9º grado en adelante) como adult@s están invitados a participar. Este mes leeremos Sold (“Vendida”), escrito por Patricia McCormick. Este libro relata la historia de una pequeña nacida en Nepal llamada Lakshmi, quien es vendida como esclava sexual en la India.

Thurs, July 18, 4-5PM

Aspen Film Teen Festival

Get ready for our first ever Teen Film Festival at the Basalt Regional Library! We’re partnering with Aspen Film to offer a special film program featuring a selection of short films from their Oscar-qualifying, Aspen Shortsfest for middle and high school students. The films will focus on identity and the adventure that life takes us on by offering new perspectives from first-hand accounts and stories from around the globe. The festival will be followed by a Q&A with Aspen Film members and a filming workshop where students will have the opportunity to piece together their own identity statements into a short film. This program will offer popcorn and drinks. Registration is required. ¡Prepárate para nuestro primer festival de cine para adolescentes en la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt! En colaboración con Aspen Film, ofreceremos un programa especial de cine, presentando una selección de cortometrajes merecedores de un Óscar del Festival de Cortometrajes de Aspen. Dedicado a estudiantes de las escuelas media (middle school) y media superior (high school). Las cintas tendrán un énfasis en la identidad y en la aventura en que la vida nos lleva, ofreciéndonos perspectivas distintas a través de experiencias de primera mano e historias de todo el mundo. Después del festival tendremos una sesión de preguntas y respuestas con miembros de Aspen Film, además de un taller de cinematografía en el cual l@s alumn@s tendrán la oportunidad de entretejer sus propias afirmaciones de identidad en un cortometraje. Este programa ofrecerá palomitas de maíz y bebidas. Se requiere de una inscripción para participar en este programa.

Fri, July 19, 1-3PM

Glow in the Dark Art

Let it all glow at our Glow in the Dark Art program! We’ll use glow in the dark paint, turn on some tunes, and let our creative juices flow. Students will have the option to paint their own canvas of their favorite adventure of the summer. Students can either take it home or choose to leave it on display at the library! This program is for middle and high school students. Registration is required. ¡Permite que todo brille en nuestro programa Glow in the Dark Art! Usaremos pintura visible en la oscuridad, escucharemos música y dejaremos que nuestra creatividad fluya. L@s estudiantes tendrán la opción de pintar sus propios lienzos inspirados en su aventura favorita del verano y podrán llevarse su obra a casa, o bien dejarla en la biblioteca para que sea exhibida. Este programa es para alumn@s cursando los niveles medio (middle school) y medio superior (high school). Se requiere una inscripción previa para participar en este programa.

Thurs, July 25, 1-2:30PM

End of Summer Reading Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be set up in the Tree House, with tons of books and prizes just waiting for you. Did you spend your summer reading and submitting Reading Logs? Spend your hard earned Book Bucks at the Scholastic Book Fair! If your wish list is more than what you earned, have no fear! You can shop the book fair with cash or card as well. Can't make it in, but still want to shop the fair? Shop online! Note: Book Bucks must be exchanged for an eGift card. Contact for more info on exchanging your Book Bucks.

La feria de libros de Scholastic se montará en la sala Tree House y te espera con montones de libros y premios. ¿Has pasado el verano leyendo y entregando tarjetas con el registro de tu lectura? ¡Ahora puedes gastar los “Book Bucks” que con tanto esfuerzo te ganaste en la feria de libros de Scholastic! Si los artículos en tu lista de deseos sobrepasa tus ganancias, ¡no te preocupes! También podrás hacer compras en la feria de libros con dinero en efectivo o con tarjeta. ¿No puedes venir a la biblioteca, pero deseas hacer compras en la feria? ¡Haz tus compras de manera electrónica! Nota: los Book Bucks deberán canjearse por una tarjeta electrónica de regalo. Envía un correo electrónico a para obtener más información sobre cómo canjear tus Book Bucks. Mon, July 29-Sun, Aug. 4, during Library Hours

Adventure Begins

with ebooks & audiobooks


The library reading app

Adventure Begins

with ebooks & audiobooks

Ever wanted to spend the night at the library? Come celebrate the end of our fantastic Summer Reading Program at our first Library Lock-In! We’ll play games, watch movies, eat snacks, and see which team takes all in an epic game of laser tag. Students should bring their sleeping bag and a sense of adventure as we close out a summer to remember. You must have participated in BRL’s Summer Reading Program and turned in at least 2 reading logs to register for this event. This program will cap at 15 students. Seeking parent volunteers for this program.


The library reading app

¿Alguna vez deseaste pasar la noche en la biblioteca? Ven a celebrar el fin de nuestro fantástico Programa de Lectura en el Verano en nuestro primer Encierro Bibliotecario! Tendremos juegos, veremos películas, disfrutaremos refrigerios y seremos testigos del triunfo de uno de los equipos durante un juego épico de laser tag. L@s alumn@s deberán traer su bolsa para dormir y su sentido de la aventura para darle la despedida a un verano inolvidable. Tienes que haber participado en el Programa de Lectura en el Verano de la Biblioteca Regional de Basalt y haber entregado al menos 2 hojas de registro con tu lectura para poder inscribirte a este evento. Este programa tiene un límite de 15 participantes. Buscamos padres/madres voluntari@s para este evento.

Adventure Begins

with ebooks & audiobooks bb

The library reading app Adventure with

Wed, July 31, 6:30PM-Thurs, Aug. 1, 8AM

This document is designed for 8.5“ x 11” letter paper. When printing, do not

with ebooks & audiobooks Libby.

The library reading app

10 Ideas to Get You and Your Child Exploring Outdoors

1. Go for a nature scavenger hunt.

Find something that:

• Is a certain color

• Is dry, wet, shiny, or pretty

• Is tiny or huge

• The wind blows

• Crawls

• Has no legs, four legs, or six legs

• Or make up your own ideas!

2. Put a twist on your scavenger hunt:

Find three flowers that are different. Smell the flowers. Close your eyes and see if you can identify the flowers by smell.

Find a fuzzy leaf. Find a leaf that releases an aroma when crushed, such as sage.

Try finding things in categories, such as items with bark, items that are high, or items with branches.

3. Observe and sketch.

Examine items carefully and draw what you see. For example, find flowers of different colors and point out the petals and other parts. Or find a variety of leaves and observe the different shapes, colors, textures, and veins. You and your child can imagine you are scientists, observing and documenting what you see.

4. Follow an ant trail.

Look up and look down, look all around, and feel free to crawl on the ground. Place a small piece of food nearby and watch what happens.

5. Observe a tree throughout the seasons.

Watch for leaf and flower buds bursting in the spring, insects buzzing in the summer, and leaves changing colors in the fall. During all seasons, watch for visitors to the tree—birds and small animals looking for food or a resting place.

6. Find nature in surprising places.

Look for places to explore near where you live. Nature can hide in the cracks of a sidewalk, under the stairs, in abandoned lots, or on the edges of manicured lawns. Don’t worry if you don’t live near an open field, a forest, a desert, or a seashore.

7. Press flowers and leaves.

Find flowers and let them dry, pressed between the pages of a heavy book. Once they are dry, use them to make crafts. For example, put clear contact paper over the flowers to make a placemat. In the fall, try the same activity with leaves. Find orange, yellow, purple, red, or

Reprinted from families/ideas-exploring-outdoors

brown leaves. Find a dry leaf and crunch it!

8. Explore holes and mud.

In an out-of-the-way corner, dig a hole and pour water in it to see what happens. Ask your child where she thinks the water goes. Play with the mud, squish it between your toes, and jump over or in the hole. When you are done, fill the hole with dirt again, and check it later to see what’s growing there.

9. Explore seeds.

Find some weeds! How are their seeds dispersed? Do the seeds cling to your clothes, are they carried by the wind, or are they flung when the seedpods are touched? Ask your child what he discovered during this investigation.

10. Collect conservatively.

Discuss collecting with your child. If the ground is carpeted with acorns or flowers, it’s probably okay to take one unless it’s on a refuge where collecting is prohibited. Examine something for a few hours and then let it go again. Keep fireflies in a jar and release them the next morning. Transfer fish, turtles, or frogs to an aquarium for a night. Some fish will survive in an aquarium if you transfer them with the same water from where you found them.

Adventure Through Different Genres!


Babies 0-2 Years Old Bebés de 0-2 años de edad

Complete 8 of the activities with your child to earn a prize and a raffle ticket.

Completa ocho de las actividades con tu bebé para ganar un premio y un boleto para la rifa.

Preschoolers 3-5 Years Old Preescolar 3-5 años de edad

Complete 8 of the activities with your child to earn a prize and a raffle ticket.

Completa ocho de las actividades con tu niño/niña para ganar un premio y un boleto para la rifa.

Children Going Into Grades 1st-4th Niños/Niñas que ingresarán a los grados 1o-4o

Read 5 hours to receive a prize and raffle ticket. Lee cinco horas para recibir un premio y un boleto para la rifa.

Grand Prizes

Babies Bebés

Wooden Farm Granja de madera

Ride-On Tractor  Tractor para montar

Preschoolers Preescolar

Garden Play Set

Set de herramientas de juego para el jardín

Silly Suction Cup Toys

Divertidos juguetes con ventosas de succión

Kids Scooter

Scooter (patinete) para niñ@s

Children Niños/Niñas

Flipslide Game

Flipslide (juego)

Remote Control Dragon

Dragón a control remoto

Kick Scooter

Scooter (patinete)

Children's Programs

with ebooks & audiobooks

There is nothing quite like the magic of making music with your feet! MR. TAP and 3 local dancers will perform and then the audience will ¡No existe una experiencia semejante a la magia derivada de la creación de música con tus pies! MR. TAP y 3 bailarines locales harán una presentación, ¡y el público será invitado a ponerse de pie y

with ebooks & audiobooks

with ebooks & audiobooks

Children's Librarian will read stories while musicians from AMFS play along. Get your hands clapping as you enjoy this fan favorite event,

¡Síguenos para una gran aventura que comienza en la biblioteca! La

disfrutas de este evento, que regresa nuevamente este año para dar Help protect Ranger Citta’s puppet wilderness friends species from sustainable lifestyle along the way. Join in the adventure with circusthemed rolling, globe-bolder walking, campfire plate balancing, and conservando y restaurando sus hábitats y llevando un estilo de vida temática de circo, caminatas al estilo “globe-bolder”, equilibrio sobre una plataforma alrededor de una fogata, y malabarismo sustentable


The library reading app

Tues, July 9, 10:30-11:30AM

Dr Noize Concert


The library reading app

The library reading app

Laugh and sing along with Dr. Noize! Families and kids of all ages are invited to this concert, featuring an original song written by the students in our songwriting workshop. There will be snacks and drinks and a whole lot of fun!

Thurs, July 11, 5-6PM

This document is designed for 8.5“ x 11” letter paper. When printing, do not

¡Ríe y canta con Dr. Noize! Invitamos a familias y niñ@s de todas las edades a este concierto, que presentará una canción original escrita por l@s alumn@s de nuestro taller de composición musical. Habrá refrigerios y bebidas, ¡y muchísima diversión!

with ebooks & audiobooks Libby. The library reading app

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