IoE v.0.2

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#TheFuture I believe that SMEs are well placed to make rapid change regarding IoE evolution. As an example; in April 2017, Tidyco became accredited with the Government fuelled Cyber Essentials certification ensuring that all systems were as robust as possible and that data was as protected as could be. Coincidentally, just a few weeks later the world was crippled by the WannaCry attack, proving just how real and tangible the threat is to businesses of all sizes. Whilst media attention was drawn to the NHS, the discussions I was having with professionals at the time revealed that the impact was far wider reaching whereby a staggering number of SMEs had also been devastatingly penetrated. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, SMEs accounted for 99.3% of all private limited businesses at the start of 2017. When considering this statistic it becomes abundantly clear how critical it is for SMEs to keep up to speed with digital threats. Consider for a moment just how much commercially sensitive and personal data is contained within this percentage of companies. I am focussing on cyber crime and cyber defence because as more and more apps, online platforms, machines and devices become connected, the issue will only become considerably more poignant.


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