Rex Shipton 2nd July 1972

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at 9 am. to enablesaleto be completedby 1000 am' Salewill commence Birds may be inspectedfrom 8 00 a.m. No birds will be disposedof prror to sale



to "High Blue Cheq, 52 QPF 64. Bred by M. Cronrn.Flew Mackay' 500 mrles Full brother home to Brisbane Stakes",4014 QPF 62, winnei of Ferleratronracc fiom Mackay' only 7 bilds Pt'tt from "Gill on 2nd day. Bred from 1446 QSSC5'l x 93.' QRPA 50 1446 bted bv A lrte R Gill' l4'l' Pit",1623 QHS 52 x 1620QHS 52, both llown Yurakr, 58) miles,for the wasafullbrotherto3550QRPA5S'wonRockhamplon(onlybrrdhome)'flewBowe milesby miles,248 SSPC55, placed4th Mackav,2:5 QP!'59' wrnnerof 2nd dav Tarec'30? y1horr,231 QPF 59, placed lst Club, 6th Fedetationfrom Btoadmeadow' 385 rniles 933' placed lst Club' 4th the dam of 52, was bred by M Cronin ancl was equal 2nd Talee anC was a full sister Fed€rationSydney,460 miles, only 6 birds home to Blisbanein a week 933 l'qngrcach' to l4lo QPF 58, won Charleville'426 miles, and placed lsl Clttb, 4th Federation plac€d4th ya and placed 4!h St Lawrenc€ hour, 616 miles. 3331 QPF 59, won Ctadstoneby Bowenat her only 3 mce starts,40l QPF 60' placed3rd St lnwrence Ctub, llth Fsaleration in a week' 4540 QPI and ist Club, 8th F€derationfrom Bowe|r,only 8 birds homc to Biisbane only 5 birds home to iS, ptacea tst Club, 2nd Federationfrom StanwellPark, 485 miles' (horninghawl Brisbaneon lrd day, 335 QPF 65, placed3rd Colfs Harbour' flew Broadmeadow flew windorah,660mrles,on Wesl 52 is sire ol l258jl' of Southand'placed4th Charleville, 1259 QPF 65' flew 65, won KempseyDerby and was 2nd bird home from Broadmeadow' on the west' 4826 QPF Goulburn, 538 miles, on soltth and ptaced3rd Mttchell' 2nd Windorah from windortrl'-43lj QPF 66' won and placed2nd Club, llth Federation 65,4th Charlevrlle, and Goulbum' 1097 Croydon Homestead,420mites, cl44 QPF 66, flew QuilPie' 544 miles qtf of, won Tuncurry,320mrles,6?3QPF 68 (Lot 9), placed3rd Bowen'674 QPF 68' equ' 2ndClub,gthFederationMarlborough,3?7mes,22QPC69(Lot43)'placedlstCl Camden,4?3miles,l-12: QPI'?0 (Lot 29)' llown Windorah' Federation to loft ilr time t' Dark Cheq,715QPF'66.Bred by M Clonrn llclv Wlndorirhbelng2nd bird Club' 4th Federation have been pfaced2nd in club. Full brorher to 343 QPF 65' placed lst placed2nd T". Goulburn,401 QPF 67, flew Goulburnand Wrndorah,lll QPF 69' in time to have been p" 4th Broadmeadow,2nd bird to loft from Goulburn, homing "Hlgh Strkes"(reltr Lol l) 715 is sir' in club. 715 b.ed from 4540 QPF 63 (referLol l) x and windorai' 77' of 680 QPF 68 (Lot l0), flew Bowen,l0 QPC 69 (Int 13)' flew Goulburn (Lot 25)' flcw Quilpie 809 QPc 70 (Lot 26) QPc ?0 ilnt l9), flew wmdorah, 808 QPC ?0 flelv Quilpie


pre Bred from 9422 QPF 59 x l0l Blue cheq, 2869 QRPA 66. Brcd bv N. Randall Flew Qu 'l l: wrrine$ from N Randall 9422 QRPA 60. 9422 bred by R Scort and has srredat leas! numberone pair and 93: \r. siuth and his sire was 932 QRPA 50 bred by R suorr liom.hN pool yiiT: ft:t Quilpre 2nd Marlboroughand placed 2nd Mackay lst year and was a br8 pair lncluded9?7 QRPA 5O' flew Mackay l' V".. Otft"t pigeonsfrom R. Scott's numb€r one placed 2nd year, Quitpie 2nd year, placed4th FederatlonMackay J'd year' 65 QRPA 5:' (grandsireof i"a"r"tion Ct"Orton. Derby, placed 2nu Mackay, flew Bowen' 47 QRPA 5l "High Stakes"),placcd ?th FederatronYulaka 47 wassrrc ol 4060 QPI- 60' winner of Fedcr Mitchell' lst race from longreach for R. Scott. 932 also sired 990 QRPA 53' won one Brrd t\t C rley and w Mowen and pl;ced 3rd Federationfrom Qurlprc Dam of 9422 was bred by of l5l8 which a /2 sisterto R Scotts Botlen federatronwrnnelberltdsrledby ?21' a son "Combat". won Mungar 1018.the dam ol 1869' *as bred by N Rand'rlland was ?/8 54

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