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onkel toms hutte Onkel Toms Hutte is a Siedlung, or public housing scheme in Zehlendorf, Berlin designed by Bruno Taut in the 1920s. Dominated by a landscape of birch and pine species which Taut retained, the site is bisected east to west by two infrastructure elements: the Argentinische Allee and the U Bahn. Two, three storied housing blocks line the Argentinische Allee. Housing to the south runs parallel to the road while the housing to the north of the street is broken into blocks and runs at right angles to the street, The rest of the housing in the Seidlung occupies a conventional street grid. These are mainly two-story row housing with individual gardens to the rear which then open to shared communal gardens. The entire Seidlung is dominated by the presence of the mature landscape of birch and pine. These serve to link the various landscape of the Seidlung, street, garden, and park through their scale and irregular placement. The housing layout and planning is also carefully modulated to both the traditional urban hierarchy of arterial, street and garden and to the overarching order of the remnant forest.

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