Bar Business October/November 2020

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Let’s talk



A focus on what goes on top— rather than in— your cocktails. BY ASHLEY BRAY


Bar Business Magazine


he saying goes that you eat and drink with your eyes first, and that’s just one reason why the right garnishes are so important when crafting a cocktail. “I think it completely dresses up any cocktail and just makes it a lot more attractive,” says Mark Traaseth, national sales manager at Stone Gate Foods, which makes Tater Kegs. “People like to look at a drink and see the elegance of it.” Kevin O’Brien, president/owner of Frescolive—a maker of fresh, ready-toserve olives for garnishing—sees garnishes as playing a supporting role.

October/November 2020

“The garnish is the character actor to a cocktail. It has to be subtle, yet add to the leading booze in the cocktail,” he says. “Taste and color are all very important characters of a supporting role in all cocktails.” Katherine Foley, brand manager at Infinium Spirits, a family-owned spirits company including brands like Seagram’s Vodka, believes garnishes can add both taste and color to a cocktail. “As the final touch and usually the last step in the method of crafting a cocktail, a garnish plays two roles: adding color and a decorative visual to the drink, as well as enhancing flavor,” she says. “That said, the importance of

Photo: Stone Gate Foods.

Over-the-top garnishes are trending.

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