Bar Business December 2019

Page 16


Let’s talk

KEGS When it comes to kegged products, bars should look beyond beer. BY EMILY ECKART


Bar Business Magazine


egs aren’t just for beer anymore. Plastic kegs are becoming a popular distribution method for wine, sangria, and more. They’re lightweight, recyclable, and easy to transport. Best of all, they help bars reduce waste and make money. “Kegged wine has really been booming the last five years,” says Alex Sirico, Vice President & Founder of Cellier Wines Distributing. As a distribution company specializing in kegged wine, Sirico says, “We trialed every single one-way disposable keg in the market.” He determined that KeyKeg was the best.

“It’s a plastic, one-way recyclable container with an aluminum bag inside.” John Dorminey, National Sales Manager at Lost Vineyards, also uses KeyKegs. “The way a KeyKeg operates is fantastic,” he says. “It’s basically like a bag in a box. It’s a double-hulled, very strong plastic keg, and inside is a bag that is an oxygen barrier.” Lost Vineyards Lost Vineyards uses the KeyKegs to distribute its brand of Tiki Sangria, a high-quality sangria from Spain. “The sangria goes into the keg, but it actually just fills the bag up,” says Dorminey. “Then the gas goes into the

December 2019

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