Best Barber Midtown

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Giving customers a physical experience is something that they will take away with them and something that will last for a long time after.

Best Barber Shop

Pall Mall Barbers set about designing and constructing the UK’s first mobile pop-up format for the barbershop which would enable Pall Mall Barbers to provide barbering services in a wide variety of environments.

Best Barbershop

Pall Mall Barbers’ first major standalone event was the London Coffee Festival in 2012, where we caught the eye of BMW, who asked us to run a stand at one of their launches.

Best Barber

Following on from this, Pall Mall Barbers have provided pop-up barbering and events for Google, Jack Daniels, Hugo Boss, Club Wembley and MasterCard in multiple countries.

Best Barber Shop Near Me

Since 1896, Pall Mall Barbers have been at the forefront of male grooming and have set the agenda for style conscious gentleman for over 120 years in London.

Best Barber

To this day, we are driven by our dedication to giving the highest quality experience for our clientele, for each of the 63,196 haircuts we delivered last year.

Best Barber Near Me

This focused approach has led to us becoming the largest and most awarded independent barbering business in London with over 50 haircutting seats and 23 award-winning products.

Best Barber Shop

Because we are an independent business, we are able to respond to the needs of customers and meet their exacting needs every time.

Best Barbershop

We are genuinely committed to each of our customers and are determined to retain our status as the highest rated barbering business in Europe.

Best Barber

We’ve previously worked with high-profile companies such as Google and Facebook delivering popup salons in their offices.

Best Barber Shop Near Me

Working with corporate teams, we put together an event that meets their exact needs.

Best Barber

Working alongside B2B event organisers, we construct and deliver a tailored and fully integrated event solution which adds buzz and engagement on the day and acts as a social hub of the event.

Best Barber Shop

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