immortal | wimon sainimnuan

Page 156

156 mary elements in the universe: earth, water, air and fire. In each element there is colour, smell, flavour and space. These four elements are material elements or substances. They have no life, but when they blend with the spiritual element, which is the leading element, they give birth to a form that is called life, like you for instance. And that form, that life, grows up through a mixture of food, weather, mind and karma. Therefore who is material and spiritual elements combined in a natural condition that is born by itself, that is itself and that reproduces itself, with nobody or no god to give it existence.’ Cheewan was silent. Orrachun knew he understood. ‘As for you, your identity, it comes after who, because it comes from your thoughts – thoughts that misread, that misunderstand, that think that who has a shape that holds that it is you, that it is yours. In summary, you is a misconception, that’s all. ‘When you think or hold that who becomes you, becomes yours, you must fall into a whirlpool of suffering without end, because the nature of who evolves all the time. It doesn’t stay still, and it has no shape as you think. Therefore, when something comes and makes your who go in a way that you don’t like, you’re unhappy; if you like it, you’re happy; or sometimes you’re neither happy nor unhappy, indifferent. At the same time you must act in the same way for the who in you to be happy, to be comfortable. If it goes as you wish, you’re happy; if not, you’re unhappy; or indifferent. But WIMON SAINIMNUAN | IMMORTAL

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