barrister 55

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the barrister

judicial office. Achieving









figures are even starker when we focus

now runs outreach events aimed at

only on the senior levels of the judiciary.

practising lawyers, where they provide

This just isn’t good enough.

information about the requirements


of judicial office, and where you can

committed to - both personally and in



get advice and guidance about the

my roles as Justice Minister and Minister

solicitor, a judicial career wasn’t seen

appointments process. These events

for Women and Equalities. Our judiciary

as being open to everyone. The ‘tap

present a fantastic opportunity to dispel

is rightly world renowned: respected

on the shoulder’ approach, where it

those myths about judicial appointments

for their professional expertise and

was who you knew and not what you

and what a career in the judiciary might

their independence. But the reputation

knew, still held sway. I don’t recall

be like. I think it is important to have a

of our judges should not distract us

opportunities being widely promoted

realistic view of the demands of judicial

from the fact that the diversity of our

and there was a distinct lack of support

office before applying, to make sure you

judiciary, while improving, is still a

and information available to those

have the right skills and experience to

long way from reflecting the make up

who might have considered applying.

warrant selection.

of society. Of course, our judges must

Thankfully, we have come some way

always be appointed on merit – but

since then, but there is still more that we


the judiciary play such a vital role in

could be doing to promote opportunities

important changes to the appointments

the administration of justice that it is

more widely and provide support and

process and to the way in which judges

essential they are representative of the

encouragement to eligible candidates

can work to try to encourage more

people and society they are serving.

from under-represented groups.

people from diverse backgrounds to





I believe that more diversity among





apply for office. Through the Crime

our judges will not only increase

We also need to think about how we

and Courts Bill, we are enabling judges

public confidence in the judiciary and

get diverse candidates to consider a

to work part-time in the High Court

the justice system as a whole, but

legal career as an option in the first

and above, a principle that is already

will also provide visible role models

place. The Government is playing its

established in the lower courts, so that

from different backgrounds for those

part in this, as are the judiciary, the

those with responsibilities outside of

aspiring towards the legal profession

Judicial Appointments Commission, The

work still have the opportunity to take

and eventual judicial office.

Law Society and the Bar Council. The

up a judicial post. As a working mother,

Commission has recently updated their

I appreciate the strain that those with

The profile of the legal profession –

research on the perceived barriers to

caring responsibilities can be under,

the judges of the future - is, albeit

applying for judicial office, which sought

and I think offering this flexibility and

slowly, evolving into a more diverse

the views from a range of contributors.

prospect of a better work-life balance

and representative one.

It is also

This report, when published, will help


encouraging to note that more women

shape the work that all of us involved

who have rejected a judicial career

are being recommended across all

in the process take forward over the


levels of the judiciary, and candidates

coming years.

from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic




I cannot emphasise enough that none of

backgrounds are performing well in

The Bar Council runs an annual social

these changes will alter the fundamental



mobility Bar Placement Scheme, which

principle that judges must always be

change is not happening quickly enough.

introduces sixth form students to life at

appointed on merit. But, such is the

Still only 22.6 per cent of our judiciary

the Bar, and also works with schools

importance of increasing diversity to

sitting in the courts are women and of

to encourage able students to consider

public confidence in the criminal justice

those who stated their ethnicity, only

a career at the Bar. The Bar Council’s

system, where there are two candidates

5.2 per cent are from a Black, Asian



who are completely indistinguishable on

or Minority Ethnic background. These

in partnership with the Commission

merit, selection panels will be allowed




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