The Barrister Magazine

Page 33

the barrister


There are statutory limits on the period of

with a view to creating their own bodies in

examine the intestines of a case and try to read

time for which a Commissioner can serve,

due course.

in them the thousands of words that would

so all of the original Commissioners have

eventually make up the court’s judgment

now stood down in phases, and an entirely

The statutory provisions that create and

if the matter were to be referred. But the

fresh set of minds direct the Commission.

control the CCRC are brief and gnomic. The

margin of interpretation that surrounds the

On the management side, too, there have

Act tells us that we must not refer cases back

CCRC’s test is simply a reflection of a similar

been significant changes. There is now a

to the courts … unless; unless there is a ‘real

margin that has long accumulated around

small Senior Management Team led by the

possibility’ that the conviction or sentence

the Court of Appeal’s own test. As another

Principal Director.

would not be upheld (s.13 Criminal Appeal

Lord Chief Justice, Lord Widgery, said in R v

Act 1995). So, our primary task consists of

Lake, 64 Cr. App. R. 172, “… such doubts are

When Sir Fred Crawford retired in 2003,

assembling complex webs of data, analysing

resolved not, as I say, by rules of thumb and

it was another academic who received the

them into manageable sets of information,

not by arithmetic, but they are largely by the

Chairman’s post, but this time one with a

and then trying to predict what might be

experience of the judges concerned and the

legal background. Professor Graham Zellick

the reactions of the appeal courts to any

feel which the case has for them.”

was keen to raise the Commission’s public

changes that have occurred since the original

profile and he has established a mature


I say ‘appeal courts’, because

The complex and subtle relationship between

relationship with the legal press. Steering

the CCRC can send summary convictions

the CCRC and the Court of Appeal has been

the Commission through a more austere

for appeal in local Crown Courts, as well as

examined recently in several controversial

financial climate, he has reduced the number

Crown Court convictions for appeal in the

cases, the most recent being R v Cottrell; R

of Commissioners and promoted radical

Strand’s Criminal Division.

v Fletcher, [2007] EWCA Crim 2016 (31 July

changes in the Commission’s structure and


A century after the Court of Appeal

practices, while maintaining the productivity

The test at the heart of this process - fixed

was created and a decade after the CCRC

and standards of casework.

by Parliament as ‘real possibility’ – is almost

appeared on the scene, it’s clear that the

unique in legislation, despite being a familiar

evolution of our criminal appeal system is far

The CCRC now occupies three floors of Alpha

phrase in common law. Apart from the CCRC

from complete.

Tower and has a staff of about 100. Although

legislation, the term appears in only one

cases are generally reviewed by individuals,

other British statute: the Criminal Procedure

casework staff sit in groups to share experience

and Investigations Act 1996.

and ideas. An administrative section handles

received early attention from a Lord Chief

incoming applications and looks after them

Justice, Lord Bingham, in a judicial review

while they receive a preliminary assessment

heard on 18 May 1999, R v Criminal Cases

from a Commissioner to predict the amount

Review Commission, ex parte Pearson [2000]

of time each is likely to require. They are

1 Cr.App.R. 141, [1999] 3 All E.R. 498, [1999]

then allocated in turn so as to provide each

C.O.D. 202.

Its meaning

member of the casework groups with a balanced range of smaller and longer cases.

Lord Bingham, CJ, did not attempt to guide the CCRC by expressing the meaning of the

As well as support from their colleagues

term as a mathematical probability or ratio.

and Group Leaders, the casework staff can

Instead he preferred verbal analogies, many

turn to two Investigations Advisers, both of

drawn from the context of gambling. From ex

whom have been heads of CID in major police

parte Pearson we learn that a real possibility

forces, and two Legal Advisers, as well as a

is something more than ‘an outside chance’,

resourceful range of administrative support

or ‘a bare possibility’, or ‘an obviously

staff. The Commissioners are available to

threadbare argument’; but it is less than ‘a

discuss practical difficulties that arise, as

probability’, ‘a likelihood’, ‘a racing certainty’

well as sitting in more formal committees to

or ‘an assured success’. We can also deduce

consider case plans and ultimate outcomes.

that a real possibility is equal to ‘at least a reasonable prospect’.





Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA

This may not seem like a lot for the CCRC’s

have studied this British innovation carefully

Commissioners to go on when they come to

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