Troubleshooting Guide to 4 Common Furnace Issues

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Troubleshooting Guide to 4 Common Furnace Issues

It is ironic how a furnace decides to stop working on the day when a cold spell hits. It can leave you in a bind, especially if you cannot get a reliable furnace repair in Guelph, ON, on time to diagnose and get it running. With routine maintenance, you can avoid several potential issues, but life does happen, and your furnace can go kaput even if it has well cared. Listed below are a few common furnace issues that you must check: Thermostat Malfunctioning: Homeowners across the U.S. will agree how frustrating and scary it is not to have Heated. Thankfully, most furnace issues are easy to fix. Before you decide you need furnace replacement in Cambridge, ON: 1. If your thermostat is turned on, you can check it. 2. Look closely to ensure that the toggle has been switched to heat. 3. If not, set your thermostat to heat and allow for your furnace to kick on. You will be surprised to know many homeowners overlook the setting on their thermostat and convince themselves that their furnace is malfunctioning. Dirty Filters: This is another common reason why you may be dealing with inconsistent heating. A dirty air filter can limit airflow and thereby overworking your furnace, causing it to shut off. Dirty filters can also reduce indoor air quality dramatically. Thankfully, this is a quick fix. Replace your air filters, and you should be good to go.

Flickering Pilot Light: If you own an older furnace model and your house is not heating up, your pilot light is likely the culprit. A flickering light must not be ignored, as this could mean there is too much air in your gas line. It could be an indication of a small leak and will need immediate attention. If you live in Cambridge, Ontario, and face furnace issues, B.A.P. Heating & Cooling Services is a name you can trust. Our technicians are highly experienced and trained to install new furnaces and repair furnaces of all kinds and make. Call us today at 519-835-4858 for an obligation-free quote.

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