September 2016

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

4th September 2016 | Vol. 7 (I) Issue 8 |

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The Bandra Fair The term ‘Bandra Fair’ refers to the celebrations that are connected with the annual Feast of Our Lady of the Mount on 8th September, known as the Feast of the Nativity (Birth) of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It becomes an important historical event, because with the birth of Mary comes “the dawn of our salvation”, since Mary’s Son, Jesus, would be the Saviour of the world. If Mary had not consented to be the Mother of God, to bear Jesus in Her womb there would have been no Redemption. Mary's answer of "yes" to the Angel at the Annunciation ensured mankind's deliverance from sin. We do not know the exact birthday of Mary, and so 8th September has been fixed by tradition. Devotees

will therefore throng to the Basilica on this day; a ‘shamiana’ erected for the purpose ensures that the pilgrims can celebrate Mass in the ‘shamiana’ and then enter the Basilica to pay homage to Our Lady. But this feast is too solemn to be contained in a day! The official Feast is celebrated over an “Octave”, i.e. an eight-day day period, from the Sunday after the 8th of September to the next Sunday. And this eight-day celebration is preceded by a nine-day “novena” of prayer directed to the Virgin Mary. That makes the Bandra Feast last a total of 17 days! TURN TO PAGE 3 >> Pic by: Brendan Dias Photography

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Salsette Society awards Local Bravehearts

Shristi Soni (white top) alongside her friends The Conference Hall at the Bandra Gym was the ideal venue for felicitating two brave hearts, who stepped out in courage – against all odds. Around 40 people came that evening, to recognize & appreciate their good deed. The two Bravehearts are: 18 years old Shristi Soni – a gutsy young girl & 27 years old Demetrius Pais – a good Samaritan. They were in the eye of the storm – yet reacted in an exemplary manner. Would you?

Shristi’s parents (left) & Demetrius Pais (right) receive the award

Cornel Gonsalves (on behalf of the Salsette Managing Committee) welcomed those present, saying that this initiative was part of the CSR activity of the Salsette Catholic CHS Ltd. – which is 98 years old, going on 99. There were requests made by Shyama Kulkarni (AGNI Trustee), Earnest Fernandes & Capt. Loyola Azavedo to have a felicitation – & I readily agreed. Shyama kick started the programme by requesting the Janki Devi Institue students to lead the

singing of the national anthem, while the rest joined in. She said that she was happy & proud that now ‘good things’ are happening in our country & it is youngsters, i.e. the next generation, are taking the lead (even risking their lives), by doing something. India is safe in their hands. She saluted them for gettin ‘involved’ in a positive way.

Mob: 8879347788 Tel: 022-26415376 / 26415375 B-989, Casa Adriana, 15 St. John Baptist Road, Mt. Mary Steps, Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400 050

BRAVEHEART’S STORY: Shristi could not attend, due to a prior appointment – so her message was read out. At Bandra East Railway Station – on her way to college, she was threatened to sit in a ‘share-a-rickshaw’ with unknown men. When, she refused to sit with them – obscene language was used and the rickshaw driver tried to molest her. Being alert, she recorded everything (even took down the rickshaw number) and then called her brother. The Kherwadi Police refused to record anything, saying this was not in their jurisdiction. The Nirmal Nagar Police took the case up and after a lot of followups the rickshaw owner and driver have been arrested. Demetrius saw an injured burqa clad woman fallen from a motor cycle, due to a large pothole. Nobody was ready to help. Seeing her serious condition (head injury), he rushed her (along with her companion) to a nearby hospital in his own car – on humanitarian grounds. When the hospital re-

fused entry and demanded a deposit, he made a payment of Rs. 20,000/-, on her behalf – even though she was not known to him. As her treatment was initiated in time, because of Demetrius prompt action - her life was saved. AWARDS: Then, on her behalf, Shristi’s parents were given the Salsette Award in Recognition and Appreciation for Extraordinary Service to Society from the hands of Municipal Councillor Karen D’Mello. This was followed by Demetrius (along with his parents) getting his award from the hands of Ivan Mendonca. Later, ‘Kindness International’ presented him the Good Samaritan Award. Both Bravehearts were applauded by those present, by thunderous clapping. To add an interlude of entertainment with meaning, Allan’s golden guitar and rich voice sang ‘Congratulations’ ... we want the world to know of their courageous deeds; with everyone singing along in joy. Earnest in his humorous style, gave the vote of thanks – that concluded this programme mentioning that our ‘value system’ has gone to the next level – leading us to a brighter future. Ivan Mendonca, on behalf of Salsette Society stood up to thank those present. To watch the video please visit: Kiran Kulkarni


NEWS THE BANDRA FAIR Contd. from Page 1 During the novena, the masses are both in the mornings and evenings; during the octave, masses are only in the mornings, leaving the Basilica free for “darshan” especially for those of other faiths. Besides the religious experience, Bandra Fair also includes the social experience of relaxing, camaraderie, alms-giving and enjoyment. After the religious rites have been performed pilgrims descend from the Mount in various directions, particularly using the steps on the eastern side. The stalls on the way down offer pilgrims the opportunity to engage in a variety of relaxing activities. There is an atmosphere of fun as we go through the various stalls that constitute the Fair. The Fair is linked to the Shrine almost from its inception. Already in the 17th century, a Jesuit document of 1669 speaks of a popular celebration at Bandra. The Shrine started attracting devotees from all the surrounding areas, who came by bullock carts and ferryboats across the Mahim creek. Early morning groups of jingling recklas (fancy bullock carts) arrived at the foot of the Mount in the light of lanterns. After a tiring journey from their respective villages to Bandra, it was not possible for the bullocks to pull the cart all the way to the hilltop. The devotees had therefore to park their carts and the bullocks at the foot of the hill, in the shady mango groves, where drinking water was readily available. Having attended to the needs of their bullocks and having refreshed themselves, they were now ready, in their festive best, to walk up the slope of the hill to worthily partake in the liturgical celebrations of the birthday of their heavenly Mother. And since it took some time to finish their spiritual obligations, it was not possible for them to return home on hungry stomachs. The pilgrims would now move down sipping tea at the stalls, eating snacks and enjoying the merriment. Though the devotees had gone up alone, they invariably came down, hand in hand, with their friends, relatives and acquaintances. As the late morning sun went up, the longings of the residents of Bandra to see their visiting relatives and friends mounted. Day after day, they waited eagerly to welcome these guests during the week-long celebration. The doors of the houses and the gates of the compounds were left open the whole day as a sign of an open invitation to their near and dear ones.

Though the Bandra Fair had humble beginnings it was not to stay that way too long. With growing human needs the commercial minded sector seemed to have capitalized on the situation. From providing simple and inexpensive recreation it became multifaceted and expensive. Long forgotten and never to be experienced by the current generations were the 'Photo Studios', 'Sugar Cane Stalls', 'Well of Death' (motorcycle stunts) 'Funny Mirrors', 'Cane Stall' (canes for disciplining children) and Merry-Go-Rounds, etc......there certainly was a charm about the fair which was eagerly awaited by most children-all that and more even without the electronic gizmos of today. Only stalls erected within the boundaries of the Basilica come under its jurisdiction, all other activity beyond that is organized and controlled by the local municipal corporation. Fondly remembered was the old 'September Garden' located in the Mount Carmel Church compound, it marked the tail end of the fair and was the melting pot for festivities in the evenings. Thrilling rides, games of skill and attending 'Jam Sessions' (music and dance) was the highlight of youthful activity till late at night. With an increase in the number of pilgrims, the type of stalls too greatly increased. It is true that the large influx of pilgrims in a given venue can become a disturbance for the local residents. Each year there is an attempt to find solutions to this problem. Reproduced from - with written permission from the Rector, Bishop John Rodrigues

Mount Mary’s recent Rectors... till date 1959-88: Bishop Longinus Pereira from Bandra was the longest serving Rector. He organized efficiently the celebrations of the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, despite the growing number of pilgrims. He has also had the privilege of receiving both the Popes, who have visited India at the Mount. 1988-95: Fr. Joseph Praxedes Pereira also from Bandra. After serving the archdiocese in various capacities, he served as an effi-


cient Rector at the Shrine. During his tenure, he laboured hard to build the multipurpose building named Mary Hill opposite the Shrine. 1995-2016: Msgr. Nereus Rodrigues retired as Rector after 21 fruitful years. A renowned educationist, he completed his post graduation through the University of London and obtained a doctorate in Canon law (Rome). He has toiled in the ministry of education both at school and college levels.

St. Andrew’s College (Bandra West) is also one of the fruits of his labour. The Marian project and exhibition at the Mount, depicting the scenes of the twenty mysteries of the Holy Rosary, was initiated by him. With his approval (through Fr Aniceto Pereira), the official web site of the Basilica was launched in 2012. 2016: Bishop John Rodrigues - born on 21st August, 1967, has the distinction of being

consecrated as Mumbai's youngest Bishop; his Episcopal Ordination was on 29th June, 2013. This 'Bandra Boy' has been a Stanislite, an Andrean and a Xaverite; who has had a very rich academic and varied ecclesiastical career. After completing his Licentiate in Systematic Theology, from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome in 2002, he has held many important portfolios of the church in Mumbai; including the post of Dean and Rector at St. Pius X College, Goregaon - until his new posting as Rector of this Basilica on 1st June, 2016. His motto: To build up the Body of Christ (Eph 4:12)




Bandra Schools talk about fostering Communal Harmony Annual Day is certainly one of the most eagerly awaited events of the year; an occasion to celebrate achievements & Navjeet Community Centre with its goal; to enrich lives & livelihoods - dedicated to navigating challenges, while making the world a better place, celebrated theirs on 17th August at Apostolic Carmel Convent School hall. The guests for the evening included chief guest Rev. Bishop John Rodrigues, guests of honour Mr. Asif Zakaria & Smt. Prof. Harsha Badkar. The programme commenced with the traditional lighting of the lamp, symbolizing a move from darkness to light - which was followed by a patriotic dance by Navjeet’s underprivileged children, depicting how richly our country has been blessed. Religion is powerfully motivating & one of the primary cause of wars, regardless of race or gender, and a skit was performed by SHG members & Nirmala Niketan students.

The play ended with a song to stop this trade of religion (Bandh karo ye dharma ka dhandha). Many other dances were performed on preservation & protection of Mother India. Moving with the time of communal harmony being with the principal of different people, Navjeet visualises a nation with universal family and the highlight this year included an inspirational talk by student speakers from St. Theresa’s, St. Stanislaus, St. Andrew’s, Apostolic Carmel, St. Joseph’s Convent, Anjuman-I-Islam Girls, Guru Nanak High School and Maoli Madyamik Vidyalay, Chandroti, Shahapur Taluka on the spirit of Hinduism, the discipline and fellowship of Islam, the courage of Sikhism, the compassion of Buddhism, the sensitivity of Christianity, the non-violence of Jainism, the creativity of Parsis and the cosmic solidarity of tribal religions. Their careful preparation to speak flawlessly on the sub-

Navjeet’s underprivileged children perform a patriotic dance

The best staff & students were awarded at the Navjeet Annual Day ject with openness, honesty & sensitivity helped the audience understand the topic better. "We are hopeful that with our Annual Day message this year, we will come together now more than ever to build

bridges, overcome prejudice, replace it with face-to-face knowledge and thus help to drive home the message of prevalence of religious understanding and tolerance." says Sr. Bindhu.

Mount Mary Festival Crossword by Amar Singh 1

2 4

3 5 6


8 9 10 ACROSS 1. Mount Mary Church is a ___________ (8) 2. Bishop John Rodrigues is ___________ of Mt. Mary Church (6) 5. Koli fisherman found statue of Mother Mary and called it Mot Mauli meaning ___________ Mother (5) 7. Original ___________ erected on platform on the steps of Mt. Mary is believed to have been brought here from the ruins of the ancient church of Santa Anna (5) 8. Mount Mary Festival is called ___________ Fair (6)

10. Original statue of Mother Mary was brought here from Portugal by ___________ priests (6) DOWN 1. Dedication: ___________ Virgin Mary (7) 3. Mt. Mary’s Church is a ___________ site (8) 4. Mt. Mary’s Church is located in Bandra ___________ (4) 6. During festival stalls outside Basilica are controlled by ___________ (3) 7. ___________ at Mt. Mary’s Church starts 2nd September 2016 (6)




CASTING A NET TO UNITE COASTS Sandeep Sreedharan has always had a fire burning within; enough to get the stove burning might I add. So when the conflagration of saturation with a regular corporate job started getting the better of him he decided to channelize that fire & chase his dream of starting his own food venture. Finally one cloudy day sometime around August last year clarity of thought & vision paid him a visit & he resigned from his job as a Management Consultant. A qualified engineer & a MBA from Europe, he has also worked as a consultant for companies in the hospitality business and therefore was aware of the industry he wanted to enter, his passion for food just sealed the deal. In October 2015 he started his ventures; creating two entities the first ‘Esca Brahma’ Esca means food in Latin & Brahma which means creations. Through this brand, ‘Esca Brahma’, Sandeep has a vision to popularize flavours & cuisines from our very own coast by modernising it & strives to create unique dishes of various cuisines using only authentic ingredients and high end techniques. He does this by creating what he

calls a Modern Coastal experience, which is a sit down dining format consisting of 8-10 courses. His travels to places such as the US, South Africa & the Middle East exposed him to the nuances of various food cultures which he shares with his patrons. Through his second branch ‘Coastal Flavours’ he aims to establish the south coastal cuisine of India on the global map. This take away service works perfectly for those who can prepare food at home but do not want to eat from a typical restaurant. With a huge focus on the seafood in the menu he offers authentic dishes from North Kerala, Mangalore & Goa. He also caters to high end private events & has catered to discerning palettes getting them acquainted to the experience of his genre of food, including some of the biggest industrialist & Bollywood stars. He does not believe in the necessity of sourcing international ingredients rather he emphasises on utilising local flavours & spices because he is attuned with their core properties & strengths, so he can accordingly tweak his recipes to derive the desired taste. On asking Sandeep about the process & execution of his specially curated menu for an event he states "The flavours are predominantly from our coast & this is what I do. I deconstruct flavours from the coast (starting from North Kerala where I hail from), apply best techniques from all over the globe, use some of the Avurveda principles & Yin-Yang as a philosophy to balance flavours & textures & put in on a plate. With this approach, I do sit down dinners, taking through course by course (anywhere between 7-10 courses as of now) through a journey of flavors & textures. Usually these dinners are curated based on the protein & starch preferences of the client & I currently do from a minimum of 10 to 40 people." You can view Sandeep’s work on Sidhant Nayangara

Scallops Gongura



Salmon Mousse Egg

Whey & Gin Chicken

Idli Textures

Chicken Green Onion


Edible Charcoal

Thayir Kolumbu

RENTING A SHOP IN BANDRA IS NOT ENOUGH TO GET YOU BUSINESS Started a business & rented a shop in Bandra & Khar? Confused why there are no walk ins? Before you decide to shut shop, think again! Do people know about your shop? That’s because you haven’t promoted your brand with us. With a belief in quality over quantity, Bandra Buzz doesn’t only confirm clientele, but also renewals and repeated walk ins. If you don’t show it, they won’t know it! You took the risk of starting out, now get the expertise to make it work, with us!

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

RADDICONNECT: BUILDING AN INDUSTRY 10th July 2016 | Vol. 7 (I) Issue 7 |

A refreshing take on the e-commerce business model is embodied by the likes of startups such as RaddiConnect. The Bandra based online platform spearheaded by a team of youngsters, have their vision, heart and feet where they belong. With a vision propelling them forward, feet on the ground and hearts pounding with the urge to create a difference, RaddiConnect is all geared to touch the sky. Quiz the founders about what inspired them to foray into such an unconventional segment & they quickly retort with statistics about the unruly and dispersed market called ‘recycling

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and waste management’. The cofounders Gurashish Sahni aged 23, Rahul Nainani aged 24 & the youngest member Raunaq Singh Sahni who is 21 years old, have researched well and have promising numbers to back their business model, however what struck us was the fact that these youngsters want to uplift their vendors and associates as they progress ahead, their three fold mission includes establishing and formatting the market structure for disposing and recycling goods, alter the perception of the raddiwallas and to make a social change by supporting NGOs.

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So what is RaddiConnect, how did it take flight and what does it have in store? RaddiConnect aims to facilitate the activity of disposing ones waste by resolving the haphazard manner through which the customer and service provider conduct their transaction. RaddiConnect enables the customer to fix a time slot as per their convenience for the pick-up, the back end team from RaddiConnect thereafter confirms the scheduled pick up & provides the customer with the competitive market prices for paper, plastic, metal and glass. Contd. on Page 2 >




Savour the rustic flavours of Punjab at Jai Jawan


What started out as a small shop, that sold sure that fresh food is served every day. doori and tikkas and some delectable Butjust 5 items back in 1975, has now grown to The masalas and the dishes prepared are ter Chicken! be one of Bandra’s most iconic and well supervised by the owners, personally. While the restaurant at Linking Road known restaurants. Yes, Jai Jawan is a Gravies and products are made and con- still maintains a small and concise menu of restaurant and a name, many sumed on the same day, making just 5 items, the restaurant of us Bandraites will sure nothing is carried at Khar has a lot more be familiar with. over to the next. to offer, including When they Fish and biriyani. The initially started, prawns are newly introthe menu was i m p o r t e d duced Chicken small and fofrom Viet- Banjara Tikka at cused with just 4 nam and as a the Khar outlet is items: Tandoori matter of fact, slightly on the spicier Chicken, Chicken Tikka, Jai Jawan was the side but soft and well Fish Fry and Mutton Seekh first to buy G1 quality cooked. Tandoori Fish, is Kabab. This menu continued BUTTER CHICKEN prawns. These are cultured succulent pieces of Basa in a light, and is the same till date at the prawns which are low in choles- tandoori flavored masala which is easy on Linking Road outlet. Customers who terol, high in quality and are cleaned and the palate. Their Punjabi Prawns Fry, which dropped by and people who regularly deveined by hand. The fish used in their h a s always been a bought food from them kept asking for a dishes is high quality Basa, having low favorite place to sit and relish their meal as the food chemical content. Both, amongst didn’t taste the same when it was parceled the fish many of and taken home, therefore in 2007, owing their custo public demand, they opened up a new tomers, restaurant at Khar which had ample is a amount of seating space. dish The menu was broadened and a few they’d more dishes were introduced. In 2008, analways recother restaurant was opened up in And- & prawns, are juicy and ommend as the heri. The menu, though limited, comprises tender. prawns are juicy, flavorof some authentic Indian cuisine and each Vegetarians might not find some and perfectly cooked. GARLIC ROTI dish is focused on and made to perfection. much variation in the menu, PaPrawns and fish are usually The owners of Jai Jawan believe in deneer being the main focus here. sold as per the quantity you ask for; howlivering high quality and tasty Since they feel Paneer is ever, Tandoori Fish is sold as per plate. Cusfood. So much so, that the best. Along with tomers love the Dal Makhani, fish and the quality doesn’t that, Dal Makhani, Tandoori Chicken. Another in-house and even differ during Punjabi Mix Veg excellent item that goes well with althe monsoons. and Tawa most every starter on the menu The masala’s Masala are few is their chutney. It has a balmade for the varother delicacies ance of mint and other masalas ious dishes are all you’ll come that gives a little edge to the in-house and across. However, food. Their Butter Chicken is freshly prepared. the non-vegetar- creamy and slightly tangy, givThe raw materials reian side consists of ing it a proper North-Indian feel. quired for the masala’s are some mouth-watering Something that goes hand in bought every second week. and larger variety of dishes. hand with the butter chicken is When it comes to taste, they CHICKEN BIRYANI Ranging from fresh sea-food (all the soft, delicately flavored Garlic maintain a sharp consistency and make year round), to some tangy chicken tan- Tandoori Roti’s made of wheat.

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Biriyani made here, is very different from what you’d picture. The gravy is mixed well with the rice, keeping the rice slightly wet and coated, making sure there’s flavor in each bite. The restaurant at Khar gets a lot of home delivery o r d e r s , whereas the outlet at Linking Road caters to take-away orders.

TANDOORI CHICKEN The ambience of the restaurant gives off a dhaba vibe, just like some of the dhabas in Punjab. The walls have sketches and drawings of some iconic figures found in Bandra and around. Keeping in mind public satisfaction and also in case someone wants to inspect the way their food’s being prepared, they have an open kitchen. Bandra may have changed over the years, be it the increase in traffic or the huge variety in food, Jai Jawan hasn’t. They’ve maintained their flavors in each dish and every person that has eaten there, remembers their food. Nayan Sreenivasan Shop No. 7 Mangal Bhavna, P.D. Hinduja Marg, Khar (West). Mumbai 400052.


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Instagramming Bandra’s yesterday for tomorrow Sir ‘Lancelot’ was one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend, his character was thereafter immortalised by the cult movie ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’. You must be wondering, ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet’. None the less the name ‘Lancelot’ sparked intrigue to such a degree that Alishka Anand decided to decode the reason as to why this structure which is situated in Bandra was named after King Arthur's greatest companion, a mystery which is yet to be resolved. Moving on to the next lane, she noticed fascinating structures in tow with equally fascinating names ubiquitously present across Bandra, considering the fact that she had only moved from Juhu to Bandra 4 months back she was enthralled by this facet of our locality and wanted to translate and express herself. Like any artist she began contemplating about structuring her vision and the surface upon which it could be manifested. The digital age provided the perfect platform; ‘Instagram’ was thus narrowed down & ‘bylanes_ofBandra’ was conceived. While listening to the story about how something that started out as a pure passion project for her got shaped, got me to introspect and I urge you to do the same with regards to our way of holding onto to our beloved Bandra and do we really exalt her, the way she deserves to be. Alishka states about this project “To begin with Mumbai is a tough city to live in; there are many perils which accompany our daily life such as the appalling state of the roads and traffic, the caustic pollution levels and the lingering chaos. However in the midst of these dark clouds we should not forgo the positive aspects, actually its all the more imperative for us to celebrate the bright side, celebrate the personality of our locality and preserve it, acknowledge its presence and get acquainted with its roots. Change is the only constant and thus being realistic I did not want to waste time and the chance to document the

inherited beauty of these structures before they cease to exist, moreover the lethal combination of their captivating names cemented my conviction. The feeling is extremely fulfilling when the story is revealed, for instance I came across a bungalow named ‘Roma’ and I uploaded a picture of it and playfully speculated the reason being named ‘Roma’ was with some sort of an Italian connection. To my surprise the grandchild of the owner of the house responded to my post and clarified that the name Roma originates from the names of her grandparents that being Robert and Martha, thus Roma.” Alishka captures places which provoke her sensibilities be it the mansion’s architectural ergonomics or its capability to transport you back in time or simply if it resembles a house which could be part of the Harry Potter series. Names still play a crucial role while she threads along this investigative path and she will be overjoyed if residents would share insights and the real story behind the heritage cottages which are synonymous with Bandra.

St. Anne’s Rest

So far she has captured close to 50 such structures and a full-fledged website dedicated to this project is in the pipeline. The end goal would be to compile enough of data in order for her to be able to get it published. Ask her about her favourite and she finds herself in a pickle but after pondering she finally quips that it’s a bungalow called ‘St Anne’s Rest’ which was built in 1929 which still stands in all glory and the mystery she is restless to crack is the history behind a place called ‘Scandals’. So if you come across a young woman walking around early in the morning clicking pictures of your home there is no need to get alarmed, on the contrary do share a cup of coffee and some trivia with this photographer who is striving to etch a bit of Bandra’s history. And if you would like to shed some light about the provenance of an iconic Bandra style bungalow or mansion, she will definitely be elated. Follow Alishka Anand’s Instagram page: ‘@bylanes_ofBandra’, and take a walk down memory lane of Bandra. Sidhant Nayangara

Harry Potter Home junction of Rebello & Mt Carmel Road

Adelaide on New Kantwadi Road

The Heritage on St. Domnic Road

Roma on New Kantwadi Road

Scandals on Auxilium Convent Road, Pali Hill




The Indian Navy Band perform at St. Joseph’s Convent High School on I-Day For the very first time in Mumbai, as per a special initiative by the MOD (& the Navy) to celebrate the 70th Independence Day; the Brihanmumbai Interschool Republic Day (B.I.R.D.) group was given the privilege of putting a show together - jointly with the Indian Navy band. The B.I.R.D. schools were then invited by St Joseph's Convent High School (Bandra) - the approved host school to celebrate the 70th Independence Day which also coincided with this Institution's 140th anniversary. Military awareness projects for students & re-kindling the patriotic sentiment, have been the BIRD's priority objectives since 2013. Via its convener Peter deSouza, this unique celebration & performance began to materialize. Not wanting it to be just another Navy band public performance, joint meetings were held between all concerned & the Navy - finally chalking out a programme that would be relevant and meaningful to all who participated - including band members who were told the purpose of the occasion and its desired effect. For over a month, specially chosen music was practiced under the enthusiastic baton of the principal conductor, Lt. Pradeep Kumar - a music specialist of the Indian Navy. Across the city, students completed their unit tests & also prepared for a joint show with the 'men in white'. Weather constraints ensured an indoor performance, which considerably limited the number of attendees. The dress rehearsal on the 12th August, ensured that synchronization at all levels was seamless, from receiving the Chief Guest to co-ordinated dance numbers - extremely important when so many factors are involved. One must commend St. Joseph's on their exemplary preparations & the hospitality extended towards the Naval personnel, during the 2 days of music that rocked the school. Saturday the 13th August 2016, saw the convent all geared up for this premier event. Invited schools reported on time & after a short but interesting Navy promotional video the Chief Guest, Rear Admiral SN Ghormade NM - Flag Officer Commanding Maharashtra Naval Area made a grand entrance accompanied to fanfare by the band, he was accompanied by Commodores, JP Sobti, AA Abhyankar & the school management. This celebration in music started precisely at 10.30 am, with homage to our martyrs by an inspirational rendition of 'Abide With Me' Gandhiji's favorite hymn. The conductor's baton assumed the status of a wizard's wand as music became magic. Simply put, a pure audio visual treat for all present. Mumbai's youngest Bishop - the Guest of Honour, His Lordship, John Rodrigues was called upon to say a prayer.

Over 600 students representing 25 schools across Mumbai (all Bandra Schools attended) were treated to some enthralling music rendered by the Navy band under the stewardship of the principal conductor. The other two conductors CMPO CP Singh & Vincent George were also brilliant in their direction. Attending principals, teachers & students were treated to some amazing music renditions of military marches, old Hindi remixes, patriotic songs, famous dance music both national & international. What made this event even more meaningful, were apt visuals that accompanied the music. The tri - services song with breathtaking videos was truly inspirational. St. Joseph's students joined the band by dancing & singing with the musicians through very well choreographed Indian dance steps, this was relayed live on large LED screens so that all could enjoy a visual treat too, of dancers decked out in professional attire. A school teacher Ms Poonam Gonsalves was chosen by the conductor to sing "Mere watan ki logo" - a patriotic song & was ceremoniously accompanied by the band. The Mistress of Ceremonies - RJ Shilpa Kapoor (a naval officers wife) was professionalism at its best... her compering coupled with her love for both the navy & children, made this an event to remember. After numerous felicitations, the Chief Guest gave an inspirational speech, first by honouring this 140 year old institution & then by urging all present to become good citizens via hard work, not withstanding he also did portray the Navy as a challenging career for those who dared to take up the challenge. A vote of thanks by the principal Sr Blanche Rodrigues ensured that all were adequately appreciated. The event concluded with chosen representatives of all the schools who came forward to lead others in singing the national anthem along with Navy band. The hall reverberated to the majestic strains of "Jana Gana Mana" - a sense of patriotism by the future generation was clearly evident. In conclusion students were given some refreshments & a memento of the school which bore an eco-friendly message, they then dispersed, hopefully with a better understanding of our Navy. Attending principals & teachers were full of praise for this amazing event. All regretted that many missed such a wonderful show. After their stupendous performance members of the Navy were then treated to a sumptuous lunch, hosted by the Nuns of St. Josephs Convent - which indeed was a beautiful finale to such a wonderful celebration. Jai Hind! Lalit Kumar

Students projected on screen danced to Jai Ho played by the Navy Band

Inter Schools sing the National anthem

Navy musician the Pipe Piper had students under his spell with his music




Animators make art come alive at Arena Animation The ďŹ rst ďŹ lm in the Indian animation industry was produced way back in 1957 & it was called The Banyan Deer. This was even before the colour television came to India. However, back then, lack of a developed market coupled with a low level of professionalism & investment meant that the industry remained stagnant. Today, animation is omnipresent: be it e-education, medical information, architectural visualization, web designing, gaming, movies, VFX et al. Animation is the creation of moving pictures, images with the help of technology & animation software, whereas VFX refers to the creation of mind-blowing eects & realistic environments in ďŹ lms by combining real-life images with animation using software. Amidst this boom in the industry, the one institute that has contributed signiďŹ cantly to the rise of professionals has been Arena Animation, Bandra. An animation, web designing, VFX & multimedia education provider, the institute has trained more than 400,000 students since it's inception. The focus is on orienting students to develop creativity & provide personalised career counselling that helps ensure they stay on track for a successful career, enhancing their employability & job-readiness. Recently, the institute convened one of its agship events, Scope which was based on the theme on our country's 69 years of independence. The event brought together students, enthusiast &, industry experts under one roof where a plethora of events were organised including seminars, exhibi-

tions and workshops with seasoned industry experts. The Bandra branch of Arena Animation will also be hosting NEXUS, its annual event where it recognizes and felicitates its outstanding students for their inspired work & prepares them for the competitive market. With animation and visual and web designing becoming an integral part of today’s media industry, the demand for such professionals is on the rise and an interesting fact is that there are 44 dierent job proďŹ les one could get into in this ďŹ eld. Arena Animation has been & continues to be a dedicated leader when it comes to imparting skills in the ďŹ eld of multimedia & animation. Besides, the institute also has tieups with big industry names to place its successful students and also guarantees 100% placements. In the past, students have been placed with names like UTV, Prime Works, Star TV, Reliance Media Works &the like. Starting 18th September, Arena Animation, Bandra will also launch its newest course in Digital Photography. Riding on the back of many a success story of its students, Arena Animation has truly become a name to reckon with in the booming Indian animation adventure.

Graphic designs by students of the Bandra branch

Students interact with industry experts

9-A, Jain Chambers, 2nd oor, Opp. Lucky Restaurant, S.V. Road, Bandra (W) 9820145646, 9920499979, 9820145210, +91-22-6406084 / 26408699


Valerian D'Costa



Mr. Niranjan Gandhi (second left) awards student at the Scope event



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To Advertise in Bandra Buzz Call: 9820783686 , 9920299787




Jhankaar: Much awaited Dance Festival returns Every year, around mid September, since the past 12 years, St. Andrews College organizes one of the most exciting dance events that students from all over Mumbai have looked forward to. Jhankaar, has not only set it’s stage to showcase raw talent, but it has also been a place that transformed amateurs of dance, into idols, it has been a source of inspiration & excitement. The much sought after dance festival showcases a variety of dance forms. Every year, participants from over 25 colleges across Mumbai, register and audition in various categories out of which, 10 colleges are selected for the final competition. The dance categories for this year’s competition are; Bollywood Tadka, International Folk, Streets & Dance for a Cause. Jhankaar, across the years has welcomed, thousands of participants on stage to showcase the kind of talent that makes a spectator want to come back next year, not only to watch the show but to be a bigger part of the event, to help, organise and recreate the same event every year, with a little more gusto every single time. The Jhankaar Organising Committee consists of

some of the most passionate and enthusiastic teams of volunteers who seem to find a way to work together inspite of the chaos that seems to make it’s way when putting up something as big as this. From inviting potential participants to auditions and adopting innovative publicity strategies right up to the administration and technical works, the students of St.Andrews always manage to put up a good show. The dance festival has been able to maintain a remarkable reputation among its sponsors and has received a huge fan following on social media with over 1200 Facebook likes & followers on Instagram & Snapchat who are updated instantly about the events, winners * exciting workshops. The prestigious festival has been judged by celebrity actors like Genelia D’Souza and choreographers like Remo D’Souza from the Bollywood fraternity. If you ask Andreans which are some of the most exciting festivals they look forward to in a year, Jhankaar is sure to be first among the popular few. With the tagline, “Lights, Camera, Dance!”, this year, we invite you to come witness some amazing,

Finalist perform at St. Andrews College Jhankaar festival gravity defying moves that raise goosebumps across your skin. Come see for yourself, September 19th, block your date and

get ready to have your minds blown! Jhankaar 2016 awaits you, break a leg! Megan Rodrigues







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BAKING & COOKING CLASSES Learn cakes, designer cakes, cupcakes, desserts, cake pops, sugarcraft, christmas sweets, easter eggs, chocolate making & different cuisines like mughlai, chinese, italian, mexican, ramzan special, biryani's, sandwiches, salads, lebanese, starters, pizzas, breeads & lots more. Call 9821310728 / 26422689 Facebook page: Chocolate Mania 9821310728

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CARS RENTALS We offer 8 seater Innova cars with triple AC for local and outstation for hire at minimum market rates. Contact Karamath 9820359884 e:

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DANCE - JIVE/ ROCK & ROLL Learn social dancing in 8 easy & fun sessions. Timings: Mon & Wed 7-8 pm (Jive/Waltz/Foxtrot) & 8-9 pm (Salsa/Chacha). Venue: St. Peters KG School, Bhaba Nagar, Off Hill Road, Bandra (W). Cost: 1800 per head for 8 hours. Contact Marlon 9820344010.

FOR LIMITED PERIOD 14% dividend paying Malaika Credit Society (managed by Catholics since last 15 years) is offering 11% interest on Fixed Deposits to general public and half percent more to senior citizens. Call Moses on 8976537375.

FRENCH TUITIONS Students who have not studied French in school & wish to take it in college may contact Ms. E. DeSouza (26557915, 8879209904) For individual tuitions. Get a headstart by studying French before college opens.

INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Income tax Consultant available for e-filing of income tax returns and also attending to notices issued to individuals by the income tax department. Total cost ITR 1 Rs 2,000, ITR 2 Rs 3,000. (Home Service) Mobile 09323244906 or e-mail: 30th Road, Bandra West.

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Washing Machine, Gas Stove, Microwave, Fridge & A.C. Bharat Service Centre, Pali Naka. Call 9892387330

SALE Furniture (tables and chairs), Sofa-cum bed, Fridge (bar type), Pedestal Fans, Cutlery and Crockery, English Tea Set, English Dinner Set for 12, Ladies - clothes (new with labels); handbags; accessories, Mobile phones and accessories, Miscellaneous household items, Curtains / Drapes. 10 x 1 feet semi-furnished room. Contact: 993022 3057

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WANTED Wanted a receptionist about 25 to 35 yrs of age with computer knowledge and good communication skills also interested in sales for a prominent hairdressing salon in Bandra. Contact 8097469552 To cook lunch and dinner, for one person at Pali Hill, Bandra West. Prefer someone who can read English. (Hindi is a second option.) Working timing is in the morning. Good salary. Call 97020-07520

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Loss Weight/ Gain Weight. To know more about your health Avail a FREE BODY Analysis at Temperance. Contact 9901053232 or email

Walk the Talk Dear Reader, Come September – and we are full of festivities and holidays. This is just the begining. Very soon, our roads will be packed with pilgrims going up to pray at the basilica of Mount Mary. Ganpati processions will add to the festive fervour, while shoppers throng to the malls and fulfil their desires. This time of the year, Bandra is centre-stage. Meanwhile, Bandra’s boundless activities continue - unabatedly. Many social groups in our neighbourhood are conducting excellent outreach programmes – to benefit the unfortunate. These include medical & career camps. Some create platforms for sports - or other talents, like singing, dancing, drama, etc. Some get important civic issues solved. These good works get them visibility & goodwill. If these leaders stand for elections early next year, people would surely vote for them. And... why not? We need to have Municipal Councillors who walk


BANDRA BUZZ their talk. Someone, who is there for you, when you need them the most. Someone, who is approachable and acts as a bridge between the BMC authorities and citizens. Someone, who is courageous, capable and selfless. Someone, who can see beyond party boundaries and act for the common good. Yes, Bandra Buzz supports such leaders and their teams. Their activities will be published (as done in the recent past) for all to know. If you have news-worthy documented information about such activities, do get in touch with us. Send your info to This is your local platform to create a neighbourhood network of like-minded people, working towards the common goal of ‘community connect’. So, while it is still raining; make the most of the cool climate between showers - by enjoying a walk in the park or on the wonderful promenades along the sea, or some other place. The choice is yours. Get refreshed now, as activities will be building up in September & beyond.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief

Letters to the Editor


DEVELOPMENT PLAN Construction activity in Bandra has apparently come to a standstill. According to local grapevine, there is a lull in the real estate market. Besides news media say more than 2 lakh flats remain unsold in Mumbai alone. No buyers. People are jittery about investing hard earned money on unscrupulous builders. These are the new breed, who have made their mark by duping others. Surprisingly in Bazaar Road area, in plots of 1000 sq ft, buildings have come up in most congested areas raising to six floors. There is only enough space to walk in or park your bike. When genuine landowners want to develop, BMC rejects with excuses like set back, CRZ or road widening. Apparently construction activity has taken a back seat also because of BMC's new stringent rules to penalize builders for delays in executing projects and harassing flat buyers who have made payments in advance. A regulatory body has now come into existence to enforce law and blacklist contractors and builders for failing to meet stipulated contracts. Of course the much debated controversy and its fall out

over Mumbai's DP 2034 remains to be seen where we are heading. As a matter of fact this DP remains as the most controversial and absurd plan in the history of BMC. Amar Singh DANGEROUS SPEEDING ON CHIMBAI ROAD The Chimbai Road that stretches from Perry Road (near the sugarcane stall) to the Chimbai Chowki often experiences speeding cars & bikes. This narrow one-way road has a sudden bend leading to St. Monica Road – which is the most dangerous area. This is a key access path for school kids walking from Perry Road to Aseema Municipal School on St. Joseph’s Road. Several accidents and near misses have occurred. This road badly needs speed breakers at appropriate spots. I request concerned citizens to support this issue – the BMC to act urgently by installing speed breakers. Sid Mehta

Email your letters to

Is your toothpaste causing you health problems?

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.

We brush our teeth at least once or twice a day – with commercial brand toothpaste that most of us do not know the ingredients used by its manufacturers – and their credentials. Yet we religiously use it, sometimes swallowing about 10%, after gargling out. Being a daily routine, we sub-consciously do not realize the impact that our present dental care methods can have on our health. Unbiased medical reports tell the truth – that is far from mainstream medicine. Firstly, flouride is scientifically proven to be more toxic than lead. It is a slow poison that can lead to brain damage, causing Alzheimer’s – i.e. memory loss. You can become so forgetful, that you may not recognize your family members. In extreme cases, you can forget your own name. Children’s brain / mind development can be damaged, as they tend to swallow their toothpaste. The Bone Powder meant to clean your teeth, acts as a fine sandpaper. Through years of regular abrasive use, the protective un-repairable enamel veneer of our teeth wears thin and is damaged; leaving it vulnerable to decay – leading to hefty bills from dentists, along with waiting time lost. Most commercial brands contain bleaching agents, chalk powder and other cancer causing chemicals, which slowly,

yet surely damage our body – leading to several avoidable health problems, that include kidney problems & cancer, ending in a painful death. If you value the health of your family & yourself, you should be using a tooth gel that is 100% natural ^ completely safe even for children. It should contain no chalk or bone powder or any bleaching agents. It should soothe mouth & gum infections with its natural anti-bacterial actions – while helping (if present) with mouth ulcers & bleeding gums. Most importantly, it should be chemical & fluoridefree. For more info on such a tooth gel visit or call 9820783616 for free home delivery in Bandra, Khar & Santacruz. Let your family feel & love the flavour of a safe, yet effective tooth gel – that will make them smile. will always thank you.




Over 89 mandals participate at this year’s Dahi Handi Shivsena Yuvasena, Bandra (W) Assembly Constituency had organised a Dahi Handi Festival. 84 Associations of Mumbai had participated in this festival. Keeping in mind & respecting the law the human pyramid was of 4 storey only. That was the beauty of this festival. For the ďŹ rst time such a big programme was organised by the Shivsena

under the leadership of Amol Gaganan Pawar, Vibhag Pramukh, Yuvasena & Sudesh Dube Deputy Vibhag Pramukh. Aashirwad Krida Mandal broke the Dahi handi and received a cash prize of Rs. 33,333/- alongwith a momento. TURN TO PAGE 15>> Pic Courtesy: Rupesh Mandavkar

Aashirwad Krida Mandal




Jarimari Govinda Pathak

Kadeshwari Mahila Mandal Govinda Pathak

Pimpleshwar Mahila Mandal

The Dahi Handi event is organised every year in memory of the late Mr. Ramdas Nayak and this year it completed 23 years. A total of 89 mandals (male & female) participated this year who came from Bandra, Khar & Santacruz.

They did a 4-level human pyramid as there was a cap on the height of human pyramid to 20 feet. Jarimari Govinda Pathak broke the male Dahi handi and received a cash prize of Rs 51000 while Kadeshwari Mahila Mandal

Govinda Pathak & Pimpleshwar Mahila Mandal broke the female Dahi Handi receiving a cash prize of Rs 5500 each as there was a tie since both arrived at the same time Pic Courtesy: Milind Diwakar Mandavkar

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