October 2017

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

19th October 2017 | Vol. 8 (I) Issue 10 |

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BandraBuzzNewspaper | www.bandrabuzz.in | Price: Rs 4/-

Breathing Life into the Mangroves Five years ago, when Rehan Merchant, a web designer by profession, began his work on the mangroves at Carter Road, people passing by or jogging on the promenade were sceptical about what he was doing. A man with a vision and determined to prove his point, nothing hindered Rehan’s effort and he continued to work with vigour. Now, the results lie in front of everyone, his persistence has paid off and through it, the mangroves are slowly turning over a new leaf. Mangroves consist of halophytes, which are plants and trees that are highly salt-tolerant and can grow in an acidic environment with high salt content. Found along the Mumbai coastline, Carter Road is home to these mangroves. Mangroves consume a large amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus, helping to maintain the climate and reduce pollution levels. There are three types of mangroves: red mangroves, black mangroves & white

mangroves, named after the colour of their wood; all of which are found at Carter Road. The soil in mangroves consists of clay, silt or particles of rocks, sand and tiny particles of shells. They’re home to crabs, birds, bats, oysters, shells, sea vegetables and various types of algae and environmental bacteria and organisms. If you happen to walk on the promenade at Carter Road & notice a man with a handcart, near the mangroves, you’ve come across Rehan Merchant. He has put up a few signs, as a brief note to the public, about what he’s doing and how it’s worked. You might notice a lot of plastic bags or garbage and assume that waste was the problem. The truth is, Rehan never had a problem with the garbage & it was the least of his concerns. The actual problem was the sewage that was accumulating in an area of the mangroves & spreading through them. Contd. on Page 3 >

Rehan Merchant began work on the mangroves at Carter Road five years ago

02 OCTOBER 2017


Metro 2B or Not To Be Disparity prevails as officials continue to turn a deaf ear to citizens’ woes. “We need fresh air. Say NO to Metro”, “No hate, no fear, Metro won’t be here” and “Metro 2B must go underground” read the banners of aggrieved protestors who took to the streets to strictly condemn the elevated Metro 2B corridor. The protest on September 29, 2017, outside St. Teresa’s Convent School in Santa Cruz and Bandra’s Badi Masjid on S.V. Road came as a third bitter pill following former protests in August & September. A rendition of placards and slogans by more than 300 students from St. Teresa’s, Anjuman Islam, St. Stanislaus and Beacon High among other schools along with activists, residents & citizen groups’ members demanded an underground network by severely reprehending the vanity project. Metro 2B, a 26.3 km long line from DN Nagar in Andheri to Mandale in Mankhurd, is currently planned as an entirely over-ground system. The corridor with 22 stations has raised hackles as it could disable good roads by creating congestion and aggravating traffic. Residents are opposed to the Andheri-Bandra stretch which covers seven stations on S.V. Road. “In certain key areas like JVPD, Khar, Bandra, Santacruz and Vile Parle, where the density is extremely high, we do not have space for an elevated infrastructure,” said architect Jaffer Jhaveri who jointly pro-

posed an underground plan with Nitin Khillawala. “We simply want them to plan it in an underground fashion at least in places where elevation is not practically viable,” added Jhaveri. Connectivity is another point at issue. There is no seamless connectivity between the Western Suburbs (Metro line 2: Dahisar-DN Nagar-Mankhurd) and South Mumbai (Metro Line 3: Colaba-Seepz) as the section till Mahim is underground and the Metro 2B corridor, passing through Bandra, is elevated. According to the current plan, BKC is the only station that connects the airport on Metro line 3 to Metro line 2B, leaving rest of the stations thoroughly detached from both the airports. Citizens see this project as yet another futile arrangement replacing existing skywalks and flyovers. Mani Patel (73), a resident of St. Martin’s Road and a trustee of the H-West Citizen’s Trust affirmed, “They (the government) are just misusing the funds. There is no planning. We paid a 100 crore for the skywalk. Now, they’re going to use more funds to break the 100 crore infrastructure and replace it with another structure that will only increase congestion and exacerbate traffic. Even the trees on the sidewalks will have to be hacked.” The Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) has estimated the total cost of Metro Line 2B at Rs. 10,980 crore. Project consultants from the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)

suggest that the cost of an underground project is five times that of the elevated project and also more time consuming. The numerous letters and petitions sent to Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis still awaits a response. “The letter which I have written is forwarded to the Chief Secretary over a month ago with no reply so far,” said Anandani Thakoor, chairperson of H-West Citizens’ Federation. “We are going to file a PIL. We are waiting for


the meeting on October 15,” she added. In addition to the legal aid, a citizen group led by Ex. Municipal Councillor Rahebar Khan and present Municipal Councillor Mumtaz Rahebar Khan has by far secured 60,000 supporters for their signature campaign. Soaring discomfort has abetted citizens to mock the government’s indifference towards important things in pursuit of some worthless grand ones. Sharlene Lobo



OCTOBER 2017 03

Breathing Life into the Mangroves The smell used to be pathetic and the mangroves were filthy. As he explains, “Stagnant sewage water is very bad for the mangroves, however, if sewage water is flowing through; it doesn’t affect them. Mangroves, in a way, act as sewage treatment. The plants make sure that the sewage water volume is within its limits.” The mangroves stretch into the sea: 350 metres from the Titan monument, 80 metres from the cabin in the middle and 380 metres at the end near Ganpati point. Rubble from the base of the Titan monument and tonnes of rubble from the walls of the promenade stretching from Otter’s Club to the monument, falling into the sea over decades led to the creation of an artificial shoreline, over the years. The artificial shoreline was further fortified, due to the accumulation of debris, sewage and the illegally built monument. Rehan began working on the sewage issue by unclogging one of the sewage pipes & creating a trench and a canal with special architecture. Along with this, he also created a dam which restricted excess sea water from entering and allowed the sewage to flow out instead of accumulating in one area. This ensured that the trench did not fill up and allowed the sea water to enter at tide level and sewage to flush out. He cleaned up the debris and dug out a canal, starting from one of the sewage pipes, leading it away from the artificial shoreline. This made it easier for the tide to take away the sewage and clean up the area. He gradually cleaned the other side, where the second outlet of the sewage is. A very positive aspect about Carter Road is the fact that most of it has been replaced by the mangroves, which is good news for us, the residents of Bandra! However, beyond the mangroves lies a beautiful, vast stretch of silt beach or a mud flat which is slowly evolving. This mud flat had about 50,000 to 60,000 stones at every ten foot interval, which over the past years has been removed by Rehan and in turn, used by him to re-create the fishing pond walls. Fishing pond walls should be marked as heritage, as he says, these walls were created by a generation of East Indian fishermen who came to stay in Sherly

Rehan began working on the sewage issue by unclogging one of the sewage pipes and creating a trench and a canal with special architecture vil-

vilage many years ago. Another misleading concept, Rehan says, is that the mangrove will protect us from a huge wave or a strong tide; that is not true. Fishing pond

walls are the barriers that will protect us, as they hold the tide back. The entire force of the tide is restricted from hitting the shore and damaging the walls. When the tide recedes, whatever silt it brings in, cannot flow out. This is ideally what gave rise to the mangroves. If there were no fishing pond walls, there would be no silt accumulation. Rehan found an opportunity, whereby, due to the fishing pond walls; the silt that is brought in from the Mithi river & Juhu creek along with some sand from Juhu beach dragged in by the low tide, is held back by the fishing pond walls. He has understood the method of silt enter-

ing and accumulating, thus, helping reduce erosion & depletion of the mud flat. Over the past 5 years, Rehan has moved and shuffled about 60,000 to 70,000 rocks, allowing more silt and sand to enter. Now, after all these years of work, it has become exponential; where larger quantities of silt enter and accumulate with each passing year, allowing the mangroves to flourish. Rehan has one worker, who he funds through the support of the public. His efforts haven’t gone unnoticed and people now donate money and appreciate what he’s doing. He pays the worker six hundred rupees for six hours of work, a day. Rehan’s vision remains firm and his work will soon yield positive results such as removal of stagnant sewage water in all parts of the mangrove, removal of plastic and garbage inside the mangrove, beautification of silt beach or mud flat, creation of fishing ponds and a nursery to plant saplings and other plants. Named ‘Prakritik Samadhan’, which translates to ‘Natural Solution’, his cause will benefit the generations to come; allowing them access to a more flourished and beautiful environment. He has started taking people for a tour through the mangrove to raise funds for the clearance of debris and to fund his worker. Do not miss out on this tour, for it is a wonderful experience and a definite must-try! Nayan Sreenivasan Image Credit: Josh Photography

04 OCTOBER 2017


Light up your Life and Home this Diwali

Diwali, as we all know is called the “Festival of Lights”. So, let me share with you some useful practical tips to consider when it comes to interior lighting to change the mood and ambience in your living space and to make you feel happy and at ease in your room – be it your home or workplace. Lights is the strongest manifestation of FIRE energy that can ensure your home or office to have good “chi”. Bring in positive energy in ALL aspects of life – boost health and finances, attract romance, heal troubled relationships, find a dream job, get a promotion, and MUCH MORE! Invite as much natural sunlight into your space as possible using doors, windows and skylights. Boost the wattage of your fixtures and lamps. Aim for a total of 100 watts per 50 square feet, with a balance of four distinct lighting sources: • Up-lights (overhead, torchieres, scones) • Ambient (to support conversation and relaxation) • Task based (under-cabinet, reading lamp or pendant) next to your bed, sofa or desk • Accent (table or wall) Avoid single overhead lights as they are harsh and jarring and cast dark shadows. Lighting set up in threes around a space is very auspicious and can create a “triangle of light” balance. Incorporate dimmer switches into rooms for flexibility & com-

fort to control how YIN or YANG the atmosphere of the space needs to be at different points in time. A few well-placed lamps, evenly distributed around the room can enhance the aesthetics of your place. Use warm white lighting in the living room to ensure yang energy. Your living should be well-lit; ensure that every corner is illuminated. Poor lighting could result in low mood. Use cool white lighting in the kitchen to preserve yin yang balance in the kitchen, providing good health and fortune for the entire family. Use cool white lighting in the study and in office for better efficiency at work and to help boost concentration. Use warm-colored lighting in the bedroom to rest and rejuvenate. Red lighting or neon lamps are not recommended in the bedroom as it will cause one to feel uneasy tense and quarrelsome. Hang bright circular shaped lamps at the main door entrance to deflect negative energies and welcome prosperity. It is best to avoid triangular-shaped lamps or those with sharp edges as they invite negative energies to the home. Book a personal consultation with Maria Hussain to create the ultimate space to live happier. Call +91-9967678652 or email bhcfengshui@gmail.com or visit our website www.bhcfengshui.com


Rochelle & Adrian’s Pre-Christmas Bonanza “Mama, that was so, so, so delicious? My fingers are dripping with sweet juice and I will lick them dry. Tell me, where did you get such a super tasty roll?” asked Shirley. “It is like a roll, my dear,” replied her mother, “But we call it a pancake and by tradition eat it on Shrove Tuesday.” “Pancakes, pancakes! I love pancakes. These are so yummy. But Mama, from where did you get them?” insisted Shirley. “My dear, I bought them from Aunty Rochelle. She is an expert in such things.” “Mama, please, please, take me to meet her,” requested Shirley. “That is a good idea,” agreed Mama. “Where is her flat?” “She does not live in a flat! No. She and Uncle Adrian live in a lovely bungalow called “Cyril Baug”, replied her mother. “That means Cyril Garden”. “You will love her house. She and her beloved husband Adrian have a front garden full of unique plants, tall palms and traditional fruit trees.” “Do they grow flowers too?” asked the little girl. “Yes they do Shirley. They have red and pink roses, gorgeous red hibiscus, bluebells and white lilies, and the compound fence is full of buttercups smiling you through the green creepers. Their croutons have coloured leaves.” Shirley began jumping up and down singing. “I cannot wait, I wish we could go today. Aunty Rochelle and Uncle Adrian sound like a fairy-tale couple.” “Yes, my dear,” replied Mama. “That is a fine name for them. You can see that they really care for each other and work together all the time. Rochelle is an empowered woman. Besides, it is so good to see a husband helping his wife so diligently and enthusiastically. I hear that he makes composite of dried leaves and does the marketing! They are an enterprising couple. In 2005 they published Queen of the Kitchen, a 98 page book in which they presented their favourite recipes in 13 sections. Known as “The Enterprising Duo” they believe that “One hand opened in sharing is worth a thousand hands folded in prayer.’ The cookery book sold more than 1000 copies within three months of its release. Like the Pre-Christmas Bonanza they give a chance for home-designed, homemade products to shine in front of their neighbours. We must thank and encourage Rochelle and Adrian for what they are doing. Shirley jumped to open the door. “Here comes Papa,” she announced. “We were just talking about Aunty Rochelle and Uncle Adrian, Papa. I enjoyed their

pancakes.” “What a coincidence,” replied Papa. “I just heard that they are in the midst of organising their annual event. You see, every year in mid November the two of them organise a heart-warming event that they call the Pre-Christmas Bonanza. They hold it in their spacious garden and it is truly a rocking fest. There you can buy their famous sweets, food, cakes and other delicacies.” “In this event added Mama, “House-to-house marketing and home-based trading are given a novel platform.” “Oh, Papa. We must go there,” said Shirley hoping around on one leg. “First of all,” said Papa, “Let me give you a bit of the history of the Bonanza. It seems that they first got the idea as early as 1996 when they held a small sale of hand-made goods. Several friends and neighbours contributed to the sale and the amount collected for booking each table went to the needy.” “The Bonanza was so successful,” said Mama, “that it led to a yearly event with an increasing spread of items and more opportunities for local makers of various useful articles and colourful decorations to find buyers. “And,” added Mama, “Many people get rid of what they do not need in their White Elephant stall, while others are so happy to discover a second-hand item that they have been looking for in the market. Others benefit from the sale of used and unused articles. You will also find the best of home-made sweets, wines, pickles and the traditional Bottle Masala, together with crockery, jewellery and a host of gift items. People enjoy getting surprise prizes at the Lucky Dip too!” “Oh wow,” exclaimed Shirley, “I am going to see how much money I have in my piggy-bank.” “Don’t worry,” said Papa, “I will give you a special purse for that day!” Shirley left for the playground skipping with joy. Do book a table and come with your friends and family. It will surely be an event of surprises and you will return home to bring smiles to the faces of those you love. The next Pre-Christmas Bonanza will be held on Sunday, November 19, 2017 between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. at “Cyril Baug” 103, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400 050 (Tel.: 26006457) Landmark opp. Brownie Point / Zig Zag Road. Dr. Pearl Drego




n MLA whose constituency extends beyond Bandra distributes food packets containing rice, sugar and oil only to hutment dwellers on occasion of Navratri. Is he a rich man? Or is it because his party tells him this is the best time to make the voter happy? Which ever we look at it, our political parties know how to play this game well. Those illiterate people who live in zopadpatti’s are ever willing to sell their soul to the highest bidder. Isn’t this yet another case of how our corrupt politicians will do anything to stoop so low. It is high time EC take notice of such acts of cheap bribery by the political class and debar their candidacy for future elections. Election or no election they should be taught morals first. Each day the media is out with stories of how our elected representatives are using their offices to grab land, allow their friends and relatives to acquire properties and secretly make deals with the underworld all in the name of money. How many thieves, robbers, murderers, babas and rapists is the CBI and the ED going to go after? When will this crime in the name of democracy end? It is a shame to learn India is ranked as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. In spite of a HC order the permissible sound decibels during Ganpati and Navratri have gone way beyond limits. Where is the police, the so called guardians of law? Where is the law and order situation to be implemented by the CM of the State who himself holds the portfolio of the Home Ministry? Why do the police not take any action, arrest those who disobey the HC order? The answer is simple. Even they are politicized by the goons who carry a badge of honour to say they are part

OCTOBER 2017 05

Everything for a Vote

of the government. Are the citizens of this country heading for a goonda raj? The economy has gone into a tail spin, from the time the ‘sarkar’ announced demonetisation and brought in its great reform of GST, where the common man is taxed at

every juncture. For six conservative quarters the GDP has fallen to an abysmal level of 5.7%, with high unemployment, rising prices of petrol and food stock. The Finance Minister is hung up on GST and still trying to fudge figures to get things right. Are all these things called ‘Ache Din’ which we were promised in 2014? They can sing and dance now with lies foretold and with it they have managed to get elected in 18 of the 28 states of the republic. The clock is ticking, for come 2019 it will be vote for good riddance. Let us once and for all bury those who came to power on false promises. They have come into governance because their predecessors proved to be a bunch of looters & electorate booted them out lock, stock and barrel. The government wants its citizens to link Aadhar Card to your Pan Card, LPG connection, Bank account and other social benefit schemes, but not the Voter ID because the fraud committed by the political

class in garnering votes from illegal sources can be safely hidden and shown has being legitimate. There are thousands and thousands of illegal residents who come to our city, obtain false documents and legitimize their status as true residents who have the right to vote. Isn’t this the biggest fraud committed by these political parties, just to grab power at any cost. Why was there such a hue and cry about EVM’s used during the UP elections? The voting machines were doctored to serve only one purpose, to select and elect candidate of its choice. This is the true picture of our democracy. It’s about time each citizen of our country wake up and see the evil designs of the political class before we sink into a deep black hole of dictatorship and economic suppression of the masses for the good and well fare of our political masters. Amar Singh Image Credit: HuffPost India

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06 OCTOBER 2017



BMC to widen Pali Market road to ease traffic congestion woes


n a quest to clear the bottlenecks at Pali Naka junction, Pali Market, Pali Mala & Dr. Ambedkar Road that hamper pedestrians’ mobility, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation razed illegal extensions of over 25 shops & restaurants and removed unauthorised hawkers on Thursday September 21, 2017. The illegal portions of the iconic Toto’s Garage, Gondola, Soul Fry, The Deepak Wines, Jude Wines and Jude Cold Storage among others were demolished. However, this didn’t stop the shopkeepers from rebuilding temporary sheds immediately a day after the demolition. Hard-nosed on resolving the issue, the civic demolition squad razed the extensions again on Friday, September 29. According to Mrs Madhu Poplai, Secretary of the Pali Hill Residents’ Association, the shopkeepers turned a deaf ear to the notices served 4-6 months in advance. However, the shopkeepers deny the acquisition of any such legal notice. She adds that the extensions of restaurants like The Irish

House and Sri Sagar are also illegal, but the notices to these joints were served only in the latter half of September. Action against them can be expected in near future. What’s causing the congestion? Illegal extensions, commercial parking and unauthorised stalls had reduced the freeway near Pali Market. “To increase the road’s width, licensed hawkers were being troubled initially, when the actual illegal extensions lay on the other side of the road,” said Poplai. Demolition followed suit. “The roads were so congested that it would take us 20-30 minutes to cross from Pali Hill Rajendra Kumar Chowk to Pali Naka. Residents had started complaining, incessantly, to improve the entry and exit. With obstructions, the road left was only 28 feet wide.” Adding to the snag is the illegal commercial parking by restaurants like Wok Express, The Punjab Sweet House and 5 Spice. “They have over 20 motorcycles parked in line for delivery purposes. These bottlenecks posed accident threats

and didn’t leave space for shoppers to move or park their vehicles.” How can it be fixed? Rehabilitation of the authorized vendors, at Pali Market, by relocating them to a space reserved, by Manthan Developers, exclusively for the market. According to the market’s redevelopment project by Manthan Group, 62 slots are reserved for these vendors inside the market. Along with the market expanse, over 25 spots are reserved for parking vehicles brought along by shoppers. Dispute with Manthan Developers In 2006, Manthan Group cornered the rights to revamp nine municipal markets, across Mumbai, including the very lucrative Pali Market, but the construction has been stalled for more than a decade owing to civil aviation obstacles. This leaves vendors languishing on the pavements. Mrs Shyama Kulkarni, from the Pali Hill Residents’ Association, said, “By regular-

ly pulling down licensed hawkers to clear congestion, we are sabotaging their livelihood. They were supposed to be given a place inside the market long ago. A few vendors including 12 fisherwomen, who regularly sat on the sidewalks, have disappeared in the last 3-4 years.” After the demolition drive, cheques issued by the builder to the hawkers who were to be rehabilitated bounced, forcing them to issue new post-dated cheques. A meeting with the Municipal Commissioner, in the last week of September, coaxed the officials to intensify their action against the developer with a three-month deadline frame. Mr. Sharad Ughade, Assistant Municipal Commissioner (H-West ward), said, “We are planning to widen the 40-footwide road. Efforts are being taken to persuade Manthan developers to either accommodate the licensed vendors or pay them rent. In addition, we’re also trying to bring a portion of land under the corporation’s possession so that we can shift these authorized vendors to a secure place.” With regards to illegal encroachments, Ughade adds, “If the illegal extensions continue, we shall lodge the MRTP (Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices) Act.” To arrest unauthorized parking, a joint action along with the traffic police department is expected in the next few months. Sharlene Lobo

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OCTOBER 2017 07

Bandraites talk about how they would celebrate this Diwali The Festival of Lights is here and we are very excited to know how Bandraites are going to celebrate it this year! Keeping in mind the recent event of Supreme Court declaring a ban on firecrackers in Delhi last week, we spoke to some locals from different communities who shared how they would celebrate Diwali. Student Aditi Sakpal from Bandra Reclamation likes to celebrate Diwali by waking up early in the morning and lighting diyas everywhere in the house! She loves dressing up in new clothes for the puja and relishing on homemade treats! She believes that change can instantly call off to eco-friendly people who won’t pollute the environment by not bursting crackers. Though we all are aware that there are people getting affected by fireworks because of accidents and all, but she feels that perspective can differ from person to person. The ones who don’t want to won’t; but the ones who want to, will. She takes no harsh judgments on this issue. She says, “Chocolates somehow have been trying to replace Diwali sweets but don’t we all love Nankhatai?” Aditi concludes, “Be with your family and friends! that’s the best thing. Staying with them! Celebrating with them! I don’t think there would be anything better than that.” Housewife Usha Pithawalla who runs a small business of making decorative products out of waste paper like lights and jewellery recalls celebrating Diwali in her childhood. “Childhood memories of Diwali are the best!”, she says. Siblings and parents come together to spend time with each other; visiting relatives and friends and taking sweets for everyone. For her crackers were a part of Diwali. But apart from sparklers she never enjoyed the noisy ones even back then. The decorations at home were simple yet special. She remembers placing clay diyas on the windows and doorway. She also adds, “I still buy from the

happily participates for Laxmi’s ritual! She looks forward to a pollution free Diwali and also believes that children have started to accept this idea. She says, “My 7 year old daughter hasn’t asked for any crackers, it is not the part of Diwali she looks forwards to, she is conscious of the effect it has on birds and would rather celebrate Diwali with diyas and Rangoli then anars and phooljhadis.” She adds, “I feel Diwali is a festival of sharing and spreading joy... not just with your immediate family but with your neighbors, with your support staff, with community helpers, with everyone.” Mrs. Molly Kalothia roadside in Mahim. We lived in Hindu colony in Dadar where everyone left their doors open like one big family, which we miss today.” She feels a lot has changed with time, but she tries to keep it just as simple as it was during her childhood and encourages her daughter to do the same. Most people as we know today buy readymade sweets whereas earlier sweets were prepared at home. She also highlighted the effects of crackers and feels they should be banned. “It is very sad, animals, birds, trees, sick people, specially with breathing problems suffer the most”, she confesses. “Celebrate Diwali, visit old friends and relatives. Try not to burst noisy crackers if possible. If one can afford, give well to people who serve us throughout the year; like the house help, drivers, security guards, people who clean our surroundings which we dirty. And above all if one can afford, give to the ones in need.” she concludes. Bandra resident Mrs. Molly Kalothia shares with us a tradition of how her mother used to draw her feet on the day of Laxmi Pujan as it signifies Laxmi’s footsteps. She has kept the tradition alive even today as her 7-year-old daughter Anvi

terialistic things and polluting fireworks. Being asthmatic, this personally pains me more as I now have to leave Mumbai or stay at home with the windows closed up for Diwali. Thus am not able to visit family friends and partake in the festivities.” Tripti added, “Flavours of Fun is a culinary no flame cooking class for children aged 3-15 years. We celebrated Diwali with special edible diya’s and rangoli’s, coconut barfi and many other lip smacking dishes.” She concluded with her recent experience, “Children enjoyed themselves learning, exploring a new and healthy experience and the air was filled with the noise of not crackers, but laughter, vibrant flavours and fun!” Smruti Apsingekar

Tripti Athaide who runs culinary classes for kids expressed her thoughts about the festival of lights. Today for Tripti, Diwali means running out of Mumbai or being confined at home as she is a patient of chronic asthma; otherwise it always ends into a bad attack for her. She remembers Diwali as a child being a Festival of Lights and happiness to her! New clothes, visiting family & YES!!!! the lovely sweets & delicious snacks as well. She stated, “Diwali compared to what I remember has become a festival now largely which has centered around ma-


y connect since

19th October 2017

| Vol. 8 (I) Issue 10




Breathing Life int o the Mangroves

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Five years ago, when Rehan Merchant, a web designer by mangroves, named profession, began after the colour his their wood; work on the mangroves of all of which are found at Carter Road, at Carpeople passing by ter Road. The soil or jogging on the in mangroves consists prom- clay, silt enade were sceptical of or particles of rocks, about what he was sand and tiny doing. A man with particles of shells. a vision and deterThey’re home to mined to prove crabs, birds, bats, oysters, his point, nothing shells, sea vegetables hin- and various dered Rehan’s effort types of algae and and he continued environto work with vigour. mental bacteria and Now, the results organisms. lie in front of everyone, If you happen to his persistence has walk on the promepaid off and through nade at Carter Road it, the mangroves & notice a man are a handcart, slowly turning over near the mangroves, with a new leaf. you’ve Mangroves consist come across Rehan Merchant. He has of halophytes, which are plants put up a few signs, as and trees that are a brief note to the highly about what public, salt-tolerant and he’s doing and how can grow in an acidic it’s worked. environment with high You might notice salt content. Found a along the Mumbai or garbage and assume lot of plastic bags coastline, Carter that waste was the Road is home to these mangroves. Mangroves problem. The truth is, Rehan never had consume a large a problem with the amount ide from the atmosphere, of carbon diox- least of his concerns.garbage & it was the thus, helping to The actual problem maintain the climate was the sewage and reduce pollution that was accumulating levels. There are three in an area of the mangroves & spreading types of mangroves: red mangroves, black through them. mangroves & white Contd. on Page 3 > Rehan Merchant

began work on the

| www.bandrabuzz.in

mangroves at Carter

| Price: Rs 4/-

Road five years ago

08 OCTOBER 2017



The High Tea Affair Where Style meets Soiree For long now, Bandra has been the standard for the city’s fashion fads. Moreover, the fashion hub has seen rich trends from the fusion of the variety of cultures this fashion-centric populace is known for. Located in the heart of this fashionable district is Madhuri and Ghena Thadani’s Signature Make up Studio, Hair Salon, Skin & Spa zone & Total Make over Kiosk. According to this gifted and artistic duo, the art of transformation is one that is truly encapsulated in the work of a make-up artist and personal stylist. From sculpting and contouring to adding yo u t h f u l n e s s and sophistication, the ability of makeup artistry & personal styling have no boundaries. And it is exactly this mantra that is reflected in their deft and minute work while they work with their clients. A few of the styles Madhuri specializes in are The Bride, Friday Night Soiree and Smoky Eyes. Besides, if you are a passionate beauty aficionado, and you love all things hair, makeup, skin care, nails and personal styling, then Madhuri’s Signature Make up

Studio, Hair Salon, Skin & Spa zone & Total Make over Kiosk promises to provide exciting, and cool new techniques to zest up your “look great” and “feel fantastic” quotient. Also, amalgamated into their concept is a one of a kind opportunity to consult and engage with owner-professional personal stylist Ghena Thadani, who is popularly known as a fashion diva herself and has been curating fashion trends for many a Bandraite, right from the college teen to the well-known names in the fashion circuit. All these delicious offerings come plated up with a “High Tea Affair” only at Madhuri’s Signature Make up Salon Spa. The High Tea Affair is a fantastic way for a group of ladies to bond. And by that, we don’t only mean Smart Bond, Java and tea cakes. Effective make-up techniques, sassy hair looks, trendy nails, healthy skin that starts from within, truly therapeutic spa treatments or a total make-over, are all served up on the High Tea Affair menu. In the words of Cyndi Lauper, ‘girls just wanna have fun’ and what better way than to bond at the High Tea Affair!

The pedicure area, serves as a multi-purpose zone where you can get a foot reflexology & massage, a head & a divinely de-stressing shoulder & neck massage

Book your High Tea Affair at + 9167035000 /022 26400716 /022 26400616 Madhuri Signature Make up Salon & Spa shop no. 7, Darvesh Royale building, opp. Kotak Mahindra Bank, Turner Road Bandra (W) www.madhurismakeupsalon.com Facebook: madhurismakeupsalon Email: madhurismakeup@yahoo.com Valerian D’Costa

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OCTOBER 2017 09

The Return of Between Breads Between Breads – Bandra’s favourite burger bistro, which inexplicably went missing some time back, is back with a bang and how! A spanking new menu, chock a block with mouth watering fare is bound to tingle your taste buds and loosen your purse strings. Some of the old favourites like the jalapeno poppers and other popular dishes are still there. Classic lip-smacking burgers, sandwiches, bacon wrapped hotdogs will tempt every meat lover! They can take a pick of: ‘Chick Flic’ which is a classic chicken burger with egg & avocado. There are plenty of sandwiches to choose from, right from ‘The Amazing ATB’ which is filled with bocconcini cheese, tomato and avocado or ‘The Vietnam’ filled with pork belly and chicken. In Hotdogs, you simply cannot miss the classic ‘New Yorker’ filled with grilled onions, or ‘Bae Con Bonanza’ filled with bacon, coleslaw & BBQ sauce and others. There are special wings just for you in the form of ‘Crispy Wispy’, ‘The B-Bae-Q’, and the ‘Jerkey Shore’ amongst others. A must try from the new range of sides would be their ‘Baby Devils’ with avocado and egg, or the ‘Turkish Delight’ with spiced lamb, cheese. Between Breads in its new avatar has not neglected the veggies. A variety of sandwiches and burgers will definitely satiate their appetites and have them asking for more. ‘The Popeye’ which is a spinach and parmesan

stuffed potato rosti slathered with caramelized onion. Other new entrants are: some DIY Waffles - sweets along with savoury options like ‘The Breakfast Club’ filled with cottage cheese or ‘The Pinetry’ with cream cheese, jalapeno & pine nuts. For the more discerning, there are a scrumptious range of asides and delicious desserts. Shakes made of brownies or S’mores are also on offer. The bistro has been packaged in a contemporary artistic ambience, adding to the peppiness and energy. Adds Sahil Rohira “From the time I was a customer to a co-owner now, I’ve always loved Between Breads and it’s been my go to place for some mouth-watering burgers, when I’m in Bandra. When I got the opportunity to be a part owner of Between Breads I couldn’t say no. We’ve completely changed the look and feel of the place and have a fantastic new menu keeping the veggies and not so veggie inclined, in mind while retaining classics from the old menu.” The restaurant opens this Friday at its same earlier location in Bandra.

The Chicken Not So Little << Sahil Rohira (Co-owner)

Between Breads Shop No. 2, Kalpitam Apartments, 16th Road, Pali Village, Bandra West, near Hawaiian Shack, Mumbai 400050 Edwin Fernandes

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10 OCTOBER 2017



BANDRA BRO! Whether it’s an old lady’s unfulfilled Mannat or a security guard of the Galaxy, Bandra has always been versatile. The ‘15 Rupay ka ek lights’ vaala sits on the cylindrical Shiv Ling shaped barricade of Bandstand, scraping off the last strand of Chicken stuck between his teeth. A close spectator is the regular, fair, double-chinned, chicken legged man whose surname ends with some ‘aani’. My evening walk starts and ends at either of the two Banglas. Calf muscles work less, what works more is the grey and white trying to figure out which sea facing apartment belongs to which celebrity and if he/she goes to the Gold’s Gym. Muscles remind me of the callisthenic setup at the promenade, where you get to see some serious motivation. Adoring the sea-facing bungalows, I day dream to stand at the balcony with my right feet resting against my left knee while I slowly sip my On The Rocks. But What’s actually happening On The Rocks? – the amount of effort spectators put in to realize that, and that too at low light vision, is incredible. Under umbrellas, beneath translucent tippets and

some between twigs and leaves  —  they create a perfect sea-sight by the sea side. There you get to see some commandos with cameras, You too YouTubers? The Shalimar of the common Janata is the place that brews everything except pubic hair oil, public hair oil I mean. There is a thin line between Shalimar and Janata, and that thin line looks like a coil. Patience test boys. I really want to speak to that bald person whom I see every day outside Janata, drowned in deep thoughts and a thick cloud of smoke. I too hate the traffic signal at Lemon leaf (now CCD). I actually countdown from 150 to 1, sorry 4, as I impersonate a spastic gorilla to avoid the third gender.

There are so many satgurus around, I wonder if Bandra used to be home to the nirmals and ramdevs — Bandra ki yeh leela hai. I don’t like the chairs inside Wok Express and the Wok way of processing orders — Your contact number sir? Veg or non-veg?, Choice of sauce?, Choice of noodle?, choice of condiment? You act like a regular WOKer confident with your choices, and you end up getting a middle and large size container, full of spicy dark noodles/rice which you anyway take home. Carter Road has always been my favorite. That regular group of friends sitting by the Rizvi lane gives us serious squad goals. Those On The Rock Couples conquer

some great distances across contours to find the perfect blind spot and here I can’t decide which Shawarma is better — Carter’s Express’ or Carter’s Blue’? I won’t say anything about Chapel Road or Bazaar road, because I am not writing an essay on Goa. Well, Bandra is beautiful. If one had the time to adore the beauty of Bandra, instead of thinking about which flat costs how many crores and which people live there — air hostess, real estate tycoons or that guy who is always spotted outside the Irish house. By the way, Delight Restaurant home delivery karta hai kya? Biswaroop Carr



What makes Biotin the Perfect Supplement for Hair & Skin Care Whether you are 16 or 60, there’s a good chance that you have already tried a variety of hair tonics and skin creams that promise to give you thick, silky hair and soft, radiant skin only to fail miserably. With this air of skepticism, you may be tempted to dismiss biotin as yet another marketing gimmick, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As more studies investigate the role

of biotin in human health, we’ve learned that this essential nutrient is critical for hair growth, while it also helps in other functions, such as skin regeneration, nail growth, and metabolism. What’s most fascinating to us is its potential application in hair and skin care. Just keep in mind that not all supplements are equal, as most contain synthetic nutrients that are not easily absorbed by your body. Try to look

out for supplements like those from leading nutraceutical brands such as Pure Nutrition, as they have higher bioavailability, which means that they can actually yield positive results. Still unsure about the role of biotin in hair and skin care? Keep on reading. Biotin for Healthy Hair Biotin is of great importance when it comes to hair growth and quality because of its positive impact on keratin structure. Keratin is basically the fundamental protein that serves as a building block for hair strands. Biotin deficiencies are in fact a common cause for hair loss and premature balding. A study that appeared in the journal Dermatology Research and Practice demonstrated the beneficial effects of biotin on hair health. Researchers found that with biotin supplementation, hair fall can be easily controlled, while it can also encourage significant regrowth of hair. Biotin for Healthy Skin Just as biotin is important for healthy hair, it also helps with your skin care routine. This is because keratin is not just a building block for hair strands, but is also the glue that holds skin cells together. In addition to holding cells together & preserving skin quality, it also forms a protective barrier on the outer skin surface. This basically means that adequate biotin intake helps in the preservation and

OCTOBER 2017 11 maintenance of healthy skin, also lowering the risk of blemishes, hyperpigmentation, and permanent scarring. How to Boost Biotin Intake Biotin intake can be easily boosted by including foods like egg yolk, organ meats, legumes, whole grains, and mushrooms in your regular diet. Unfortunately, cooking at high temperatures reduces the bioavailability or efficacy of biotin & most of these foods need to be cooked. In addition, the best sources of biotin are animal-based, which poses a problem for India’s predominantly vegetarian population. This is why biotin supplements are frequently recommended by both trichologists and dermatologists, as biotin deficiency is one of the most common causes for hair & skin problems. Biotin supplementation has been shown to be safe, with studies finding that biotin supplementation causes no side effects. Unfortunately, the Indian market has been flooded with low quality supplements that may be cheap, but are pretty much useless. Fortunately, premium brands like Pure Nutrition have entered the market in recent years, creating supplements like Biotin Plus that have higher bioavailability than natural sources too! If you suffer from hair loss or chronic skin conditions, you can reach out to Pure Nutrition’s experts for a free consultation on 1800 120 9882.

Planning a Weekend Getaway! Consider this: Khopoli Bungalow >> An independent bungalow 90 minutes away from Mumbai on the Khopoli-Pen Highway, close to the Mumbai Pune Expressway The bungalow is surrounded by a garden and overlooks the Donvat Dam It is fully furnished and comfortably sleeps 10 persons. All amenities for cooking and bathing are available.

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12 OCTOBER 2017 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO EARN WELL For Income, Growth and Bright Future for self-motivated and result oriented persons, with India’s most trusted business house. You too can earn well, as I have for the last 15 years, if you are a graduate, 26 to 60 years old. Register today! Phone me, Feroza, your fellow Bandra citizen, on 9821239419. COMPUTER SERVICES For prompt and reliable service of home computers and laptops, please call Dennis Mendonca (over 15 years of experience in PC service) on 7738647535. Service centre: We-fix computer services, near Dr. Farooqui’s Polyclinic, St. Martin Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050 Payment: Cash, Cheque or PayTm CRAFTS AND MORE Learn and enjoy the art of Candle Making/Decoupage/Decopatch/Crochet/ Knitting/Mosaic/Storytelling/Terrariums/Paper Crafts. For more details kindly contact us on 9769621002. Ready Crochet items and Candles available. CORNED TONGUE Available Corned Tongue and Meat Loaf. (Home made and delicious)NO Home Delivery. Call 9820300751 COURIER SERVICES Sky World Bandra (W) offers premium domestic and international courier services. Dispatch through DHL, FedEx, Blue Dart, TNT, etc. Service to all major cities in India and all countries. Excellent service, free pick up. Sky World, 1B, A wing, Swapna Safalya, 25th road, near Tavaa restaurant, Bandra (w), Mumbai 400050 Contact: 6596 9999 / 2651 2651 / 93243 88808 email worldsky50@gmail.com DANCE CLASSES Learn social dancing (Jive/Chacha/ Waltz/Salsa) in easy, fun & flexible sessions. Timings: Monday / Wednesday 7-8 pm and 8-9 pm, Saturday & Sunday 5.30-7 pm and 7-8.30 pm, Sun 11-12 am. Venues: St. Peters KG School and St. Joseph’s Primary School at Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050. Kindly contact Marlon 9820344010.

BANDRA BUZZ GOAN FOOD & SWEETS We offer Goan Masala, Home / Office Tiffins (Home Delivery Arranged), Goan Sausages, Christmas Sweets (Goan Style). Call Bebiana D’Souza 9819454137/ 99205 89181 HANDWRITING CLASSES Are you having a problem with your kid’s handwriting? We help to make handwriting clear, beautiful & legible. Guaranteed improvement in your child’s handwriting. Basic calligraphy classes also taught. Contact Mrs. Asha on 9892818253 / 26493438.

JOB VACANCY WANTED STAFF URGENTLY 1) Restaurant Manager 10 years experience computer literate, 2) Captain cashier 5 years & 3) Delivery boys with bike (should know Bandra & Khar area). Walk in WANTON HOUSE RESTAURANT, 98 Hill Road, Bandra (West). Call: +919820717384 email: wantonhousebandra@gmail.com

NEEDLE WORK & CROCHET Ladies knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Dressmaking courses. Rs 1500 each. Contact Mrs D’Silva 9820451695. Girls dressed stitched. Mufflers and baby sets available Rs 320. Kindly visit our wesbite for more details annadsilva. wixsite.com/handson PRAYER May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified & loved today and everyday throughout the world, now & forever. Amen. Ask St. Clare for 3 favours, 2 impossible & say 9 Hail Mary’s, the above prayer for 9 days with a lighted candle & publish on 9th day.

CLASSIFIEDS SOCIETY SUPER MARKET Get best rates for all your household groceries. Wide range. We accept SODEXO coupons & cards, ticket restaurant coupon & cards & all major credit & debit cards. Visit Society Super Market, shop # 6 & 7, Beach View Apts., 77, Chimbai Road, next to Chimbai Police Chowki, Bandra (W) Call 26403027 / 84, 26401829 or 9930665121 SPANISH CLASSES Hispanic Horizons is an institute for teaching Spanish language. We have weekday & weekend courses suitable for both college students & working professionals. We are an accredited examination center to conduct international Spanish exams like DELE, DIE and specialized Spanish exams for business, tourism & medicine. We have a placement cell as well through which we help our students to get Spanish related jobs. No age limit. Hispanic Horizons, Vas Chambers Building, 1st floor, Hill road, Bandra (West) Call: +91-22-26409039 / 8082647938 Website: www.hispanic-horizons.org

REASONABLE COST HEALTHCARE Clinics (open all through the week):Ayurveda Clinic with Panchakarma theatre, Dental Clinic with specialities of Implantologist, Orthodontist, Endontist, Oral Pathologist, Paediatric Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Eye Clinic, Foot Spa & Reflexology, Apple Diagnostics Collection Centre. Contact: UCDC (Urban Community DevelopTUITIONS ment Centre), 104/B, 14th road, Ban- French Tuitions. Result oriented. InKICKBOXING CLASSES dra (West), Mumbai 400050. Tel: cluding board toppers. Trusted name Amit Lalwanis Kickboxing and Muay- 26006258 for over 30 years. Contact: Prof. W. de thai Academy at Bandra (w), Khar (w), Sales Ph: 26436078 / 9930877422 Charni road. Call 8454001235 REPAIRS Washing machine, gas stove, fridge & Siraj Sir himself available for home LEARN TO EARN A.C. Call Ramesh 9892387330 Bharat tuition for Mathematics, Physics and Computer courses (MKCL authorised Service Centre, Pali Naka. Chemistry. Std 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & learning centre), admissions open 12th board: ICSE, CBSE, SSC, NIOS, round the year. Basic, MSCIT/Klic, ROYAL COLLECTION - CHIMBAI IGCSE, HSC, IG ISC. Siraj Sir. Resilaptop / iPad / printer, LCD repairing For Colour / B&W xerox, printouts, dence: 1401, Kapilvastu, Khar (west), courses (repairing done here), tailor- photo prints, plastic folders/files, Call: 09320203009 & 09320503009. ing & beautician courses. (stitching of school items, stationery, gift items/ ladies & gents outfits done here). Con- wrapping, HP cartridges, toy games, Tuitions for all subjects from Std 8th tact: UCDC (Urban Community De- cosmetics, deo/perfumes, personal to 12th (Arts, Science & Commerce). velopment Centre), 104/B, 14th road, care items, mobile accessories, etc. Call S.S. Tutorials 9821121982. WaroBandra (W), Mumbai 400 050. Tel: Visit our store: Royal Collection, Shop da Road, behind St. Stanislaus High 26006258 3, Beach View Apartment, Chimbai School, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050. Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050. LOST PHYSICAL Call 022-26413189 or 8879037934 or WARD BOY SHARES/DIVIDENDS e-mail: royalprint9@gmail.com Taking care of elderly males at home Get doorstep personal service for your (post hospitalization or otherwise) for lost physical shares/dividends. DuSHARES & MUTUAL FUNDS bathing, feeding, 3 years experience. plicate procedure & FIR & notary all Transfer, Probate, Succession Certifi- Rs 300/- per sitting per patient, Bandin-house. We also offer services in in- cate, Legal Heir, Will, Demat, Letter of ra-Khar. Benjamin Patel 98207 72565 surance of cars/buildings/mediclaim Administration & Addition / Deletion and other financial consulting ser- of Name. Call: 9323244906 (Home TO BOOK YOUR AD SPACE IN BANDRA BUZZ vices. For more details kindly contact Service) email: lionsunilkhosla@ us on 9821172450 or meet us at B/34 gmail.com (Advocate Co-ordinator CALL: Elco Arcade, Bandra (West), Mumbai Sunil Khosla, 30th Road, Bandra West, 9820783686 or 9920299787 400050 with prior appointment. Mumbai 400050



Letters to the Editor CLARIFICATION ON THE ASSC In the May issue of Bandra Buzz there is an article “The Andrean Social Service Cente (ASSC) call it quits after 36 years.” The main thrust of the article is to appreciate the work of the ASSC which has helped transform the lives of underprivileged children by providing them access to education. The commitment and dedication of the teachers is remarkable. However the article also says that the ASSC closed its door because of persistent lack support from St. Andrews School. When the ASSC was finding it difficult to run its classes at the Auxilium Convent, Fr. Evan D’Souza, the principal of the school invited the ASSC to run the classes in the St. Andrews School. The subsequent principals, Fr. William Athaide, Fr. George Athaide and Fr. Magi Murzello continued to allow the ASSC to run classes at St. Andrews School. He also built a shed with lights and fans to allow the ASSC to continue classes in the college premises. At the final get-together one of the alumni mentioned that one of the events that stood out in his memory was the picnic to Gorai, organized by Fr. Magi. The article also refers to a concerned Bandraite who says that if it is a matter of paying the rent, he would be glad to pay it. The ASSC has been running at St. Andrews School for over thirty years. How is it possible that after 30 years, the St. Andrews School has suddenly decided to charge rent? The concerned Bandraite is a very generous man but he doesn’t have

his facts right. There are many organizations that help people in need with bread, clothes, ration, etc. For 36 years the ASSC has helped the underprivileged in the field of education. They have shown them how to stand on their own feet and not be dependent on others. Fr. Caesar D'Mello DEMON GST Demonetization (note ban) and the GST introduce by the rigid Prime Minister Narendra Modi has broken the backbone of the people of India. With business down by half, with unemployment, no export, tight money market and with falling economy the country is heading for a disastrous situation. People will reject him in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections & throw him & his party out of the power, for committing major sins on the people of India. Bhagwan Thadani BANDRA’S WAR VETERANS Your coverage of Bandra’s war veterans was indeed informative and brought back memories of how Bandraites had ‘blackouts’, when sirens were sounded in the 60s and 70s. Those were scary days, when Bombay was vulnerable to be bombed by the enemy. Please include war veterans of all communities, as I know your paper to be un-biased, catering to all communities. Your Republic Day 2018 issue would be appropriate for similar articles. Do keep up the good work. Hasheem Laheji

OCTOBER 2017 13

In the Eye of the Storm Dear Reader, October opens new beginnings – and with Bandra being the hub of many things, the scenes are more focussed here. Diwali shopping sprees are seen from Linking Road to Hill Road, not sparing smaller byelanes. Action time starts now. With the rains receding, Bandraites have more time to interact and plan events around New Year. All this, while the political scene is driving people up the wall. Mainstream media is avoiding news that is not in favour of the powers-that-be. Free speech is just not appreciated. History is being re-written. Deception is digging deeper in the system. As activists have very bluntly said, we are living in an “undeclared emergency”. So, for all practical purposes, are we in the eye of the storm? Hopefully, Diwali – the Festival of Lights, will get communities together to live in peace and harmony. Our hope is that we have a greener Diwali, this year – with lesser noise and pollution – to bring in an environment friendly New Year. After ages, the H-West Ward BMC tower on Waterfield Road is being repaired and painted. This is one of Bandra’s landmark that was neglected for decades. It is good to see the BMC going forward with their

beautification plans. Bandra’s “Hell Road”, seems to be looking wider – with newer developments and stricter hawker action. Newer toilets built around Bandra will help ‘difficult situations’ – but they need to be maintained well, to be a success. Mini-gardens at traffic junctions are welcome scenes – if cared regularly. Bandra is evolving at a faster pace – and your favourite neighbourhood paper is evolving too, with your support. You can expect many upgrades around the time of our 7th Anniversary – December 2017. So, fasten your belts – for take off. Till next time, take care.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.

14 OCTOBER 2017



A Day to Remember at the ‘Diwali Carnival’


Amrita Raichand

n the 14th of October Jungle Gym, Kids Stop Press & Precious Momentss had organised a Diwali Carnival. It was a full day of activities planned - from cooking Diwali treats to planting Diwali flowers to making diyas and much more at Atria Mall, Worli. As a special treat, Amrita Raichand went all out to share tips - on how to make Diwali treats, that are nutritious for not just adults, but kids as well. The event also held an ‘exhibitor’s enclosure’, crafted specially for Diwali - showcasing exclusive collections, curated for the event.

L to R: Ramona Narang, Nisha Jamvwal (center), Ritika Vardhan & Reshma Ajbani Designers include Ramona Narang, Krishna Mehta and Ritika Mirchandani. Others include Aurelle by Leshna and The Grannary which was a healthy treat for snacks this festive season - not Forgetting Helping Hands Foundation who sold lovely healthy products, whose funds were used for a good cause! Among the list of the celebs who attended were Nisha Jamvwal, Amrita Raichand & Tanisha Mukherjee. Amrita Raichand, shared Diwali diet tips with the audience, “I know we all like to binge during Diwali, even I do – but I have trained

myself to balance it out the next day, with fruits & vegetables; if you had a heavy night. This is a basic tip. Do enjoy annual festivals, but exercise the next day.” Tanisha Mukherjee told Bandra Buzz how she is going to celebrate Diwali, “This is a very important festival for me & my family. Every year we used to have lights and fire crackers. Now, times are changing. The need of the hour is conservation, with a more pure environment. So, I will not indulge into all these crackers and fireworks – to save future generations. Jason Paul

Tanisha Mukherjee

Festive Collection ‘17 Call Us : 022 65999977 / 65669999 Add : Shop no. 4, Darvesh Royale, Turner Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 50

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