October 2016

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

2nd October 2016 | Vol. 7 (I) Issue 10 |

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BandraBuzzNewspaper | bandrabuzz.com | Price: Rs. 4/-

Hamara Bandra Station, Hamari Shaan Under the auspices of the nation-wide Daan Utsav from October 2-8, Mumbai First and Making A Difference Foundation (M.A.D.) had organised an initiative to spruce up 36 local stations on the Western & Central Railways in Mumbai. Bandra Railway Station was one of them. The Chief Guest at the inauguration of this initiative was Hon’ble Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu and Guest of Honour was Poonam Mahajan, MP for Mumbai North Central on Gandhi Jayanti, October 2 at 9am in the foyer of Bandra West station. Also present on the dais were CM Devendra Fadnavis & our local MLA Adv. Ashish Shelar, who spoke about maintaining this iconic structure – and the importance of keeping it clean. Actor Anil Kapoor gave us his child-

hood experiences of Bandra Station. Bandra Railway Station was centrestage that day. After brief speeches by the dignitaries, NGOs had wonderful road-skits with the theme of Gandhi Jayanti. It was a sight to see young kids dressed as Mahatma Gandhiji, Pandit Nehru and ‘Mother India’ – shouting slogans of Indian nationalism. This was patriotism in action. Then, to add colour and sound to the event, ‘Morya Dhol Tasha Pathak’, comprising of more than 30 youth (boys and girls), gave us a good measure of the ‘Dhol’ beats, that re-vibrated the entire station. Everywhere, high energy was flowing.


LtoR: Poonam Mahajan, Suresh Prabhu, Devendra Fadnavis, Anil Kapoor Ashish Shelar at the inaugration

02 OCTOBER 2016



Umang: Turning Talents into Skills

Sanjay Rohida performs alongside Rashmi Maker at Juhu Have you always harbored a treasured passion for singing? Have you always wanted to explore your hidden talent but were never able to do so because of a hectic and busy schedule? Well, look no further; Umang, a group of people who have finally been able to reach out and grab hold of their childhood passion for singing, making

Team Umang performs throughout the year at different venues across the city

a dream come true. Umang started off as a concept back in mid-2013 towards 2014. Rashmi Maker, the founder of Umang, wanted to give a person the chance to turn their talent into a skill. Singing and music, for Rashmi, have always been close to her heart. From a very young age, she was always curious about classical music. With a

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lot of patience and practice, she finally learned sangeet (a form of Indian classical and semi-classical music). “A lot of people love singing but can’t find time to pursue their talent due to demanding work hours or domestic responsibilities” says Rashmi. She felt that someone like you or me, who has a passion for singing, needed an opportunity to exhibit that talent. Thus, Umang was born and has since progressed rapidly. Their first concert took place at Rotary Club in Juhu on the 30th of September, 2014. Umang comprises of like-minded people who have a passion for singing but needed that slight push of encouragement. “I was a bit nervous the first time I got on stage to sing, but the cheering and support of people around made me feel better. Umang has a very encouraging feel and provides a platform for people to showcase their talent” says Mr. Ameya, who joined Umang about four to five months ago. Programs are held once a week and every singer is given a chance to perform live on stage. Their music is influenced by many of the singers between the golden era of the 70’s and the 90’s, ranging from Asha Bhosle, Lata Mangeshkar and Kishore Kumar to some of the new age singers like Arijit Singh, Ankit Tiwari and Sunidhi Chauhan. Each singer has their freedom of choice and style. The shows therefore, have a variety in music and never appear to be monotonous. Excellent singers and musicians, when brought together, create a magical evening for any given person. Snacks are provided at most of their shows, as well. A distinguishing factor that sets Umang apart is the quality of music, the exceptional musicians and the ambience created during the course of the show. Some of their musicians are Chetan Upadhyay, Sagar Temghare, Deepak Kumthekar and Sanjay

Marathe on the keyboards; Bharat Singh and Shashi Bawlekar on the congo; Roopesh Rane on the octapad and Prashant Das and Shamim, both guitarists. These musicians also advise the singers during their rehearsals regarding their keys and scales. “Being a self-funded group, we are looking out for people who appreciate this genre of music and are willing to invite us for events like fundraisers or parties. To cover the cost of a hall, the sound equipment and musicians, we do require sponsorships and a larger audience” says Rashmi. Singers and performers who have always had this undiscovered talent are provided with a better area and great acoustics as Mrs. Hansini Aditani, who joined about six months ago, says, “Umang has provided a large platform for people like us to pursue the talent we have. By giving us a stage to perform and the encouragement, we have been able to showcase our talent.” “The journey with Umang has been wonderful. When we first started about two years ago, people were skeptical, however, as time progressed so did we. It has given each person an opportunity to showcase their skill and live their passion” says Mr. Sanjay Rohida, who joined Umang two years ago. A message Rashmi sends out to all the readers, also those who chance upon this, is ‘Any passions or dreams that couldn’t be followed, can now be achieved. Free your spirit, join Umang and have a fun time!’ Apart from being a good quality hobby, this is also soul food that many of us long for. As the motto of Umang runs ‘Gaata rahe mera dil! Turn your Passion into a Skill!’ You can reach Umang on 9820329900 Nayan Sreenivasan


In the evening, ‘Celebrate Bandra’ proudly partnered this unique initiative for Bandra station, by bringing citizens two musical events, masterminded by CB Trustee Darryl D’Monte: - 5 to 7pm : Joe Vessaokar & His Jazz Band - 7 to 9pm : Singer Humayun Kabeer and Darryl Loyola While Joe was ‘blowing his own trumpet’ to popular tunes, that included traditional East Indian Marathi melodies, Humayun sang Bollywood hit songs. The Bandra Station foyer was packed. Many danced enthusiastically and were given gifts. Social Activist Shyama Kulkarni encouraged crowd interaction with a quiz based on the history, names & location of Railway Stations. Then, she got everyone present to take an oath for keeping our railway stations clean. Darryl Loyola got the crowd to interact, with some help from Humayun, who helped to get the messages across in Hindi. Probably, this was the first such event in the foyer of Bandra Station – which has superb depictions of Mumbai’s iconic structures. With this initiative, we hope to see Bandra Railway Station (both East & West) in much better shape – more importantly: ‘CLEAN’. Let us all do our bit, towards cleanliness. Then, we can proudly proclaim: “Hamara Bandra Station, Hamari Shaan”. Daniel D'Cunha


OCTOBER 2016 03

04 OCTOBER 2016



Alea iacta est: A Kashmiri Issue We do not know the full details of the surgical strike along the LoC. But the official narrative around it has been professionally surgical. This was a limited strike to preempt terrorists from entering India. India acted within its rights. The target was terrorists, not Pakistan’s army or territory. It is for now envisaged, officially, as a limited operation. The diplomatic circumstances around the operation have used this particular conjunction in global politics & India’s built-up diplomatic capital well. But in the wider discourse and ideological framing, there is a sense, to use the line attributed to Caesar when crossing the Rubicon: Alea iacta est (the die has been cast). The operation itself is not unprecedented. But the operation’s public use as a statement of India’s intent and resolve is new. The operation, by its public embrace, becomes the declaration of a policy. Its immediate psychological effect has been to boost confidence in our capabilities. It will also, therefore, change expectations, and potentially, the assessment of future options. It enhances Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s standing.

It gives him unprecedented political capital, both for his foreign & domestic agenda. The operation is one in a series of diplomatic and political moves, so its full effect will depend on how that chain unfolds. It is too early to conclude anything. But what are the mechanisms to watch out for, by which this operation might have an effect? How might these mechanisms work? Do they suggest things will get worse before they get better? In strategic terms, we are, whatever the government might stay, still in an ambiguous zone. We demonstrated that we will not succumb to nuclear blackmail; that the threshold before things go out of hand can be raised. But the real question is: What is the bandwidth? A “shallow” strike across the LoC is, at best, tinkering with strategic restraint. It is not abandoning it. It is not a form of action that either significantly degrades Pakistan’s capabilities, or compels it to change posture. The real test will come now, if both sides engage in discovery of what the new threshold is. This is not something that should be deduced a priori.

But the main mechanisms to look out for are political. The operation puts the Pakistani Army in a bind. The potentially most powerful effect of the operation may be to put some stress on the relationship between the military & non-state actors in Pakistan. While strikes like these are unlikely to degrade Pakistan’s capabilities much, they will, depending on the extent of casualties, raise the following question. Presumably, the non-state actors will demand greater protection, & hence increase the potential cost of using them. It is one thing to risk your life inflicting damage on the “enemy”; another to be sitting ducks without protection. The Pakistan Army cannot be seen to be abandoning its nonstate assets & proxies. The second thing it could lead to in the short run is change of modus operandi: Instead of cross-border infiltration aimed at Kashmir & the border, there is more targeting of other soft targets. We will not see the effects immediately. Even if Pakistan had the assets & capabilities in place, it would be too obvious a coincidence were something to happen almost immediately. But the prospects for long-term escalation remain. The second bind for the Pakistani Army is this. Pakistan’s initial response has been a form of denial. But that is to be expected. They will also want to control the narrative. It also gives them room for political manoeuvre. But if the Indian strikes are seen as humiliating, it is bound to have two effects. On the one hand, it will have repercussions on the institutional politics inside Pakistan. It could dent the authority of the current military leadership. India’s decision to release footage may have an influence on this politics. On the other hand, the fuel that powers Pakistani elites’ identity is humiliation. Pakistan has an extraordinary history of turning humiliation into a basis for new resolve. And here we may have crossed a Rubicon. As much as the army statement on the strikes was professional, the political & ideological sabre-rattling will go across the border as an attempt to humiliate. The India-Pakistan relationship is almost psychoanalytic. The public triumphalism about this operation in India is not just cathartic, as if to say we are no longer passive victims. Let us not put too fine a point on it: Public discourse also has shades of blood lust. This blood lust is also

evident in irresponsible sections of the Pakistani leadership. While the government may want a calibrated strategic escalation, the psychological escalation is now out of control. The government is doing a good cop-bad cop story: Responsible, statesmanlike articulation at the top, but through the party, a kind of ideological blitzkrieg on the other hand. At one level, the aggressive public posture is not an addon: It is itself a part of the strategy to signal that Pakistan should not escalate, because we are capable of anything. But such psychological passions will need to find their recompense on both sides, particularly if there are casualties. In India this psychological recompense is also needed for the fact that we have, for the moment, lost Kashmir. More than 80 days of curfew is a deep moral loss, no matter what we do to Pakistan. This genie will not be put back in easily. There is widespread exasperation with Pakistan. There is also a leadership vacuum in global politics: From Syria to Afghanistan, the US is disengaged or stuck. China’s overreach & ideological imperatives make it difficult for it to be an effective international actor in diplomatic terms. This vacuum has given India some breathing space. But this space has, paradoxically, been a consequence of India’s relative restraint. It would be foolish to assume unequivocal support for India if hostilities escalate. The international community may be exasperated with Pakistan. But in a global leadership vacuum, there will also be wariness of action that challenges the authority of the Pakistani military beyond a point. The strategic & diplomatic thinking may be calibrated. There is a possibility that India will say, “we have made our point, “and Pakistan will say “we have got it”. This will be the rational position to take. But there is reason to worry that this may not come to pass. This is because in both India and Pakistan, regimes have now tied the mast of their popular legitimacy to taking strong action against the other. That is not a reassuring thought. Sidhhant Kapai



Adv. Ashish Shelar to answer society related queries at DPRC

The Salsette Catholic CHS Ltd., the St. Sebastian Homes CHS Ltd., Virendra Sahakari Griha Nirman Ltd., the Nasik Catholic Sanatoria CHS Ltd., the St. Peter’s CHS Ltd., the St. Anthony’s Home CHS Ltd., the Akhil CHS Ltd., the Chetak CHS Ltd. & the Deccan CHS Ltd. are organising a meeting on the DPRC Grounds, D’Monte Park Road, Bandra on 8th October 2016 at 7:30pm. Our local MLA Adv. Ashish Shelar has agreed to address the meetings and ensure that all clarifications regarding society mat-

ters are answered. Adv. Ashish Shelar has made efforts to organise the presence of Shri Subhash Deshmukh, Hon’ble Co-operation Minister – as this topic is the main agenda of the meeting. Committee members of co-operative societies should attend, to get a better insight of the newest developments in society bye-laws. In case of inclement weather, the venue will be changed to the Bandra Gymkhana Hall. All are invited to attend. Haresh Jairam

OCTOBER 2016 05

Mervyn Rufus - ‘India’s Elvis Presley’ passes away Mervyn Rufus D’Souza – also known as ‘Elvis Presley of India’, expired on 24th September 2016 at the age of 75 yrs. He lived opp. Prof. Almeida Park, Bandra - with his family. He started his professional singing career in Cochin – where he “sang for his supper” for many years in top hotels, earning him the title, ‘Elvis Presley of India’. Keith Coelho, a senior citizen from Waterfield Road, recalls, “Many years ago, at Bandra Fair’s September Garden, when Mervyn Rufus (as he was fondly called) sang - and he was out of your sight; you would think it was Elvis himself singing. Such was the similarity of Mervyn’s rich voice to the ‘King’ – Elvis Presley.” When he recorded his first cassette, he distributed it among many Bandraites. It soon became a hit – and made him more popular in his hometown - Bandra. Goa’s Hotel Cidade de Goa, at Dona Paula, was his weekend singing venue for several years. Many tourists got a chance to listen to the rich voice India’s Elvis – much to their delight. Mervyn was a super hit at parties, when he effortlessly sang Elvis hits. He was a simple friendly person – and was always humble, in spite of his God-given talent; which he honed to a professional level, with his personal effort. His death has left a void

in the world of the music fraternities from Mumbai, Goa and South India – and will always be remembered in their hearts. We will miss you, Mervyn.

06 OCTOBER 2016



A Cupcake a Day You can’t buy happiness but you can buy cupcakes and that’s kind of the same thing, right? If you do live by that phrase and feel that a cupcake could brighten your day, Cupcake Factory has just what you need. Soft, spongy and creamy, centre-filled cupcakes are what await you here. And yes, a whole lot of happiness. Cupcake Factory opened up its first store at Pali Hill in October, 2014, right where Mac Craig’s eatery is. They’ve recently launched their first flagship store on Hill Road, right next to Mehboob Studio. Handled & supervised by a mother-son duo, Mrs. Rita Sujan takes care of the mixing of the batter; the baking and production while her son Aditya, creates the frosting on the cupcakes along with fondant work & handles the marketing. The cream fillings, frosting & batter are all in-house productions that are made from scratch using the finest & well procured ingredients. When they first started out, the only product they made and specialized in were cupcakes. Later, the menu was broadened and included items like banana bread, cranberry sliced cake, brownies, biscotti’s, fudges, cookies, cupcake shakes and cakes. Aditya does a lot of custom work when it comes to orders for cakes, be it a minion for your kid’s birthday or a special anniversary cake. Rita always had a passion for baking and Cupcake Factory was the culmination of that passion. In 2011, she started baking cupcakes and cakes on a larger scale. In fact, they were the first to introduce the popular centre-filled cupcakes out here. There is a lot of demand for customized cakes and Aditya, being a very creative person caters accordingly. When it comes to cupcakes, the choice is wide and unique with each one looking deliciously perfect. When asked, Rita says that her personal favorite is the Boston Cream, a cupcake topped with chocolate ganache and a centre filling of custard. Some cupcakes that are favorites among customers are Nutella, Salted Caramel and Blueberry. The caramel butter frosting on the Salted Caramel cupcake combines with the sea salt crystals sprinkled over it, creating a well-balanced flavor. The Blueberry cupcake topped with cream cheese frost-

ing has a tangy centre filling of blueberry compote. The cupcakes, which melt in your mouth, are soft and delectable, since they are freshly prepared and sold each day. Cupcakes that remain at the end of the day are given to the orphanage. With the opening of their new store, they’ve also introduced a couple of new items. Cookie shots! A cone shaped cookie which is filled with chocolate mousse or ice cream, something different and definitely something new. Banana bread and Cranberry sliced cake are healthy and tasty options. The almond and dark chocolate biscotti’s are crunchy and small sized bites. Certain days of the week have certain special flavored cupcakes. Cupcakes and the other items are well priced and you can buy six cupcakes for the price of five, so make use of that offer. They’re open from 11 am in the morning till 11:30 in the night. When it comes to the ambience, the new store is on the smaller side but has a cozy atmosphere. Resembling a small house from the outside, the interiors are creative and all worked upon personally. The theme is based on the idea of a small factory, with gears and mechanisms placed aesthetically on the walls around. There are a couple of chairs as well. They deliver cupcakes in and around Bandra with a minimum delivery charge, which depends upon your order. This is just the start, as Aditya said, with many more outlets to come. Cupcake Factory has been included in Zomato’s section of the ‘Best Cupcake Collection’ too! So what are you waiting for? Hurry and drop by (or even run to?) Cupcake Factory for some delicious, flavorful cupcakes that are bound to tickle your taste buds and keep you coming back for more.

Mother & son - Rita Sujan with Aditya at Cup Cake Factory

Cookie Cup Ice Cream

Center filled Cupcakes

Nayan Sreenivasan Cup Cake Factory Corporation Bank Building, near Mehboob Studio, Baitul Sharaf, Hill Road, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050 Phone: 9967539019 facebook.com/CCFcupcakefactory instagram.com/cupcakefactorymumbai

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OCTOBER 2016 07


Tête-à-tête with Bandra's well known & ONGC's new keeper Sheldon Raghwan

Bandra's very own Sheldon Raghwan has been in the limelight for quite some time because of his tremendous goalkeeping form, winning tournaments and awards this past year. Sheldon had a terrific last season with Elite Division Club Union Bank of India (UBI) where he was also included in the ‘Footballcounter Elite Division Team of the Season’. Sheldon's biggest achievement came just recently when he was selected to play for ONGC in the Elite division, so I had to sit down with what some say "Bandra's Charmer" and see what this buzzing footballer is all about. At what age did you take an interest in playing football? At the age of seven I started randomly playing with my cousin's football and that's when my football journey started. Two things you currently do in your training that is a key to your success? What advice would you give young kids looking to become goalkeepers? As an aspiring footballer, I think it's very important to work on your agility and reflexes because goalkeeping is not a easy position and working hard on all my short comings with regular practice has always helped me. According to me a goalkeeper

is the backbone of a team, so stay focused and train hard and you'll get there. Which are the key attributes a keeper should have? Firstly, I think it's very important for a goalkeeper to have a strong command and fierce attitude as he can watch the entire game and strategize. And secondly, it's important for him to be confident under the bar & obviously he must be agile and his reflexes should be quick.

Sheldon signed for ONGC after terrific performances with Union Bank What was the best advice you were ever given? The best advice I've got and something I'd like to believe in is, that it's not about perfection but it's about the progress you make and hard work and practice you put in. After all life is a jungle, you either fight and work hard or just keep running forever.

Where do you draw your inspiration from? Who inspires you the most? I draw my inspiration from watching goalkeeping videos on YouTube & I'm a major fan of the spanish goalkeeper David de Gea and Former Manchester United Legend Edwin Van Der Sar.

Did you ever dream of playing for a big entity like ONGC? To be honest, no I didn't. When I was at Mumbai F.C. youth team, I dreamt of playing for the senior team but unfortunately it never worked out as I got picked up by Union Bank of India. I guess my hard work at UBI has payed off which is why I am here where I am today.

Where do you see yourself a couple of years from now and what is your take on Indian Football? In a few years from now, I see myself as a confident goalkeeper, hoping to don the National colours and play at the top most level. I think the scope for football is growing in the country and ISL is just the start. The Indian Super League serves as an

amazing platform for young Indian footballers to showcase their talent and play with the best in the world and yes, I would love to be a part of this sometime in the near future. When not playing football, what else do you love doing? When I'm not playing football, I either watch football games live or football videos and love spending time with my family, my pet dog (Slide) and hanging out with my close friends. I've also had a passion for dancing so I go out dancing whenever I can. Dujon Fernandes Pic Courtesy: FootballCounter.com

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

RADDICONNECT: BUILDING AN INDUSTRY 10th July 2016 | Vol. 7 (I) Issue 7 |

A refreshing take on the e-commerce business model is embodied by the likes of startups such as RaddiConnect. The Bandra based online platform spearheaded by a team of youngsters, have their vision, heart and feet where they belong. With a vision propelling them forward, feet on the ground and hearts pounding with the urge to create a difference, RaddiConnect is all geared to touch the sky. Quiz the founders about what inspired them to foray into such an unconventional segment & they quickly retort with statistics about the unruly and dispersed market called ‘recycling

BandraBuzz.Newspapers |

and waste management’. The cofounders Gurashish Sahni aged 23, Rahul Nainani aged 24 & the youngest member Raunaq Singh Sahni who is 21 years old, have researched well and have promising numbers to back their business model, however what struck us was the fact that these youngsters want to uplift their vendors and associates as they progress ahead, their three fold mission includes establishing and formatting the market structure for disposing and recycling goods, alter the perception of the raddiwallas and to make a social change by supporting NGOs.

@Bandra_Buzz |

BandraBuzzNewspaper | bandrabuzz.com | Price: Rs. 4/-

So what is RaddiConnect, how did it take flight and what does it have in store? RaddiConnect aims to facilitate the activity of disposing ones waste by resolving the haphazard manner through which the customer and service provider conduct their transaction. RaddiConnect enables the customer to fix a time slot as per their convenience for the pick-up, the back end team from RaddiConnect thereafter confirms the scheduled pick up & provides the customer with the competitive market prices for paper, plastic, metal and glass. Contd. on Page 2 >

08 OCTOBER 2016



PIXIE DUST: AN EDIBLE LA Strolling around Bandra you can’t help but notice that this place is slowly turning into a concrete jungle. Old houses are being brought down to build high rise towers & open spaces are substantially fading. Such views are increasingly common all over the "Queen of the Suburbs". Gone are the days when Bandra boasted of its extensive paddy fields, vegetable gardens & coconut 'oarts' along with mango groves on the hill-sides & brab trees in other areas. Now the seeds of a remarkable rebirth are being planted - literally. Community farming is taking over as a new trend. Unused land is being turned over to agriculture. Soil fertilised with compost & crops planted. Urban farming has taken root in the heart of Bandra, at St. Joseph’s convent with Pixie Dust, a community farm. Yes, it is true. We

have an edible landscape in our midst. Mr. Christopher Pereira a resident of Rebello road & his group of volunteers have been striving hard to convert 1000 sq. ft. of St. Joseph’s premises into a green lung. Christopher, also the founder of D-ERT “The Earth Shop” (formerly DIRT) said, “Pixie Dust is a community farm which is open to public to come & volunteer & learn a solution for all nature lovers who don’t have place to grow plants. Here they can come understand & learn or contribute their expertise. A learning & experiment centre currently open every weekend from 8 10am. Pixie Dust is not a business. It’s an idea for social change.” He further elaborated that at “Pixie Dust we make soil from organic 'bio-mass' what we sadly call waste. This resource is collected from the St. Joseph’s convent prem-

ises & the markets around. While the bulk is composted directly in raised beds, we use a shredding machine to shred leaves, small branches & wet green waste for faster composting. The compost made at Pixie Dust is the magic we processes without any chemical additives. It’s organic, pure & natural so whatever you grow with this compost is always healthier.” As communities tend to consume more from the environment than we give back, Christopher launched D-ERT to help us understand & move to a more sustainable environment. Though he started off on a small scale with his own garden, he made sure he did the job himself instead of appointing a helping hand. Christopher explains, “There are many urban farms these days. But what makes Pixie Dust unique is that you don’t have to

depend on specific nutrients e.g. cow dung but use whatever is available locally & within reach. You can use whatever is available. We also don’t just go & build gardens. We make sure that we take the client through the entire process of compost making, soil preparation, planting, & plant maintenance all chemical free. We choose our customers & deliver value for money. We make available the expertise of gardening, farming & water resource management get experts in our group & collaborate when necessary to teach the clients & conduct workshops & seminars. We help our communities connect the links between food & the processes in nature need make life balanced & produce oxygen & health along the way. So making compost is not the rule but a life giving activity & our connection with nature the source of life.” He further added that, “A lot of us still see

Tulsi a.k

A farm at St. Joseph’s Convent that grows on waste that is collected from the school

Brinjal Plant a.k.a Eggplant

Bhendi a.k.a Ladies Finger

Plants grown at the farm

Flowers are used by butterfl


OCTOBER 2016 09


ANDSCAPE IN OUR MIDST waste that’s why we have no use for it. We show you the value. We are presently throwing away things that are necessary for our health. When you compost your food aerobically, you get immunised. While gardening & playing with the soil your fingers are the filters through you get inoculated. Over time you get sick less often your health improves. Spending just 30 minutes in the garden every day is the best relaxation ever.” When asked about the team, Christopher said,“I have an awesome team of fantastic people. We have the collective wisdom of several people who have a great passion for nature, some with knowledge about plants. Others who handle the website. Engineers to design our products. And a whole lot of simple everyday people. There’s no rocket science. There are two workers from Kripa foundation reformed alcoholics, a reformed

k.a. Basil

drug addict, a housewife for admin who we all lovingly call mother. These three boys are our most dedicated backup.” Regarding future ventures, he said, “St. Andrews College is still struggling with the segregation beast. Not sure which way it will go but we hope to a Pixie Dust veggie farm there also. The principal has been very cooperative.Will be fun if it works out with students getting involved too. We will train & teach all those who are interested. So that we have community farms everywhere because it’s the creatures in nature that will ensure our health & wellbeing like the good fairies Pixie’s & their magic dust.” Christopher further emphasises on a simple fact, “We need an overhaul of our value system. We need fewer cars & more space for bus & cycle lanes. We need more & better footpaths for people to walk on & less

Ajwain a.k.a. Ajowan caraway

of wide roads. We need to spend more time outdoors in the garden & less sitting in their AC rooms. If we cover our balconies, terraces & all available spaces with gardens and trees, temperatures will drop. Then we won’t require ACs anymore..” To become a volunteer at Pixie Dust, all you have to do is call 9820442476. The fee is Rs. 500 a year. The money acquired is then used to buy seeds & other essential things that are required on the farm. Volunteers can also contribute with materials, & project ideas which can get better community involvement. Those who visit the farm on weekends & help get to share the harvest. The only request to members is that, “You need to be interested in the work. There are no servants all are equal. And you have the desire to repeat it in your own society. The important thing is whatever you

learn should be practiced elsewhere.” The importance of growing your own food is even more relevant today with the treat of genetically modified food being introduced without much public debate on the matter. What we are doing will be an eye opener for many in the future. With the climate change & economic challengers all over the globe we will be forced to change up our patterns of consumption & thinking in our day to day lives. Turning your own table scraps into that enriched dark material for growing saplings & watching them grow into food producing plants is a wonderfully educative & exciting activity you don’t see waste anymore. Come lets learn together & let the Pixies show us the way. Now that’s certainly some food for thought! Sue-Ellen Fernandes

Papaya plant

m are available for sale

flies to pollinate vegetables

Christopher Pereira explains how he uses organic bio-mass to make compost that grows a variety of fruits & vegetables

10 OCTOBER 2016



Drug Addict’s Midnight Assault on Bandra Gym Secretary & Wife On 5th Oct 2016, around midnight, Bandra Gymkhana Secretary, Cornel Gonsalves and his wife was returning home from the Club; to their flat on St. Paul Road. At their entrance, while opening the door, they realised that a man holding a cigarette was behind them, claiming that he wanted to meet someone by the name of “Joyce”, to deliver a parcel. When his wife Colleen told him that there was no such person residing in the building, the man pounced on her, trying to grab her hand bag. This was followed by action, interaction, blood & beating. As the man started fleeing down the stairs with the bag, Cornel got hold of his shirt. Trying to escape, the man’s shirt buttons gave way, when Cornel held on to his leg and pinned him down, injuring his hands and legs – even as

his wife got hysterical. Their tussle and dragging went on for almost 10 mins, when in desperation he threw away Colleen’s hand bag. Then, a neighbour Gilroy Crasto intervened to help. Now, the scene changed to the Annette building compound, near a tree, where others came to help. The man took out a blade from his pocket, cutting those who were around, causing blood to flow. Many started beating him with shoes, trying to twist his hand and get him to drop the blade. Meanwhile, on calling the Bandra Police Station on 100, the response was quick – as the police van came within 5 minutes. With mucky and bloodsmeared clothes, they went t o Bandra Police Station – and were

surprisingly greeted courteously by the Inspector on duty. The police recognized the man immediately and after checking their computer records, told us that he was caught on several occasions before in Bandra & Mahim. The man was put in ‘lock up’ and Cornel had to sign the ‘Rosnama’. Meanwhile his close friends Leon Curzai, Ainsley D’Mello & Ermund Misquitta came to meet and help Cornel at the police station. Later, Cornel told us, “What the police showed me was more shocking. If you removed his shirt, he has many healed cuts on his body, so as to fool the public. So, if he was caught, he would show he was bleeding – and would be set free. I would like to know - why do the police leave such people, more so since they found so much of ‘Drug Golees’ on him?” Yes, the problem of drug addicts in Bandra and surrounding suburbs is increasing – and drastic action need to be taken to stop this social menace.



OCTOBER 2016 11

Creating Those Precious Momentss! Mompreneur Reshma Ajbani started an events company right after having her second child and is already on the fast track to success! A flair for hosting parties, personal experience of taking care of babies and a fervor for events encouraged Reshma Ajbani to start her own company close to four years back. As she delivered her precious little child, she started her company soon after ‘Precious Momentss’ that is a one stop shop for theme based birthdays, baby showers, house gatherings, corporates events and exhibitions. In this short span of time, Reshma has already catered to a clientele of over 800 people. Her sociable personality made this an ideal business module for her. Interacting with people, making their parties lively and translating them into precious moments that last a lifetime has been the driving force for her. “My USP is that we believe to keep our clients completely satisfied by catering to their respective queries/ideas and inputs from them and execute them effectively.” she affirms. Reshma has now ventured into weddings as well with her first project as recent as last year. “Though I was nervous handling décor and hospitality, but a good team and everyone's support made everything fall in place.” she expresses. Her vision is to make the com-

pany grow and reach international shores as well. Her family support makes her strive to keep going. But being a woman, does she face any problems “Thankfully, I have not faced any problem being in the event industry. I think we women have brought a change to the society where we are accepted well as working mothers.” So if you’re looking to create memories of a lifetime, Reshma is sure to collect some Precious Momentss for you! Reshma can be reached on 9821157664 Bharat Gupta

12 OCTOBER 2016






To advertise your business/services in the Classified section of Bandra Buzz Call 9820783686 / 9920299787 Ad Agent for The Examiner & all leading newspapers. East Indian Bottle Masala @ 900/- per kilo. Buses to Tabor on First Fridays. Contact Adlord: 9702085823, 26005536 Helen: 88798 75918 Arun: 94200 85849

2 BHK ground floor, fully furnished residential cosmopolitan flat for sale at Sherly Rajan Road, opposite Rizvi College, Bandra (West). Raheja Constructions. All amenities available. Immediate possession. Expected price 3.75 crore non negotiable. For more info kindly Call/WhatsApp Saritaa on 9821207448 / 9892105368 or jazzybt@gmail.com / for any questions.

Refrigerators / Air Conditioners / Splits / Frost Free Refrigerators / Indian / Imported. Guaranteed Repairs / Installations / AMC - FRIZARE, 30th Road, Bansari Apartments, opp. H2O, Pali Naka, Bandra (W) Mumbai 98201 97439 / 654 4903



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14% dividend paying Malaika Credit Society (managed by Catholics since last 15 years) is offering 11% interest on Fixed Deposits to general public and half percent more to senior citizens. Call Moses on 8976537375.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Theresa's Artificial Flowers, Absorbant Towels and Assorted Bags - available near Mount Marys Steps (everyday except Wednesday) & on Wednesdays at Mahim Church. Theresa: 9820386916, Prakash: 9920300021

FRENCH TUITIONS Students who have not studied French in school & wish to take it in college may contact Ms. E. DeSouza (26557915, 8879209904) For individual tuitions. Get a headstart by studying French before college opens.

HANDWRITING CLASSES Are you having a problem with your kid's handwriting? We help to make handwriting clear, beautiful & legible. Guaranteed improvement in your child's handwriting. Contact Mrs. Asha on 9892818253 / 26493438.

Washing Machine, Gas Stove, Microwave, Fridge & A.C. Bharat Service Centre, Pali Naka. Call 9892387330

SHARES & MUTUAL FUNDS Transfer, Probate, Letter of Administration, Succession Certificate, Legal Heir, Will, Demat and Addition / Deletion of Name. Mobile: 9323244906 (Home Service) email: lionsunilkhosla@gmail.com (Advocate Co-ordinator Sunil Khosla, 30th Road, Bandra West

SOCIETY SUPER MARKET Get Best Rates for all your Household Groceries. Wide Range. We accept SODEXO Coupons & Cards, Ticket Restaurant Coupon & Cards and all Major Credit & Debit Cards. Visit Society Super Market, Shop # 6 & 7, Beach View Apts., 77, Chimbai Road, next to Chimbai Police Chowki, Bandra (W). Call 26403027/84, 26401829 or 9930665121



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INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Income tax Consultant available for e-filing of income tax returns and also attending to notices issued to individuals by the income tax department. Total cost ITR 1 Rs 2,000, ITR 2 Rs 3,000. (Home Service) Mobile 09323244906 or e-mail: lionsunilkhosla@gmail.com 30th Road, Bandra West.



Attraction Beauty Personalized Home Services Hair Step Haircuts, Hair Color Beauty Treatments - Eyebrows, Bleach, Facial, Waxing, Manicure and pedicure call for prior appointments - (Ladies only) Bandra (W) Natasha - 8879296806 natral2408@gmail.com

Get doorstep personal service for your lost physical shares/dividends. Duplicate procedure & FIR & notary all in-house. We also offer services in insurance of cars/buildings/mediclaim and other financial consulting services. Contact 9821172450 or meet at B/34 Elco Arcade with prior appointment.

COMPUTER SERVICES For prompt and reliable service of home computers, laptops, notebooks and home networks, kindly call or send a WhatsApp message to Dennis Mendonca on 77386-47535

NEEDLE WORK & CROCHET LADIES Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Dressmaking courses. Rs 1500 each. Visit www.handson.makes.it. Call Mrs. D'silva 9820451695. Girls dresses stitched. Mufflers & baby sets available Rs 320.

COURIER SERVICES MUMBAI EXPRESS - We deliver your feelings for personalised deliveries of your cakes, chocolates, flowers, bouquets, personalised gifts, fragile gifts, etc. anywhere in Mumbai. Call 65502345 / 7208002345

DANCE - JIVE/ ROCK & ROLL Learn social dancing in 8 easy & fun sessions. Timings: Mon & Wed 7-8 pm (Jive/Waltz/Foxtrot) & 8-9 pm (Salsa/Chacha). Venue: St. Peters KG School, Bhaba Nagar, Off Hill Road, Bandra (W). Cost: 1800 per head for 8 hours. Contact Marlon 9820344010.

DRIVERS WANTED Experienced T-Permit Drivers needed for UBER / OLA. English Reading a must. Should be healthy, and willing to work hard and smart. Must be Mumbai Resident for at least 6 months. Good Incentives. Earning from 20,000/- to 30,000/- or more per month. Call 9820783616

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PERSONAL FITNESS TRAINER Get massive & muscular built or lean & toned built. Complete fitness guidance and exercises till you reach your goal. Workouts conducted: Strength Training, Core muscle strengthening, and Cardio, by certified Fitness Trainers. A practical knowledge, how to perform different exercises and their benefits. Fees: With training, Rs. 2000 Without training, gym membership, Rs. 1500 (Training provided to male & female) Contact: Danny - 9833831176 Location: #35, Pereira road, opposite Vastu Bandra bldg., slope going to Bandstand. Short distance from Mehboob Studio. Bandra (W)

TUITIONS Siraj Sir himself available for home tuition for mathematics physics and chemistry. Std 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th board: ICSE, CBSE, SSC, NIOS, IGCSE, HSC, IG ISC. Siraj Sir. Residence: 1401, Kapilvastu, Khar (w). Call: 09320203009 & 09320503009. Professional Coaching tuitions in Maths and Science for VII, VIII, IX, X (S.S.C. and I.C.S.E.) Cavin Almeida on 9324259375 / 9769206294 / 7666738135 Save time & energy on travelling with 100% Success Tuitions. Group/Individual tuitions for Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, English & French for ICSE, CBSE, IGCSE, IB & SSC at your place (Bandra, Khar & Santacruz). Crash course for boarding students and creative writing in Hindi and English. Contact Usha on 9892063221

WANTED Wanted a receptionist about 25 to 35 yrs of age with computer knowledge and good communication skills also interested in sales for a prominent hairdressing salon in Bandra. Contact 8097469552

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Loss Weight/ Gain Weight. To know more about your health Avail a FREE BODY Analysis at Temperance. Contact 9901053232 or email aanchaljc@gmail.com.

family and friends. For the ambitious, it could be being part of a political party that will back a candidate for the municipal elections – early 2017. Bandraites have plenty of avenues, to be part of the action in their neighbourhood and we are eager to highlight these in your favourite local newspaper – to share your experiences. If you have news-worthy documented information about such activities, do get in touch with us. Send your information to news.bandrabuzz@gmail.com This is your local platform to create a neighbourhood network of like-minded people, working towards the common goal of ‘community connect’. Let us celebrate the joy of living in the ‘Queen of the Suburbs’ – a privilege, we are blessed with. Let’s Celebrate ‘Bandra’.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief


Fix Slow or Hanging Computers Windows OS Re-installation Virus and Spyware Removal Hard Disk Data Recovery Home and Office Networking Please Call or WhatsApp: Dennis Mendonca 77386 47535 / 90047 30695 Over 15 years of experience in PC service

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.

Letters to the Editor

How Soon is Soon? Dear Reader, October opens options galore – in issues, endless entertainment and setting the stage for major festivals. Bandra, being the hub of activities; witnesses events almost every day – with plenty of social networking. Look around – and watch closely, how plans are taking shape. It is action, action and more pro-active action. Linking Road will wear a new look soon. Bandra Talao and Bandra Railway Station (East and West) will get a face-lift soon. The seaside promenades are to be beautified and kept cleaner soon. Our road surfaces and public parks are to be improved soon. Our CCTV cameras are to be maintained soon. Our drainage system is to be cleaned soon. Authorities need to control undue vehicular honking soon. Yes, the important issue is – how soon is soon? Yet, in all this insane rush for action, you will see some method in the madness. This leads towards goals, that are expected to fructify in the near future. For the adventurous, it could be a super duper winter vacation. For party-goers, it could be finalizing dates for long weekends with

OCTOBER 2016 13



WW I MEMORIAL DESIGNED BY BANDRAITE The Bravery of Indian soldiers in World War I is remembered by the ‘Chhatri Memorial at Brighton, England. At Brighton, there is a memorial erected to the memory of Indian soldiers who were killed on the Western Front during WWI (1914-18). The memorial known as the ‘Chhatri’, was designed by Mr. Elias Henriques of Bandra (a Stanislite, who lived at St. Martin’s Road) and erected in 1921; over the platform where Hindu and Sikh soldiers evacuated from the front and who died in Brighton hospitals, were cremated. 1.5 million Indian soldiers fought in WWI and 12,000 wounded were evacuated to Brighton. One of the Indians mentioned on the memorial is Jemadar Jahan Singh of the Poona Horse, who led the only cavalry charge of the Battle of the Somme on the evening of July 14, 1916. Lt. Beatle, a British officer says, "It was an incredible sight, an unbelievable sight, they galloped on their chargers up the slope with their lances and pennants flying" straight towards the well entrenched German machine

gunners and riflemen. "It was an absolute rout. A magnificent sight. Tragic". NOT A MAN SURVIVED. Seeing the red poppies in the fields, reminded me of these brave men who laid down their lives in the line of duty. "THEIRS NOT TO REASON WHY, THEIRS BUT TO DO AND DIE." Major Leon Fonseca SEBASTIAN SOCIETY Glad to know that this esteemed local newspaper has covered important aspects of housing society issues - from Sebastian Society. I feel this society is like a role model for other societies to emulate - as I have very close friends of mine staying there. They tell me how it has improved many facilities in recent times. Other large societies need to be covered too, so that we can take good pointers for better running of our own societies. Umesh Khanna

Mail your letters to news.bandrabuzz@gmail.com



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OCTOBER 2016 15

NCP Conclaves at SAISA & Khira Nagar – Upbeat! The SAISA Hall, off Ambedkar Road, Bandra witnessed loads of NCP activity from 5pm onwards, on 3rd September 2016; with more than 500 party workers fully motivated to be part of the upcoming Municipal elections. Mumbai North Central NCP President Asif Bhamla’s stirring speech regarding local & national issues, inspired the audience; who responded with thunderous clapping for their leader. The mood at the conclave was upbeat – and pointed towards action as a “secular force”. Many were recognized with certificates of posting awarded for their hard work and loyalty to the party. Among them, were two outstanding NCP members: Esmeralda D’Mello - NCP Joint Secretary, Bandra Taluka & Sheryl Fonseca - NCP General Secretary, Bandra Taluka, representing the Catholic community who were all smiles on receiving their hard-earned certificates. This was in the presence of all the main NCP office bearers of Mumbai. Party bonding grew stronger, as there were great opportunities to interact ‘one-on-one’ with NCP leaders and exchange views. Plans of action were discussed and many willingly

came forward to help implement them. This event has propelled the party to fight the upcoming Municipal elections, with renewed vigour. On the evening of 2nd Oct 2016, NCP organized another conclave at Khira Nagar, Santacruz – where party workers from surrounding areas were felicitated and new party workers and office bearers were inducted – many of whom had switched over from other major political parties. Asif Bhamla’s motivational moments can be viewed at bandrabuzz.com/ncp.html It was indeed a sight to see the surging energy in the crowd – many of whom were youth and women. He concluded his speech, saying, “In the coming months, NCP will surely be a force to reckon with – and will help create better living conditions for all citizens. I am glad to lead this very vibrant team.” NCP President of Bandra Taluka, Meraj Husain and his team managed both events with a good deal of professionalism and enthusiastically welcomed all the guests with open arms. Indeed, election fever in Bandra, Khar & Santacruz - has surely started. Hema Khanna

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