Jan 2016

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

15th January 2016 | Vol. 7 (I) Issue 1 |

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BandraBuzzNewspaper | bandrabuzz.com | Price: Rs. 4/-

Security Beefed Up after 3 Bandra Reclamation Residents Assaulted It was close to 11.30 pm on the 22nd of December, 2015. Vedant Vaidya 27 years old of age, Gaurav Samudra 21 years old both residents of Amber Prasad Building, Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg, Reclamation and their friend Samir Kokate 32 years were entering the former’s building, when a group of miscreants who gather near an abandoned mini bus that is parked right outside Amber Prasad building, assaulted and severely injured Vedant & Samir. The instigator amongst them challenged Vendant as he was entering the building, to complaint against them to the police. Vedant had done so a dozen odd

times in the past 9 months, however he insists that it has always been on an anonymous basis. He choose to be wiser and ignored the comments hurled at them and walked past by the group. The group often stay post-midnight creating a ruckus and indulging in activities that uproots the future of the youth of today. However the group seemed to have had a plan in place, one of them got right in Vedant’s face and an altercation broke loose.

Sidhant Nayangara TURN TO PAGE 4 >>






Buzz > N ews


Bandra to soon have her first Air-Conditioned Public Washroom


Bandra may soon see her first airconditioned public washroom facility in the very near future, if everything goes smoothly for the Bandra Bandstand Resident's Trust (BBRT). Speaking to Mr. Robin Nath the secretary of the BBRT, he said that they have been waiting for this for the last 4 years and that now with the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Swachh Bharat movement it was now finally possible, he mentioned that the location on which the air-conditioned toilet block is to be built was first a waste land and filthy and that it took 7 trucks to clean the mess up. He hoped that the project would see completion before the coming monsoon and estimated a cost for the public to use the facilities would be about rupees 1 and 5 for nature calls respectively. The toilet block would be provided and maintained by the Jankalyan Social and Welfare Society and is designed by famous architect Mr. Ketan Vakharia. A look at the floor plan for the air conditioned washroom complex reveals two waiting rooms with sofas and tables, bathing rooms and changing rooms besides the toilets and also provides handicapped friendly toilet facilities. A Bhumi Poojan ceremony was held on the 28th December at the site which is located behind Bus Terminus no. 211, opposite Taj Lands End. In attendance for the same was Chief Guest MLA Mr. Ashish Shelar, Municipal Councillor Mrs. Karen D'Mello, Municipal Corporator Mr. Asif Zakaria and Deputy Mayor Mrs. Alka Kelkar. However the inauguration ceremony was met with a bit of a road block as before the ceremony started a group of concerned local residents living opposite the location where the toilet block was to be raised voiced their concerns, the incident lasted about half an hour and Mr. Shelar, Mrs. D'Mello and Mr. Zakaria all engaged in conversation with the concerned residents who raised their genuine concerns. When contacted the following day (29th December) Mr. Asif Zakaria informed

us that the Bandstand Residents Trust (BBRT) maintains the promenade and it has been a long pending want of theirs to have a toilet there, not in a specific location but in general catering to all walkers and the people that visit the fort area and the garden behind and even a lot of diabetic patients and others with concerns that may need attention who visit the promenade in the morning but there was no provision for

these people to relieve themselves in case they felt the need to. So the BBRT have been following it up with the Maritime Board for permissions as the Maritime Board is the authority care taking of that area. Mr. Zakaria added that he was told that they have got the necessary permissions and were then approached by an NGO that builds these 5 star toilets and they were

supposed to make one there, but the only issue was that some of the local residents that live there had some issues where they felt they were not kept in the loop and so raised their objections at the inauguration held yesterday (28th December), nobody is against having toilets in general but the location could be rearranged or with listening to the concerns of the local residents living opposite, their inputs could be incorporated and then on a consensus basis a final decision could be made, there were issues raised like 'if you want toilets then why do you have bathing areas?', concerns on maintenance too were raised where it may be branded a 5 star toilet but may not be maintained well or cleanliness levels may not be up to the mark, the possibility of incidents of mischief and other concerns of the residents that, the residents met the Assistant Commissioner of H/West ward, along with the Municipal Councillor Karen D'Mello in the morning (29th Dec), there they raised their concerns to the officer Mister Sharad Ughade, who Mr. Zakaria said he was sure will give due attention to what they have proposed and a consensus will be created and the project will happen thereafter. Here's hoping for the best and a consensus satisfactory for all involved. Wayne Lemos

FACTS: A look at the floor plan for the air conditioned washroom complex reveals two waiting rooms with sofas and tables, bathing rooms and changing rooms besides the toilets and also provides handicapped friendly toilet facilities. The cost for the public to use the facilities would be about Rs 1 & 5 for nature calls respectively

Unobserved Existence

choose to carry what his father started and got sucked into a profession that is tedious, tiring and circular in nature. The growing expense of the city has rendered him helpless in terms of saving. The money that he makes is utilised to support his family in his native and for him to survive. His son Neeraj who is the third generation to live here aspires to break free from this profession because he has witnessed firsthand the harsh realities of his father's existence. He stands continuously for close to 10 hours everyday and when all is said and done there is no savings. Neeraj is studying and shuttle's to and fro between the city and his native, he travels to the city to work and help his father out and appears for his exams in the village. Apart from the meager profitability what haunts him it is the degree of boredom that is a professional hazard in this line of work. He cannot fathom to see himself do this but worries sometimes of the means through which he will be able to make the plunge. Phoolchand's brother works at the home of a renowned builder but he has similar grievances. He hope's as well to not let his kids succumb to the conditions that he suffers. Three of them live in a 10 x 15 feet shanty, in which one can't help but notice that clothes occupy most of the place. Neatly arranged clothes and some crumbled & slightly damp, to give it a better ironing effect. The reason we choose Phoolchand's story is because he has a long association with Bandraites, he enters our homes, to collect & deliver clothes he watch's while we decorate, renovate and innovate our homes. It may be a little too late for his circumstances to change but that is not in the case of his child. While we hope that you get a little insight into their lives we also would like to make an appeal, that if any person would like to help please contact us. We will help you get in contact with him. Sidhant Nayangara Pic Courtesy: Vivian Pereira

03 InFocus

a Buzz > Bandr

As the title suggest, this series aims at getting your more acquainted with such existences that you know off, they are aware and apprised of your changing homely environment but due to reason, best segmented as one of our mortal incapabilities many of us fail to register the same for the other. Shedding some light on the life of Mr. Phoolchand Nirmal, a laundryman who works from Pali and caters to houses around Pali, 14th, 15th and 16th road. He has been

living here since he was a child, his father Mr. Sukhdev Nirmal started this business and functioned from opposite Pereira wadi in 1965. His father got him in tow in the year 1980 when he was 5 years old. Since that early age he has been working, his father's intention was to get him here so that he could pursue his academics but he failed to realise the importance of education and instead of attending school played around. One of his biggest regret till date seconded by the fact that he

Buzz > N ews


Create Money, Love, Success in the Year of the Monkey with our Feng Shui Expert Maria Hussain

Here’s wishing all my readers a Happy New Year! It is time to welcome 2016 with Year of the Monkey. And that too the Fiery Monkey!! - Agile, aggressive,  flamboyant,  smart,  mischievous, playful, restless, wily, vigilant and so much more... So if we want to make sure this new year  offersus  more  hope  than 2015,  we  need  to  outsmart  the Monkey. So let’s welcome the arrival of the ninth animal - the spirited monkey with these tips:


out of the box with your skills and creativity to make an impression.

Luck enters every tidy place. Harmonious living space is essential to be successful in 2016. Clear the clutter; start tossing things that are still lying around with no or little use. Fix leaking taps, keep toilet lids closed, repair the broken pieces of furniture and objects.  The  front  door  should  look appealing & free from obstacles like shoes and dirt to attract more luck and better opportunities. The living room should  have  one  prominent  focal point to create a visual effect – a furniture  item,  decoration,  or  any  appliances. The kitchen should look neat all  the  time  because  it  represents wealth and abundance.  Welcome New Year with new plants: Monkey is a nature loving animal that is why adding plants to your space  creates  a  more  balanced  and disciplined  environment  to  allow more  opportunities  to  change  your life positively.

Be in control of your strong emotions. Monkey is a highly active animal,  always  excited,  out  of  control, and loud. These are the three deadly attributing  characteristics  that  you should  avoid  to  prevent  yourself  in trouble in the year of the monkey. Discipline,  control,  and  balance  are  the three  keys  consistent  with  your dreams so that luck will always continue to flow towards your path. Be wary: The  monkey  is  playful  by nature. But its playfulness can be interpreted as provocation - whether deliberately  or  otherwise.  And  if  not properly understood by both sides, a normally  jocular  encounter  could turn into a fearful confrontation.

Get noticed: The year of the monkey is the time for you to get recognition from your peers and even strangers. Monkey  loves  fame  and  whenever they are being recognized, they continue their efforts to further impress more. Use this quality in your relationships to get fame or success. Be open: To  the  Universe  knowing better than you what you need to be happy  (maybe  differently  than  you expected)  and  bringing  it  to  you  in 2016. This is an excellent time to get your personality analysis done for 2016 to Discover A New You and to see what the energies in THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY 2016 mean to you and how you can be in tune with yourself and maximize your success. To  schedule  a  one  on  one  personal consultation. Kindly get in touch with Maria Hussain on 9867711021 or email her on bhcfengshui@gmail.com. Visit www.bhcfengshui.com for more info.

Be extravagant: Monkey  always loves extravagance. Flaunt a new and attractive style and fashion statement. 2016 is the year to have a new look in the  form  of  clothing,  hairstyle, footwear, and make-up styles. Think

Maria Hussain

CONTD. FROM PAGE 1 >> SECURITY BEEFED UP AFTER 3 BANDRA RECLAMATION RESIDENTS ASSAULTED As per Vedant’s statement, within a matter of 5 minutes they were surrounded by a mob of 15 people, 4 that instigated the whole affair and 11 guys who joined them after a call was made. Vedant was apprehended by  2  and  was  assaulted  with  a  log  that  was  lying around. The blows were serious and he had to get 7 stiches, to stop the bleeding. All this conspired between 11.30 - 11.50 pm. Thereafter the assaulters dispersed and Vedant along with his friends rushed to Bandra Police station to register a complaint.  They were first directed to Bhaba Hospital, after which he returned to the Police station at around 2.30 am to complete the formalities. After giving his statement, Vedant returned home still in shock and pain at 4 am. During the assault, Vedant & his friends overheard a name being said aloud. They took to social media and traced the person by his name and also identified 3 more involved in the attack in the person’s friend list. They shared their findings with the police and under the directives of the Senior Inspector Ramchandra Dhawle arrests were made on the 23rd night. The accused were presented in court on the 24th morning, however Vedant is unhappy regarding this considering he or the main complainant Samir were not informed about the same, and therefore could not make an appeal in court. The 4 were let out on bail, the audacity of one of the accused surpassed paramount when he threatened Samir while he was in the police vehicle returning to the police station. Samir had gotten to know about the proceedings because of the fact that Vedant's father just happened to be at the Police Station to follow up & informed Samir about the same.  Senior Inspector Ramchandra Dhawle at Bandra Police Station stated, that post the incident the number of police rounds have been increased and that policemen  dressed  in  civil  clothes  have  also  been deployed. The accused have had to undertake a bond, stating that any further incidents or acts of vandalism will be registered as an non bailable offense. Vedant's parents are concerned about his safety which is justified and question why such an incident needs to occur in order for the police officials to take notice of such activities. It is time to take control of our neighborhoods before it is too late and constantly keep the police official apprised of any such suspicious activities.

Bandraites Experience Entrepreneurship First Hand 30 people (mainly from Bandra) got an opportunity to experience entrepreneurship first hand last month, by seeing how an enterprising person and his dedicated team has grown this business to great heights – from  humble  beginnings,  without  any loans. This person is Joseph D’Souza, Chairman and Managing Director, ALF Engineering  Pvt.  Ltd.,  Nasik.  The  company  was established in 1980.  Today, their annual turnover is in excess of 1,000 crores.  How We Got To Get There: Altina Securities as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility is committed to its twin objectives of promoting entrepreneurship as well as financial  literacy.  These  objectives  are achieved  through  investment  seminars, workshops, mentoring sessions; industrial tours  etc.  All  these  initiatives  are  free  of cost to participants. Over the past few years Altina Securities has organised several industrial tours some of which include Tata Motors Ltd – Pune, Autoline Industries Ltd. – Pune, Terminal  Technologies  Pvt  Ltd.  –  Pune,  Rewale Engineering Pvt Ltd. – Pune, Bharat

Coach Builders Pvt Ltd – Taloja, Chances Resorts  &  Casino  –  Goa,  Quadros  Motors Pvt Ltd – Goa, Siemens India Ltd - Nashik. These industrial tours expose aspiring en-

trepreneurs, to insights about the various ways companies’ comprising different sectors of the economy, function.

Industrial Tour to Alf Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (Nashik): Last month Altina Securities organized an industrial visit to Alf Engineering  Pvt  Ltd.(Nashik)  a  leading  auto ancillary company, whose core business is the manufacture of  chassis and caters to leading auto companies such as Mahindra and  Mahindra,  Ashok  Leyland,  Tata  Motors, Nissan, Isuzu, Bajaj Auto Ford, General Motors - to name a few. The  industrial  tour  participants  were able to get an overview of the products and services of the company, as well as the way the  company  is  managed.  The  MD’s  two daughters and other top management gave the  participants  some  inspiring  insights, with a power point presentation and then a guided tour to their manufacturing plant. All the participants were highly impressed on  the  way  Alf  Engineering  is  managed, adopting some high quality management practices.  All came back empowered – and surely much bolder, in terms of building-a-business. We can look forward to many more active entrepreneurs. Dinesh Joshi

Iona Pereira had her view, “The stench is unbearable. BMC garbage vans should come around 7am, when there is little or no traffic – much before the crowds come. This will surely solve the daily issue – to some extent. Parking on St. Peter’s Road should not be allowed, except for the rickshaw stand, near Jeff Caterers.”

The situation at Bandra Bazar (near the chicken & mutton market) is even worse – something that is not expected in a posh suburb like Bandra West. The garbage dump scenes here confirm the fact that this is ‘Bandra’s Underbelly’. And imagine, people come here to buy food items – in this unhygienic mess. This is like inviting health hazards, with open arms. Can we allow this to continue? Do we need an epidemic, to make us get up from our sleep? Why are those from the Health Department of BMC’s H/West Ward not taking any action? What are our Municipal Corporators doing? As concerned citizens, we need to take practical steps and help solve this ... issue, on a war footing. Firoze Shakir

7 year old smashed to death on Reclamation Expressway A small group of children were enjoying their holidays by playing cricket in the afternoon of 23rd December 2015 around 4 pm, near the scenic Bandra-Worli Sea Link. When their ball shot up landing on the freeway road, 7 year old Prem Shankar Kanojiya ran (unmindful of the speeding cars) and crossed onto the road, to get the ball. This was his last run in life. Prem was a resident of Nityanand Nagar, Reclamation, Bandra West. When he crossed by to a get the cricket ball, a speeding car hit him, causing major injury. He was taken to the nearby Lilavati Hospital, where the doctors tried their best. However, the hit proved fatal - and Prem passed away on 28th December 2015. This sad incident brings to focus the fact that, even though walking is illegal on the expressway; local police do not take enough action to stop couples from coming here, to this unsafe area. This is like waiting for an accident to happen. Parents are advised not to let their children play in this area. Also, the roads leading to the SeaLink are under heavy security – to avoid suicide attempts. So, even walking is not

allowed here. This area is considered as DANGER ZONE. We hope that in the near future appropriate measures are taken to avoid such incidents. Vicky Das


To gain an insight, we asked locals. Kamlesh Shah spoke out angrily, “The eateries around here are using this as a convenient dumping ground, to throw their waste every day. This spot should be monitored. Maybe, CCTV cameras could help”

Shakir Laheji suggested, “On such a busy link road, why have such a big garbage collection spot in one place? There can be several smaller spots – and the BMC should have smaller garbage vans that come earlier in the morning at 6am – and then come again at 4pm, when these narrow roads are much more clearer.”


The stinking sprawling garbage dump at St. Peter’s Road, Bandra West is not only an eyesore, but a health hazard. As it spills over on the road, traffic issues are created. To compound this traffic problem, the BMC garbage van stops to load around 9am – when this vital link from Hill Road to Bazar Road, Chapel Road & Waroda Road is used by pedestrians and 2/3/4 wheelers; during peak hours. This blocks the road, causing a serious traffic jam.

05 News >

Garbage Dump Stench at St. Peter’s Road “Unbearable”

Bandra Boys put up a good show in the inaugural franchise based Rink Hockey League

Buzz > S




The first ever franchise-based rink hockey league, where players were paid to participate, was held at the Malad Gymkhana from 1st to 5th December, 2015 under floodlights. Known as the Mumbai Rink Hockey League (MRHL), this tournament was the brainchild of Gavin Ferreira and Cornelius D'Costa, two of India's former hockey stars. Featured amongst the players were names like Adrian D’Souza, Vikram Pillay, Yuvraj Walmiki & others. Six teams of 9 players each, including a star player (Captain), were picked through a draft from a pool of 60-70 top rink hockey players of Mumbai. In addition each team had a coach and manager. Players were graded into star player, Grade A & B as per their age & achievements. The teams had individual sponsors and were divided in to 2 pools. Pool A comprised Wadala Wanderers, Jabaaz Almeidians & U.K. United while Pool B comprised Poisar Pirates, Orlem Vikings & Mumbai Phantoms. The first 3 days were the round robin league matches where teams from pool A played against teams from pool B. The semi-finals & finals were on the 4th & 5th day respectively. The duration of each round robin match was 25 minutes with each half com-

Left to Right: David Cardoza, Joshua Vessoakar, Enrico Fernandes, Lincoln Taites, Wren D’Abreo, Errol D’Silva and Tyron Pereira

prising 12½ minutes, while the semi-finals & finals were of 30 minutes duration. Five players per team could play at a time. A notable feature in this tournament was the change in the penalty push rule. Teams had the option of taking the running stroke (6 seconds) after the second penalty point or the spot push after the third penalty

point. However to avail of the running stroke, the team management had to inform the technical desk immediately after getting the first penalty point & before award of the second penalty point. If this was not done, then the spot push would apply after getting the third penalty point. Six Bandra boys were picked up in the

draft to play namely, Tyron Pereira, Lincoln Taites & Errol D’Silva (Orlem Vikings), Enrico Fernandes (Poisar Pirates), Wren D’Abreo (Wadala Wanderers) and Joshua Vessaokar (Mumbai Phantoms). Another Bandra boy David Cardoza was the Manager of the Mumbai Phantoms. Of these, two had a podium finish namely Enrico Fernandes of the victorious Poisar Pirates & Wren D’Abreo of the third placed Wadala Wanderers. Orlem Vikings which featured 3 Bandra boys, were one of the favourite teams to make the finals. They finished their league matches on equal points with Mumbai Phantoms but were pipped to the semi-final spot on goal difference. The finals & third place were played on 5th December, which had former India player Dhanraj Pillay as the Chief Guest. Poisar Pirates defeated U.K. United 5-1 whereas Wadala Wanderers beat Mumbai Phantoms 8-5 to clinch the third place. The total prize money was Rs 2.5 lakhs. In addition, each team received about Rs 1 lakh to be distributed amongst the team as per their grading. Kudos to the organising committee, especially Gavin Ferreira & Cornelius D’Costa for conducting a very successful tournament and to our Bandra boys, for a superb performance. You certainly made Bandra proud. Dujon Fernandes

works out cheaper. Ian says, “A lot of renowned 5 star hotels today pay a huge license fee just for one live performance. This amount is a burden on the client and thus directly affects our business as live performers.” Considering the whole event scenario, Debbie says, “Today you get everything in a combo pack, right from catering, venue, décor to DJ. So people don’t opt for something different like live music. Many don’t even know it’s an option.” ‘Music is not about loud noise, it should be soothing, meaningful and above all entertaining…’ Live music courtesy Ian and Debbie is so full of these three elements. This duo has already imprinted their charm in Bandra and other places as they have performed at renowned hotels and clubs all over Mumbai. They are also popular with various Bollywood celebrities and have entertained huge crowds with their crisp mix of classic numbers and dance music. Ian and Debbie have kept the culture and love for live performances alive by their sheer talent and passion for music. Their claim, ‘Love the music and you will enjoy it. Experience it once and you will fall for it!’ Ronald Rodrigues

a Buzz > Bandr

‘Live music is mesmerising for there is life in it, there is a different charm in it that no electronic or recorded music can provide!’ Truly Ian & Debbie Concessio, residents of St. Peters Colony, bring to ‘life’ any occasion, with their own band of live music. Be it weddings, events, celebrations, parties, house functions, corporate events or performances at hotels & lavish arenas, they are all set to rock the stage with light jazz, retro, konkani, goan medley, english numbers & even spanish hits. During the month of Christmas & New Year, this duo is booked to capacity, as everyone wants to experience the flavour of live music - the hallmark of the Ian-Debbie duo. “Getting people on the floor is a fine art & our music is so captivating, that you begin to tap your feet no matter how old you are,” says Ian. Ian, a Bandra boy, was schooled in music at the early age of 7. He went on to play in his dad, Maurice Concessio’s famous dance band - a hot favourite in Bandra, decades ago. “I started singing when I was 5 years old, then I learnt the violin, guitar and trombone, still a unique instrument known to just a few,” reminisces Ian. Debbie too has her feet grounded in music as she began performing live at various hotels and functions during her early teenage years. “I have been singing all my life, and I just love to make people happy with my music,” explains Debbie.


Live Music has ‘Life’ in it


‘Live music will automatically make you groove’ And this holds true for whatever kind of modern music we may listen to nowadays, we all love to twist & turn on a goan masala or classic english numbers. “The lyrics of traditional songs contain a depth of meaning & emotion,” says Debbie. “A couple dancing is always fun and live music brings to life, the love between a couple with soulful music & meaningful vocals. It is a unique experience altogether which is special for the couple,” adds Ian. The culture of live music is dying nowadays as both the young & old have moved to electronic music and DJs. But gold will

always remain gold & live music will never lose its sparkle and classic value. “When we perform now, people call for their favourite numbers. Even youngsters love our music because it is very different and yet has the power of a rock band,” explains Ian. Most of us do not know what live music is all about; therefore we don’t recognise and respect its essence. It can add life to an event and set the mood for a perfect celebration. Unfortunately, there is a license issue now that restricts live music performance at various renowned hotels and venues. Since this license fee is a heavy amount, clients prefer DJs and recorded music as it

LEARN TO JIVE! You can dance...you can jive... having the time of your life. • No experience • No partner required • All ages welcome Venue: St. Peters KG, Baba Nagar Timings: Mon & Wed 7-8pm & 8-9pm

Contact: Marlon - 9820344010



The fun way to lose weight. Learn the hottest moves to the latest tunes and groove your way to fitness. This winter let’s burn calories at Mint Everest Classic, Linking Road, Bandra | Daljit Gym, Versova

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Bengal paintings workshop at St. Catherine’s

09 News >

Azim Premji University. Suman has conducted workshops on Bengal Pattachitra in Delhi with the Happy Hands Foundation, in Kolkata; with Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre an organization under the Ministry of Culture a workshop organized at the Victoria Memorial Hall and in Goa with the Kala Academy. This art gallery will be a delight to all art lovers – and part of the proceeds will go towards the orphans of St. Catherine’s Home. Your support will be highly appreciated. So, be there. To register, please e-mail: info@heartforart.co.in or call 93228 32138 Sunil Jalihal


Suman Chitrakar is a young Patua artist from West Bengal. He had started painting nine years ago at the age of twenty, with his mentor Jagdevji. Suman has been creatively infusing new themes to the traditional art form, to create a distinctive style of his own. Suman carries the lineage of ‘folk’ artists who paints long, vertical scrolls and composes verses. Suman Chitrakar’s artwork has been featured in two books – one book on ‘Bono Bibi of the Sunderbans’ and another on ‘The Life of Savitribai Phule’, published by

Recreate the restaurant magic with your ambience and our food Ignite your tastebuds at our take away outlet open 7 days a week We do accept online orders via FoodPanda NO ENGAGED TONE | CHOOSE YOUR FOOD | PAY BY CASH Sit back relax and enjoy your favourite food deliciously delivered at your doorstep 10% off for Bandra Buzz readers on mentioning "BB TCS 10" code on minimum billing of Rs. 300

7208010264 / 65 / 66 Operational hours: 12:00pm - 15:00 pm 18:00 pm - 03:00 am


St. Catherine’s, next to Mount Mary Basilica, Bandra will be the venue on Sunday, 31st January 2015; for an Art Workshop, with a focus on West Bengal Paintings. A special feature will be that you can make your own customised painting for Rs. 750/- only – by taking part in the three-hour crash course on Bengal Painting, conducted by the artist. All painting material will be provided – and you get to take home your own creation. Suman Chitrakar’s creations will be on display.

Aarambh ’16 - Dream. Believe. Achieve.

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INDIAN STUDENTS ARE GETTING TARGETTED Last year US Varsities admitted 4000 Indian students. After a steady decline for over three years, a staggering 60% increase in admission was recorded. According to US embassy, engineering and computer science were the popular disciplines. 78% of Indian students opted to study Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) ďŹ elds," US Embassy said. Industry insider Aslam Shaikh of Ali Overseas explained that the universities were targeting Indian students as preferred intake over other Asian countries on the basis of quality proposition for the universities. European universities are on the same side of the coin targeting Indian students as they form a valuable asset base to them. Indian students are now exploring new study destination in Europe like Ireland, Italy & Sweden alongside popular countries like UK, France & Germany. Interestingly Germany is emerging as a new study destination in Europe for Indian students. Ali Overseas has been helping students secure admission in foreign universities & last year they helped even more students getting admission than preceding years, at top ranking colleges & universities across US & Europe. They were also able to secure 100% scholarships for a good number of their students says Mr. Shaikh. Aordable & quality higher education is what the Indian students look for & Ali Overseas put

relentlessly eort in providing students with the best that they can get. It is clear that in coming years also the trend will remain same. As the job market gets even more competitive day by day, a right international degree with international exposure and experience will separate the right candidate from the heard. Higher education system in India needs serious overhauling and realignment for students to cut across line and rub shoulders with their international counterpart. This seems a far dream, hence students beeline towards foreign education, and are in the target of international universities across US and Europe. Getting the best out the present favorable scenario is not easy. Finding the right course, choosing the best college, securing a scholarship gets tricky and challenging. The overseas education industry is tuned to cater aspiring students and putting together the jigsaw with all available expertise and guide them to strike the right chord at right time. Industry forerunners like Ali Overseas has been setting milestones helping aspiring students secure admission in top colleges and courses. They have also pioneered the daunting task of securing 100% scholarship for their students. Opportune time is now, students should get targeted and walk ahead into an international career.

sensitivity towards them. The 4 topics chosen were: Men’s Rights, Blood Donation, LGBT Rights and Social Entrepreneurs. The event saw famous faces like Rohit Roy, VJ Andy, Harnidh Kaur and Upasna Makati. Coming up is SRF’s agship event, Aarambh’16 which is a 5 km marathon on Bandra, Bandstand starting and culminating at Taj Lands End. It is a social marathon, which calls for spirit and energy among its participants. All proceeds from the event will be donated to a CRY- Child Rights and You, an Indian NGO working for every child’s right to a childhood - to live, learn, grow and play. In over 30 years, along with partners CRY has worked with communities and parents to make lasting change in the lives of more than 20 lakh underprivileged children. With an established reputation of effectiveness and trust, CRY constantly endeavors to be the voice and champion for children in India. For more info about CRY’s work, visit www.cry.org. To support CRY and by extension better the lives of thousands of children, come be a part of Aarambh along with your friends and family & run for a social cause.

a Buzz > Bandr

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In “The Road Not Taken�, Robert Frost has so succinctly described how a person’s choices shape his life. But the Social Responsibility Forum (SRF) of NMIMS’ Anil Surendra Modi School of Commerce believes that a person’s choice has the power to shape society and change other people’s lives as well. SRF was established for contributing to society and to those less privileged than oneself. Since its start, SRF has always attempted to create awareness and a sense of accountability in the masses they meet. Events held by SRF each year are crafted with passion and precision to invoke a sense of social belonging among the less privileged and social responsibility among the participants of these events. Currently, SRF is conducting its event Ummeed, an initiative that was conceived to augment the level of education received by underprivileged children. Education of these underprivileged children is usually ignored and this is why every year SRF sends student volunteers from ASMSOC to teach and interact with these kids, over a span of a semester. This year, SRF introduced a new event, the ‘SRF Week’ which was conducted over a span of 4 days, from 19th to 24th Oct’15. The aim of this event was to highlight the contemporary social issues and to create awareness and


Date: 31st Jan’16 | Time: 7.30 am Venue: Taj Lands End, Bandstand, Bandra To register call 9833986030 / 9967637564


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BEAUTY CARE CREATE A NEW YOU - Hair & Skin Treatment : Hair Styling, Ironing, Colouring, etc. All Types of Facials, Waxing (Egyptian, Herbal, Chocolate), Manicure, Pedicure, Threading, Body Polishing / Bleach, Nail Art / Extension, Bridal Package. Call Rekha’s Salon & Hair Spa: 9833562171 or 249, Naval Kunj, 2nd floor, opp. National College, Linking Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 50. At your Doorstep; Experienced Beautician, All Natural, 0 percent Chemicals: Clean Ups, Facials, Manicure, Pedicure, Head Massage, Foot Massage – Ladies only. Call Judie – 9820729983 / 9833519848.


FRENCH TUITIONS Students who have not studied French in school & wish to take it in college may contact Ms. E. DeSouza (26557915, 8879209904) For individual tuitions. Get a headstart by studying French before college opens.

JOB VACANCY Love and Cheesecake is hiring for Store Manager & counter staff for Bandra outlet ideal candidate must be from food & beverage industry, send your applications to hr@loveandcheesecake.com or call 022-4012 1048.

KICKBOXING CLASSES Kickboxing Muaythai sessions in Bandra (W), Khar (W), Juhu, Sion (E), Charni rd. Engage almost every muscule in your body. Fitness and martial arts. Call 9869036872 Amit Lalwani

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COMPUTER SERVICES For prompt and reliable service of home computers, laptops, notebooks and home networks, kindly call or send a WhatsApp message to Dennis Mendonca on 77386-47535

COURIER SERVICES MUMBAI EXPRESS - We deliver your feelings for personalised deliveries of your cakes, chocolates, flowers, bouquets, personalised gifts, fragile gifts, etc. anywhere in Mumbai. Call 65502345 / 7208002345

DANCE - JIVE / ROCK & ROLL Learn jive, chacha etc. and dance confidently socially. Timings: Mon and Wed 7-8 pm & 8-9 pm. Cost: Rs 1800 for 8 classes. Venue: St. Peters KG School, Bhaba Nagar, Bandra (W). Contact Marlon 9820344010

EAST INDIAN BOTTLE MASALA Home Made East Indian Bottle Masala - available at Rs 900/- per kg. Kindly contact Adlord / Helen Concessio on 97020 85823 / 2600 5536

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Export of remains nationally and internationally, bodies refrigerated, embalming, exhumation & cremation, buses, Ambulances, Lowering Equipment, Hearses, Wooden & Marble crosses, Tombstones & Engraving. Contact David Undertakers 9820248466, 9820363144.

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NOTARY Do you need a notary public for attestation of docs such as agreements, passports, wills, sale deeds, etc. Call Mr. S. De. 9820113923.

REPAIRS & SERVICES Shree Dattguru Enterprise. We undertake all types of electrical, civil, plumbing & painting work. Yogesh Nakti on 9273093363 or 8976032547. Jaffarbaba Kadeshwari Rah Sangh, Kadeshwari Mandir Marg, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050

Highly qualified Mrs Chatterjee's Class. Tuition from KG to 6th std. Specially given Maths tuition. From 1st-6th standard from 2pm - 7pm (Mon-Fri) Call 9920846416


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Letters to the Editor New Beginnings

SANJAY DUTT RELEASED? The recent news that Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt will be released by the end of February will surely draw contrasting reactions from the film industry on the one hand - and society on the other. His peers in filmdom and his countless fans may see cause for great happiness in his impending release. However, there may be many others who may wonder whether justice will truly be served if Mr. Dutt, who is already seen to have enjoyed generous spells of furlough and parole while serving his sentence - is being treated in a special way, by his release being advanced by about eight months. Given the widespread perception (reinforced by the recent acquittal of another film star, Salman Khan, in a hit-and-run case) - most people feel that the system will work only to the advantage and benefit of celebrities. Homi Mullan

Dear Reader, January spells starting something new. And - why not? The beginning of a new calendar year is the right time to put new ideas into action. The entrepreneurial spirit of Bandra, Khar and Santacruz is legendary – with small businesses springing everywhere, offering innovative products and services. Today’s technological marvels have opened options like never before. Basic necessities like food and transport may seem mundane, but with some serious innovation, motivation and practical action; a lot of unique products and useful services are being offered to people who need them – and are willing to pay the price. When good products and services fulfil the needs and expectations of clients, a business is born – and if this continues, will boom to great heights. With a superb high-end market, our suburb is the ideal place to start a business – something you are passionate about, knowledgeable enough to handle and financially sound to take the dips with the peaks. Look around the newly opened shops and offices on Hill Road, Linking Road and other new commercial establishments in malls, around your street – or in some seemingly insignificant corner. You will find young, enthusiastic entrepreneurs living out their dreams. Many, who stay elsewhere; come from distant suburbs to do business here. Bandra and her surrounding suburbs have an affinity for such creative talent – and if, what they offer matches our needs; we should support them. However, many old business establishments have survived the test of time – through several generations. Among them are Bandra Medical, Hindu Hotel (now Balaji), Venus, A-1 & Hearsch Bakeries, Lucky & Goodluck Hotels, Andoras, McRonells (now in diverse spots), Kalidas, etc – who

are still household names and part of Bandra’s Iconic Spots. There are so many more in obscure bye-lanes – and it would fill pages. They have evolved with time, offering creative changes – and emerged successful till today. Do you plan to touch people’s lives, by starting your very own business? Quit complaining about your boss. Live out your dreams – even if it means starting with small baby steps. Do take that leap of faith – with your actions. Create your own reality. With the right focus and vision, you can ensure your God-given freedom - for yourself and generations ahead. The time for new beginnings is NOW. Bandra Buzz offers all businesses, either operating or having potential clients in and around Bandra, Khar, Santacruz – an effective platform to showcase what is on offer. Call us to advertise. We can be your bridge to ensure long-term success.

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be present in their office so as to represent their case. There has been no follow-up since then. I do not know whether there is any standard rate of NA tax which is levied to all the Societies or, like Property taxes, there is a variation according to location, date of construction, etc. The article by Ivan Lemos is very useful and timely for understanding the ramifications of this tax and the implications and consequences of non-payment. George J Coelho

l Editoria

NON AGRICULTURAL TAX This NA is both confusing & puzzling. I am the secretary of a CHS in Bandra west and we used to pay a nominal amount towards NA way back in the seventies. All of a sudden we stopped getting any intimation for this payment so we stopped paying the tax and I understand that many other Societies did likewise. There was no notice or warning from the Authorities concerned for stopping to pay the tax. It is quite surprising why only certain Societies are subject to this tax despite many other Societies which also fall into the same bracket do not pay any such tax. Sometime during the period 2009/10 there was a sharp increase in the NA tax and an agitation was started by some activists and a few Societies, chiefly the Salcette Society, St Sebastian Society & Virendra Society, to get relief from this NA tax. The matter was taken up with the State Govt by the then Congess MP Priya Dutt, Congress MLA Baba Siddiqui, Municipal Corporator Asif Zakaria, and also a few activists, and the then chief Minister Ashok Chavan issued a stay order in the matter and it was presumed that this NA tax was scrapped. As confirmed in the above referred article, a few months back, some employees of the Talati office visited many societies in Bandra and collected all the data with reference to the said tax and then issued a notice to the Society there and then to


Warm Regards, Merck D’Silva Editor-in-chief 9820783616 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors. The publishers & editors of this paper shall be in no way be held responsible for any such action, or consequences thereof.

Why advertise with Bandra Buzz? · Read by over 20,000 households. · Distributed every fortnightly throughout Bandra & Khar by subscription, newspaper stands and local retail outlets. · Check out our advertising rates and you'll find they are lower than ANY competitor. FREE ads are given for consecutive insertions. · Since our newspaper is a full-size tabloud, a quarter-page or a half-page advertisement buys you bigger and better space.

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Bhamla Foundation organises Humanitarian Events & starts 2016 with an Appreciative Note


In the recent past, many social and civic issues have been highlighted in Bandra, Khar, Santacruz; as events, organised by Bhamla Foundation. Last month, on 13th December 2015, 9am to 4pm at the Manekji Gazdar Municipal School Gazdar Bandh; a very successful blood donation drive was spear-headed by the Bhamla Foundation, where the blood collected (154 bottles) exceeded the target (75 bottles), to be given free to Bhabha Hospital. This was very well organised by Meraj Husain & his team. Even the CEO, Mr. Asif Bhamlaji donated blood – a clear case of leading by example. He is also the District President of NCP – Mumbai North Central. This was done on the occasion of Hon. Sharad Pawar Saheb's 75th Platinum Jubilee birthday. During the Christmas to Year end, Mr. Bhamla & his daughter were in ‘outreach mode’ – giving away goodies & having lunch with 'special children', then bidding them an emotional goodbye. Usually, on the first day of 2016 – most leaders & politicians were spotted visiting temples, churches or mosques. However, Mr. Bhamla thinks & does things differently. The famous NCP leader was spotted spending time with kids of special needs from the Bhamla Foundation. These are children with autistic & spastic cerebral

To advertise in Bandra Buzz Call 9820783686 9920299787

palsy. They often see Mr. Bhamla visit them, as he involves people from the film & business social circles to come & experience their situation first hand. When Bollywood Actress Kangana Ranaut asked, “Why Special Kids?” - Asifji's


( A LL- I N - O N E S E S S I O N )

RAAJAANI 9322436447, 9220571395

prompt answer was, “They are children of a lesser God – and I feel satisfied & energised by beginning the first day of the year at 9am, to be with them, interacting & just talking. I take along my daughters Saher & Sania, so that when they spend time inter-

acting with them; they realise how blessed they are – and why they should thank God for creating normal and competent in their talents.” On Sunday, 3rd January 2016 – 12 noon, Bhamla Foundation congratulated Mark Dharmai – World Para Badminton Champion, at Chimbai Road – and gifted him a cheque in appreciation of his great and inspiring achievements, that have made Bandra proud – and indeed, India. Along with Adv. Shane Cardoz – Gen. Secretary, his team and neighbours, family & friends; who came out in large numbers (approx. 120) Mark was felicitated in front of his home, near the Vailankanni Cross. To watch what exactly happened, visit bandrabuzz.com/mark-dharmai.html Later, during lunch with him at the Bandra Gym, Mark told us how happy he felt about the appreciation – and also acknowledged his success to the solid support of his “hard-working” mother, father and sister, both in good times and bad. When asked, about his plans for 2016, Mr. Bhamla emphatically told us, “I would like to see a much better Bandra, Khar, Santacruz – and will do everything in my power to work towards this goal. I was born, studied & live here. Bandra is still the Queen of the Suburbs and people here deserve the best of infrastructure with worldclass amenities – and why not?” Inder Lalwani

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